Confidence, Security-building and Verification (The London Conference)
- Country/entity
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Yugoslavia (former) - Region
Europe and Eurasia
- Agreement name
- Confidence, Security-building and Verification (The London Conference)
- Date
- 27 Aug 1992
- Agreement status
- Multiparty signed/agreed
- Interim arrangement
- Yes
- Agreement/conflict level
- Interstate/intrastate conflict(s)
- Stage
- Ceasefire/related
- Conflict nature
- Government/territory
- Peace process
- Bosnia peace process
- Parties
- This conference was convened by Great Britain, which held the presidency of the EC at the time. The Participants were: The SFRY republics, the EC countries, the USA, China, Russia, Japan, Canada, The Republic of Czechoslovakia (as a state which held the presidency of CSCE – Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe) and the neighboring countries: Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania
- Third parties
- -
- Description
- This agreement contains military measures designed to build confidence and preclude a cessation of hostilities. These include mechanisms for monitoring, improved communication between parties, and verification of weaponry.
- Children/youth
No specific mention.
- Disabled persons
No specific mention.
- Elderly/age
No specific mention.
- Migrant workers
No specific mention.
- Racial/ethnic/national group
No specific mention.
- Religious groups
No specific mention.
- Indigenous people
No specific mention.
- Other groups
No specific mention.
- Refugees/displaced persons
- Groups→Refugees/displaced persons→SubstantivePage 2, III Working Group Programme, 7
In addition, though perhaps on a different timescale, other measures should be considered in the former SFRY, including:
- measures of demilitarisation, for example declaring that areas around specific locations, such as refugee camps or major cities, should be free from certain categories of equipment; - Social class
No specific mention.
- Women, girls and gender
No specific mention.
- Men and boys
No specific mention.
No specific mention.
- Family
No specific mention.
State definition
- Nature of state (general)
No specific mention.
- State configuration
No specific mention.
- Self determination
No specific mention.
- Referendum
No specific mention.
- State symbols
No specific mention.
- Independence/secession
No specific mention.
- Accession/unification
No specific mention.
- Border delimitation
No specific mention.
- Cross-border provision
No specific mention.
- Political institutions (new or reformed)
No specific mention.
- Elections
No specific mention.
- Electoral commission
No specific mention.
- Political parties reform
No specific mention.
- Civil society
- Page 1, I Purpose, 2
Such military measures need to be seen in the context of measures of a political and humanitarian nature, including, for example, convoys under UNHCR auspices, and exchanges of prisoners of war under ICRC auspices. - Traditional/religious leaders
No specific mention.
- Public administration
No specific mention.
- Constitution
No specific mention.
Power sharing
- Political power sharing
No specific mention.
- Territorial power sharing
No specific mention.
- Economic power sharing
No specific mention.
- Military power sharing
No specific mention.
Human rights and equality
- Human rights/RoL general
No specific mention.
- Bill of rights/similar
No specific mention.
- Treaty incorporation
No specific mention.
- Civil and political rights
No specific mention.
- Socio-economic rights
No specific mention.
Rights related issues
- Citizenship
No specific mention.
- Democracy
No specific mention.
- Detention procedures
No specific mention.
- Media and communication
No specific mention.
- Mobility/access
No specific mention.
- Protection measures
No specific mention.
- Other
No specific mention.
Rights institutions
No specific mention.
- Regional or international human rights institutions
No specific mention.
Justice sector reform
- Criminal justice and emergency law
No specific mention.
- State of emergency provisions
No specific mention.
- Judiciary and courts
No specific mention.
- Prisons and detention
No specific mention.
- Traditional Laws
No specific mention.
Socio-economic reconstruction
- Development or socio-economic reconstruction
- Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Humanitarian assistancePage 1, I Purpose, 2
Such military measures need to be seen in the context of measures of a political and humanitarian nature, including, for example, convoys under UNHCR auspices, and exchanges of prisoners of war under ICRC auspices.
