Ceasefire Agreement (Bicesse Accords)

Africa (excl MENA)
Agreement name
Ceasefire Agreement (Bicesse Accords)
31 May 1991
Agreement status
Multiparty signed/agreed
Interim arrangement
Agreement/conflict level
Intrastate/intrastate conflict
Conflict nature
Peace process
Angola: UNITA process
Government of Angola, UNITA
Third parties
Apolinario CORREIA, Charge d'affaires a.i.
Attachment I of the Bicesse Accords providing for a ceasefire agreement with a timetable, provision for an international monitoring body and arrangements for quartering and demobilisation of active forces.



No specific mention.

Disabled persons

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Migrant workers

No specific mention.

Racial/ethnic/national group

No specific mention.

Religious groups

No specific mention.

Indigenous people

No specific mention.

Other groups

No specific mention.

Refugees/displaced persons

No specific mention.

Social class

No specific mention.


Women, girls and gender

No specific mention.

Men and boys

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

State definition

Nature of state (general)

No specific mention.

State configuration

No specific mention.

Self determination

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

State symbols

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Border delimitation

No specific mention.

Cross-border provision

No specific mention.


Political institutions (new or reformed)

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Electoral commission

No specific mention.

Political parties reform

No specific mention.

Civil society
3. The cease-fire entails the release of all civilian and military prisoners who were detained as a consequence of the conflict between the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA. Verification of such release will be performed by the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Traditional/religious leaders

No specific mention.

Public administration

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Power sharing

Political power sharing

No specific mention.

Territorial power sharing

No specific mention.

Economic power sharing

No specific mention.

Military power sharing
Power sharing→Military power sharing→Merger of forces
1. The paramilitary or militarized forces of both parties shall have been demobilized or integrated into the respective regular military forces by the time the cease-fire enters into force.
2. It shall be the responsibility of CMVF to verify the observance of the principle set forth in the previous provision.
Power sharing→Military power sharing→Proportionality
4. The monitoring groups, which will be established before entry into force of the cease-fire, will be composed of an equal number of representatives from the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA.

Human rights and equality

Human rights/RoL general

No specific mention.

Bill of rights/similar

No specific mention.

Treaty incorporation

No specific mention.

Civil and political rights

No specific mention.

Socio-economic rights

No specific mention.

Rights related issues


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Detention procedures

No specific mention.

Media and communication
Rights related issues→Media and communication→Media roles
5- The cease-fire includes the cessation of all hostile propaganda between the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA at both the domestic and international levels.

1 May 1991
Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA
Initialling of Cease-Fire Agreement
Cessation of hostile propaganda
3- The cease-fire must guarantee the free circulation of persons and goods throughout the national territory.
Protection measures

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Rights institutions


No specific mention.

Regional or international human rights institutions

No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

Criminal justice and emergency law

No specific mention.

State of emergency provisions

No specific mention.

Judiciary and courts

No specific mention.

Prisons and detention

No specific mention.

Traditional Laws

No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

Development or socio-economic reconstruction

No specific mention.

National economic plan

No specific mention.

Natural resources

No specific mention.

International funds

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

Land reform/rights

No specific mention.

Pastoralist/nomadism rights

No specific mention.

Cultural heritage

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Water or riparian rights or access

No specific mention.

Security sector

Security Guarantees

No specific mention.

Security sector→Ceasefire→Ceasefire provision
Summary: this section of the Bicesse Accords (Attachment 1) in its entirety provides for a ceasefire, including on page 7 article V, a timetable for implementation of the ceasefire. It also sets up the CMVF to monitor the ceasefire (see Implmentation > Deployment of peacekeeping mission or similar) and the process of demobilisation (see DDR). Pages 13-27 contain organisational charts for the cease-fire monitoring system and lists areas of assembly for the demobilisation plan.

6. After its entry into force, the cease-fire will obligate the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA to refrain from acquiring lethal material. The United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics informed the Government of the People's Republic of Angola that they will support implementation of the cease-fire by ceasing to supply lethal material to any Angolan party and encouraging other countries to act in a similar fashion.

1. Border control posts shall be created, and staffed jointly as indicated in appendix 5.
2. Each party may assign forces to these posts in numbers not to exceed the equivalent of a platoon (of 30 men) and shall be free to determine the nature of those forces.

Between the signature of the cease-fire and the beginning of the monitoring thereof, both parties shall exchange, within the framework of CMVF, the military information contained in appendix 6.

After entry into force of the cease-fire, the parties agree to conduct investigations to determine whether this type of material exists, or ever did exist and was used.

1. Personnel
Troops and organization of the forces (land, sea and air)
2. Equipment and armaments
Combat vehicles
Air defence
Support vehicles
Light weapons
Engineering equipment
3. Others
Information of a logistical nature
Civilian and military prisoners resulting from the conflict

6. Procedure, to be followed in the event of incident or cease-fire violation
(a) The commanders of each echelon shall take immediate measures with their troops to quell any incident or violation;
(b) A commander who learns of any incident or violation is to warn tho responsible party(ies) immediately and, if they belong to his unit, to take the Appropriate disciplinary measures;
(c) The cease-fire verification and monitoring organs for the area are to be notified of every incident or violation, and it is their duty to determine responsibilities;
(d) The military commander also is to report, every incident or violation to the next higher echelon in his chain of command;
(e) In the event of an incident or violation, the unit shall refrain from retaliation and shall exert efforts to prevent an escalation;
(f) Without prejudice to the disciplinary measures mentioned in 6 (b) above, the responsible parties and perpetrators of incidents or violations are to be subject to sanctions applied by CMVF.

No specific mention.

Armed forces

No specific mention.

Security sector→DDR→DDR programmes
1. All the armed forces shall be assembled 60 days following the entry into force of the cease-fire, in the areas specified in appendix 2. In so far as possible, those areas shall be situated away from major population centres.
2. An organic unit, with its allotment of personnel and materials, shall be situated in each area of assembly.
3. Each area of assembly shall have a contingent of troops numbering at least 100 men.

... 4. The areas of assembly shall be surrounded by security zones having a maximum radius of 10 kilometres. The parties shall notify the monitoring groups as to the distance they are actually adopting for each of those areas.
5. Within the respective areas of assembly, the forces of both parties shall fully respect the rules of conduct contained in appendix 4.

1. Supplies for the areas of assembly of each of the parties are to be inspected.
2. Each party shall ensure the logistics of its own forces in the initial phase, although they may coordinate the respective actions. In the second
phase, that of the formation of the Angolan armed forces, the supply process shall be joint. The responsibility for providing logistical support to those troops that are not integrated into the Angolan armed forces shall rest with each of the parties until those troops have been demobilized.
3. CMVF shall decide on the modes of notification or determination of the logistical itineraries.

[Pages 23-27 contain organisational tables for the demobilisation plan]

l • Command and Liaison
(a) Each area of assembly shall have a military commander designated by the respective party;
(b) The military commander, regardless of the command structure to which he is subordinate, is responsible to the cease-fire monitoring bodies with regard to the following:
Observance of the cease-fire agreements by the troops;
Observance of directives and orders from the CCPM and the CMVF;
Control of the armaments, ammunitions, and other material belonging to the units stationed in the area of assembly;
(c) The military commander is to establish liaison with the command to which he is subordinate and with the cease-fire monitoring bodies responsible for his area of assembly.
2. Opening and closing an area of assembly
(a) An area of assembly is to be opened and subject to these rules as of the date when the cease-fire enters into force, or as of the date the first military unit arrives in the area;
(b) The military commander is to send daily situation reports to the cease-fire monitoring bodies, specifying the personnel, material and munitions on hand in the area and describing the pertinent activities, following a model to be defined by CMVF;
(c) An assembly area is to be closed prior to the date of the general elections and as soon as all the personnel, materiel, and munitions have received a final destination.
3. Activities of the troops
(a) No military person or civilian may leave the security perimeter of the area of assembly with weapons or munitions, unless he has received an order to that effect from the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies;
(b) Individual units may leave the area of assembly only with the approval of the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies;

