Guidelines for the Implementation of the Philippine Campaign to Ban Landmines - Fondation Suisse de Deminage (PCBL-FSD) Project Pursuant to the Joint Statement of the GRP-MILF Peace Panels dated 15 November 2007

Asia and Pacific
Agreement name
Guidelines for the Implementation of the Philippine Campaign to Ban Landmines - Fondation Suisse de Deminage (PCBL-FSD) Project Pursuant to the Joint Statement of the GRP-MILF Peace Panels dated 15 November 2007
5 May 2010
Agreement status
Multiparty signed/agreed
Interim arrangement
Agreement/conflict level
Intrastate/intrastate conflict
Conflict nature
Peace process
Philippines - Mindanao process
Rafael E. Seguis, GRP Peace Panel Chairman;
Mohagher Iqbal, MILF Peace Panel Chairman
Third parties
Witnessed by: Datuk Othman Bin Abd. Razak, Malaysian Facilitator
Agreement on the terms of reference for the Joint Mine/Unexploded Ordinance (UXO) clearance project between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP), the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), and the NGOs, Philippine Campaign to Ban Landmines (PCBL) and the Swiss Foundation for Mine Action (FSD). The Agreement establishes a Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance to implement the project.



No specific mention.

Disabled persons

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Migrant workers

No specific mention.

Racial/ethnic/national group

No specific mention.

Religious groups

No specific mention.

Indigenous people
Groups→Indigenous people→Rhetorical
Page 6, Article VIII Other Concerned Sectors- The following are considered other concerned sectors for the GRP-MILF Joint Mine/UXO clearance initiative of PCBL and FSD:
2. Local government units as well as the existing MILF committees and indigenous tribal communities in the conflict-affected areas.
Other groups

No specific mention.

Refugees/displaced persons
Groups→Refugees/displaced persons→Rhetorical
Page 6, Article VIII Other Concerned Sectors- The following are considered other concerned sectors for the GRP-MILF Joint Mine/UXO clearance initiative of PCBL and FSD:
1. Local communities in the conflict-affected areas, including evacuees and/or displaced families.

Page 8, Article IX Definition of terms
m. Conflict-affected areas - refer to places where armed conflict between the GRP forces and MILF forces is taking place or had taken place or where there an evacuees and or displaced families as a result of such armed conflict as provided for under Article III of the Implementing Guidelines on the Humanitarian, Rehabilitation and Development Aspects of the GRP-MILF Tripoli Agreement of Peace of 22 June 2001.
Social class

No specific mention.


Women, girls and gender

No specific mention.

Men and boys

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Page 6, Article VIII Other Concerned Sectors- The following are considered other concerned sectors for the GRP-MILF Joint Mine/UXO clearance initiative of PCBL and FSD:
1. Local communities in the conflict-affected areas, including evacuees and/or displaced families.

Page 8, Article IX Definition of terms
m. Conflict-affected areas - refer to places where armed conflict between the GRP forces and MILF forces is taking place or had taken place or where there an evacuees and or displaced families as a result of such armed conflict as provided for under Article III of the Implementing Guidelines on the Humanitarian, Rehabilitation and Development Aspects of the GRP-MILF Tripoli Agreement of Peace of 22 June 2001.

State definition

Nature of state (general)

No specific mention.

State configuration

No specific mention.

Self determination

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

State symbols

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Border delimitation

No specific mention.

Cross-border provision

No specific mention.


Political institutions (new or reformed)

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Electoral commission

No specific mention.

Political parties reform

No specific mention.

Civil society
Page 1, Parties
3. Philippine Campaign to Ban Landmines (PCBL) - The Philippine-based civil society/non-governmental campaign group on landmines issues. Which is affiliated with the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize awarded International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL).

Page 1, Parties
4. Swiss Foundation for Mine Action (Fondations Swisse de Deminage, FSD) - a non-profit, non-political, independent and neutral Swiss non-governmental organization specializing in professional humanitarian mine action and clearance programs and the mine action partners of PCBL.

Page 2, Article II Concept and Objective of the Project - The PCBL-FSD Project aims to enable the GRP and MILF to undertake effective joint mine/unexploded ordinance (UXO) detection and clearance with the assistance of concerned organization such as the PCBL and FSD in identified and verified conflict-affected areas as measure both of rehabilitation and of confidence-building in support of the larger peace process. It will assess and address the need to clear areas of explosive remnants of war (ERW) from both sides for the safety and security of concerned communities as well as the rehabilitation and development initiatives. Likewise, it will also be an opportunity for local capacity-building and technology transfer strictly in accordance with international humanitarian mine action standards.

Page 2, Article II Concept and Objective of the Project - [...] The specific objectives of the PCBL-FSD Project are:
1. To achieve a reliable assessment of unexploded landmine and other UXO in the conflict-affected areas.
2. To undertake a systematic mine/UXO detection and clearance program in areas determined to be contaminated.
3. To contribute to and enhance the peace negotiations and confidence-building between GRP and MILF forces at the ground level.
4. To help build local capacity in mine/UXO detection and clearance in accordance with international humanitarian mine action standards.