Page 2, III Working Group Programme, 7
In addition, though perhaps on a different timescale, other measures should be considered in the former SFRY, including:
- more systematic liaison provisions, for example establishment of local standing liaison commissions, cessation of hostilities and safe delivery of humanitarian assistance. Achievement of these aims can be facilitated considerably through agreement of measures aimed at clarifying the military situation in Bosnia-Hercegovina and increasing the possibilities for liaison and verification. - National economic plan
No specific mention.
- Natural resources
No specific mention.
- International funds
No specific mention.
- Business
No specific mention.
- Taxation
No specific mention.
- Banks
No specific mention.
Land, property and environment
- Land reform/rights
No specific mention.
- Pastoralist/nomadism rights
No specific mention.
- Cultural heritage
No specific mention.
- Environment
No specific mention.
- Water or riparian rights or access
No specific mention.
Security sector
- Security Guarantees
No specific mention.
- Ceasefire
- Security sector→Ceasefire→General commitmentsPage 1, I Purpose, 1
There is an urgent need to identify and promote steps in the military sphere in all or part of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) which could underpin·a cessation of hostilities and a durable political settlement...
Page 2, III Working Group Programme, 6
...Such measures may include, inter alia:
- information exchange on numbers and location of certain categories of equipment (to be defined) held by the parties;
- advance notification of movements of personnel, or movements/transfers of equipment:
information on personnel levels of formations and units above a given strength;
- short-notice on-site inspection (within 24 hours) in the event of suspect activities.
Page 2, III Working Group Programme, 7
In addition, though perhaps on a different timescale, other measures should be considered in the former SFRY, including:
- restrictions on the movement of paramilitary or military forces;
- no acquisition of certain types of equipment;
- measures of demilitarisation, for example declaring that areas around specific locations, such as refugee camps or major cities, should be free from certain categories of equipment;
- other verification measures, for example assessment visits by parties to evaluate compliance with agreed provisions, or overflights by outside states;
Page 2, III Working Group Programme, 7
In addition, though perhaps on a different timescale, other measures should be considered in the former SFRY, including:
- more systematic liaison provisions, for example establishment of local standing liaison commissions, cessation of hostilities and safe delivery of humanitarian assistance. Achievement of these aims can be facilitated considerably through agreement of measures aimed at clarifying the military situation in Bosnia-Hercegovina and increasing the possibilities for liaison and verification. As a first step, the conference has decided to adopt the following measures with regard to Bosnia-Hercegovina:
- improved communications between the parties, including direct and immediate liaison between commanders on forward deployment lines, for example by local radio and telephone hot lines;
- improvements in contacts between the parties, for example by liaison visits, and by establishing joint teams to resolve local incidents;
- immediate acceptance of the principle that all mortars and heavy weapons will be subject to international supervision and, as a first step, should be notified to the UN by type and location within 96 hours, as a prelude to their disengagement from the
- no military use of aircraft or helicopters;
Page 2-3, III Working Group Programme, 7
In addition, though perhaps on a different timescale, other measures should be considered in the former SFRY, including:
- information exchange on command structure, involving outside observers such as EC Monitors or UN Military Observers:
- other arms limitation measures.
Page 3, III Working Group Programme, 8
Although the group will focus on new measures, it will also be important to ensure that existing obligations under the terms at the Vienna Document 92 in respect of provision of information are fully implemented. Consideration should also be given to applying in the former SFRY some of the mechanisms of the Vienna Document which are designed to enhance transparency, for example the unusual military activity, verification and border tours measures. - Police
No specific mention.
- Armed forces
- Page 1, I Purpose, 1
There is an urgent need to identify and promote steps in the military sphere in all or part of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) which could underpin·a cessation of hostilities and a durable political settlement. To this end, the conference has taken some immediate decisions and set up a Working Group to develop confidence-building measures, covering military movements and arms transfers and limitations, as well as measures for their monitoring and verification. This work will be under the direction of the co-Chairmen of the Steering Committee (see Work Programme). The results of this work will be compatible with action authorised by the Security Council in respect of the United Nations peacekeeping operations in the former SFRY.