[Page 29] (c) Individual members of the military may leave their area of assembly only with the authorisation of the military commander of the area and with the
knowledge of the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies;
(c) [sic] The troops may engage in the following activities while in the areas of assembly:
Military training according to programmes approved by the military commander of the area and cleared by the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies;
Resupply of foodstuffs, fuels and lubricants;
Materiel maintenance and repair;
Improvements to the infrastructure, and deactivation of mines in
their area of assembly;
Cultural and recreational activities.
(d) [sic] Troops present in the areas of assembly may not take an active part in partisan political and union activities.
4• Troop Security
(a) The military units stationed in each area of assembly are to ensure their own local security;
(a) The military units stationed in each area of assembly are to ensure their own local security;
(b) The security of each area of assembly is to be agreed upon between its military commander and the cease-fire verification and monitoring body responsible for the area.
5. Custody of the weapons and munitions
(a) In each area of assembly, the armaments and the munitions shall be gathered at collection points, warehouses, sheds and fields that are adequately controlled and guarded and subject to inspection by the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies;
(b) Only those individual weapons and munitions necessary for local security services, in accordance with the provision of 4 (b) above, may be distributed to the personnel;
(c) Personnel shall be permitted access to the armaments in accordance with the maintenance and training programmes approved by the military commander and cleared by the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies;
(d) The provision in No. 7 constitutes an exception to parts (a), (b) and (c).
[Page 30] 7. Final destination of the troops end matériel in the areas of assembly
(a) The troops in each area of assembly shall either be moved to training centres with a view to the formation of the Angolan armed forces, or shall be demobilized;
(b) The armaments, munitions and remaining matériel belonging to the units in each area of assembly are either to be moved to the training centres set up with a view to the formation of the Angolan Armed Forces, or delivered to warehouses. No demobilized individual shall be permitted to take any article of military matériel with him;
(c) The operations referred to in (a) and (b) shall be carried out in accordance with rules, directives and orders from CCPM and tho Joint Commission for the Formation of the Armed Forces (CCFA), transmitted via tho cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies and under the control thereof;
(d) The commander of each area of assembly is to notify the higher echelon to which he is subordinate of any movements of personnel and matériel effected pursuant to (a), (b) and (c);
(e) All troops and matériel from each area of assembly shall receive final destination prior to tho date of the elections.

Phase III (1 July - 1 August 1991)
Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA
Beginning of movement of forces to areas of assembly and border posts
Beginning of border control operations at border posts
Monitoring mechanism
Beginning of monitoring operations by the monitoring groups
United Nations
Formation process
Angolan Armed Forces
I July-1 August 1991
Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA
Monitoring mechanism

Page 11, S/22609
... The monitoring groups inform CMVF of movement to each area of assembly and border posts
United Nations
Formation process
Angolan Armed Forces

Page 11, S/22609
1 August 1991
Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA
Last day to conclude movement of forces to areas of assembly and border posts
Monitoring mechanism
United Nations
Formation process
Angolan Armed Forces
Intelligence services

No specific mention.

Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces
1. The paramilitary or militarized forces of both parties shall have been demobilized or integrated into the respective regular military forces by the time the cease-fire enters into force.
2. It shall be the responsibility of CMVF to verify the observance of the principle set forth in the previous provision.
Withdrawal of foreign forces
Page 1, I.
6. After its entry into force, the cease-fire will obligate the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA to refrain from acquiring lethal material. The United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics informed the Government of the People's Republic of Angola that they will support implementation of the cease-fire by ceasing to supply lethal material to any Angolan party and encouraging other countries to act in a similar fashion.

No specific mention.

Crime/organised crime

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Transitional justice

Transitional justice general

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Prisoner release
3. The cease-fire entails the release of all civilian and military prisoners
who were detained as a consequence of the conflict between the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA. Verification of such release will be performed by the International Committee of the Red Cross.

3. Others
Information of a logistical nature
Civilian and military prisoners resulting from the conflict

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Missing persons

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.


UN signatory

No specific mention.

Other international signatory

No specific mention.

Referendum for agreement

No specific mention.

International mission/force/similar
Page 4, Attachment 1, CEASE-FIRE AGREEMENT
4. Overall supervision of the cease-fire will be the responsibility of the
Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA acting within the
framework of the Joint Political-Military Commission (Commissaio Conjunta
Politico-Militar (CCPM)) created pursuant to the annex to the document
entitled "Fundamental Principles for the Establishment of Peace in Angola".
The United Nations will be invited to send monitors to support the Angolan
parties, at the request of the Government of the People's Republic of Angola.

1. Prior to entry into force of the cease-fire, a Joint Verification and
Monitoring Commission (Comissaio Mista de Verificacao (CMVF)) will be formed.
It will be composed of representatives of the Government of the People's
Republic of Angola and UNITA, as members, and of representatives of Portugal,
the United States of America, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as
observers. In addition, a United Nations representative will be invited to
the CMVF meetings.
[...] 5. United Nations personnel, who will have their own command structure, will
verify whether the monitoring groups are assuming their responsibilities.
This will include United Nations support in the investigation and resolution
of alleged cease-fire violations. The Governments that will be sending United
Nations monitors will be selected with the participation of the Government of
the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA, working within the framework of

3. A representative of the United Nations shall also be invited to
participate in the meetings of CMVF.
4. The meetings of CMVF shall be presided over, alternately in accordance
with the principle of rotation, by the Government of the People's Republic of
Angola and by UNITA, without prejudice to the principle of consensus in the
decision-making process.
5. CMVF, with headquarters at Luanda, shall have a delegation at Jamba.
6. CMVF shall meet in ordinary session at least three times a week for the
purposes of part (g) of No. 2 [sic], and in special session whenever any of
the parties requests that it be convened to analyse possible violations of the
7. The decisions of CMVF shall be made by consensus between the Government
of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA.
8. The decisions of CMVF shall be binding in nature, and the parties shall
take all measures necessary to execute them.
9. It is mandatory that the Joint Political-Military Commission (CCPM) be
notified of decisions reached by CMVF on non-procedural matters. CCPM may
request such clarifications as it deems appropriate regarding those decisions.
10. In the event that CMVF does not reach a decision, or that CCPM objects to
that decision, the final decision shall rest with the latter body.
11. Minutes of the CMVF meetings shall always be prepared, and signed by the
representatives of the parties.
12. The decisions of CMVF shall be confidential in nature, unless CMVF itself
or CCPM decides otherwise.
13. CMVF shall cease functioning at the end of the cease-fire.
1. On-site monitoring of the cease-fire is assured by the Government of the
People's Republic of Angola and by UNITA, through monitoring groups
subordinate to CMVF that are to be composed of 8 to 12 individuals from each
party, in accordance with the organizational chart that appears in appendix 1.
2. There will be monitoring groups at all the sites Indicated in
appendices 2 and 3. Additional monitoring groups may be created, to be
directly subordinate to CMVF and the regional monitoring groups.
3. Liaison between CMVF and the monitoring groups is assured by the regional
monitoring groups, for which purpose the territory of Angola shall be divided
into the following regions and subregions:
[Page 10]
Northern Region (with headquarters at Luanda), with two subgroupslocated at Negage and Cabinda;
Northeastern Region (with headquarters at Saurimo);
Central Region (with headquarters at Huambo), with two subgroups
located at Lobito and Huambo;
Eastern Region (with headquarters at Luena);
Southeastern Region (with headquarters at Mavinga);
Southern Region (with headquarters at Lubango).
4. United Nations personnel, who will have their own command structure, will
verify whether the monitoring groups are assuming their responsibilities.
This will include United Nations support in the investigation and resolution
of alleged cease-fire violations.
5. Coordination with the United Nations verification and monitoring system
shall be arranged at all levels of the existing administrative structures.
6. The security of the monitoring groups and all United Nations personnel
shall be the responsibility of the party that controls the zone where they are
7. The commanders of the areas of assembly shall provide all support
requested of them by the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies and by
the United Nations.
8. The cease-fire monitoring and verification bodies shall enjoy complete
freedom of movement in carrying out their duties.
9. Every member of the cease-fire monitoring and verification bodies shall
display a badge and a credential that easily identifies him, and shall travel

[Pages 13-22 contain organisational charts for the cease-fire monitoring system]

