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Acuerdo entre el Gobierno Nacional y el Ejército Popular de Liberación

  • Country/entity

  • Region

  • Agreement name

    Acuerdo entre el Gobierno Nacional y el Ejército Popular de Liberación
  • Date

    15 Feb 1991
  • Agreement status

    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement

  • Agreement/conflict level

    Intrastate/intrastate conflict ( Colombian Conflict (1964 - ) )
  • Stage

    Framework/substantive - partial
  • Conflict nature

  • Peace process

    Colombia I - Gaviria
  • Parties

    Por el Gobierno Nacional:
    JESÚS ANTONIO BEJARANO AVILA Consejero Presidencia, CARLOS EDUARDO JARAMILLO Asesor de la Consejería TOMAS CONCHA Asesor de la Consejería ALVARO HERNANDEZ Asesor de la Consejería
    GABRIEL RESTREPO FORERO Asesor de la Consejería GONZALO DE FRANCISCO Asesor de la Consejería

    Por el EPL:
    JAIME FAJARDO Comisión Negociadora ANÍBAL PALACIO Comisión Negociadora FERNANDO PINEDA Comisión Negociadora
    BERNARDO GUTJÉRREZ Comisión Negociadora JAIRO MORALES Comisión Negociadora MARCOS JARA Comisión Negociadora
  • Third parties

  • Description

    This agreement includes an amnesty for all EPL combatants in return for their reinsertion into civil society. An objective of the agreement is to address the causes of the conflict, to include communities in future decision making and implementation to consolidate the conditions for peace, to this effect a commission is created ‘Comisión de Superación de la Violencia’, fora for discussion will be established regionally, the commission will include people of moral respect. The government will consider the findings and recommendations of the commission, and work on improving the mechanism for popular participation. Regional planning in the zones in which EPL was active. The Government guarantees the EPL the possibility to form a political party, after decommissioning and with the necessary forms. It reaffirms the negotiation process and reinsertion plans. They agree to meet again and evaluate the process, because intervening in the peace process/transition is better than in violent conflict. They agree it is a phased process: transition, reunion, inspection, evaluation (transición, reencuentro, seguimiento, evaluación). The document details the reunion, inspection and evaluation phases. It addresses the camps and programmes within, as well as the ex-combatants’ health guarantees.


  • Children/youth

    No specific mention.

  • Disabled persons

    No specific mention.

  • Elderly/age

    No specific mention.

  • Migrant workers

    No specific mention.

  • Racial/ethnic/national group

    No specific mention.

  • Religious groups

    No specific mention.

  • Indigenous people

    No specific mention.

  • Other groups

    No specific mention.

  • Refugees/displaced persons

    No specific mention.

  • Social class

    No specific mention.


  • Women, girls and gender

    No specific mention.

  • Men and boys

    No specific mention.


    No specific mention.

  • Family

    No specific mention.

State definition

  • Nature of state (general)

    No specific mention.

  • State configuration

    No specific mention.

  • Self determination

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum

    No specific mention.

  • State symbols

    No specific mention.

  • Independence/secession

    No specific mention.

  • Accession/unification

    No specific mention.

  • Border delimitation

    No specific mention.

  • Cross-border provision

    No specific mention.


  • Political institutions (new or reformed)

    No specific mention.

  • Elections

    No specific mention.

  • Electoral commission

    No specific mention.

  • Political parties reform
    Governance→Political parties reform→Rebels transitioning to political parties
    Page 3, Political Guarantees and Promotion of the Peace Process,
    To facilitate the emergence of the political project arising from EPL, the council undertakes to make arrangements with the corresponding authorities for the registration and legal constitution of its party, subject to provision of the necessary documentation by the interested parties. These arrangements may only be initiated following the surrender of arms.
  • Civil society
    Page 2, Human Rights and Factors of Violence,
    One of the fundamental purposes of this agreement is to affect factors of violence that have been present in the zone where EPL has a presence, seeking to include community participation in designing and implementing solutions to effectively consolidate conditions of peace.

    Both parties have agreed to establish a commission to overcome violence for this purpose. The commission will comprise five figures of recognised suitability and moral standing to ensure effective treatment of the issue. Regional fora with broad community participation will be held to overcome violence, strategies will be defined to eradicate the phenomenon and a report will be submitted to the government with general political recommendations and specific cases to be addressed.