Page 1, I Purpose, 2
Such military measures need to be seen in the context of measures of a political and humanitarian nature, including, for example, convoys under UNHCR auspices, and exchanges of prisoners of war under ICRC auspices.
Page 1, II Immediate Decisions of the Conference, 3
The most immediate task is to alleviate the suffering in Bosnia-Hercegovina through a permanent identifying HQ locations and names of commanders, covering all armed units, including paramilitary units.
Page 2, III Working Group Programme, 6
...Such measures may include, inter alia:
- information exchange on numbers and location of certain categories of equipment (to be defined) held by the parties;
- advance notification of movements of personnel, or movements/transfers of equipment:
information on personnel levels of formations and units above a given strength;
- short-notice on-site inspection (within 24 hours) in the event of suspect activities.
Page 2, III Working Group Programme, 7
In addition, though perhaps on a different timescale, other measures should be considered in the former SFRY, including:
- restrictions on the movement of paramilitary or military forces;
- no acquisition of certain types of equipment;
- measures of demilitarisation, for example declaring that areas around specific locations, such as refugee camps or major cities, should be free from certain categories of equipment;
- other verification measures, for example assessment visits by parties to evaluate compliance with agreed provisions, or overflights by outside states;
Page 2, III Working Group Programme, 7
In addition, though perhaps on a different timescale, other measures should be considered in the former SFRY, including:
- more systematic liaison provisions, for example establishment of local standing liaison commissions, cessation of hostilities and safe delivery of humanitarian assistance. Achievement of these aims can be facilitated considerably through agreement of measures aimed at clarifying the military situation in Bosnia-Hercegovina and increasing the possibilities for liaison and verification. As a first step, the conference has decided to adopt the following measures with regard to Bosnia-Hercegovina:
- improved communications between the parties, including direct and immediate liaison between commanders on forward deployment lines, for example by local radio and telephone hot lines;
- improvements in contacts between the parties, for example by liaison visits, and by establishing joint teams to resolve local incidents;
- immediate acceptance of the principle that all mortars and heavy weapons will be subject to international supervision and, as a first step, should be notified to the UN by type and location within 96 hours, as a prelude to their disengagement from the
- no military use of aircraft or helicopters;
Page 2-3, III Working Group Programme, 7
In addition, though perhaps on a different timescale, other measures should be considered in the former SFRY, including:
- information exchange on command structure, involving outside observers such as EC Monitors or UN Military Observers:
- other arms limitation measures.
Page 3, III Working Group Programme, 8
Although the group will focus on new measures, it will also be important to ensure that existing obligations under the terms at the Vienna Document 92 in respect of provision of information are fully implemented. Consideration should also be given to applying in the former SFRY some of the mechanisms of the Vienna Document which are designed to enhance transparency, for example the unusual military activity, verification and border tours measures. - DDR
- Security sector→DDR→Demilitarisation provisionsPage 1, II Immediate Decisions of the Conference, 5
Priority should be given to assuring that there is immediate follow-up to the agreement on international supervision of all mortars and heavy weapons in Bosnia-Hercegovina, proceeding by agreed steps, which could include tagging, monitoring, deactivation, corralling under local supervision and eventually centralisation of such weapons. It will be for the Co-Chairmen of the Steering Committee to decide whether this work would more appropriately be done by the Working Group on confidence, security-building and verification or the one on Bosnia-Hercegovina.