1 May 1991
[…] Monitoring mechanism
United Nations

(Implementation of the monitoring system)
31 May 1991
Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA
Beginning of exchange of military information within the framework of CMVF
Beginning of process of releasing all civilian and military prisoners
taken as a result of the conflict
Monitoring mechanism
Immediately after signature and entry into force of accord, CCPM and
CMVF take office
The monitoring groups begin to travel to the predetermined sites
United Nations
Beginning of verification groups verification operations
Formation process
Angolan Armed Forces
Immediately after signature and entry into force of the cease-fire,
CCFA takes office
Preparation of the plan for formation of the Angolan Armed Forces,
within the framework of CCFA
[...]Page 40
Phase IV (1 August 1991-date of Elections)
(Verification and monitoring of agreement)
l August 1991
Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA
The parties report to the monitoring bodies regarding personnel to be
The parties report to the monitoring bodies regarding material to be
delivered to storehouses
Replacement of FAPLA and FALA platoons at border posts by forces to be
determined by the parties
The parties report to the monitoring bodies regarding the personnel
and material from each area of assembly intended for the process of
formation of the Angolan Armed Forces as a result of general
directives from CCFA
Movement of personnel and material from areas of assembly to centres
for formation of the Angolan Armed Forces being monitored by the
monitoring groups
Enforcement mechanism
1. Prior to entry into force of the cease-fire, a Joint Verification and
Monitoring Commission (Comissaio Mista de Verificacao (CMVF)) will be formed.
It will be composed of representatives of the Government of the People's
Republic of Angola and UNITA, as members, and of representatives of Portugal,
the United States of America, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as
observers. In addition, a United Nations representative will be invited to
the CMVF meetings.
[...] 5. United Nations personnel, who will have their own command structure, will
verify whether the monitoring groups are assuming their responsibilities.
This will include United Nations support in the investigation and resolution
of alleged cease-fire violations. The Governments that will be sending United
Nations monitors will be selected with the participation of the Government of
the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA, working within the framework of

3. A representative of the United Nations shall also be invited to
participate in the meetings of CMVF.
4. The meetings of CMVF shall be presided over, alternately in accordance
with the principle of rotation, by the Government of the People's Republic of
Angola and by UNITA, without prejudice to the principle of consensus in the
decision-making process.
5. CMVF, with headquarters at Luanda, shall have a delegation at Jamba.
6. CMVF shall meet in ordinary session at least three times a week for the
purposes of part (g) of No. 2 [sic], and in special session whenever any of
the parties requests that it be convened to analyse possible violations of the
7. The decisions of CMVF shall be made by consensus between the Government
of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA.
8. The decisions of CMVF shall be binding in nature, and the parties shall
take all measures necessary to execute them.
9. It is mandatory that the Joint Political-Military Commission (CCPM) be
notified of decisions reached by CMVF on non-procedural matters. CCPM may
request such clarifications as it deems appropriate regarding those decisions.
10. In the event that CMVF does not reach a decision, or that CCPM objects to
that decision, the final decision shall rest with the latter body.
11. Minutes of the CMVF meetings shall always be prepared, and signed by the
representatives of the parties.
12. The decisions of CMVF shall be confidential in nature, unless CMVF itself
or CCPM decides otherwise.
13. CMVF shall cease functioning at the end of the cease-fire.
1. On-site monitoring of the cease-fire is assured by the Government of the
People's Republic of Angola and by UNITA, through monitoring groups
subordinate to CMVF that are to be composed of 8 to 12 individuals from each
party, in accordance with the organizational chart that appears in appendix 1.
2. There will be monitoring groups at all the sites Indicated in
appendices 2 and 3. Additional monitoring groups may be created, to be
directly subordinate to CMVF and the regional monitoring groups.
3. Liaison between CMVF and the monitoring groups is assured by the regional
monitoring groups, for which purpose the territory of Angola shall be divided
into the following regions and subregions:
[Page 10]
Northern Region (with headquarters at Luanda), with two subgroupslocated at Negage and Cabinda;
Northeastern Region (with headquarters at Saurimo);
Central Region (with headquarters at Huambo), with two subgroups
located at Lobito and Huambo;
Eastern Region (with headquarters at Luena);
Southeastern Region (with headquarters at Mavinga);
Southern Region (with headquarters at Lubango).
4. United Nations personnel, who will have their own command structure, will
verify whether the monitoring groups are assuming their responsibilities.
This will include United Nations support in the investigation and resolution
of alleged cease-fire violations.
5. Coordination with the United Nations verification and monitoring system
shall be arranged at all levels of the existing administrative structures.
6. The security of the monitoring groups and all United Nations personnel
shall be the responsibility of the party that controls the zone where they are
7. The commanders of the areas of assembly shall provide all support
requested of them by the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies and by
the United Nations.
8. The cease-fire monitoring and verification bodies shall enjoy complete
freedom of movement in carrying out their duties.
9. Every member of the cease-fire monitoring and verification bodies shall
display a badge and a credential that easily identifies him, and shall travel

[Pages 13-22 contain organisational charts for the cease-fire monitoring system]

1 May 1991
[…] Monitoring mechanism
United Nations
Related cases

No specific mention.

UN Peacemaker http://peacemaker.un.org/node/143

Source agreement

Cease-fire Agreement


1. The cease-fire consists of the cessation of hostilities between the Government of the People 's Republic of Angola and UNITA with a view to attaining peace throughout the national territory.

2. The cease-fire must be total and definitive throughout the national territory.

3. The cease-fire must guarantee the free circulation of persons and goods throughout the national territory.

4. Overall supervision of the cease-fire will be the responsibility of the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA acting within the framework of the Joint Political-Military Commission (Commissao Conjunta Politico-Militar (CCPM) created pursuant to the annex to the document entitled:

"Fundamental Principles for the Establishment of Peace in Angola".

The United Nations will be invited to send monitors to support the Angolan parties, at the request of the Government of the People 's Republic of Angola.

5. The cease-fire includes the cessation of all hostile propaganda between the Government of the People 's Republic of Angola and ONITA at both the domestic and international levels.

6. After its entry into force, the cease-fire will obligate the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA to refrain from acquiring lethal material.

The United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics informed the Government of the People 's Republic of Angola that they will support implementation of the cease-fire by ceasing to supply lethal material to any Angolan party and encouraging other countries to act in a similar fashion.


1. Full entry into for.ce of the cease-fire entails strict observance of the commitments assumed by the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA as well as of the decisions made by bodies having the authority to verify and monitor the cease-fire .

2. Observance of the cease-fire shall not endanger logistical supplies of non-lethal material for the military forces p1esent [in the area].

3. The cease-fire entails the release of all civilian and military prisoners who were detained as a consequence of the conflict between the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA.

Verification of such release will be performed by the International Committee of the Red Cross.

4. The cease-fire applies to all foreign forces present in Angolan territory.

S. Entry into force of the cease-fire shall not endanger the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Angola.

6. The cease-fire will, beginning on the date and time agreed upon for its entry into force, entail the cessation of:

(a) All armed air, land or sea attacks, as well as all actions of sabotage;

(b) All offensive movement of troops or armed groups;

(d) Attempts to occupy new ground positions and the movement of military forces and resources from one area to another without prior agreement between the parties;

(d) All military manoeuvre s aimed at installing weapons with the capability to endanger the safety of settlements and the economic, administrative and military infrastructures;

(e) Patrol activities outside the areas to be demarcated around the areas of assembly for the troops of the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA;

{f) All acts of violence against the civilian population:

(g) The planting of new mines and actions aimed at impeding activities to deactivate mines;

(h) Unjustified restrictions or impediments on the free circulation of persons and goods;

(i) Any other actions that may impede the normal evolution of the cease-fire process;

(j) Receipt of lethal material, regardless of its origin.

7. Failure to observe any of the provisions set forth above constitutes a violation of the cease-fire, without prejudice to decisions made by the verification and monitoring groups in the performance of their duties.


1. Prior to entry into force of the cease-fire, a Joint Verification and Monitoring Commission (Comissao Mista de Verificacao (CMVF) will be formed.

It will be composed of representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA, as members, and of representatives of Portugal, the United States of America, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as observers.

In addition, a United Nations representative will be invited to the CMVF meetings.

2. CMVF will report to the Joint Political-Military Commission (CCPM).

3. CMVF will have the authority to create any structures it considers appropriate for the performance of its duties, namely the monitoring groups necessary for full observance of the cease-fire throughout Angolan territory .

Such groups shall be subordinate to CMVF.

4. The monitoring groups, which will be established before entry into force of the cease-fire, will be composed of an equal number of representatives from the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA.

5. United Nations personnel, who will have their own command structure, will verify whether the monitoring groups are assuming their responsibilities.

This will include United Nations support in the investigation and resolution of alleged cease-fire violations.

The Governments that will be sending United Nations monitors will be selected with the participation of the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA, working within the framework of CCPM.

6. The bodies and mechanisms created to verify and monitor the cease-fire will be temporary in nature and will cease to exist at the end of the cease-fire [period].

7. Other provisions with respect to verification and monitoring of the cease-fire are set .forth in annex I to this agreement.


l. CMVF will have the authority necessary to ensure the effective observance of the cease-fire.

Particularly, it shall familiarize itself with the areas of troop assembly, monitor compliance with the rules of conduct previously agreed on for the troops in the areas of assembly, coordinate the activity of the monitoring groups, and rule on the complaints and claims presented in relation to possible violations of the cease-fire.