Page 4, Article VI Specific Functions of the GRP-MILF CCCH - The GRP-MILF CCCH shall perform the following functions under the Guidelines:
f. Recommend approval by the GRP and MILF Peace Panels of the structures, mechanisms, and modalities of the FSD and PCBL relative to their roles in this initiative.

Page 4, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance
1. Functions:
d. [...] with donors, particularly in terms of letters of endorsements for the project, funding proposals of FSD-PCBL as may be needed or request.

Page 5, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance
1. Functions:
f. Maintain records and serve as official repository of data/documents relative to the clearing of mines/UXO in coordination with the regional mine and UXO database under the PCBL-FSD Project.

Page 5, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance
2. Membership:
c. PCBL- One (1) member
d. FSD - One (1) member

Page 5, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance - The Task Force in the performance of its tasks, can avail of assistance from the following bodies upon clearance from the GRP-MILF CCCH and concurrence of the GRP-MILF Peace Panels:
d. Other persons, agencies, offices, and institutions both public and private that can provide assistance to the clearing operations/activities of mines/UXO

Page 6, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance - The Task Force in the performance of its tasks, can avail of assistance from the following bodies upon clearance from the GRP-MILF CCCH and concurrence of the GRP-MILF Peace Panels:
a. The AFP/PNP Unites, including Team, in the areas where clearing operations are being conducted
b. The Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (BIAF) - MILF Commands/Unis operating in the area where clearing operations are being conducted
c. LGU in the region, province, municipality and barangay as well as the MILF political committees where clearing operations are being conduct.
d. Other persons, agencies, offices, and institutions both public and private that can provide assistance to the clearing operations/activities of mines/UXO

Page 6, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance
4. Office and Administrative Support: b. Financial and material requirements related to the clearing operations/activities shall be the main responsibility of the PCBL-FSD Project.

Page 6, Article VIII Other Concerned Sectors- The following are considered other concerned sectors for the GRP-MILF Joint Mine/UXO clearance initiative of PCBL and FSD:
1. Local communities in the conflict-affected areas, including evacuees and/or displaced families.
5. The general public, civil society and business sector, especially in Mindanao seeking normalization in conflict-affected areas.

Page 7, Article IX Definition of terms
i. Joint Mine/UXO Clearance - in these Guidelines refers to mine/UXO clearance with the joint participation of the GRP and MILF in the context of their peace process and undertaken through a project of the FSD and PCBL.

Page 8, Article X Effectivity - These Implementing Guidelines which serves as the terms of reference for the PCBL-FSD Project for GRP-MILF Peace Panels Joint Mine/UXO Clearance in conflict-affected areas in Mindanao pursuant to the GRP-MILF Joint Statement of 16 November 2007 shall take effect upon its signing and upon approval of the GRP-MILF Peace Panels.
Traditional/religious leaders

No specific mention.

Public administration

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Power sharing

Political power sharing

No specific mention.

Territorial power sharing

No specific mention.

Economic power sharing

No specific mention.

Military power sharing

No specific mention.

Human rights and equality

Human rights/RoL general
Page 3, Article III Purpose of the Guidelines and Operational Framework -- [...] Clearing operations conducted during the effectivity of these Implementing Guidelines shall not be considered or used as basis for subsequent accusations/imputations of [...] the GRP and MILF of their agreements, especially on cessation of hostilities and other security aspects as well as of International Humanitarian Law.
Bill of rights/similar

No specific mention.

Treaty incorporation

No specific mention.

Civil and political rights

No specific mention.

Socio-economic rights

No specific mention.

Rights related issues


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Detention procedures

No specific mention.

Media and communication

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Protection measures
Rights related issues→Protection measures→Protection of civilians
Page 7, Article IX Definition of terms
j. Humanitarian demining - activities which lead to the removal of mine and UXO hazards, including technical survey, mapping, clearance, marking, post-clearance documentation, community mine action liaison and handover of cleared land, all for purposed of civilian protection

No specific mention.

Rights institutions


No specific mention.

Regional or international human rights institutions

No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

Criminal justice and emergency law

No specific mention.

State of emergency provisions

No specific mention.

Judiciary and courts

No specific mention.

Prisons and detention

No specific mention.

Traditional Laws

No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

Development or socio-economic reconstruction
Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Socio-economic development
Page 2, Article I Basic Understanding
5. Implementing Guidelines on the Humanitarian, Rehabilitation and Development Aspect of the GRP-MILF Tripoli Agreement of Peace of 2001 dated 07 May 2002.

Page 2, Article II Concept and Objective of the Project - The PCBL-FSD Project aims to enable the GRP and MILF to undertake effective joint mine/unexploded ordinance (UXO) detection and clearance with the assistance of concerned organization such as the PCBL and FSD in identified and verified conflict-affected areas as measure both of rehabilitation and of confidence-building in support of the larger peace process. It will assess and address the need to clear areas of explosive remnants of war (ERW) from both sides for the safety and security of concerned communities as well as the rehabilitation and development initiatives. Likewise, it will also be an opportunity for local capacity-building and technology transfer strictly in accordance with international humanitarian mine action standards.

Page 4, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance
1. Functions: c. Coordinate with appropriate GRP and MILF agencies, offices and institutions including the Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA) in the implementation of all the phases/stages involved in the clearing of mines/UXO.