    Page 3, Regional Plans,
    We agree to develop regional plans in areas of influence were EPL has had a presence. The plans will provide foundations for the socio-economic development of regions, involve the participation of authorities at all levels, stimulate the participation of private enterprise and community organisations, and invite contributions from NGOs and academic organisations.
    In each beneficiary municipality, the community will decide the projects and works to be carried out. For municipalities covered by the National Restoration Plan (Plan Nacional de Rehabilitaión, PNR), extraordinary sessions of the restoration councils will be held with the joint participation of EPL and the government representative to explain the scope of the proposal. For municipalities not covered by the PNR, municipal peace councils will be created as mechanisms to allow community participation. The councils will be chaired by the municipal mayor and a representative from the restoration council and will include the participation of EPL, who will explain the scope of the proposals together with a government representative.

    Page 4-5, Reinsertion Plan,
    To ensure both the communication of the peace process with EPL and the civil and productive reinsertion projects for its forces have the necessary public backing from civil and business organisations and to ensure the tasks to be undertaken for these purposes are supported by the sectional governments, the council will promote the official creation of operational committees for the promotion of the peace process via the sectional government where the EPL camps are located. These committees will include an official from the respective sectional government, the mayor or representative, an official from the PNR and a member of EPL. The committees will be responsible for the initiative for public communication of and participation in the peace process.
    The government and EPL will begin the transition phase in the camps with the participation of government, non-governmental and private bodies and the organisation that is being demobilised. The transition will run for six months following life in camps and entail the development of formal education, technical–professional training and business consultancy, public participation, public communication, culture and leisure activities. When the camps are wound up, the government will authorise a subsistence payment for veterans. The funds will be managed and distributed by the foundations legally constituted for the purposes of this peace process. It will also provide integrated health insurance, contracted from a specialised body.
  • Traditional/religious leaders

    No specific mention.

  • Public administration

    No specific mention.

  • Constitution
    Governance→Constitution→Constitutional reform/making
    Page 1,

    We recognise the sovereignty of the National Constitutional Assembly and the existence of the parties’ initiatives to present proposals to it.
    The aim of the political solution to the armed conflict represents a significant contribution to the National Constitutional Assembly, now recognised as the setting for achieving peace. The country acknowledges the contribution of the negotiations with the Popular Liberation Army (Ejército Popular de Liberación, EPL), the Revolutionary Workers’ Party (Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores, PRT) and the Quintin Lame Armed Movement (Movimiento Armado Quintín Lame, MAQL) to steps toward this institutional reform process and the ability of the process to contribute to the climate of political expansion that lays the foundations for the effective ceasefire and recognition of the verdict of the people in the elections held on 9 December 1990.

    Page 3, Political Guarantees and Promotion of the Political Process,
    The council undertakes to arrange a joint meeting with the Ministry of the Interior, the group leaders of the National Constitutional Assembly and the EPL negotiating commission to allow the organisation to present its constitutional reform project to the constituent parties.

Power sharing

  • Political power sharing
    Power sharing→Political power sharing→Other
    Sub-state level
    We agree to develop regional plans in areas of influence were EPL has had a presence. The plans will provide foundations for the socio-economic development of regions, involve the participation of authorities at all levels, stimulate the participation of private enterprise and community organisations, and invite contributions from NGOs and academic organisations.
    In each beneficiary municipality, the community will decide the projects and works to be carried out. For municipalities covered by the National Restoration Plan (Plan Nacional de Rehabilitaión, PNR), extraordinary sessions of the restoration councils will be held with the joint participation of EPL and the government representative to explain the scope of the proposal. For municipalities not covered by the PNR, municipal peace councils will be created as mechanisms to allow community participation. The councils will be chaired by the municipal mayor and a representative from the restoration council and will include the participation of EPL, who will explain the scope of the proposals together with a government representative.
  • Territorial power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Economic power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Military power sharing

    No specific mention.

Human rights and equality

  • Human rights/RoL general

    No specific mention.

  • Bill of rights/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Treaty incorporation
    Page 2, Human Rights and Factors of Violence,
    The national government undertakes to consider and address the recommendations that are made and the agreed actions, strengthen mechanisms to improve control and civil commitment in the handling of public order, ensure the viability of political, legal and administrative measures for the eradication of paramilitary activity, establish a general programme to reopen cases of those affected by acts of violence and favour the application of international humanitarian law by establishing expedited mechanisms to ensure its observation and compliance.
  • Civil and political rights

    No specific mention.