2. CMVF will decide on its own regulations, and also has the authority to define the functions and approve the regulations of such monitoring groups as it may establish.

3 . The monitoring groups will make "on site" verifications of observance of the cease-fire.

Specifically, they are to prevent, verify and investigate possible violations .


1 May - Initialling of the Accord

By midnight on 15 May - Notification to be sent to the Portuguese Government of acceptance by the parties.

Midnight 15 May - "de facto" suspension of hostilities.

29-31 May

15 June

By 30 June

1 July

1 August

On the date of the elections

(a) Signature and entry into force of the cease-fire agreement;

(b) CCPM and CMVF take office;

(c) The monitoring groups begin to travel to the pre-determined sites;

(d) Beginning of the United Nations verification operations.

(a) Completion of the establishment of the monitoring groups at the pre-determined sites, and notification to CMVF that

they are operational;

(b) The monitoring system begins to function.

Completion of installation of the United Nations verification system.

Forces begin to move to the areas of assembly.

The verification and monitoring groups must be notified in advance of each movement of forces.

Completion of the movement of forces to the areas of assembly.

Completion of the cease-fire process and abolition of the verification and monitoring bodies.


The sequence of tasks to be performed during the different phases of the cease-fire appears in annex II.

Annex 1

The Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA hereby agree to the following provisions regarding the verification and monitoring of the cease-fire:


1. The Joint Verification and Monitoring Commission (CMVF) is the entity responsible for the implementation and functioning of the mechanisms

instituted to verify and exercise control over the cease-fire, provided for in the documents signed on this subject.

Particularly, it is responsible for:

(a) Verifying that the monitoring groups necessary for full observance of the cease-fire throughout the national territory have been established.

These groups shall be subordinate to CMVF;

(b) Establishing the needed coordination with the special bodies in the United Nations system of cease-fire verification;

(c) Becoming familiar with the troop assembly areas;

(d) Checking that the rules of conduct agreed upon in advance for the troops in their areas of assembly are being observed;

(e) Ruling on any complaints and claims presented to it regarding possible violations of the cease-fire;

(f) Defining the specific sphere of authority of the monitoring groups, approving the regulations for those groups, and coordinating their activities;

(g) Analysing and discussing the periodic reports that the monitoring groups are required to send to it, through the regional monitoring groups, concerning the manner in which the measures implementing the cease-fire are being applied within their area of jurisdiction;

(h) Adopting such mechanisms as may be considered necessary to the exercise of its functions, including the creation of ad hoc investigative commissions that may travel to the site of the possible violations;

(i) Verifying the observance by both parties of the principle that their paramilitary or militarized forces have been demobilized or integrated into the respective regular military forces.

2. CMVF shall be composed of representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and of UNITA as members, and by representatives of Portugal, the United States and the Soviet Union as observers .

1. 3.

A representative of the United Nations shall also be invited to participate in the meetings of CMVF.

4. The meetings of CMVF shall be presided over, alternately in accordance with the principle of rotation, by the Government of the People 's Republic of Angola and by UNITA, without prejudice to the principle of consensus in the decision-making process.

5. CMVF, with headquarters at Luanda, shall have a delegation at Jamba.

6. CMVF shall meet in ordinary session at least three times a week for the purposes of part (g) of No .

2 [sic], and in special session whenever any of the parties requests that it be convened lo analyse possible violations of the cease-fire.

7. The decisions of CMVF shall be made by consensus between the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA.

8. The decisions of CMVF shall be binding in nature, and the parties shall take all measures necessary to execute them.

9. It is mandatory that the Joint Political-Military Commission (CCPM) be notified of decisions reached by CMVF on non-procedural matters .

CCPM may request such clarifications as it deems appropriate regarding those decisions.

10. In the event that CMVF does not reach a decision, or that CCPM objects to that decision, the final decision shall rest with the latter body .

11. Minutes of the CMVF meetings shall always be prepared, and signed by the representatives of the parties .

12. The decisions of CMVF shall be confidential in nature, unless CMVF itself or CCPM decides otherwise.

13. CMVF shall cease functioning at the end of the cease-fire.


l. On-site monitoring of the cease-fire is assured by the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and by UNITA, through monitoring groups subordinate to CMVF that are to be composed of 8 to 12 individuals from each

party, in accordance with the organizational chart that appears in appendix l,

2. There will be monitoring groups at all the sites indicated in appendices 2 and 3.

Additional monitoring groups may be created, to be directly subordinate to CMVF and the regional monitoring groups.

3. Liaison between CMVF and the monitoring groups is assured by the regional monitoring groups, for which purpose the territory of Angola shall be divided into the following regions and subregions:


Northern Region (with headquarters at Luanda), with two subgroups located at Negage and Cabinda1

Northeastern Region (with headquarters at Saurimo)1

Central Region (with headquarters at Huambo), with two subgroups located at Lobito and Huambo1

Eastern Region (with headquarters at Luena)J Southeastern Region (with headquarters at Mavinga) J Southern Region (with headquarters at Lubango).

4. United Nations personnel, who will have their own command structure, will verify whether the monitoring groups are assuming their responsibilities .

This will include United Nations support in the investigation and resolution of alleged cease-fire violations,

5. Coordination with the United Nations verification and monitoring system shall be arranged at all levels of the existing administrative structures .

6. The security of the monitoring groups and all United Nations personnel shall be the responsibility of the party that controls the zone where they are present.

7. The commanders of the areas of assembly shall provide all support requested of them by the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies and by the United Nations,

8. The cease-fire monitoring and verification bodies shall enjoy complete freedom of movement in carrying out their duties .

9. Every member of the cease-fire monitoring and verification bodies shall display a badge and a credential that easily identifies him, and shall travel unarmed.


1. All the armed forces shall be assembled 60 days following the entry into force of the cease-fire, in the areas specified in appendix 2.

In so far as possible, those areas shall be situated away from major population centres.

2. An organic unit, with its allotment of personnel and materials, shall be situated in each area of assembly,

3. Each area of assembly shall have a contingent of troops numbering at least 100 men .


4. The areas of assembly shall be surrounded by security zones having a maximum radius of 10 kilometres.

The parties shall notify the monitoring groups as to the distance they are actually adopting for each of those areas.

5. Within the respective areas of assembly, the forces of both parties shall fully respect the rules of conduct contained in appendix 4.


1. Supplies for the areas of assembly of each of the parties are to be inspected.

2, Each party shall ensure the logistics of its own forces in the initial phase, although they may coordinate the respective actions.

In the second phase, that of the formation of the Angolan armed forces, the supply process shall be joint, The responsibility for providing logistical support to those troops that are not integrated into the Angolan armed forces shall rest with each of the parties until those troops have been demobilized.

3. CMVF shall decide on the modes of notification or determination of the logistical itineraries.


1. Border control posts shall be created, and staffed jointly as indicated in appendix 5.

2. Each party may assign forces to these posts in numbers not to exceed the equivalent of a platoon (of 30 men) and shall be free to determine the nature of those forces.


1. The paramilitary or militarized forces of both parties shall have been demobilized or integrated into the respective regular military forces by the time the cease-fire enters into force.

2. It shall be the responsibility of CMVF to verify the observance of the principle set forth in the previous provision.


Between the signature of the cease-fire and the beginnei ng of the monitoring thereof, both parties shall exchange, within the framework of CMVF, the military information contained in appendix 6.


After entry into force of the cease-fire, the parties agree to conduct investigations to determine whether this type of material exists, or ever did exist and was used.

Monitoring organisational charts

(see pdf for hand-drawn charts)

Comissao Conjunta Politico-Militar [Joint Political-Military Commission)

Comissao Mista de Verif icacao d Fiscaliza o [Joint Verification and Monitoring Commission]

Liaison Group Regional group Regional subgroup

Grupo de Fiscalizacao [Monitoring Group) Platoon

Troop assembly area

Ports (civilian or military)

Airports or airstrips (civilian or military) Border post

Appendix -2.

