Agreement on removal of Commands, Units and Institutions from Garrisons-Barracks of Zenica, Travnik, Konjic and Barracks and Institutions in Sarajevo
- Country/entity
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Yugoslavia (former) - Region
Europe and Eurasia
- Agreement name
- Agreement on removal of Commands, Units and Institutions from Garrisons-Barracks of Zenica, Travnik, Konjic and Barracks and Institutions in Sarajevo
- Date
- 10 May 1992
- Agreement status
- Multiparty signed/agreed
- Interim arrangement
- Yes
- Agreement/conflict level
- Intrastate/intrastate conflict
- Stage
- Ceasefire/related
- Conflict nature
- Government/territory
- Peace process
- Bosnia peace process
- Parties
1) For the Presidency of R B&H: Fikret Abdic, Stjepan Kljuic
2) For the Government of B&H: Jerko Doko
3) Representative of JNA: Major – General Milan Aksontijevic
4) ECMM: Mr. Antonio Nunes, Soares dos Santos
5) Mr. Colm Doyle, Personal Envoy of Lord Carrington - Third parties
- -
- Description
- This agreement provides for the safe withdrawal of the JNA from the republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It guarantees the safety and citizen's rights of family members of military personnel who wish to remain in Bosnia, and compensation for non-movable property.
- Agreement document
- BA_920510_Agreement on Removal of JNA from Sarajevo.pdf (opens in new tab) | Download PDF
- Children/youth
No specific mention.
- Disabled persons
No specific mention.
- Elderly/age
No specific mention.
- Migrant workers
No specific mention.
- Racial/ethnic/national group
No specific mention.
- Religious groups
No specific mention.
- Indigenous people
No specific mention.
- Other groups
No specific mention.
- Refugees/displaced persons
No specific mention.
- Social class
No specific mention.
- Women, girls and gender
No specific mention.
- Men and boys
No specific mention.
No specific mention.
- Family
- Page 2, Article 8
Family members of active military personnel and civilian personnel serving with the JNA as well as family members of retired JNA personnel are guaranteed all rights according to International Laws. To those who want to emigrate the Government will allow emigration with movable property.
Page 2, Article 11
The Government guarantees that family members of active military personnel, civilian personnel as well as pensioners will not be mistreated and that they will have all citizen’s rights prescribed in the Constitution of the Republic of B&H.
State definition
- Nature of state (general)
No specific mention.
- State configuration
No specific mention.
- Self determination
No specific mention.
- Referendum
No specific mention.
- State symbols
No specific mention.
- Independence/secession
No specific mention.
- Accession/unification
No specific mention.
- Border delimitation
No specific mention.
- Cross-border provision
No specific mention.
- Political institutions (new or reformed)
No specific mention.
- Elections
No specific mention.
- Electoral commission
No specific mention.
- Political parties reform
No specific mention.
- Civil society
- Page 2, Article 6
Status of the Military Hospital in Sarajevo and other Health Institutions will be regulated by a separate agreement between the Parties to the Agreement and the International Red Cross Committee. - Traditional/religious leaders
No specific mention.
- Public administration
No specific mention.
- Constitution
No specific mention.
Power sharing
- Political power sharing
No specific mention.
- Territorial power sharing
No specific mention.
- Economic power sharing
No specific mention.
- Military power sharing
No specific mention.
Human rights and equality
- Human rights/RoL general
No specific mention.
- Bill of rights/similar
No specific mention.
- Treaty incorporation
- Page 2, Article 8
Family members of active military personnel and civilian personnel serving with the JNA as well as family members of retired JNA personnel are guaranteed all rights according to International Laws. To those who want to emigrate the Government will allow emigration with movable property. - Civil and political rights
No specific mention.
- Socio-economic rights
No specific mention.
Rights related issues
- Citizenship
- Rights related issues→Citizenship→Citizens, specific rightsPage 2, Article 11
The Government guarantees that family members of active military personnel, civilian personnel as well as pensioners will not be mistreated and that they will have all citizen’s rights prescribed in the Constitution of the Republic of B&H. - Democracy
No specific mention.
- Detention procedures
No specific mention.
- Media and communication
No specific mention.
- Mobility/access
No specific mention.
- Protection measures
No specific mention.
- Other
No specific mention.
Rights institutions
No specific mention.
- Regional or international human rights institutions
No specific mention.
Justice sector reform
- Criminal justice and emergency law
No specific mention.
- State of emergency provisions
No specific mention.
- Judiciary and courts
No specific mention.
- Prisons and detention
No specific mention.
- Traditional Laws
No specific mention.