  • Socio-economic rights

    No specific mention.

Rights related issues

  • Citizenship

    No specific mention.

  • Democracy
    Page 4-5, Reinsertion Plan,
    The insertion of EPL in the country’s political, economic and social life is an act of reconciliation that forms part of a political project designed to promote democratic coexistence and a fairer and more equal society. The government and EPL agree the process should build support for coexistence and the expansion of democracy.
  • Detention procedures

    No specific mention.

  • Media and communication
    Rights related issues→Media and communication→Media roles
    Page 3, Political Guarantees and Promotion of the Political Process,
    The government undertakes to promote the negotiation process and progress in the disarmament and reinsertion work, facilitate the coverage of information, make arrangements with the respective mayors to authorise the opening of Houses of Peace (Casas de la Paz) and develop a security plan with the institutional measures and resources agreed in each individual case.

    Page 4-5, Reinsertion Plan,
    To ensure both the communication of the peace process with EPL and the civil and productive reinsertion projects for its forces have the necessary public backing from civil and business organisations and to ensure the tasks to be undertaken for these purposes are supported by the sectional governments, the council will promote the official creation of operational committees for the promotion of the peace process via the sectional government where the EPL camps are located. These committees will include an official from the respective sectional government, the mayor or representative, an official from the PNR and a member of EPL. The committees will be responsible for the initiative for public communication of and participation in the peace process.
  • Mobility/access

    No specific mention.

  • Protection measures

    No specific mention.

  • Other

    No specific mention.

Rights institutions

  • NHRI
    Rights institutions→NHRI→New or fundamentally revised NHRI
    Page 2, Human Rights and Factors of Violence,
    Both parties have agreed to establish a commission to overcome violence for this purpose. The commission will comprise five figures of recognised suitability and moral standing to ensure effective treatment of the issue. Regional fora with broad community participation will be held to overcome violence, strategies will be defined to eradicate the phenomenon and a report will be submitted to the government with general political recommendations and specific cases to be addressed.
  • Regional or international human rights institutions

    No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

  • Criminal justice and emergency law

    No specific mention.

  • State of emergency provisions

    No specific mention.

  • Judiciary and courts
    Data not yet entered.
  • Prisons and detention

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional Laws

    No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

  • Development or socio-economic reconstruction
    Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Socio-economic development
    Page 3, Regional Plans,
    We agree to develop regional plans in areas of influence were EPL has had a presence. The plans will provide foundations for the socio-economic development of regions, involve the participation of authorities at all levels, stimulate the participation of private enterprise and community organisations, and invite contributions from NGOs and academic organisations.
    In each beneficiary municipality, the community will decide the projects and works to be carried out. For municipalities covered by the National Restoration Plan (Plan Nacional de Rehabilitaión, PNR), extraordinary sessions of the restoration councils will be held with the joint participation of EPL and the government representative to explain the scope of the proposal. For municipalities not covered by the PNR, municipal peace councils will be created as mechanisms to allow community participation. The councils will be chaired by the municipal mayor and a representative from the restoration council and will include the participation of EPL, who will explain the scope of the proposals together with a government representative.
  • National economic plan

    No specific mention.

  • Natural resources

    No specific mention.

  • International funds

    No specific mention.

  • Business
    Page 4-5, Reinsertion Plan,
    To ensure both the communication of the peace process with EPL and the civil and productive reinsertion projects for its forces have the necessary public backing from civil and business organisations and to ensure the tasks to be undertaken for these purposes are supported by the sectional governments, the council will promote the official creation of operational committees for the promotion of the peace process via the sectional government where the EPL camps are located. These committees will include an official from the respective sectional government, the mayor or representative, an official from the PNR and a member of EPL. The committees will be responsible for the initiative for public communication of and participation in the peace process.

    The government and EPL will begin the transition phase in the camps with the participation of government, non-governmental and private bodies and the organisation that is being demobilised. The transition will run for six months following life in camps and entail the development of formal education, technical–professional training and business consultancy, public participation, public communication, culture and leisure activities. When the camps are wound up, the government will authorise a subsistence payment for veterans. The funds will be managed and distributed by the foundations legally constituted for the purposes of this peace process. It will also provide integrated health insurance, contracted from a specialised body.
  • Taxation

    No specific mention.