Areas of assembly

Locality Government

1. Cabinda *

2 Dinge *

3, Negage *

4, Luanda *

5 Capanda *

6. Malanga *

7 . Dondo *

8, Soyo *

9, Luena *

10 . Cazombo *

11 Saurimo *

12 . Cafunfo *

13. Lucapa *

14. Huambo *

15. Lobito *

16, Bié *

17 , Ouibala *

18. Andulo *

19. Bailundo *

20. N'Gove *

21. Menongue *

22 Caharna *

23. Matala *

24 . Cuito Cuanavale *

25. Namibe *

2 6. M'Banza Congo *

27 . Lubango *

2 8. Chimbuande *

2 9. Necutu

30 . Quipedro

31. Kota •

32 . Kindenge *

33. Bungo *

34 . Banja *

35. Cambandua

36. Sambo •

37 . Lunge •

38 Mussende

39 . Nharea •

40 . Soma Kuanza •

41. Chipindo

42 . Chiquite •

43 . Mucuio *

44 Cuemba

45. Quirima

46, Capaia

47 . Calunda *

48. Cangunbe *

49. Muconda *

50. Mavinga *

Airports and ports


1. Cabinda

2. Negage

3. Luanda

4. Malanga

5. Luena

6 , Cazombo

7. Saurimo

8, Lucapa

9. Huambo

10. Lobito

11. Caxito

12. Bié

13, Menongue

14. Cahama

15. Cuito Canavale

16 . Narnibe

17. M'Banza Congo

18. Lubango

19. Chitato

20. Luau

21. Uige

22. Ndalatando 23.


24. Jamba Cassinga

2 5. N'Giva

2 6. Jarnba

27. Licua

28. Lumbala Nguimbo

29. Cangamba

30. Munhango

31. Quimbele

32. Marimba


1. Cabinda

2. Luanda

3. Soyo

4. Lobito

5. Namibe

6. Nogul

7. Cancongo

8. Ouinzau

9. N 'Zeto

10. Musserra

11. Ambriz

12. Barra do Dande

13. Muasulo

14 . Barra do Kuanza

15. Cabo Ledo

16. Porto Arnbolm

17. Sumbe

18. Bala Farta

19. Tombua

20. Bala dos Tlgres

21. Eglpto Praia

22. Bentiaba


l . Command and liaison

(a) Each area of assembly shall have a military commander designated by the respective party;

( b) The military commander, regardless of the command structure to which he is subordinate, is responsible to the cease-fire monitoring bodies with regard to the following:

Observance of the cease-fi re agreements by the troops;

Observance of directives and orders from the CCPM and the CMVF;

Control of the armaments, ammunitions, and other materiel belonging to the units stationed in the area of assembly;

(c) The military commander is to establish liaison with the command to which he is subordinate and with the cease-fire monitoring bodies responsible for his area of assembly.

(a) An area of assembly is to be opened and subject to these rules as of the date when the cease-f ire enters into force, or as of the date the first

military unit arrives in the area;

(b) The military commander is to sand daily situation reports to the cease-fire monitoring bodies, specifying the personnel, materiel, and munitions on hand in the area and describing the pertinent activities,

following a model to be defined by CMVF;

(c) An assembly area is to be closed prior to the date of the general elections and as soon as all the personnel, materiel, and munitions have received a final destination,

3 . Activities of the troops

(a) No military person or civi lian may leave the security perimeter of the area of assembly with weapons or munitions, unless he has received an order to that effect from the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies;

(b) Individual units may leave the area of assembly only with the approval of the cease-fire veri!icnti1J11 and monitoring bodies;

(a) (c) Individual members of the military may leave their area of assembly only with the authorization of the military commander of the area and with the knowledge of the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies;

(c) [sic] The troops may engage in the following activities while in the areas of assembly:

Military training according to programmes approved by the military commander of the area and cleared by the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies;

Resupply of foodstuffs, fuels and lubricants;

Materiel maintenance and repair;

Improvements to the infrastructure, and deactivation of mines in their area of aasembly;

Cultural and recreational activities.

(d) [sic] Troops present in the areas of assembly may not take an active part in partisan political and union activities.

(a) The military units stationed in each area of assembly are to ensure their own local security;

(b) The 1ecurity of each area of assembly is to be agreed upon between its military commander and the cease-fire verification and monitoring body responsible for the area.

(a) In each area of assembly, the armaments and the munitions shall be gathered at collection points, warehouses, sheds and fields that are adequately controlled and guarded and subject to inspection by the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies;

(b) Only those individual weapons and munitions necessary for local security services, in accordance with the provision of 4 (b) above, may be distributed to the personnel;

( c ) Personnel shall be permitted access to the armaments in accordance with the maintenance and training programmos approved by the military commander and cleared by the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies;

(d) The provision in No.

7 constitutes an exception to parts (a), ( b )

and (c).

6. Procedure to be followed in the event of incident or cease-fire violation

(a) The commanders of each echelon shall take immediate measures with their troops to quell any incident or violation;

(b) A commander who learns of any incident or violation is to warn the responsible party (ies) immediately and, if they belong to his unit, to take the appropriate disciplinary measures;

(c) The cease-fire verification and monitoring organs for the area are to be notified of every incident or violation, and it is their duty to determine responsibilities;

(d) The military commander also is to report every incident or violation to the next higher echelon in his chain of command;

(e) In the event of an incident or violation, the units shall refrain from retaliation and shall exert efforts to prevent an escalation:

(f) Without prejudice to the disciplinary measures mentioned in 6 (b) above, the responsible parties and perpetrators of incidents or violations are to be subject to sanctions applied by CMVF.

7. Final destination of the troops and materiel in the areas or assembly (a) The troops in each area of assembly shall either be moved to training centres with a view to the formation of the Angolan armed forces, or shall be demobilized;

(b) The armaments, munitions and remaining materiel belonging to the units in each area of assembly are either to be moved to the training centres sat 11p with a view to the formation of the Angolan Armed Forces, or delivered to warehouses.

No demobilized individual shall be permitted to take any article of military m atériel with him;

(c) The operations referred to in (a) and ( b) shall be carried out in accordance with rules, directives and orders from CCPM and the Joint

Commission for the Formation of the Armed Forces (CCFA), transmitted via the cease- fire verification and monitoring ng bodies and under the control thereof ;

(d) The commander of each area of assembly is to notify the higher echelon to which he is suboedinate of any movements of personno1 and material effected pursuant to(a), (b) and ( C) ;

(a) All troops and materiel from each area of assembly shall receive a

final destination prior to the date of the elections.

Appendix _ 5



2 .




4 .


5 .













Beu Fiscal








Quedas Franc.










20 .
















28 .















Marco 25




Foz do Cunene



Military information to be exchanged between the Government of the People’s Republic of Angola and Unita

1. Personnel

Troops and organization of the forces (land, sea and air)

2. Equipment and armaments Artillery

Combat vehicles Air defence Aircraft


Support vehicles Light weapons

Engineering equipment

3. Others

Information of a logistical nature

Civilian and military prisoners resulting from the conflict

Annex ll

Sequence of tasks in the different phases of cease-fire Preliminary phase (1-15 May 1991)

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA Initialling of Cease-Fire Agreement

Cessation of hostile propaganda Monitoring mechanism

Government/UNITA United Nations

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

Appeal to the parties to exercise maximum restraint in their actions

15 May 1991

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA

Last day to inform Portuguese Government which country (ies) will provide assistance in formation of Armed Forces

Last day to notify Portuguese Government of acceptance of Cease-Fire Agreement

De facto suspension of hostilities (12 midnight, 15 May 1991)

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA United Nations

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

Phase 1 (15-29/31 May 1991)

(Signature and entry into force of Agreement)

1 5 MAY 1991

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA Hostilities suspended since 12 midnight, 15 May

Commanders at all levels ensure that their troops stay in their positions and await orders

Offensive operations such as the following will not be conducted:

Military land or air reconnaissance and combat patrols within a 10-kilometre radius of their military bases

Overflight by combat aircraft or armed helicopters

Military operations against military, economic or civilian targets

Cessation of all military manoeuvres with the aim of placing weapons capable of endangering the security of towns and the economic,

administrative and military infrastructures

Cessation of all acts of violence against the civilian population Occupation of new positions

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA United Nations

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

Government of the People’s Republic of Angola and UNITA

29 -31 Moy 199 l

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA

Last day for the Government and UNITA to inform their forces about the areas of assembly

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA

Prior to signature of agreement, members of CMVF and the monitoring groups will be appointed

United Nations Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces

Prior to signature of Cease- Fire Agreement, members of CCFA will be appointed


29 -31 .

May .


