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Dhahran al-Janoub Agreements on the Cessation of Hostilities in Yemen for Shabwah, al-Dhali’, al-Baydah, al-Jawf, Ma’rib, Ta’iz and Terms and Conditions

  • Country/entity

  • Region

    Middle East and North Africa
  • Agreement name

    Dhahran al-Janoub Agreements on the Cessation of Hostilities in Yemen for Shabwah, al-Dhali’, al-Baydah, al-Jawf, Ma’rib, Ta’iz and Terms and Conditions
  • Date

    10 Apr 2016
  • Agreement status

    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement

  • Agreement/conflict level

    Intrastate/intrastate conflict ( Yemeni Civil Wars (1994) (2011 - ) )
  • Stage

  • Conflict nature

  • Peace process

    Yemen peace process
  • Parties

    General People's Congress, Ansar Allah, Arab Coalition and Internationally recognised Government of Yemen [Hadi]
  • Third parties

    United Nations Certified by the Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Description

    A ceasefire agreement between Ansar Allah and the General People's Congress, and the UN-backed government of President Abdrabbu Mansur Hadi, providing for the creation of a Committee for De-escalation and Coordination to contain members from all sides, as well as local level committees of eight men/women to implement the ceasefire as well as regular ceasefire provisions such as a cessation of attacks, withdrawal of forces and free access for humanitarian organisations. The Dharan al-Janoub Ceasefires number six covering the governorates of Jawf, Marib, Taiz, al-Baydah, Shabwah and al-Dhalea. The agreements are identical save for the signatories and names of individuals partaking in local committees, therefore only one copy [Jawf] has been coded in database.


  • Children/youth
    Page 2-3, Procedural measures,
    ... 5. Free and unimpeded access to humanitarian and relief agencies and supplies to and from all parts of Yemen, as well as unrestricted freedom of movement for individuals, citizens and commercial supplies, and commercial and economic activities not inconsistent with the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM). The Government is committed to protecting civilians in accordance with the provisions and norms of international humanitarian law, including respect for the rights of women and children in armed conflict, and to protect civilian infrastructure and private and public property.

    Page 4, Local committees to stabilize the cessation of hostilities
    20. During the cessation of hostilities to enforce it, Local Committees are to actively engage with civil society, including women’s and youth groups, to promote the general commitment to the cessation of hostilities.
  • Disabled persons

    No specific mention.

  • Elderly/age

    No specific mention.

  • Migrant workers

    No specific mention.

  • Racial/ethnic/national group

    No specific mention.

  • Religious groups

    No specific mention.

  • Indigenous people

    No specific mention.

  • Other groups

    No specific mention.

  • Refugees/displaced persons

    No specific mention.

  • Social class

    No specific mention.


  • Women, girls and gender
    Page 2-3, Procedural measures,
    ... 5. Free and unimpeded access to humanitarian and relief agencies and supplies to and from all parts of Yemen, as well as unrestricted freedom of movement for individuals, citizens and commercial supplies, and commercial and economic activities not inconsistent with the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM). The Government is committed to protecting civilians in accordance with the provisions and norms of international humanitarian law, including respect for the rights of women and children in armed conflict, and to protect civilian infrastructure and private and public property.

    Page 4, Local committees to stabilize the cessation of hostilities
    20. During the cessation of hostilities to enforce it, Local Committees are to actively engage with civil society, including women’s and youth groups, to promote the general commitment to the cessation of hostilities.
  • Men and boys

    No specific mention.


    No specific mention.

  • Family

    No specific mention.

State definition

  • Nature of state (general)

    No specific mention.

  • State configuration

    No specific mention.

  • Self determination

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum

    No specific mention.

  • State symbols

    No specific mention.

  • Independence/secession

    No specific mention.

  • Accession/unification

    No specific mention.

  • Border delimitation

    No specific mention.

  • Cross-border provision

    No specific mention.


  • Political institutions (new or reformed)

    No specific mention.

  • Elections

    No specific mention.

  • Electoral commission

    No specific mention.

  • Political parties reform

    No specific mention.

  • Civil society
    [Summary] Agreement highlights the importance of unimpeded access to humanitarian organisations.

    Page 4, Local committees to stabilize the cessation of hostilities
    20. During the cessation of hostilities to enforce it, Local Committees are to actively engage with civil society, including women’s and youth groups, to promote the general commitment to the cessation of hostilities.

    Page 5, Ceasefire Agreement between Yemeni brothers in the Governorate of Jawf,
    5. A civilian committee shall be formed of notables and social personalities in which parties have four representatives in coordination with the UN. This committee shall oversee the opening of passage ways and roads and facilitation of passage, delivery of relief and humanitarian assistance, facilitating the movement of citizens, overseeing the distribution of relief aid and, within 24 hours, putting together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task (names of members of the committee members) and shall agree on its meeting location.
  • Traditional/religious leaders

    No specific mention.

  • Public administration

    No specific mention.

  • Constitution

    No specific mention.