  • Banks

    No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

  • Land reform/rights
    Land, property and environment→Land reform/rights→Land reform and management
    Page 4-5, Reinsertion Plan,
    In the reinsertion phase, beneficiary veterans will begin productive projects, with technical assistance and soft loans for agroindustry projects. Land will be made available through the current agrarian reform programme. Higher education studies will be started or continued by the interested parties through a credit fund with ICETEX to cover fees and maintenance. Finally, the government will make arrangements for work placements in the public and private sector.
  • Pastoralist/nomadism rights

    No specific mention.

  • Cultural heritage

    No specific mention.

  • Environment

    No specific mention.

  • Water or riparian rights or access

    No specific mention.

Security sector

  • Security Guarantees

    No specific mention.

  • Ceasefire

    No specific mention.

  • Police

    No specific mention.

  • Armed forces

    No specific mention.

  • DDR
    Security sector→DDR→DDR programmes
    Page 1, National Constitutional Assembly,
    The aim of the political solution to the armed conflict represents a significant contribution to the National Constitutional Assembly, now recognised as the setting for achieving peace. The country acknowledges the contribution of the negotiations with the Popular Liberation Army (Ejército Popular de Liberación, EPL), the Revolutionary Workers’ Party (Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores, PRT) and the Quintin Lame Armed Movement (Movimiento Armado Quintín Lame, MAQL) to steps toward this institutional reform process and the ability of the process to contribute to the climate of political expansion that lays the foundations for the effective ceasefire and recognition of the verdict of the people in the elections held on 9 December 1990. Given the maturity of the process for the demobilisation of EPL, with the deadline of 1 March set for the definitive surrender of arms, the President of the Republic awards the guerrilla organisation two spokespeople on the National Constitutional Assembly from its establishment. These spokespeople will then become permanent members with full rights from the day following the full and definitive surrender of arms.

    Page 1-2, International Monitoring,
    The agreed international monitoring commission will oversee, supervise and judge compliance with the agreements and commitments made by the parties in the definitive agreement. The parties will make arrangements for the permanent appointment of the monitoring commissions under the agreed terms and for the duration required for their mission. This will entail verification of the full and definitive disarmament of EPL forces, compliance with the civil reinsertion tasks by the guerrilla organisation and the political guarantees provided to EPL, and the implementation of the development plans to which the national government committed in the final agreement for the demobilisation of EPL.

    Page 2, Amnesty
    As a result of the peace negotiation process and the concomitant surrender of arms, the decision of the EPL forces to re-join civil life and their full participation in national democracy, the national government issued Decree 213, 22 January 1991, on the termination of punishments and criminal proceedings for all EPL armed forces based on projects the bilateral commission was able to hear and debate.

    Page 2, Human Rights and Factors of Violence,
    One of the fundamental purposes of this agreement is to affect factors of violence that have been present in the zone where EPL has a presence, seeking to include community participation in designing and implementing solutions to effectively consolidate conditions of peace.

    Page 3, Regional Plans,
    We agree to develop regional plans in areas of influence were EPL has had a presence. The plans will provide foundations for the socio-economic development of regions, involve the participation of authorities at all levels, stimulate the participation of private enterprise and community organisations, and invite contributions from NGOs and academic organisations.
    In each beneficiary municipality, the community will decide the projects and works to be carried out. For municipalities covered by the National Restoration Plan (Plan Nacional de Rehabilitaión, PNR), extraordinary sessions of the restoration councils will be held with the joint participation of EPL and the government representative to explain the scope of the proposal. For municipalities not covered by the PNR, municipal peace councils will be created as mechanisms to allow community participation. The councils will be chaired by the municipal mayor and a representative from the restoration council and will include the participation of EPL, who will explain the scope of the proposals together with a government representative.

    Page 3, Political Guarantees and Promotion of the Political Process,
    To facilitate the emergence of the political project arising from EPL, the council undertakes to make arrangements with the corresponding authorities for the registration and legal constitution of its party, subject to provision of the necessary documentation by the interested parties. These arrangements may only be initiated following the surrender of arms.

    The government undertakes to promote the negotiation process and progress in the disarmament and reinsertion work, facilitate the coverage of information, make arrangements with the respective mayors to authorise the opening of Houses of Peace (Casas de la Paz) and develop a security plan with the institutional measures and resources agreed in each individual case.

    Page 4-5, Reinsertion Plan,
    The insertion of EPL in the country’s political, economic and social life is an act of reconciliation that forms part of a political project designed to promote democratic coexistence and a fairer and more equal society. The government and EPL agree the process should build support for coexistence and the expansion of democracy.