Page 6, Article VIII Other Concerned Sectors- The following are considered other concerned sectors for the GRP-MILF Joint Mine/UXO clearance initiative of PCBL and FSD:
3. Beneficiaries and proponents of rehabilitation and development projects
5. The general public, civil society and business sector, especially in Mindanao seeking normalization in conflict-affected areas.

Page 7, Article IX Definition of terms
k. Humanitarian mine action - activities which aim to reduce the social, economic, and environmental impact of mines and UXO. Its i not just about demining: it is also about people and properties, and how they are affected by Landmine contamination. Its objective is to reduce the risk from landmines to a level where people can live safely, in which economic, social and health development can occur free from the restraints imposed by landmine contamination, and in which the victim needs can be addressed.

Page 8, Article IX Definition of terms
m. Conflict-affected areas - refer to places where armed conflict between the GRP forces and MILF forces is taking place or had taken place or where there an evacuees and or displaced families as a result of such armed conflict as provided for under Article III of the Implementing Guidelines on the Humanitarian, Rehabilitation and Development Aspects of the GRP-MILF Tripoli Agreement of Peace of 22 June 2001.

Page 8, Article IX Definition of terms
n. Rehabilitation and development projects - refer to projects to be implemented in the conflict-affected areas.
National economic plan

No specific mention.

Natural resources

No specific mention.

International funds

No specific mention.

Page 6, Article VIII Other Concerned Sectors- The following are considered other concerned sectors for the GRP-MILF Joint Mine/UXO clearance initiative of PCBL and FSD:
5. The general public, civil society and business sector, especially in Mindanao seeking normalization in conflict-affected areas.

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

Land reform/rights

No specific mention.

Pastoralist/nomadism rights

No specific mention.

Cultural heritage

No specific mention.

Page 7, Article IX Definition of terms
k. Humanitarian mine action - activities which aim to reduce the social, economic, and environmental impact of mines and UXO. Its i not just about demining: it is also about people and properties, and how they are affected by Landmine contamination. Its objective is to reduce the risk from landmines to a level where people can live safely, in which economic, social and health development can occur free from the restraints imposed by landmine contamination, and in which the victim needs can be addressed.
Water or riparian rights or access

No specific mention.

Security sector

Security Guarantees

No specific mention.

Security sector→Ceasefire→General commitments
Page 1, Parties
1. Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) Coordinating Committee on Cessation of Hostilities (CCCH) - the main mechanism of the GRP to deal with cessation of hostilities and the security aspect of the GRP-MILF Peace Process.

Page 1, Parties
2. Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Coordinating Committee on Cessation of Hostilities (CCCH) - the main mechanism of the MILF to deal with cessation of hostilities and the security aspect of the GRP-MILF Peace Process.

Page 1, Article I Basic Understanding
1. Agreement on the General Cessation of Hostilities (AGCH) dated 10 July 1997, signed in Cagayan de Oro City between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

Page 1, Article I Basic Understanding
2. Implementing Administrative and Operational Guidelines of the GRP-MILF Agreement on the General Cessation of Hostilities signed in Cotabato City on 12 September 1997 and in Marawa City on November 14, 1997 respectively.

Page 3, Article VI Specific Functions of the GRP-MILF CCCH - The GRP-MILF CCCH shall perform the following functions under the Guidelines:
a. Supervise and monitor the implementation of the clearing of mines/UXO in conflict-affected areas.

Page 4, Article VI Specific Functions of the GRP-MILF CCCH - The GRP-MILF CCCH shall perform the following functions under the Guidelines:
b. Jointly approve the areas of where the clearing operations shall be conducted
c. Conduct visits and inspections on areas before, during, and after operations
e. Approve the period of the actual clearing operations
f. Recommend approval by the GRP and MILF Peace Panels of the structures, mechanisms, and modalities of the FSD and PCBL relative to their roles in this initiative.
g. With the concurrence of the Panels, organize and create a Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance which shall be the focal body that shall review progress, address needs and indicate further actions, tasks and priorities for all activities involved in clearing operations in identified areas.
h. Perform such other acts relative to the clearing of mines/UXO as may be determined by the GRP-MILF Peace Panels.
Page 5, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance
3. The Task Force in the performance of its tasks, can avail of assistance from the following bodies upon clearance from the GRP-MILF CCCH and concurrence of the GRP-MILF Peace Panels: a. The AFP/PNP Unites, including Team, in the areas where clearing operations are being conducted
Armed forces
Page 2, Article II Concept and Objective of the Project - [...] The specific objectives of the PCBL-FSD Project are:
3. To contribute to and enhance the peace negotiations and confidence-building between GRP and MILF forces at the ground level.