Socio-economic reconstruction
- Development or socio-economic reconstruction
No specific mention.
- National economic plan
No specific mention.
- Natural resources
No specific mention.
- International funds
No specific mention.
- Business
No specific mention.
- Taxation
No specific mention.
- Banks
No specific mention.
Land, property and environment
- Land reform/rights
- Land, property and environment→Land reform/rights→Land reform and managementPage 2, Article 9
Control of real estate on the territory of the Republic Bosnia and Herzegovina will be exercised in accordance to the laws of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Land, property and environment→Land reform/rights→Property return and restitutionPage 2, Article 10
Those who had repurchased their apartments, and who want to leave the territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, should be allowed to receive fair compensation with receipt payment slip to SDK B&H on account of an organisation in the Republic of B&H. - Pastoralist/nomadism rights
No specific mention.
- Cultural heritage
No specific mention.
- Environment
No specific mention.
- Water or riparian rights or access
No specific mention.
Security sector
- Security Guarantees
No specific mention.
- Ceasefire
- Security sector→Ceasefire→General commitments[Summary: This agreement does not explicitly provide for a ceasefire, but for safe withdrawal of the JNA from the Bosnia and Herzegovina.]
Page 1, Article 1
The Parties to the Agreement agreed that the JNA would return all armament, ammunition, mines and explosives, and equipment of Territorial Defence of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina which had been entrusted to the JNA for, guarding and whose owner is the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, according to the inventory list of the conditions before the JNA took over to guard it.
Page 1, Article 2
The Parties to the Agreement agreed that, within the framework of withdrawal of the JNA from the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, withdrawal of Commands, Units and Institutions with armament, ammunition, mines and explosives, equipment and movable property, which remains after restoring what belongs to the Territorial Defense, from the Garrisons - Barracks of Zenica, Travnik and Konjic as well as from barracks in Sarajevo: “Marshall Tito”, “Viktor Bubanj", "Jusuf Dzonlic", “Gavrilo Princip” (Jajce barracks), II Army District Headquarters (four buildings), Military Institution ''Romenija" and Home of the Army.
Page 1, Article 3
The Parties to the Agreement consent that Commands, Units and Institutions of the JNA from Zenica Garrison withdraw in the direction: Zenica - Doboj - Tuzla - Zvornik and further; from the Konjic Garrison in the direction: Konjic - Sarajevo - Zenica - Doboj - Tuzla - Zvornik and further; from the Commands, Units, Institutions and the Garrison of Sarajevo in the direction: Sarajevo - Zenica - Doboj – Tuzla - Zvornik and further. The JNA guarantees that these movements will be carried out in the first place by Rail roads.
Page 1, Article 4
Withdrawal of other Commands, Units, Institutions and Barracks of JNA will be regulated by a separate agreement.
Page 1-2, Article 5
The Government and the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina guarantee that they will make possible and secure safe passage of Army Convoys, Commands, Units and Institutions on routes of march of the Convoys to their destinations and that they will establish permanent stations manned by the Units of the Territorial Defense of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on certain critical points on the routes of movement of Army Convoys until relocation is completed.
Page 2, Article 6
Status of the Military Hospital in Sarajevo and other Health Institutions will be regulated by a separate agreement between the Parties to the Agreement and the International Red Cross Committee.
Page 2, Article 7
For this relocation the Government will allow use of transport facilities of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with recompense.
Page 2, Article 8
Family members of active military personnel and civilian personnel serving with the JNA as well as family members of retired JNA personnel are guaranteed all rights according to International Laws. To those who want to emigrate the Government will allow emigration with movable property.
Page 2, Article 12
On occasion of withdrawal from military installations, condition of the aforesaid installations will be determined and entered into records. - Police
No specific mention.
- Armed forces
No specific mention.
No specific mention.
- Intelligence services
No specific mention.
- Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces
No specific mention.
- Withdrawal of foreign forces
No specific mention.
- Corruption
No specific mention.
- Crime/organised crime
No specific mention.
- Drugs
No specific mention.
- Terrorism
No specific mention.
Transitional justice
- Transitional justice general
No specific mention.
- Amnesty/pardon
No specific mention.
- Courts
No specific mention.
- Mechanism
No specific mention.
- Prisoner release
No specific mention.
- Vetting
No specific mention.
- Victims
No specific mention.
- Missing persons
No specific mention.
- Reparations
No specific mention.
- Reconciliation
No specific mention.
- UN signatory
No specific mention.