    To ensure both the communication of the peace process with EPL and the civil and productive reinsertion projects for its forces have the necessary public backing from civil and business organisations and to ensure the tasks to be undertaken for these purposes are supported by the sectional governments, the council will promote the official creation of operational committees for the promotion of the peace process via the sectional government where the EPL camps are located. These committees will include an official from the respective sectional government, the mayor or representative, an official from the PNR and a member of EPL. The committees will be responsible for the initiative for public communication of and participation in the peace process.

    The council will engage governors and mayors to ensure their contribution to promoting the future EPL political project following the surrender of arms, recommending the organisation of fora, roundtables, meetings etc. through the measures and resources they have available.
    The success of the political, economic and social reinsertion of each member of the demobilised organisation requires the commitment of the members, the government, society, private sector unions and each and every Colombian. It is better to take part in peace than violence.

    There are three main phases: transition, reinsertion and monitoring and evaluation.
    The government and EPL will begin the transition phase in the camps with the participation of government, non-governmental and private bodies and the organisation that is being demobilised. The transition will run for six months following life in camps and entail the development of formal education, technical–professional training and business consultancy, public participation, public communication, culture and leisure activities. When the camps are wound up, the government will authorise a subsistence payment for veterans. The funds will be managed and distributed by the foundations legally constituted for the purposes of this peace process. It will also provide integrated health insurance, contracted from a specialised body.

    In the reinsertion phase, beneficiary veterans will begin productive projects, with technical assistance and soft loans for agroindustry projects. Land will be made available through the current agrarian reform programme. Higher education studies will be started or continued by the interested parties through a credit fund with ICETEX to cover fees and maintenance. Finally, the government will make arrangements for work placements in the public and private sector.

    In the monitoring and evaluation phase, the government will establish the special fund from Law 35, 1982, and will create one national office and four regional offices in Montería, Medellín, Santanderes, and the Atlantic Coast. There will be a guarantee of the bilateral cooperation of the teams for the design and implementation of programmes and there will be an EPL representative on the National Normalisation Council and the regional councils where EPL is present.
  • Intelligence services

    No specific mention.

  • Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces
    Page 1, National Constitutional Assembly,
    The aim of the political solution to the armed conflict represents a significant contribution to the National Constitutional Assembly, now recognised as the setting for achieving peace. The country acknowledges the contribution of the negotiations with the Popular Liberation Army (Ejército Popular de Liberación, EPL), the Revolutionary Workers’ Party (Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores, PRT) and the Quintin Lame Armed Movement (Movimiento Armado Quintín Lame, MAQL) to steps toward this institutional reform process and the ability of the process to contribute to the climate of political expansion that lays the foundations for the effective ceasefire and recognition of the verdict of the people in the elections held on 9 December 1990. Given the maturity of the process for the demobilisation of EPL, with the deadline of 1 March set for the definitive surrender of arms, the President of the Republic awards the guerrilla organisation two spokespeople on the National Constitutional Assembly from its establishment. These spokespeople will then become permanent members with full rights from the day following the full and definitive surrender of arms.

    Page 1-2, International Monitoring,
    The agreed international monitoring commission will oversee, supervise and judge compliance with the agreements and commitments made by the parties in the definitive agreement. The parties will make arrangements for the permanent appointment of the monitoring commissions under the agreed terms and for the duration required for their mission. This will entail verification of the full and definitive disarmament of EPL forces, compliance with the civil reinsertion tasks by the guerrilla organisation and the political guarantees provided to EPL, and the implementation of the development plans to which the national government committed in the final agreement for the demobilisation of EPL.

    Page 2, Amnesty
    As a result of the peace negotiation process and the concomitant surrender of arms, the decision of the EPL forces to re-join civil life and their full participation in national democracy, the national government issued Decree 213, 22 January 1991, on the termination of punishments and criminal proceedings for all EPL armed forces based on projects the bilateral commission was able to hear and debate.

    Page 3, Regional Plans,
    We agree to develop regional plans in areas of influence were EPL has had a presence. The plans will provide foundations for the socio-economic development of regions, involve the participation of authorities at all levels, stimulate the participation of private enterprise and community organisations, and invite contributions from NGOs and academic organisations.
    In each beneficiary municipality, the community will decide the projects and works to be carried out. For municipalities covered by the National Restoration Plan (Plan Nacional de Rehabilitaión, PNR), extraordinary sessions of the restoration councils will be held with the joint participation of EPL and the government representative to explain the scope of the proposal. For municipalities not covered by the PNR, municipal peace councils will be created as mechanisms to allow community participation. The councils will be chaired by the municipal mayor and a representative from the restoration council and will include the participation of EPL, who will explain the scope of the proposals together with a government representative.