Page 5, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance
3. The Task Force in the performance of its tasks, can avail of assistance from the following bodies upon clearance from the GRP-MILF CCCH and concurrence of the GRP-MILF Peace Panels: a. The AFP/PNP Unites, including Team, in the areas where clearing operations are being conducted

Page 8, Article IX Definition of terms
m. Conflict-affected areas - refer to places where armed conflict between the GRP forces and MILF forces is taking place or had taken place or where there an evacuees and or displaced families as a result of such armed conflict as provided for under Article III of the Implementing Guidelines on the Humanitarian, Rehabilitation and Development Aspects of the GRP-MILF Tripoli Agreement of Peace of 22 June 2001.
Security sector→DDR→Demilitarisation provisions
Page 2, Article II Concept and Objective of the Project - The PCBL-FSD Project aims to enable the GRP and MILF to undertake effective joint mine/unexploded ordinance (UXO) detection and clearance with the assistance of concerned organization such as the PCBL and FSD in identified and verified conflict-affected areas as measure both of rehabilitation and of confidence-building in support of the larger peace process. It will assess and address the need to clear areas of explosive remnants of war (ERW) from both sides for the safety and security of concerned communities as well as the rehabilitation and development initiatives. Likewise, it will also be an opportunity for local capacity-building and technology transfer strictly in accordance with international humanitarian mine action standards.

Page 2, Article II Concept and Objective of the Project - [...] The specific objectives of the PCBL-FSD Project are:
1. To achieve a reliable assessment of unexploded landmine and other UXO in the conflict-affected areas.
2. To undertake a systematic mine/UXO detection and clearance program in areas determined to be contaminated.
3. To contribute to and enhance the peace negotiations and confidence-building between GRP and MILF forces at the ground level.
4. To help build local capacity in mine/UXO detection and clearance in accordance with international humanitarian mine action standards.

Page 3, Article III Purpose of the Guidelines and Operational Framework -- These Guidelines shall govern the implementation of the PCBL-FSD Project for GRP-MILF Peace Panels Joint Mine UXO Clearance in the conflict-affected areas in Mindanao pursuant to the GRP-MILF Joint Statement of 15 November 2007.

Page 3, Article III Purpose of the Guidelines and Operational Framework -- [...] The PCBL-FSD Project Concept Note, which contains among others, the overall procedures and actions taken relative to clearing operations, shall not b e implemented unless properly reviewed and concurred upon by the GRP-MILF Peace Panels

Page 3, Article III Purpose of the Guidelines and Operational Framework -- [...] The PCBL-FSD Project Concept Note and these Implementing Guidelines shall be subsequently review at the end of every succeeding quarter or semester period, as may be determined by the GRP-MILF CCCH, from the star of the implementations of the PCBL-FSD Project. Any change or amendment shall be subject to the approval of the GRP and MILS Peace Panels upon recommendation of the GRP-MILF CCCH.

Page 3, Article III Purpose of the Guidelines and Operational Framework -- [...] Clearing operations conducted during the effectivity of these Implementing Guidelines shall not be considered or used as basis for subsequent accusations/imputations of [...] the GRP and MILF of their agreements, especially on cessation of hostilities and other security aspects as well as of International Humanitarian Law.

Page 3, Article IV Area of Coverage - the clearing of mines/unexploded ordinance shall be in effect in conflict-affected ares as verified and agreed upon by both GRP and MILF CCCH.

Page 3, Article V, Timeframe - The PCBL-FSD Project for the GRP-MILF Joint Mine/UXO clearance in conflict-affected areas of Mindanao shall be for an initial period of two (2) years. This may be extended beyond said period upon recommendation of both GRP and MILF CCCH subject to the approval of the GRP-MILF Peace Panels.

Page 3, Article VI Specific Functions of the GRP-MILF CCCH - The GRP-MILF CCCH shall perform the following functions under the Guidelines:
a. Supervise and monitor the implementation of the clearing of mines/UXO in conflict-affected areas.

Page 4, Article VI Specific Functions of the GRP-MILF CCCH - The GRP-MILF CCCH shall perform the following functions under the Guidelines:
b. Jointly approve the areas of where the clearing operations shall be conducted
c. Conduct visits and inspections on areas before, during, and after operations
e. Approve the period of the actual clearing operations
f. Recommend approval by the GRP and MILF Peace Panels of the structures, mechanisms, and modalities of the FSD and PCBL relative to their roles in this initiative.
g. With the concurrence of the Panels, organize and create a Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance which shall be the focal body that shall review progress, address needs and indicate further actions, tasks and priorities for all activities involved in clearing operations in identified areas.
h. Perform such other acts relative to the clearing of mines/UXO as may be determined by the GRP-MILF Peace Panels.

Page 4, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance
1. Functions:
a. Serves as the implementing body of the GRP-MILF CCCH in supervising and monitoring all operations/activities pertaining to the clearing of mines/UXO.

Page 4, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance
1. Functions:
b. Coordinate with and monitor in the preparation and formulation of plans and programs for the effective implementation of the clearing operations for the consideration approval of the GRP-MILF CCCH.

Page 4, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance
1. Functions:
c. Coordinate with appropriate GRP and MILF agencies, offices and institutions including the Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA) in the implementation of all the phases/stages involved in the clearing of mines/UXO.

Page 4, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance
1. Functions:
d. [...] with donors, particularly in terms of letters of endorsements for the project, funding proposals of FSD-PCBL as may be needed or request.

Page 4, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance - Functions:
e. Ensure the safety and security of the areas and its inhabitants where the same are being conducted.