Government of the People’ s Republic of Angola and UNITA

Signature and immediate entry into force of Cease-Fire Agreement Monitoring mechanism

Government/UHITA United Nations

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

Cessation of supplies of lethal materiel to the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA

Phase II ( 31 May-30 June 1991)

( Implementation of the monitoring system)

31 May 1991

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA

Beginning of exchange of military information within the framework of CMVF

Beginning of process of releasing all civilian and military prisoners taken as a result of the conflict

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA

Immediately after signature and entry into force of accord, CCPM and CMVF take office

The monitoring groups begin to travel to the predetermined sites United Nations

Beginning of verification groups verification operations Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces

Immediately after signature and entry into force of the cease-fire,

CCFA takes office

Preparation of the plan for formation of the Angolan Armed Forces, within the framework of CCFA


15 June 1991

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA Monitoring mechanism


The monitoring groups conclude their establishment at the predetermined sites and notify CMVF that they are operational

United Nations

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

30 June 1991

Government of the People 's Republic of Angola and UNITA

Last day for the parties to communicate to the verification groups and the monitoring groups the timetable and schedules for movement of their forces to the areas of assembly and border posts

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA United Nations

Completion of the installation of the United Nations verification system

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

< Transfer of forces >

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA

Beginning of movement of forces to areas of assembly and border posts Beginning of border control operations at border posts

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA

Beginning of monitoring operations by the monitoring groups United Nations

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

Government of the People' s Republic of Angola and UNITA Monitoring mechanism


The monitoring groups inform CMVF of movement to each area of assembly and border posts

United Nations Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA

Last day to conclude movement of forces to areas of assembly and border posts

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA United Nations

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

Phase IV (August 1921-date of elections) ( Verifications and monitoring of agreement)

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA

The parties report to the monitoring bodies regarding personnel to be demobilized

The parties report to the monitoring bodies regarding material to be delivered to storehouses

Replacement of FAPLA and FALA platoons at border posts by forces to be determined by the parties

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA United Nations

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces

The parties report to the monitoring bodies regarding the personnel and material from each area of assembly intended for the process of formation of the Angolan Armed Forces as a result of general directives from CCFA

Move1nent of personnel and material from areas of assembly lo centres for formation of the Angolan Armed Forces being monitored by the monitoring groups


Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA Last day for abolition of FAPLA and FALA

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA

Last day for closing the areas of assembly

Abolition of bodies for verification and monitoring of the cease- f i r e

United Nations Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces

Last day or concluding the process of formation of the Angolan Armed Forces

Abolition of CCFA Observations

Cease-fire Agreement


1. The cease-fire consists of the cessation of hostilities between the Government of the People 's Republic of Angola and UNITA with a view to attaining peace throughout the national territory.

2. The cease-fire must be total and definitive throughout the national territory.

3. The cease-fire must guarantee the free circulation of persons and goods throughout the national territory.

4. Overall supervision of the cease-fire will be the responsibility of the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA acting within the framework of the Joint Political-Military Commission (Commissao Conjunta Politi;co-Militar (CCPM)created pursuant to the annex to the document entitled ..Fundamental Principles for the Establishment of Peace in Angola".

The United Nations will be invited to send monitors to support the Angolan parties, at the request of the Government of the People 's Republic of Angola.

5. The cease-fire includes the cessation of all hostile propaganda between the Government of the People 's Republic of Angola and ONITA at both the domestic and international levels.

6. After its entry into force, the cease-fire will obligate the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA to refrain from acquiring lethal material.

The United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics informed the Government of the People 's Republic of Angola that they will support implementation of the cease-fire by ceasing to supply lethal material to any Angolan party and encouraging other countries to act in a similar fashion.


1. Full entry into for.ce of the cease-fire entails strict observance of the commitments assumed by the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA as well as of the decisions made by bodies having the authority to verify and monitor the cease-fire .

2. Observance of the cease-fire shall not endanger logistical supplies of non-lethal material for the military forces p1esent [in the area].

3. The cease-fire entails the release of all civilian and military prisoners who were detained as a consequence of the conflict between the Government of


the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA.

Verification of such release will be performed by the International Committee of the Red Cross.

4. The cease-fire applies to all foreign forces present in Angolan territory.

S. Entry into force of the cease-fire shall not endanger the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Angola.

6. The cease-fire will, beginning on the date and time agreed upon for its entry into force, entail the cessation of:

(a) All armed air, land or sea attacks, as well as all actions of sabotage;

(b) All offensive movement of troops or armed groups;

(d) Attempts to occupy new ground positions and the movement of military forces and resources from one area to another without prior agreement between the parties;

(d) .A:

l.1 military manoeuvre s aimed at installing weapons with the capability to endanger the safety of settlements and the economic, administrative and military infrastructures;

(e) Patrol activities outside the areas to be demarcated around the areas of assembly for the troops of the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA;

{f) All acts of violence against the civilian population:

(g) The planting of new mines and actions aimed at impeding activities to deactivate mines;

(h) Unjustified restrictions or impediments on the free circulation of persons and goods;

(i) Any other actions that may impede the normal evolution of the cease-fire process;

(j) Receipt of lethal material, regardless of its origin.

7. Failure to observe any of the provisions set forth above constitutes a violation of the cease-fire, without prejudice to decisions made by the verification and monitoring groups in the performance of their duties.



1. Prior to entry into force of the cease-fire, a Joint Verification and Monitoring Commission (Comissao Mista de Verificacao (CMVF))will be formed.

It will be composed of representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA, as members, and of representatives of Portugal, the United States of America, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as observers.

In addition, a United Nations representative will be invited to the CMVF meetings.

2. CMVF will report to the Joint Political-Military Commission (CCPM).

3. CMVF will have the authority to create any structures it considers appropriate for the performance of its duties, namely the monitoring groups necessary for full observance of the cease-fire throughout Angolan territory .

Such groups shall be subordinate to CMVF.

4. The monitoring groups, which will be established before entry into force of the cease-fire, will be composed of an equal number of representatives from the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA.

5. United Nations personnel, who will have their own command structure, will verify whether the monitoring groups are assuming their responsibilities.

This will include United Nations support in the investigation and resolution of alleged cease-fire violations.

The Governments that will be sending United Nations monitors will be selected with the participation of the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA, working within the framework of CCPM.

6. The bodies and mechanisms created to verify and monitor the cease-fire will be temporary in nature and will cease to exist at the end of the cease-fire [period].

7. Other provisions with respect to verification and monitoring of the cease-fire are set .forth in annex I to this agreement.

IV. .


l. CMVF will have the authority necessary to ensure the effective observance of the cease-fire.

Particularly, it shall familiarize itself with the areas of troop assembly, monitor compliance with the rules of conduct previously agreed on for the troops in the areas of assembly, coordinate the activity of the monitoring groups, and rule on the complaints and claims presented in relation to possible violations of the cease-fire.

2. CMVF will decide on its own regulations, and also has the authority to define the functions and approve the regulations of such monitoring groups as it may establish.

3 . The monitoring groups will make "on site" verifications of observance of the cease-fire.

Specifically, they are to prevent, verify and investigate possible violations .


1 May - Initialling of the Accord

By midnight on 15 May - Notification to be sent to the Portuguese Government of acceptance by the parties.

Midnight 15 May - "de facto" suspension of hostilities.

29-31 May

15 June

By 30 June

1 July

1 August

On the date of the elections

(a) Signature and entry into force of the cease-fire agreement;

(b) CCPM and CMVF take office;

(c) The monitoring groups begin to travel to the pre-determined sites;

(d) Beginning of the United Nations verification operations.

(a) Completion of the establishment of the monitoring groups at the pre-determined sites, and notification to CMVF that

they are operational;

(b) The monitoring system begins to function.

Completion of installation of the United Nations verification system.

Forces begin to move to the areas of assembly.

The verification and monitoring groups must be notified in advance of each movement of forces.

Completion of the movement of forces to the areas of assembly.

Completion of the cease-fire process and abolition of the verification and monitoring bodies.


The sequence of tasks to be performed <1uria1g the different phases of the cease-fire appears in annex II.

Annex .-1.

The Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA hereby agree to the following provisions regarding the verification and monitoring of the cease-fire:


1. The Joint Verification and Monitoring Commission (CMVF) is the entity responsible for the implementation and functioning of the mechanisms

instituted to verify and exercise control over the cease-fire, provided for in the documents signed on this subject.

Particularly, it is responsible for:

(a) Verifying that the monitoring groups necessary for full observance of the cease-fire throughout the national territory have been established.