    Page 3, Political Guarantees and Promotion of the Political Process,
    To facilitate the emergence of the political project arising from EPL, the council undertakes to make arrangements with the corresponding authorities for the registration and legal constitution of its party, subject to provision of the necessary documentation by the interested parties. These arrangements may only be initiated following the surrender of arms.

    The government undertakes to promote the negotiation process and progress in the disarmament and reinsertion work, facilitate the coverage of information, make arrangements with the respective mayors to authorise the opening of Houses of Peace (Casas de la Paz) and develop a security plan with the institutional measures and resources agreed in each individual case.

    The council undertakes to arrange a joint meeting with the Ministry of the Interior, the group leaders of the National Constitutional Assembly and the EPL negotiating commission to allow the organisation to present its constitutional reform project to the constituent parties.

    Page 4-5, Reinsertion Plan,
    The insertion of EPL in the country’s political, economic and social life is an act of reconciliation that forms part of a political project designed to promote democratic coexistence and a fairer and more equal society. The government and EPL agree the process should build support for coexistence and the expansion of democracy.

    To ensure both the communication of the peace process with EPL and the civil and productive reinsertion projects for its forces have the necessary public backing from civil and business organisations and to ensure the tasks to be undertaken for these purposes are supported by the sectional governments, the council will promote the official creation of operational committees for the promotion of the peace process via the sectional government where the EPL camps are located. These committees will include an official from the respective sectional government, the mayor or representative, an official from the PNR and a member of EPL. The committees will be responsible for the initiative for public communication of and participation in the peace process.

    The council will engage governors and mayors to ensure their contribution to promoting the future EPL political project following the surrender of arms, recommending the organisation of fora, roundtables, meetings etc. through the measures and resources they have available.
    The success of the political, economic and social reinsertion of each member of the demobilised organisation requires the commitment of the members, the government, society, private sector unions and each and every Colombian. It is better to take part in peace than violence.

    There are three main phases: transition, reinsertion and monitoring and evaluation.
    The government and EPL will begin the transition phase in the camps with the participation of government, non-governmental and private bodies and the organisation that is being demobilised. The transition will run for six months following life in camps and entail the development of formal education, technical–professional training and business consultancy, public participation, public communication, culture and leisure activities. When the camps are wound up, the government will authorise a subsistence payment for veterans. The funds will be managed and distributed by the foundations legally constituted for the purposes of this peace process. It will also provide integrated health insurance, contracted from a specialised body.

    In the reinsertion phase, beneficiary veterans will begin productive projects, with technical assistance and soft loans for agroindustry projects. Land will be made available through the current agrarian reform programme. Higher education studies will be started or continued by the interested parties through a credit fund with ICETEX to cover fees and maintenance. Finally, the government will make arrangements for work placements in the public and private sector.

    In the monitoring and evaluation phase, the government will establish the special fund from Law 35, 1982, and will create one national office and four regional offices in Montería, Medellín, Santanderes, and the Atlantic Coast. There will be a guarantee of the bilateral cooperation of the teams for the design and implementation of programmes and there will be an EPL representative on the National Normalisation Council and the regional councils where EPL is present.
  • Withdrawal of foreign forces

    No specific mention.

  • Corruption

    No specific mention.

  • Crime/organised crime

    No specific mention.

  • Drugs

    No specific mention.

  • Terrorism

    No specific mention.

Transitional justice

  • Transitional justice general

    No specific mention.

  • Amnesty/pardon
    Transitional justice→Amnesty/pardon→Amnesty/pardon proper
    Page 2, Amnesty,
    As a result of the peace negotiation process and the concomitant surrender of arms, the decision of the EPL forces to re-join civil life and their full participation in national democracy, the national government issued Decree 213, 22 January 1991, on the termination of punishments and criminal proceedings for all EPL armed forces based on projects the bilateral commission was able to hear and debate.
  • Courts

    No specific mention.

  • Mechanism

    No specific mention.

  • Prisoner release

    No specific mention.

  • Vetting

    No specific mention.