Page 5, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance
1. Functions:
f. Maintain records and serve as official repository of data/documents relative to the clearing of mines/UXO in coordination with the regional mine and UXO database under the PCBL-FSD Project.

Page 5, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance
2. Membership:
e. International Monitoring Team (IMT) - One (1) member from the team which has operational jurisdiction over the conflict-affected area which is identified for mines/UXO clearing. Its membership must be subjected to the concurrence of both the IMT and GRP-MILF Peace Panels.

Page 5, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance
3. The Task Force in the performance of its tasks, can avail of assistance from the following bodies upon clearance from the GRP-MILF CCCH and concurrence of the GRP-MILF Peace Panels:
a. The AFP/PNP Unites, including Team, in the areas where clearing operations are being conducted
b. The Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (BIAF) - MILF Commands/Unis operating in the area where clearing operations are being conducted
c. LGU in the region, province, municipality and barangay as well as the MILF political committees where clearing operations are being conduct.
d. Other persons, agencies, offices, and institutions both public and private that can provide assistance to the clearing operations/activities of mines/UXO

Page 6, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance
4. Office and Administrative Support: b. Financial and material requirements related to the clearing operations/activities shall be the main responsibility of the PCBL-FSD Project.

Page 6, Article VIII Other Concerned Sectors- The following are considered other concerned sectors for the GRP-MILF Joint Mine/UXO clearance initiative of PCBL and FSD:
1. Local communities in the conflict-affected areas, including evacuees and/or displaced families.
2. Local government units as well as the existing MILF committees and indigenous tribal communities in the conflict-affected areas.
3. Beneficiaries and proponents of rehabilitation and development projects
4. The international community with various stakes in the GRP-MILF peace process and in humanitarian min action globally.
5. The general public, civil society and business sector, especially i Mindanao seeking normalization in conflict-affected areas.

Page 6, Article IX Definition of terms
a. Mine - ammunition designed to be placed under, on, or near the ground or other surface areas to be exploded by the presence, proximity or contact of a person or a vehicle.

Page 7, Article IX Definition of terms
b. Victim-activated mine - a min which be triggered by anybody or anything who/which trips a trip-wire or places the requisite weight or pressure on it

Page 7, Article IX Definition of terms
c. Command-detonated mine - a mine which is triggered by a person from a safe distance observing the mine emplacement and detonating it electrically or by remote control upon the approach of a target person or vehicle within the desired impact distance from the mine.

Page 7, Article IX Definition of terms
d. Unexploded ordinance (UXO) - explosive ordinance that has been primed, fixed, armed or otherwise prepared for use or used; it may have been fired, dropped, launched, or projected yet remains unexploded either through malfunction or design or for any other reason.

Page 7, Article IX Definition of terms
e. Explosive remnants of war (ERW) - unexploded ordinance (UXO) and abandoned explosive ordinance (AXO)

Page 7, Article IX Definition of terms
F. Abandoned explosive ordinance (AXO) - explosive ordinance that has been used during an armed conflict, that has been left behind or dumped by a party to an armed conflict, and which is no longer under control of the party that left it behind or dumped it, it may or may not have been primed, fixed, armed or otherwise prepared for use.

Page 7, Article IX Definition of terms
g. Explosive ordinance (EO) - all munitions containing explosives, nuclear fission or contain materials and biological and chemical agents, this includes bombs [...]

Page 7, Article IX Definition of terms
h. Clearance - tasks or actions to reduce or eliminate the explosive ordinance (EO) hazards from a specified area

Page 7, Article IX Definition of terms
i. Joint Mine/UXO Clearance - in these Guidelines refers to mine/UXO clearance with the joint participation of the GRP and MILF in the context of their peace process and undertaken through a project of the FSD and PCBL.

Page 7, Article IX Definition of terms
j. Humanitarian demining - activities which lead to the removal of mine and UXO hazards, including technical survey, mapping, clearance, marking, post-clearance documentation, community mine action liaison and handover of cleared land, all for purposed of civilian protection

Page 7, Article IX Definition of terms
k. Humanitarian mine action - activities which aim to reduce the social, economic, and environmental impact of mines and UXO. Its i not just about demining: it is also about people and properties, and how they are affected by Landmine contamination. Its objective is to reduce the risk from landmines to a level where people can live safely, in which economic, social and health development can occur free from the restraints imposed by landmine contamination, and in which the victim needs can be addressed.

Page 8, Article IX Definition of terms
l. International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) - documents developed by the United Nations (UN) on behalf of the international community, which aim to improve safety and efficiency in mine action by providing guidance, by establishing principles and, in some cases, defining international requirements and specifications.

Page 8, Article IX Definition of terms
m. Conflict-affected areas - refer to places where armed conflict between the GRP forces and MILF forces is taking place or had taken place or where there an evacuees and or displaced families as a result of such armed conflict as provided for under Article III of the Implementing Guidelines on the Humanitarian, Rehabilitation and Development Aspects of the GRP-MILF Tripoli Agreement of Peace of 22 June 2001.

Page 8, Article IX Definition of terms
n. Rehabilitation and development projects - refer to projects to be implemented in the conflict-affected areas.