These groups shall be subordinate to CMVF;

(b) Establishing the needed coordination with the special bodies in the United Nations system of cease-fire verification;

(c) Becoming familiar with the troop assembly areas;

(d) Checking that the rules of conduct agreed upon in advance for the troops in their areas of assembly are being observed;

(e) Ruling on any complaints and claims presented to it regarding possible violations of the cease-fire;

(f) Defining the specific sphere of authority of the monitoring groups, approving the regulations for those groups, and coordinating their activities;

(g) Analysing and discussing the periodic reports that the monitoring groups are required to send to it, through the regional monitoring groups, concerning the manner in which the measures implementing the cease-fire are being applied within their area of jurisdiction;

(h) Adopting such mechanisms as may be considered necessary to the exercise of its functions, including the creation of ad hoc investigative commissions that may travel to the site of the possible violations;

(i) Verifying the observance by both parties of the principle that their paramilitary or militarized forces have been demobilized or integrated into the respective regular military forces.

2. CMVF shall be composed of representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and of UNITA as members, and by representatives of Portugal, the United States and the Soviet Union as observers .

1. 3.

A representative of the United Nations shall also be invited to participate in the meetings of CMVF.

4. The meetings of CMVF shall be presided over, alternately in accordance with the principle of rotation, by the Government of the People 's Republic of Angola and by UNITA, without prejudice to the principle of consensus in the decision-making process.

5. CMVF, with headquarters at Luanda, shall have a delegation at Jamba.

6. CMVF shall meet in ordinary session at least three times a week for the purposes of part (g) of No .

2 [sic], and in special session whenever any of the parties requests that it be convened lo analyse possible violations of the cease-fire.

7. The decisions of CMVF shall be made by consensus between the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA.

8. The decisions of CMVF shall be binding in nature, and the parties shall take all measures necessary to execute them.

9. It is mandatory that the Joint Political-Military Commission (CCPM) be notified of decisions reached by CMVF on non-procedural matters .

CCPM may request such clarifications as it deems appropriate regarding those decisions.

10. In the event that CMVF does not reach a decision, or that CCPM objects to that decision, the final decision shall rest with the latter body .

11. Minutes of the CMVF meetings shall always be prepared, and signed by the representatives of the parties .

12. The decisions of CMVF shall be confidential in nature, unless CMVF itself or CCPM decides otherwise.

13. CMVF shall cease functioning at the end of the cease-fire.


l. On-site monitoring of the cease-fire is assured by the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and by UNITA, through monitoring groups subordinate to CMVF that are to be composed of 8 to 12 individuals from each

party, in accordance with the organizational chart that appears in appendix l,

2. There will be monitoring groups at all the sites indicated in appendices 2 and 3.

Additional monitoring groups may be created, to be directly subordinate to CMVF and the regional monitoring groups.

3. Liaison between CMVF and the monitoring groups is assured by the regional monitoring groups, for which purpose the territory of Angola shall be divided into the following regions and subregions:


Northern Region (with headquarters at Luanda), with two subgroups located at Negage and Cabinda1

Northeastern Region (with headquarters at Saurimo)1

Central Region (with headquarters at Huambo), with two subgroups located at Lobito and Huambo1

Eastern Region (with headquarters at Luena)J Southeastern Region (with headquarters at Mavinga) J Southern Region (with headquarters at Lubango).

4. United Nations personnel, who will have their own command structure, will verify whether the monitoring groups are assuming their responsibilities .

This will include United Nations support in the investigation and resolution of alleged cease-fire violations,

5. Coordination with the United Nations verification and monitoring system shall be arranged at all levels of the existing administrative structures .

6. The security of the monitoring groups and all United Nations personnel shall be the responsibility of the party that controls the zone where they are present.

7. The commanders of the areas of assembly shall provide all support requested of them by the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies and by the United Nations,

8. The cease-fire monitoring and verification bodies shall enjoy complete freedom of movement in carrying out their duties .

9. Every member of the cease-fire monitoring and verification bodies shall display a badge and a credential that easily identifies him, and shall travel unarmed.


1. All the armed forces shall be assembled 60 days following the entry into force of the cease-fire, in the areas specified in appendix 2.

In so far as possible, those areas shall be situated away from major population centres.

2. An organic unit, with its allotment of personnel and materials, shall be situated in each area of assembly,

3. Each area of assembly shall have a contingent of troops numbering at least 100 men .


4. The areas of assembly shall be surrounded by security zones having a maximum radius of 10 kilometres.

The parties shall notify the monitoring groups as to the distance they are actually adopting for each of those areas.

5. Within the respective areas of assembly, the forces of both parties shall fully respect the rules of conduct contained in appendix 4.


1. Supplies for the areas of assembly of each of the parties are to be inspected.

2, Each party shall ensure the logistics of its own forces in the initial phase, although they may coordinate the respective actions.

In the second phase, that of the formation of the Angolan armed forces, the supply process shall be joint, The responsibility for providing logistical support to those troops that are not integrated into the Angolan armed forces shall rest with each of the parties until those troops have been demobilized.

3. CMVF shall decide on the modes of notification or determination of the logistical itineraries.


1. Border control posts shall be created, and staffed jointly as indicated in appendix 5.

2. Each party may assign forces to these posts in numbers not to exceed the equivalent of a platoon (of 30 men) and shall be free to determine the nature of those forces.


1. The paramilitary or militarized forces of both parties shall have been demobilized or integrated into the respective regular military forces by the time the cease-fire enters into force.

2. It shall be the responsibility of CMVF to verify the observance of the principle set forth in the previous provision.


Between the signature of the cease-fire and the beginnei ng of the monitoring thereof, both parties shall exchange, within the framework of CMVF, the military information contained in appendix 6.


After entry into force of the cease-fire, the parties agree to conduct investigations to determine whether this type of material exists, or ever did exist and was used.

Monitoring organisational charts

(see pdf for charts)

Commisao Conjunta Politico-Militar [Joint Political-Military Commission)

Comissao Mista de Verificacao d Fiscaliza o [Joint Verification and Monitoring Commission]

Liaison Group Regional group Regional subgroup

Grupo de Fiscalizacao [Monitoring Group) Platoon

Troop assembly area

Ports (civilian or military)

Airports or airstrips (civilian or military) Border post

Appendix -2.

Areas of assembly

Locality Government

1. Cabinda *

2 .Dinge *

3, Neg age *

4, Luanda *

s. Capanda *

6. Malanga *

7 . Dondo *

8, Soyo *

9, Luena *

10 . Cazombo *

ll. Saurimo *

12 . Cafunfo *

13. Lucapa *

14. Huambo *

15. Lobito *

16, Bié *

17 , Ouibala *

18. Andulo *

19. Bailundo *

20. N'Gove *

21. Menongue *

2 2 .

Caharna *

23. Matala *

24 . Cuito Cuanavale *

25. Namibe *

2 6. M'Banza Congo *

27 . Lubango *

2 8. Chimbuande *

2 9. Necutu

30 . Quipedro

31. Kota •

32 . Kindenge *

33. Bungo *

34 . Banja *

35. Cambandua

36. Sambo •

37 . Lunge •

J S , Mussende

39 . Nharea •

4 0 .

Soma Kuanza •

41. Chipindo

4 2 .

Chiquite •

4 3 .

Mucuio *

44 . Cuemba

45. Quirima

46, Capaia

47 . Calunda *

48. Cangwnbe *

49. Muconda *

50. Mavinga *


Airports and ports


1. Cabinda

2. Negage

3. Luanda

4. Malanga

5. Luena

6 , Cazombo

7. Saurimo

8, Lucapa

9. Huambo

10. Lobito

11. Caxito

12. Bié

13, Menongue

14. Cahama

15. Cuito Canavale

16 . Narnibe

17. M'Banza Congo

18. Lubango

19. Chitato

20. Luau

21. Uige

22. Ndalatando 23.


24. Jamba Cassinga

2 5. N'Giva

2 6. Jarnba

27. Licua

28. Lumbala Nguimbo 29.


30. Munhango

31. Quimbele

32. Marimba


1. Cabinda

a. Luanda

3. Soyo

4. Lobito

s. Namibe

6. Nogul

7. Cancongo

a. Ouinzau

9. N 'Zeto

10. Musserra

11. Ambriz

u. Barra do Dande

13. Muasulo

14 . Barra do Kuanza

15. Cabo Ledo

16. Porto Arnbolm

17. Sumbe

18. Bala Farta

19. Tombua

20. Bala dos Tlgres

21. Egipto Praia

22. Bentiaba


l . Command and liaison

(a) Each area of assembly shall have a military commander designated by the respective party;

( b) The military commander, regardless of the command structure to which he is subordinate, is responsible to the cease-fire monitoring bodies with regard to the following:

Observance of the cease-fire agreements by the troops;

Observance of directives and orders from the CCPM and the CMVF;

Control of the armaments, ammunitions, and other materiel belonging to the units stationed in the area of assembly;

(c) The military commander is to establish liaison with the command to which he is subordinate and with the cease-fire monitoring bodies responsible for his area of assembly.