- Other international signatory
- Signed by: ECMM: Mr. Antonio Nunes, Soares dos Santos; Mr. Colm Doyle, Personal Envoy of Lord Carrington
- Referendum for agreement
No specific mention.
- International mission/force/similar
No specific mention.
- Enforcement mechanism
- Page 2, Article 14
The Parties to the Agreement agree completely with the provisions of this Agreement and accept it. The Party which fails to carry out or to provide for carrying out of this Agreement will have to take all legal and factual consequences resulting thereof. - Related cases
No specific mention.
- Source
- ICTY Court Records, Karadzic trial exhibit P00950
Source agreement
On removal of Commands, Units and Institutions from Garrisons - Barracks of Zenica, Travnik, Konjic and Barracks and Institutions in Sarajevo
1) Presidency and Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
2) Representatives of JNA
4) Mr. Doyle, Personal Envoy of Lord Carrington
Article 1
The Parties to the Agreement agreed that the JNA would return all armament, ammunition, mines and explosives, and equipment of Territorial Defence of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina which had been entrusted to the JNA for, guarding and whose owner is the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, according to the inventory list of the conditions before the JNA took over to guard it.
Article 2
The Parties to the Agreement agreed that, within the framework of withdrawal of the JNA from the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, withdrawal of Commands, Units and Institutions with armament, ammunition, mines and explosives, equipment and movable property, which remains after restoring what belongs to the Territorial Defense, from the Garrisons - Barracks of Zenica, Travnik and Konjic as well as from barracks in Sarajevo:
“Marshall Tito”, “Viktor Bubanj", "Jusuf Dzonlic", “Gavrilo Princip” (Jajce barracks), II Army District Headquarters (four buildings), Military Institution ''Romenija" and Home of the Army.
Article 3
The Parties to the Agreement consent that Commands, Units and Institutions of the JNA from Zenica Garrison withdraw in the direction:
Zenica - Doboj - Tuzla - Zvornik and further;
from the Konjic Garrison in the direction:
Konjic - Sarajevo - Zenica - Doboj - Tuzla - Zvornik and further;
from the Commands, Units, Institutions and the Garrison of Sarajevo in the direction:
Sarajevo - Zenica - Doboj – Tuzla - Zvornik and further.
The JNA guarantees that these movements will be carried out in the first place by Rail roads.
Article 4
Withdrawal of other Commands, Units, Institutions and Barracks of JNA will be regulated by a separate agreement.
Article 5
The Government and the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina guarantee that they will make possible and secure safe passage of Army Convoys, Commands, Units and Institutions on routes of march of the Convoys to their destinations and that they will establish permanent stations manned by the Units of the Territorial Defense of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on certain critical points on the routes of movement of Army Convoys until relocation is completed.
Article 6
Status of the Military Hospital in Sarajevo and other Health Institutions will be regulated by a separate agreement between the Parties to the Agreement and the International Red Cross Committee.
Article 7
For this relocation the Government will allow use of transport facilities of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with recompense.
Article 8
Family members of active military personnel and civilian personnel serving with the JNA as well as family members of retired JNA personnel are guaranteed all rights according to International Laws.
To those who want to emigrate the Government will allow emigration with movable property.
Article 9
Control of real estate on the territory of the Republic Bosnia and Herzegovina will be exercised in accordance to the laws of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Article 10
Those who had repurchased their apartments, and who want to leave the territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, should be allowed to receive fair compensation with receipt payment slip to SDK B&H on account of an organisation in the Republic of B&H.
Article 11
The Government guarantees that family members of active military personnel, civilian personnel as well as pensioners will not be mistreated and that they will have all citizen’s rights prescribed in the Constitution of the Republic of B&H.
Article 12
On occasion of withdrawal from military installations, condition of the aforesaid installations will be determined and entered into records.
Article 13
Realisation of this Agreement begins on the day it is signed, end it will end on the date specified in the Plan for Withdrawal from the Entire Territory of the Republic of B&H which will be sent to the Parties to the Agreement, but to the end of June at the latest.
Article 14
The Parties to the Agreement agree completely with the provisions of this Agreement and accept it.
The Party which fails to carry out or to provide for carrying out of this Agreement will have to take all legal and factual consequences resulting thereof.
Article 15
This Agreement has been made out in five identical copies, one for every Party to the Agreement.
1) For the Presidency of R B&H
Fikret Abdic
Stjepan Kljuic
2) For the Government of B&H
Jerko Doko
3) Representative of JNA
Major – General Milan Aksontijevic
Mr. Antonio Nunes, Soares dos Santos
5) Mr. Colm Doyle, Personal Envoy of Lord Carrington