Page 8, Article X Effectivity - These Implementing Guidelines which serves as the terms of reference for the PCBL-FSD Project for GRP-MILF Peace Panels Joint Mine/UXO Clearance in conflict-affected areas in Mindanao pursuant to the GRP-MILF Joint Statement of 16 November 2007 shall take effect upon its signing and upon approval of the GRP-MILF Peace Panels.
Intelligence services

No specific mention.

Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces
Page 2, Article II Concept and Objective of the Project - [...] The specific objectives of the PCBL-FSD Project are:
3. To contribute to and enhance the peace negotiations and confidence-building between GRP and MILF forces at the ground level.

Page 5, Article VII Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance - The Task Force in the performance of its tasks, can avail of assistance from the following bodies upon clearance from the GRP-MILF CCCH and concurrence of the GRP-MILF Peace Panels:
b. The Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (BIAF) - MILF Commands/Unis operating in the area where clearing operations are being conducted

Page 8, Article IX Definition of terms
m. Conflict-affected areas - refer to places where armed conflict between the GRP forces and MILF forces is taking place or had taken place or where there an evacuees and or displaced families as a result of such armed conflict as provided for under Article III of the Implementing Guidelines on the Humanitarian, Rehabilitation and Development Aspects of the GRP-MILF Tripoli Agreement of Peace of 22 June 2001.
Withdrawal of foreign forces

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Crime/organised crime

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Transitional justice

Transitional justice general

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Prisoner release

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Page 7, Article IX Definition of terms
b. Victim-activated mine - a min which be triggered by anybody or anything who/which trips a trip-wire or places the requisite weight or pressure on it

Page 7, Article IX Definition of terms
k. Humanitarian mine action - activities which aim to reduce the social, economic, and environmental impact of mines and UXO. It is not just about demining: it is also about people and properties, and how they are affected by Landmine contamination. Its objective is to reduce the risk from landmines to a level where people can live safely, in which economic, social and health development can occur free from the restraints imposed by landmine contamination, and in which the victim needs can be addressed.
Missing persons

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.


UN signatory

No specific mention.

Other international signatory
Witnessed by: Datuk Othman Bin Abd. Razak, Malaysian Facilitator
Referendum for agreement

No specific mention.

International mission/force/similar

No specific mention.

Enforcement mechanism

No specific mention.

Related cases

No specific mention.

GRP-MILF Peace Process: Compilation of Signed Agreements & other related Documents (1997-2010); (MILF Peace Panel/Asia Foundation, 2010), pp. 304-312.

Source agreement



1. Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) Coordinating Committee on Cessation of Hostilities (CCCH) – the main mechanism of the GRP to deal with cessation of hostilities and the security aspect of the GRP-MILF Peace Process.

2. Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Coordinating Committee on Cessation of Hostilities (CCCH) – the main mechanism of the MILF to deal with cessation of hostilities and the security aspect of the GRP-MILF Peace Process.

3. Philippine Campaign to Ban Landmines (PCBL) – the Philippine-based civil society/non-governmental campaign group on Landmines issues, which is affiliated with the 1997 Nobel Peace Price awardee International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL).

4. Swiss Foundation for Mine Action (Foundation Suisse de Deminage, FSD) – a non-profit, non-political, independent and neutral Swiss non-governmental organization specializing in professional humanitarian mine action and clearance programs, and the mine action partner of PCBL.

Article I

Basis of Understanding

1. Agreement on the General Cessation of Hostilities (AGCH) dated 18 July 1997, signed in Cagayan de Oro city between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

2. Implementing Administrative and Operational Guidelines of the GRP-MILF Agreement on the General Cessation of Hostilities signed in Cotabato City on 12 September 1997 and in Marawi City on November 14, 1997, respectively.

3. Tripoli Agreement of Peace between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) signed in Tripoli, Libya on 22 June 2001.

4. Implementing Guidelines on the Security Aspects of the GRP-MILF Tripoli Agreement of Peace of 2001 signed in Putrajaya, Malaysia on 07 August 2001.

5. Implementing Guidelines on the Humanitarian, Rehabilitation and Development Aspect of the GRP-MILF Tripoli Agreement of Peace of 2001 dated 07 May 2002.

6. GRP-MILF Agreement on the Civilian Protection Component of the International Monitoring Team (IMT) dated 27 October 2009, which includes a basic understanding to “take all precautions feasible to avoid incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, and danger to civilian objects.”

7. Other related GRP-MILF agreements, resolutions and guidelines.

Article II

Concept and Objectives of the Project

The PCBL-FSD Project aims to enable the GRP and MILF to undertake effective joint mine/unexploded ordinance (UXO) detection and clearance with the assistance of concerned organizations, such as the PCBL and FSD, in identified and verified conflict-affected areas as a measure both of rehabilitation and of confidence-building in support of the larger peace process.

It will access and address the need to clear areas of explosive remnants of war (ERW) from both sides for the safety and security of concerned communities as well as the rehabilitation and development initiatives.

Likewise, it will also be an opportunity for local capacity-building and technology transfer strictly in accordance with international humanitarian mine action standards.

The specific objectives of the PCBL-FSD Project are:

1. To achieve a reliable assessment of unexploded landmine and other UXO in the conflict-affected areas.

2. To undertake a systematic mine / UXO detection and clearance program in areas determined to be contaminated.

3. To contribute to and enhance the peace negotiations and confidence-building between GRP and MILF forces at the ground level.