  • Victims
    Page 2, Human Rights and Factors of Violence,
    The national government undertakes to consider and address the recommendations that are made and the agreed actions, strengthen mechanisms to improve control and civil commitment in the handling of public order, ensure the viability of political, legal and administrative measures for the eradication of paramilitary activity, establish a general programme to reopen cases of those affected by acts of violence and favour the application of international humanitarian law by establishing expedited mechanisms to ensure its observation and compliance.
  • Missing persons

    No specific mention.

  • Reparations

    No specific mention.

  • Reconciliation

    No specific mention.


  • UN signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Other international signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum for agreement

    No specific mention.

  • International mission/force/similar
    Page 1-2, International Monitoring,
    The agreed international monitoring commission will oversee, supervise and judge compliance with the agreements and commitments made by the parties in the definitive agreement. The parties will make arrangements for the permanent appointment of the monitoring commissions under the agreed terms and for the duration required for their mission. This will entail verification of the full and definitive disarmament of EPL forces, compliance with the civil reinsertion tasks by the guerrilla organisation and the political guarantees provided to EPL, and the implementation of the development plans to which the national government committed in the final agreement for the demobilisation of EPL.
  • Enforcement mechanism
    Page 1-2, International Monitoring,
    The agreed international monitoring commission will oversee, supervise and judge compliance with the agreements and commitments made by the parties in the definitive agreement. The parties will make arrangements for the permanent appointment of the monitoring commissions under the agreed terms and for the duration required for their mission. This will entail verification of the full and definitive disarmament of EPL forces, compliance with the civil reinsertion tasks by the guerrilla organisation and the political guarantees provided to EPL, and the implementation of the development plans to which the national government committed in the final agreement for the demobilisation of EPL.
  • Related cases

    No specific mention.

  • Source
    Acuerdos con el EPL, MAQL y CRS, Diálogos con la CGSB, Biblioteca de la Paz – 1990-1994, Fundación Cultura Democrática, Ed. Álvaro Villarraga Sarmiento, Bogotá D.C., 2009 (book III) p. 166


Bogota, Special District, 15 February 1991


We recognise the sovereignty of the National Constitutional Assembly and the existence of the parties’ initiatives to present proposals to it.

The aim of the political solution to the armed conflict represents a significant contribution to the National Constitutional Assembly, now recognised as the setting for achieving peace.

The country acknowledges the contribution of the negotiations with the Popular Liberation Army (Ejército Popular de Liberación, EPL), the Revolutionary Workers’ Party (Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores, PRT) and the Quintin Lame Armed Movement (Movimiento Armado Quintín Lame, MAQL) to steps toward this institutional reform process and the ability of the process to contribute to the climate of political expansion that lays the foundations for the effective ceasefire and recognition of the verdict of the people in the elections held on 9 December 1990.

Given the maturity of the process for the demobilisation of EPL, with the deadline of 1 March set for the definitive surrender of arms, the President of the Republic awards the guerrilla organisation two spokespeople on the National Constitutional Assembly from its establishment.

These spokespeople will then become permanent members with full rights from the day following the full and definitive surrender of arms.


The agreed international monitoring commission will oversee, supervise and judge compliance with the agreements and commitments made by the parties in the definitive agreement.

The parties will make arrangements for the permanent appointment of the monitoring commissions under the agreed terms and for the duration required for their mission.

This will entail verification of the full and definitive disarmament of EPL forces, compliance with the civil reinsertion tasks by the guerrilla organisation and the political guarantees provided to EPL, and the implementation of the development plans to which the national government committed in the final agreement for the demobilisation of EPL.


As a result of the peace negotiation process and the concomitant surrender of arms, the decision of the EPL forces to re-join civil life and their full participation in national democracy, the national government issued Decree 213, 22 January 1991, on the termination of punishments and criminal proceedings for all EPL armed forces based on projects the bilateral commission was able to hear and debate.


One of the fundamental purposes of this agreement is to affect factors of violence that have been present in the zone where EPL has a presence, seeking to include community participation in designing and implementing solutions to effectively consolidate conditions of peace.

Both parties have agreed to establish a commission to overcome violence for this purpose.

The commission will comprise five figures of recognised suitability and moral standing to ensure effective treatment of the issue.

Regional fora with broad community participation will be held to overcome violence, strategies will be defined to eradicate the phenomenon and a report will be submitted to the government with general political recommendations and specific cases to be addressed.