Page 2, III Working Group Programme, 7
In addition, though perhaps on a different timescale, other measures should be considered in the former SFRY, including:
- measures of demilitarisation, for example declaring that areas around specific locations, such as refugee camps or major cities, should be free from certain categories of equipment;
Page 2, III Working Group Programme, 7
As a first step, the conference has decided to adopt the following measures with regard to Bosnia-Hercegovina:
- immediate acceptance of the principle that all mortars and heavy weapons will be subject to international supervision and, as a first step, should be notified to the UN by type and location within 96 hours, as a prelude to their disengagement from the conflict; - Intelligence services
No specific mention.
- Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces
- Page 1, II Immediate Decisions of the Conference, 3
The most immediate task is to alleviate the suffering in Bosnia-Hercegovina through a permanent identifying HQ locations and names of commanders, covering all armed units, including paramilitary units.
Page 2, III Working Group Programme, 6
...Such measures may include, inter alia:
- information exchange on numbers and location of certain categories of equipment (to be defined) held by the parties;
- advance notification of movements of personnel, or movements/transfers of equipment:
information on personnel levels of formations and units above a given strength;
- short-notice on-site inspection (within 24 hours) in the event of suspect activities.
Page 2, III Working Group Programme, 7
In addition, though perhaps on a different timescale, other measures should be considered in the former SFRY, including:
- restrictions on the movement of paramilitary or military forces;
- no acquisition of certain types of equipment;
- measures of demilitarisation, for example declaring that areas around specific locations, such as refugee camps or major cities, should be free from certain categories of equipment;
- other verification measures, for example assessment visits by parties to evaluate compliance with agreed provisions, or overflights by outside states;
Page 2, III Working Group Programme, 7
In addition, though perhaps on a different timescale, other measures should be considered in the former SFRY, including:
- more systematic liaison provisions, for example establishment of local standing liaison commissions, cessation of hostilities and safe delivery of humanitarian assistance. Achievement of these aims can be facilitated considerably through agreement of measures aimed at clarifying the military situation in Bosnia-Hercegovina and increasing the possibilities for liaison and verification. As a first step, the conference has decided to adopt the following measures with regard to Bosnia-Hercegovina:
- improved communications between the parties, including direct and immediate liaison between commanders on forward deployment lines, for example by local radio and telephone hot lines;
- improvements in contacts between the parties, for example by liaison visits, and by establishing joint teams to resolve local incidents;
- immediate acceptance of the principle that all mortars and heavy weapons will be subject to international supervision and, as a first step, should be notified to the UN by type and location within 96 hours, as a prelude to their disengagement from the
- no military use of aircraft or helicopters;
Page 2-3, III Working Group Programme, 7
In addition, though perhaps on a different timescale, other measures should be considered in the former SFRY, including:
- information exchange on command structure, involving outside observers such as EC Monitors or UN Military Observers:
- other arms limitation measures.
Page 3, III Working Group Programme, 8
Although the group will focus on new measures, it will also be important to ensure that existing obligations under the terms at the Vienna Document 92 in respect of provision of information are fully implemented. Consideration should also be given to applying in the former SFRY some of the mechanisms of the Vienna Document which are designed to enhance
transparency, for example the unusual military activity, verification and border tours measures. - Withdrawal of foreign forces
No specific mention.
- Corruption
No specific mention.
- Crime/organised crime
No specific mention.
- Drugs
No specific mention.
- Terrorism
No specific mention.
Transitional justice
- Transitional justice general
No specific mention.
- Amnesty/pardon
No specific mention.
- Courts
No specific mention.
- Mechanism
No specific mention.
- Prisoner release
- Page 1, I Purpose, 2
Such military measures need to be seen in the context of measures of a political and humanitarian nature, including, for example, convoys under UNHCR auspices, and exchanges of prisoners of war under ICRC auspices. - Vetting
No specific mention.
- Victims
No specific mention.
- Missing persons
No specific mention.
- Reparations
No specific mention.
- Reconciliation
No specific mention.