4. To help build local capacity in mine / UXO detection and clearance in accordance with international humanitarian mine action standards.

Article III

Purpose of the Guidelines and Operational Framework

These Guidelines shall govern the implementation of the PCBL-FSD Project for GRP-MILF Peace Panels’ Joint Mine/UXO Clearance in the conflict-affected areas in Mindanao pursuant to the GRP-MILF Joint Statement of 15 November 2007.

The PCBL-FSD Project Concept Note, which contains, among others, the overall procedures and actions taken relative to clearing operations, shall not be implemented unless properly reviewed and concurred upon by the GRP-MILF Peace Panels.

The PCBL-FSD Project Concept Note and these Implementing Guidelines shall be subsequently reviewed at the end of every succeeding quarter or semester period, as may be determined by the GRP-MILF CCCH, from the start of the implementation of the PCBL-FSD Project.

Any change or amendment shall be subject to the approval of the GRP and MILF Peace Panels, upon recommendation of the GRP-MILF CCCH.

Clearing operations conducted during the effectivity of these implementing Guidelines shall not be considered or used as basis for subsequent accusations/imputations of violations by the GRP and MILF of their agreements, especially on cessation of hostilities and other security aspects, as well as of International Humanitarian Law.

Article IV

Area of Coverage

The clearing of mines/unexploded ordinance shall be in effect in conflict-affected areas as verified and agreed upon by both GRP and MILF CCCH.

Article V


The PCBL-FSD Project for GRP-MILF Joint Mine/UXO clearance in conflict-affected areas of Mindanao shall be for an initial period of two (2) years.

This may be extended beyond said period upon recommendation of both GRP and MILF CCCH subject to the approval of the GRP-MILF Peace Panels.

Article VI

Specific Functions of the GRP-MILF CCCH

The GRP-MILF CCCH shall perform the following functions under these Guidelines:

a. Supervise and monitor the implementation of the clearing of mines/ UXO in conflict-affected areas.

b. Jointly approve the areas where the clearing operations shall be conducted.

c. Conduct visits and inspections on areas before, during and after operations.

d. Coordinate with offices and organisations to maximise the dissemination of the clearing operations and secure the latter’s cooperation.

e. Approve the period of the actual clearing operations.

f. Recommend approval by the GRP and MILF Peace Panels of the structures, mechanisms and modalities of the FSD and PCBL relative to their roles in this initiative.

g. With the concurrence of the Panels, organize and create a Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance which shall be the focal body that shall review the progress, address needs and indicate further actions, tasks and priorities for all activities involved in clearing operations in identified areas.

h. Perform such other acts relatives to the clearing of mines/UXO as may be determined by the GRP-MILF Peace Panels.

Article VII

Task Force on Joint Mine/UXO Detection and Clearance

1. Functions:

a. Serves as the implementing body of the GRP-MILF CCCH in supervising and monitoring all operations/activities pertaining to the clearing of mines/UXO.

b. Coordinates with and monitors in the preparation and formulation of plans and programs for the effective implementation of the clearing operations for the consideration/approval of the GRP-MILF CCCH.

c. Coordinates with appropriate GRP and MILF agencies, offices, and institutions, including the Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA), in the implementation of all the phases / stages involved in the clearing of mines/UXO.

d. Liaise with donors, particularly in terms of letters of endorsement for the project funding proposals of FSD-PCBL, as may be needed or requested.

e. Ensure the safety and security of the areas and its inhabitants where the same are being conducted.

f. Maintains records and serves as official repository of data / documents relative to the clearing of mines/UXO, in coordination with the regional mine and UXO database under the PCBL-FSD Project.

g. Submit reports and other records to the GRP-MILF CCCH or any authorised higher authority.

h. Performs such other tasks as may be required by the GRP-MILF CCCH.

2. Membership

a. GRP representatives – Two (2) members, One (1) each from the GRP CCCH and its Secretariat, or as may be officially designated by the GRP CCCH.

b. MILF representatives – Two (2) members, One (1) each from the MILF CCCH and its Secretariat, or as may be officially designated by the MILF CCCH.

c. PCBL.

One (1) member.

d. FSD – One (1) member.

e. International Monitoring Team (IMT) – One (1) member from the team which has operational jurisdiction over the conflict-affected area which is identified for mines / UXO clearing.

Its membership must be subjected to the concurrence of both the IMT and GRP – MILF Peace Panels.

3. The Task Force, in the performance of its tasks, can avail of assistance from the following bodies upon clearance from the GRP-MILF CCCH and concurrence of the GRP-MILF Peace Panels:

a. The AFP / PNP Units, including FOD Teams, in the areas where clearing operations are being conducted.

b. The Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (BIAF) – MILF Commands / Units operating in the area where clearing operations are being conducted.

c. LGU in the region, province, municipality and barangay as well as the MILF political committees where clearing operations are being conducted.

d. Other persons, agencies, offices and institutions both public and private that can provide assistance to the clearing operations/activities of mines/UXO.

