Complementary agreement to the agreement of 15-16 July 1993

  • Country/entity
    Yugoslavia (former)
  • Region
    Europe and Eurasia
    Europe and Eurasia
  • Agreement name
    Complementary agreement to the agreement of 15-16 July 1993
  • Date
    23 Jul 1993
  • Agreement status
    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement
  • Agreement/conflict level
    Interstate/intrastate conflict(s) ( Balkan Conflicts (1991 - 1995) (1998 - 2001) )
  • Stage
  • Conflict nature
  • Peace process
    Croatia negotiation process
  • Parties
    For the Government of Croatia: Slavko Degoricija; General Stipetic
  • Third parties
    Witnessed, on behalf of UNPROFOR, by General Eide; General Cot
  • Description
    This short agreement provides for the UNPROFOR deployment and takeover of areas, as agreed in the agreement of 15-16 July 1993. It also provides for the deployment of Serb policemen in the villages covered by the agreement.


  • Children/youth

    No specific mention.

  • Disabled persons

    No specific mention.

  • Elderly/age

    No specific mention.

  • Migrant workers

    No specific mention.

  • Racial/ethnic/national group

    No specific mention.

  • Religious groups

    No specific mention.

  • Indigenous people

    No specific mention.

  • Other groups

    No specific mention.

  • Refugees/displaced persons

    No specific mention.

  • Social class

    No specific mention.


  • Women, girls and gender

    No specific mention.

  • Men and boys

    No specific mention.


    No specific mention.

  • Family

    No specific mention.

State definition

  • Nature of state (general)

    No specific mention.

  • State configuration

    No specific mention.

  • Self determination

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum

    No specific mention.

  • State symbols

    No specific mention.

  • Independence/secession

    No specific mention.

  • Accession/unification

    No specific mention.

  • Border delimitation

    No specific mention.

  • Cross-border provision

    No specific mention.


  • Political institutions (new or reformed)

    No specific mention.

  • Elections

    No specific mention.

  • Electoral commission

    No specific mention.

  • Political parties reform

    No specific mention.

  • Civil society

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional/religious leaders

    No specific mention.

  • Public administration

    No specific mention.

  • Constitution

    No specific mention.

Power sharing

  • Political power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Territorial power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Economic power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Military power sharing

    No specific mention.

Human rights and equality

  • Human rights/RoL general

    No specific mention.

  • Bill of rights/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Treaty incorporation

    No specific mention.

  • Civil and political rights

    No specific mention.

  • Socio-economic rights

    No specific mention.

Rights related issues

  • Citizenship

    No specific mention.

  • Democracy

    No specific mention.

  • Detention procedures

    No specific mention.

  • Media and communication

    No specific mention.

  • Mobility/access

    No specific mention.

  • Protection measures

    No specific mention.

  • Other

    No specific mention.

Rights institutions

  • NHRI

    No specific mention.

  • Regional or international human rights institutions

    No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

  • Criminal justice and emergency law

    No specific mention.

  • State of emergency provisions

    No specific mention.

  • Judiciary and courts

    No specific mention.

  • Prisons and detention

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional Laws

    No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

  • Development or socio-economic reconstruction

    No specific mention.

  • National economic plan

    No specific mention.

  • Natural resources

    No specific mention.

  • International funds

    No specific mention.

  • Business

    No specific mention.

  • Taxation

    No specific mention.

  • Banks

    No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

  • Land reform/rights

    No specific mention.

  • Pastoralist/nomadism rights

    No specific mention.

  • Cultural heritage

    No specific mention.

  • Environment

    No specific mention.

  • Water or riparian rights or access

    No specific mention.

Security sector

  • Security Guarantees

    No specific mention.