- UN signatory
- UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali was the co-chairman of the International Conference on Former Yugoslavia
- Other international signatory
- This conference was convened by Great Britain, which held the presidency of the EC at the time. The Participants were: The SFRY republics, the EC countries, the USA, China, Russia, Japan, Canada, The Republic of Czechoslovakia (as a state which held the presidency of CSCE – Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe) and the neighboring countries: Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania
- Referendum for agreement
No specific mention.
- International mission/force/similar
- Page 1, I Purpose, 1
There is an urgent need to identify and promote steps in the military sphere in all or part of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) which could underpin·a cessation of hostilities and a durable political settlement. To this end, the conference has taken some immediate decisions and set up a Working Group to develop confidence-building measures, covering military movements and arms transfers and limitations, as well as measures for their monitoring and verification. This work will be under the direction of the co-Chairmen of the Steering Committee (see Work Programme). The results of this work will be compatible with action authorised by the Security Council in respect of the United Nations peacekeeping operations in the former SFRY.
Page 1, II Immediate Decisions of the Conference, 4
It will be for the Co-Chairmen of the Steering Committee to recommend bow these measures should be implemented, taking account of international peace-keeping and other related activities in progress in the region. Breaches of agreed measures will be reported (with, where possible, an indication of who is responsible) by the co-Chairmen to the conference, and, where appropriate, by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Security Council.
Page 1, II Immediate Decisions of the Conference, 5
Priority should be given to assuring that there is immediate follow-up to the agreement on international supervision of all mortars and heavy weapons in Bosnia-Hercegovina, proceeding by agreed steps, which could include tagging, monitoring, deactivation, corralling under local supervision and eventually centralisation of such weapons. It will be for the Co-Chairmen of the Steering Committee to decide whether this work would more appropriately be done by the Working Group on confidence, security-building and verification or the one on Bosnia-Hercegovina.
Page 2, III Working Group Programme, 6
...Such measures may include, inter alia:
- information exchange on numbers and location of certain categories of equipment (to be defined) held by the parties;
- advance notification of movements of personnel, or movements/transfers of equipment:
information on personnel levels of formations and units above a given strength;
- extension of observer missions both on inter-republican borders and within certain republics;
- short-notice on-site inspection (within 24 hours) in the event of suspect activities.
Page 2, III Working Group Programme, 7
In addition, though perhaps on a different timescale, other measures should be considered in the former SFRY, including:
- other verification measures, for example assessment visits by parties to evaluate compliance with agreed provisions, or overflights by outside states;
As a first step, the conference has decided to adopt the following measures with regard to Bosnia-Hercegovina:
- immediate acceptance of reconnaissance teams to prepare for the deployment of observers around designated locations;
- posting of observers on the Bosnian/Serbian, Bosnia/Montenegrin and Bosnian/Croatian borders;
- immediate acceptance of the principle that all mortars and heavy weapons will be subject to international supervision and, as a first step, should be notified to the UN by type and location within 96 hours, as a prelude to their disengagement from the conflict;
Page 2-3, III Working Group Programme, 7
In addition, though perhaps on a different timescale, other measures should be considered in the former SFRY, including:
- information exchange on command structure, involving outside observers such as EC Monitors or UN Military Observers:
- other arms limitation measures. - Enforcement mechanism
No specific mention.
- Related cases
No specific mention.
- Source
- 'International Conference the Former Yugoslavia: Documents Adopted at the London Conference, International Legal Materials, Vol. 31, No. 6 (NOVEMBER 1992), pp. 1546-1548
Source agreement
The London Conference
Conference Document produced by the co-Chairmen on the basis of extensive consultations with Delegations on 26/27 August 1992
I Purpose
1. There is an urgent need to identify and promote steps in the military sphere in all or part of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) which could underpin a cessation of hostilities and a durable political settlement.
To this end, the Conference has taken some illllllediate decisions and set up a Working Group to develop confidence-building measures, covering military movements and arms transfers and limitations, as well as measures for their monitoring and verification.
This work will be under the direction of the Co- Chairmen of the Steering Committee (see Work Programme).