4. Office and Administrative Support:

a. The office of the Task Force shall be determined by the GRP – MILF CCCH.

b. Financial and material requirements related to the clearing, operations/activities shall be the main responsibility of the PCBL-FSD Project.

5. Linkages / Coordinations:

a. The GRP and MILF members of the Task Force shall coordinate directly or through their respect chain / channel of command/authority with their respective agencies / units concerned on matters pertaining to the implementation of the operations/activities of mines / UXO.

Lateral coordination between and among members is encouraged.

b. The Task Force shall be a recommendatory body to and implementing arm of the GRP-MILF CCCH on all matters pertaining to mines / UXO clearing operations.

c. Unresolved matters within the Task Force shall be elevated by the GRP-MILF CCCH and to the GRP-MILF Peace Panels, if necessary, for disposition.

Article VIII

Other Concerned Sectors

The following are considered other concerned sectors for the GRP-MILF Joint Mine/UXO clearance initiative of PCBL and FSD:

1. local communities in the conflict-affected areas, including evacuees and/or displaced families.

2. local government units as well as the existing MILF committees and indigenous tribal communities in the conflict affected areas.

3. beneficiaries and proponents of rehabilitation and development projects.

4. the international community with various stakes in the GRP-MILF peace process and in humanitarian mine action globally.

5. the general public, civil society and the business sector, especially in Mindanao, seeking normalization in conflict-affected areas.

Article IX

Definition of terms

a. “Mine” - a munition designed to be placed under, on or near the ground or other surface area and to be exploded by the presence, proximity or contact of a person or a vehicle.

b. “Victim-activated mine” - a mine which can be triggered by anybody or anything who/which trips the trip-wire or places the requisite weight or pressure on it.

c. “Command-detonated mine” - a mine which is triggered by a person from a safe distance observing the mine emplacement and detonating it electrically or by remote control upon the approach of a target person or vehicle within the desired impact distance from the mine.

d. “Unexploded ordinance” (UXO) – explosive ordinance that has been primed, fuzed, armed or otherwise prepared for use or used;

it may have been fired, dropped, launched or projected yet remains unexploded either through malfunction or design or for any other reason.

e. “Explosive remnants of war” (ERW) – unexploded ordnance (UXO) and abandoned explosive ordnance (AXO).

f. “Abandoned explosive ordinance” (AXO) – explosive ordinance that has not been used during an armed conflict, that has been left behind or dumped by a party to an armed conflict, and which is no longer under control of the party that left it behind or dumped it, it may or may not have been primed, fuzed, armed or otherwise prepared for use.

g. “Explosive ordinance” (EO) – all munitions containing explosives, nuclear fission or fusion materials and biological and chemical agents, this includes bombs and warheads, guided and ballistic missiles, artillery, mortar, rocket and small arms ammunition;

all mines, torpedoes and depth charges, pyrotechnics, clusters and dispensers, cartridge and propellant actuated devices, electro-explosives devices, clandestine and improvised explosive devices, and all similar or related items or components explosive in nature.

h. “Clearance” - tasks or actions to reduce or eliminate the explosive ordinance (EO) hazards from a specified area.

i. “Joint Mine/UXO clearance” - in these Guidelines, refers to mine/UXO clearance with the joint participation of the GRP and MILF in the context of their peace process and undertaken through a project of the FSD and PCBL.

j. “Humanitarian demining” - activities which lead to the removal of mine and UXO hazards, including technical survey, mapping, clearance, marking, post-clearance documentation, community mine action liaison and the handover of cleared land, all for the purpose of civilian protection.

k. “Humanitarian mine action” - activities which aim to reduce the social, economic and environmental impact of mines and UXO.

It is not just about demining;

it is also about people and societies, and how they are affected by Landmine contamination.

Its objective is to reduce the risk from landmines to a level where people can live safely, in which economic, social and health development can occur free from the constraints imposed by landmine contamination, and in which the victims needs can be addressed.

l. “International Mine Action Standards” (IMAS) – documents developed by the United Nations (UN) on behalf of the international community, which aim to improve safety and efficiency in mine action by providing guidance, by establishing principles and, in some cases, defining international requirements and specifications.

m. “Conflict-affected areas” - refers to places where armed conflict between the GRP forces and MILF forces is taking place or had taken place or where there are evacuees and/or displaced families as a result of such armed conflict as provided for under Article III of the Implementing Guidelines on the Humanitarian, Rehabilitation and Development Aspects of the GRP-MILF Tripoli Agreement of Peace of 22 June 2001.

n. “Rehabilitation and development projects” - refer to projects to be implemented in the conflict-affected areas.

Article X


These Implementing Guidelines which serve as the terms of reference for the PCBL-FSD Project for GRP-MILF Peace Panels Joint Mine/UXO Clearance in conflict-affected areas in Mindanao pursuant to the GRP-MILF Joint Statement of 15 November 2007 shall take effect upon its signing, and upon approval of the GRP-MILF Peace Panels.

Signed at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 5th day of May, 2010

For the GRP For the MILF


GRP Peace Panel Chairman MILF Peace Panel Chairman



Malaysian Facilitator for GRP – MILF Peace Process

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

[1] On the clearing of mines/unexploded ordinance in conflict-affected areas in Mindanao