  • Ceasefire
    Security sector→Ceasefire→Ceasefire provision
    Page 1,
    The areas mentioned in the agreement of 15-16 July 1993 will be under the control of UNPROFOR. UNPROFOR units will start to deploy in the Zemunik-Maslenica area not later than 0900 hours on 26 July 1993. UNPROFOR forces will assume control of the whole area by no later than 31 July 1993. The other areas will be taken over by UNPROFOR after the signing of a formal cease-fire agreement...
  • Police
    Page 1,
    The areas mentioned in the agreement of 15-16 July 1993 will be under the control of UNPROFOR. UNPROFOR units will start to deploy in the Zemunik-Maslenica area not later than 0900 hours on 26 July 1993. UNPROFOR forces will assume control of the whole area by no later than 31 July 1993. The other areas will be taken over by UNPROFOR after the signing of a formal cease-fire agreement. In the villages mentioned in the agreement of 15-16 July 1993, UNCIVPOL will be present together with five Serb policemen in each village, armed with side-arms only. Those policemen will be allowed to cross the present confrontation line and enter the villages on 1 August 1993.
  • Armed forces

    No specific mention.

  • DDR

    No specific mention.

  • Intelligence services

    No specific mention.

  • Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces
    Page 1,
    The areas mentioned in the agreement of 15-16 July 1993 will be under the control of UNPROFOR. UNPROFOR units will start to deploy in the Zemunik-Maslenica area not later than 0900 hours on 26 July 1993. UNPROFOR forces will assume control of the whole area by no later than 31 July 1993. The other areas will be taken over by UNPROFOR after the signing of a formal cease-fire agreement. In the villages mentioned in the agreement of 15-16 July 1993, UNCIVPOL will be present together with five Serb policemen in each village, armed with side-arms only. Those policemen will be allowed to cross the present confrontation line and enter the villages on 1 August 1993.
  • Withdrawal of foreign forces

    No specific mention.

  • Corruption

    No specific mention.

  • Crime/organised crime

    No specific mention.

  • Drugs

    No specific mention.

  • Terrorism

    No specific mention.

Transitional justice

  • Transitional justice general

    No specific mention.

  • Amnesty/pardon

    No specific mention.

  • Courts

    No specific mention.

  • Mechanism

    No specific mention.

  • Prisoner release

    No specific mention.

  • Vetting

    No specific mention.

  • Victims

    No specific mention.

  • Missing persons

    No specific mention.

  • Reparations

    No specific mention.

  • Reconciliation

    No specific mention.


  • UN signatory
    Witnessed, on behalf of UNPROFOR, by General Eide; General Cot
  • Other international signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum for agreement

    No specific mention.

  • International mission/force/similar
    Page 1,
    The areas mentioned in the agreement of 15-16 July 1993 will be under the control of UNPROFOR. UNPROFOR units will start to deploy in the Zemunik-Maslenica area not later than 0900 hours on 26 July 1993. UNPROFOR forces will assume control of the whole area by no later than 31 July 1993. The other areas will be taken over by UNPROFOR after the signing of a formal cease-fire agreement. In the villages mentioned in the agreement of 15-16 July 1993, UNCIVPOL will be present together with five Serb policemen in each village, armed with side-arms only. Those policemen will be allowed to cross the present confrontation line and enter the villages on 1 August 1993.
  • Enforcement mechanism

    No specific mention.

  • Related cases

    No specific mention.

  • Source
    Letter dated 93/08/03 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/26233) Appendix IV, p.19

Complementary agreement, dated 23 July 1993, to the agreement of 15-16 July 1993

The areas mentioned in the agreement of 15-16 July 1993 will be under the control of UNPROFOR.

UNPROFOR units will start to deploy in the

Zemunik-Maslenica area not later than 0900 hours on 26 July 1993.

UNPROFOR forces will assume control of the whole area by no later than 31 July 1993.

The other areas will be taken over by UNPROFOR after the signing of a formal cease-fire agreement.

In the villages mentioned in the agreement of 15-16 July 1993, UNCIVPOL will be present together with five Serb policemen in each village, armed with side-arms only.

Those policemen will be allowed to cross the present confrontation line and enter the villages on 1 August 1993.

For the Government of Croatia:

(Signed) Slavko DEGORICIJA

(Signed) General STIPETIC

Witnessed, on behalf of UNPROFOR, by:

(Signed) General EIDE

(Signed) General COT