(a) An area of assembly is to be opened and subject to these rules as of the date when the cease-f ire enters into force, or as of the date the first

military unit arrives in the area;

(b) The military commander is to sand daily situation reports to the cease-fire monitoring bodies, specifying the personnel, materiel, and munitions on hand in the area and describing the pertinent activities,

following a model to be defined by CMVF;

(c) An assembly area is to be closed prior to the date of the general elections and as soon as all the personnel, materiel, and munitions have received a final destination,

3 . Activities of the troops

(a) No military person or civi lian may leave the security perimeter of the area of assembly with weapons or munitions, unless he has received an order to that effect from the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies;

(b) Individual units may leave the area of assembly only with the approval of the cease-fire veri!icnti1J11 and monitoring bodies;

(a) (c) Individual members of the military may leave their area of assembly only with the authorization of the military commander of the area and with the knowledge of the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies;

(c) [sic] The troops may engage in the following activities while in the areas of assembly:

Military training according to programmes approved by the military commander of the area and cleared by the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies;

Resupply of foodstuffs, fuels and lubricants;

Materiel maintenance and repair;

Improvements to the infrastructure, and deactivation of mines in their area of aasembly;

Cultural and recreational activities.

(d) [sic] Troops present in the areas of assembly may not take an active part in partisan political and union activities.

(a) The military units stationed in each area of assembly are to ensure their own local security;

(b) The 1ecurity of each area of assembly is to be agreed upon between its military commander and the cease-fire verification and monitoring body responsible for the area.

(a) In each area of assembly, the armaments and the munitions shall be gathered at collection points, warehouses, sheds and fields that are adequately controlled and guarded and subject to inspection by the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies;

(b) Only those individual weapons and munitions necessary for local security services, in accordance with the provision of 4 (b) above, may be distributed to the personnel;

( c ) Personnel shall be permitted access to the armaments in accordance with the maintenance and training programmos approved by the military commander and cleared by the cease-fire verification and monitoring bodies;

(d) The provision in No.

7 constitutes an exception to parts (a), ( b )

and (c).

6. Procedure to be followed in the event of incident or cease-fire violation (a) The commanders of each echelon shall take immediate measures with their troops to quell any incident or violation;

(b) A commander who learns of any incident or violation is to warn the responsible party (ies) immediately and, if they belong to his unit, to take the appropriate disciplinary measures;

(c) The cease-fire verification and monitoring organs for the area are to be notified of every incident or violation, and it is their duty to determine responsibilities;

(d) The military commander also is to report every incident or violation to the next higher echelon in his chain of command;

(e) In the event of an incident or violation, the units shall refrain from retaliation and shall exert efforts to prevent an escalation:

(f) Without prejudice to the disciplinary measures mentioned in 6 (b) above, the responsible parties and perpetrators of incidents or violations are to be subject to sanctions applied by CMVF.

7. Final destination of the troops and materiel in the areas or assembly (a) The troops in each area of assembly shall either be moved to training centres with a view to the formation of the Angolan armed forces, or shall be demobilized;

(b) The armaments, munitions and remaining materiel belonging to the units in each area of assembly are either to be moved to the training centres sat 11p with a view to the formation of the Angolan Armed Forces, or delivered to warehouses.

No demobilized individual shall be permitted to take any article of military m atériel with him;

(c) The operations referred to in (a) and ( b) shall be carried out in accordance with rules, directives and orders from CCPM and the Joint

Commission for the Formation of the Armed Forces (CCFA), transmitted via the cease- fire verification and monitoring ng bodies and under the control thereof ;

(d) The commander of each area of assembly is to notify the higher echelon to which he is suboedinate of any movements of personno1 and material effected pursuant to(a), (b) and ( C) ;

(a) All troops and materiel from each area of assembly shall receive a

final destination prior to the date of the elections.

Appendix _ 5



2 .




4 .


5 .













Beu Fiscal








Quedas Franc.










20 .
















28 .















Marco 25




Foz do Cunene



Military information to be exchanged between the Government of the People’s Republic of Angola and Unita


Troops and organization of the forces (land, sea and air)

Equipment and armaments Artillery

Combat vehicles Air defence Aircraft


Support vehicles Light weapons

Engineering equipment

3. Others

Information of a logistical nature

Civilian and military prisoners resulting from the conflict

Annex ll

Sequence of tasks in the different phases of cease-fire Preliminary phase (1-15 May 1991)

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA Initialling of Cease-Fire Agreement

Cessation of hostile propaganda Monitoring mechanism

Government/UNITA United Nations

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

Appeal to the parties to exercise maximum restraint in their actions

15 May 1991

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA

Last day to inform Portuguese Government which country (ies) will provide assistance in formation of Armed Forces

Last day to notify Portuguese Government of acceptance of Cease-Fire Agreement

De facto suspension of hostilities (12 midnight, 15 May 1991)

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA United Nations

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

Phase 1 (15-29/31 May 1991)

(Signature and entry into force of Agreement)

1 5 MAY 1 991

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA Hostilities suspended since 12 midnight, 15 May

Commanders at all levels ensure that their troops stay in their positions and await orders

Offensive operations such as the following will not be conducted:

Military land or air reconnaissance and combat patrols within a 10-kilometre radius of their military bases

Overflight by combat aircraft or armed helicopters

Military operations against military, economic or civilian targets

Cessation of all military manoeuvres with the aim of placing weapons capable of endangering the security of towns and the economic,

administrative and military infrastructures

Cessation of all acts of violence against the civilian population Occupation of new positions

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA United Nations

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

Government of the People’s Republic of Angola and UNITA

29 -31 Moy 199 l

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA

Last day for the Government and UNITA to inform their forces about the areas of assembly

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA

Prior to signature of agreement, members of CMVF and the monitoring groups will be appointed

United Nations Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces

Prior to signature of Cease- Fire Agreement, members of CCFA will be appointed


29 -31 .

May .


Government of the People’ s Republic of Angola and UNITA

Signature and immediate entry into force of Cease-Fire Agreement Monitoring mechanism

Government/UHITA United Nations

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

Cessation of supplies of lethal materiel to the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA

Phase II ( 31 May-30 June 1991)

( Implementation of the monitoring system)

31 May 1991

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA

Beginning of exchange of military information within the framework of CMVF

Beginning of process of releasing all civilian and military prisoners taken as a result of the conflict

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA

Immediately after signature and entry into force of accord, CCPM and CMVF take office

The monitoring groups begin to travel to the predetermined sites United Nations

Beginning of verification groups verification operations Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces

Immediately after signature and entry into force of the cease-fire,

CCFA takes office

Preparation of the plan for formation of the Angolan Armed Forces, within the framework of CCFA


15 June 1991

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA Monitoring mechanism


The monitoring groups conclude their establishment at the predetermined sites and notify CMVF that they are operational

United Nations

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

30 June 1991

Government of the People 's Republic of Angola and UNITA

Last day for the parties to communicate to the verification groups and the monitoring groups the timetable and schedules for movement of their forces to the areas of assembly and border posts

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA United Nations

Completion of the installation of the United Nations verification system

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

< Transfer of forces >

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA

Beginning of movement of forces to areas of assembly and border posts Beginning of border control operations at border posts

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA

Beginning of monitoring operations by the monitoring groups United Nations

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

Government of the People' s Republic of Angola and UNITA Monitoring mechanism


The monitoring groups inform CMVF of movement to each area of assembly and border posts

United Nations Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA

Last day to conclude movement of forces to areas of assembly and border posts

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA United Nations

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces Observations

Phase IV ( l August 1921-date of elections) ( Verifications and monitoring of agreement)

Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA

The parties report to the monitoring bodies regarding personnel to be demobilized

The parties report to the monitoring bodies regarding material to be delivered to storehouses

Replacement of FAPLA and FALA platoons at border posts by forces to be determined by the parties

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA United Nations

Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces

The parties report to the monitoring bodies regarding the personnel and material from each area of assembly intended for the process of formation of the Angolan Armed Forces as a result of general directives from CCFA

Move1nent of personnel and material from areas of assembly lo centres for formation of the Angolan Armed Forces being monitored by the monitoring groups


Government of the People's Republic of Angola and UNITA Last day for abolition of FAPLA and FALA

Monitoring mechanism Government/UNITA

Last day for closing the areas of assembly

Abolition of bodies for verification and monitoring of the cease- fire

United Nations Formation process

Angolan Armed Forces

Last day or concluding the process of formation of the Angolan Armed Forces

Abolition of CCFA Observations