The national government undertakes to consider and address the recommendations that are made and the agreed actions, strengthen mechanisms to improve control and civil commitment in the handling of public order, ensure the viability of political, legal and administrative measures for the eradication of paramilitary activity, establish a general programme to reopen cases of those affected by acts of violence and favour the application of international humanitarian law by establishing expedited mechanisms to ensure its observation and compliance.


We agree to develop regional plans in areas of influence were EPL has had a presence.

The plans will provide foundations for the socio-economic development of regions, involve the participation of authorities at all levels, stimulate the participation of private enterprise and community organisations, and invite contributions from NGOs and academic organisations.

In each beneficiary municipality, the community will decide the projects and works to be carried out.

For municipalities covered by the National Restoration Plan (Plan Nacional de Rehabilitaión, PNR), extraordinary sessions of the restoration councils will be held with the joint participation of EPL and the government representative to explain the scope of the proposal.

For municipalities not covered by the PNR, municipal peace councils will be created as mechanisms to allow community participation.

The councils will be chaired by the municipal mayor and a representative from the restoration council and will include the participation of EPL, who will explain the scope of the proposals together with a government representative.


To facilitate the emergence of the political project arising from EPL, the council undertakes to make arrangements with the corresponding authorities for the registration and legal constitution of its party, subject to provision of the necessary documentation by the interested parties.

These arrangements may only be initiated following the surrender of arms.

The government undertakes to promote the negotiation process and progress in the disarmament and reinsertion work, facilitate the coverage of information, make arrangements with the respective mayors to authorise the opening of Houses of Peace (Casas de la Paz) and develop a security plan with the institutional measures and resources agreed in each individual case.

The council undertakes to arrange a joint meeting with the Ministry of the Interior, the group leaders of the National Constitutional Assembly and the EPL negotiating commission to allow the organisation to present its constitutional reform project to the constituent parties.


The insertion of EPL in the country’s political, economic and social life is an act of reconciliation that forms part of a political project designed to promote democratic coexistence and a fairer and more equal society.

The government and EPL agree the process should build support for coexistence and the expansion of democracy.

To ensure both the communication of the peace process with EPL and the civil and productive reinsertion projects for its forces have the necessary public backing from civil and business organisations and to ensure the tasks to be undertaken for these purposes are supported by the sectional governments, the council will promote the official creation of operational committees for the promotion of the peace process via the sectional government where the EPL camps are located.

These committees will include an official from the respective sectional government, the mayor or representative, an official from the PNR and a member of EPL.

The committees will be responsible for the initiative for public communication of and participation in the peace process.

The council will engage governors and mayors to ensure their contribution to promoting the future EPL political project following the surrender of arms, recommending the organisation of fora, roundtables, meetings etc.

through the measures and resources they have available.

The success of the political, economic and social reinsertion of each member of the demobilised organisation requires the commitment of the members, the government, society, private sector unions and each and every Colombian.

It is better to take part in peace than violence.

There are three main phases:

transition, reinsertion and monitoring and evaluation.

The government and EPL will begin the transition phase in the camps with the participation of government, non-governmental and private bodies and the organisation that is being demobilised.

The transition will run for six months following life in camps and entail the development of formal education, technical–professional training and business consultancy, public participation, public communication, culture and leisure activities.

When the camps are wound up, the government will authorise a subsistence payment for veterans.

The funds will be managed and distributed by the foundations legally constituted for the purposes of this peace process.

It will also provide integrated health insurance, contracted from a specialised body.

In the reinsertion phase, beneficiary veterans will begin productive projects, with technical assistance and soft loans for agroindustry projects.

Land will be made available through the current agrarian reform programme.

Higher education studies will be started or continued by the interested parties through a credit fund with ICETEX to cover fees and maintenance.

Finally, the government will make arrangements for work placements in the public and private sector.

In the monitoring and evaluation phase, the government will establish the special fund from Law 35, 1982, and will create one national office and four regional offices in Montería, Medellín, Santanderes, and the Atlantic Coast.

There will be a guarantee of the bilateral cooperation of the teams for the design and implementation of programmes and there will be an EPL representative on the National Normalisation Council and the regional councils where EPL is present.

Por el Gobierno Nacional:


Consejero Presidencia,


Asesor de la Consejería


Asesor de la Consejería


Asesor de la Consejería


Asesor de la Consejería


Asesor de la Consejería

Por el EPL:


Comisión Negociadora


Comisión Negociadora


Comisión Negociadora


Comisión Negociadora


Comisión Negociadora


Comisión Negociadora