The results of this work will be compatible with action authorised by the Security Council in respect of the United Nations
peacekeeping operations in the former SFRY.
2. Such military measures need to be seen in the context of measures of a political and humanitarian nature, including, for example, convoys under UNHCR auspices, and exchanges of prisoners of war under ICRC auspices.
II Immediate Decisions o f the Conference
3. The most immediate task is to alleviate the suffering in Bosnia-Hercegovina through a permanent identifying HO locations and names of commanders, covering all armed units, including paramilitary units.
4. It will be for the Co-Chairmen of the Steering Committee to recommend how these measures should be implemented, taking account of international peace-keeping and other related activities in progress in the region.
Breaches of agreed measures will be reported (with, where possible, an indication of who is responsible) by the co-Chairmen to the Conference, and, where appropriate, by the Secretary-General of the
United Nations to the Security council.
5. Priority should be given to assuring that there is immediate follow-up to the agreement on international supervision of all mortars and heavy weapons in Bosnia- Hercegovina, proceeding by agreed steps, which could include tagging, monitoring, deactivation, corralling under local supervision and eventually centralisation of such weapons.
It will be for the Co- Chairmen of the Steer ing Committee to decide whether
this work would more appropriately be done by the Working Group on confidence, security-building and verification or the one on Bosnia-Hercegovina.
III Working Group Programme
6. The Working Group should seek early agreement on measures aimed to enhance transparency between the parties in the former SFRY.
The purpose of these provisions would be to build confidence and to ensure that any cease-fire is durable.
Such measures may include, inter alia:
information exchange on numbers and location of certain categories of equipment (to be defined) held by the parties:
advance notification of movements of personnel, or movements/transfers of equipment:
information on personnel levels of formations and units above a given strength:
extension of observer missions both on inter-republican borders and within certain republics;
short-notice on-site inspection (within 24 hours) in the event of suspect activities.
7. In addition, though perhaps on a different timescale, other measures should be considered in the former SFRY, including:
restrictions on the movement of paramilitary or military forces:
no acquisition of certain types of equipment;
measures of demilitarisation, for example declaring that areas around specific locations, such as refugee camps or major cities, should be free from certain categories of equipment;
other verification measures, for example assessaent visits by parties to evaluate compliance with agreed provisions, or overflights by outside states;
more systematic liaison provisions, for example establishment of local standing liaison commissions, cessation of hostilities and safe delivery of humanitarian assistance.
Achievement of these aims can be facilitated considerably through agreement of measures aimed at clarifying the military situation in Bosnia-Hercegovina and increasing the possibilities for liaison and verification.
As a first stop, the conference has decided to adopt the following measures with regard to Bosnia-Hercegovina:
improved communications between the parties, including direct and immediate liaison between commanders on forward deployment lines, for example by local radio and telephone hot lines;
improvements in contacts between the parties, for example by liaison visits, and by establishing joint teams to resolve local incidents;
immediate acceptance of reconnaissance teams to prepare for the deployment of observers around designated locations;
posting of observers on the Bosnian/Serbian, Bosnia/Montenegrin and Bosnian/Creation borders;
immediate acceptance of the principle that all mortars and heavy weapons will be subject to international supervision and, as a first step, should be notified to the UN by type and location within 96 hours, as a prelude to their disengagement from the conflict;
no military use of aircraft or helicopters;
information exchange on command structure, involving outside observers such as EC Monitors or UN Military Observers;
other arms limitation measures.
8. Although the group will focus on new measures, it will also be important to ensure that existing obligations μnder the terms ot the Vienna Document 92 in respect of provision of information are fully implemented.
Consideration should also be given to applying in the former SFRY some of the mechanisms of the Vienna Document which are designed to enhance transparency, for example the unusual military activity, verification and border tours measures.
IV Working Group Organization
9. It will be for the co-chairmen of the Steering Committee to decide how to develop work on these lines as soon as possible.