Power sharing

  • Political power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Territorial power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Economic power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Military power sharing
    Power sharing→Military power sharing→Proportionality
    Page 3, De-escalation and Coordination Committee
    7. Four (4) senior military officers and two (2) middle-level operations [officials] representing the Government shall be selected to be members of De-escalation and Coordination Committee. The Committee shall commence their meetings at least one week before the cessation of hostilities enters into force.
    [Note: Ansar Allah and GPC choose other half of representatives]

    Page 5, Ceasefire Agreement between Yemeni brothers in the Governorate of Jawf,
    ... 2. Forming a specialized military committee made up of 4 members from each party to monitor the ceasefire. Within 24 hours, this committee shall put together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task agreeing on its meeting location [names of the committee members]

Human rights and equality

  • Human rights/RoL general

    No specific mention.

  • Bill of rights/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Treaty incorporation
    Page 1, Preamble, ... A commitment to creating favourable conditions for securing the access of humanitarian aid to all affected areas in Yemen and unhindered freedom of movement for the mobility for trade and economic supplies and the fulfilment of obligations under international humanitarian law;

    Page 2-3, Procedural measures,
    ... 5. Free and unimpeded access to humanitarian and relief agencies and supplies to and from all parts of Yemen, as well as unrestricted freedom of movement for individuals, citizens and commercial supplies, and commercial and economic activities not inconsistent with the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM). The Government is committed to protecting civilians in accordance with the provisions and norms of international humanitarian law, including respect for the rights of women and children in armed conflict, and to protect civilian infrastructure and private and public property.
  • Civil and political rights

    No specific mention.

  • Socio-economic rights

    No specific mention.

Rights related issues

  • Citizenship

    No specific mention.

  • Democracy

    No specific mention.

  • Detention procedures

    No specific mention.

  • Media and communication
    Rights related issues→Media and communication→Media roles
    Page 3, Procedural measures,
    6. In conjunction with the start of the cessation of hostilities, the Government is committed to calm the media and rationalize the speech and guide it in support of stopping the fighting and peaceful solutions.
    Rights related issues→Media and communication→Other
    Page 3, De-escalation and Coordination Committee
    9. The De-escalation and Coordination Committee shall communicate and coordinate with Local Committees to stabilize the cessation of hostilities where they exist (in accordance with Paragraphs 14 onwards in these procedures) in order to ensure accurate and timely transmission of information. The De-escalation and Coordination Committee may also request information from Local Committees wherever and whenever necessary.
    ... 12. Members of the De-escalation and Coordination Committee are prohibited from communicating with the media or issuing any information or comments on any means of social communication about the work of the Committee or any information provided by any party to the conflict.
    13. The Special Envoy of the United Nations or any other official designated by the United Nations shall undertake all communication activities or reports on the work of the De-escalation and Coordination Committee throughout the period of the cessation of hostilities.

    Page 4, Local committees to stabilize the cessation of hostilities
    19. Local Committees shall be established before the cessation of hostilities in order to open channels of communication with military officials from all parties in the provinces in which they operate to consolidate knowledge and commitment to cease hostilities in their communities.
  • Mobility/access
    Page 1, Preamble, ... A commitment to creating favourable conditions for securing the access of humanitarian aid to all affected areas in Yemen and unhindered freedom of movement for the mobility for trade and economic supplies and the fulfilment of obligations under international humanitarian law;

    Page 2-3, Procedural measures,
    ... 5. Free and unimpeded access to humanitarian and relief agencies and supplies to and from all parts of Yemen, as well as unrestricted freedom of movement for individuals, citizens and commercial supplies, and commercial and economic activities not inconsistent with the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM). The Government is committed to protecting civilians in accordance with the provisions and norms of international humanitarian law, including respect for the rights of women and children in armed conflict, and to protect civilian infrastructure and private and public property.

    Page 4, Local committees to stabilize the cessation of hostilities
    18. To enforce the cessation of hostilities, Local Committees work with parties to support local confidence-building measures such as exhumation, transport of the sick or wounded, a release/exchange of prisoners and detainees, as well as measures to enhance the livelihood of the population in their areas, including the lifting of restrictions of freedom of movement of civilians and for commercial activities, humanitarian organisations and reconstruction organisations. To establish a cessation of hostilities, Local Committees may also assist in preparing for the withdrawal of militias and armed groups as appropriate, and in accordance with the agreements from consultations under the auspices of the United Nations.

    Page 5, Ceasefire Agreement between Yemeni brothers in the Governorate of Jawf,
    5. A civilian committee shall be formed of notables and social personalities in which parties have four representatives in coordination with the UN. This committee shall oversee the opening of passage ways and roads and facilitation of passage, delivery of relief and humanitarian assistance, facilitating the movement of citizens, overseeing the distribution of relief aid and, within 24 hours, putting together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task (names of members of the committee members) and shall agree on its meeting location.
  • Protection measures

    No specific mention.

  • Other

    No specific mention.

Rights institutions

  • NHRI

    No specific mention.

  • Regional or international human rights institutions

    No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

  • Criminal justice and emergency law

    No specific mention.

  • State of emergency provisions

    No specific mention.

  • Judiciary and courts

    No specific mention.

  • Prisons and detention

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional Laws

    No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

  • Development or socio-economic reconstruction
    Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Humanitarian assistance
    Page 1, Preamble, ... A commitment to creating favourable conditions for securing the access of humanitarian aid to all affected areas in Yemen and unhindered freedom of movement for the mobility for trade and economic supplies and the fulfilment of obligations under international humanitarian law;

    Page 2-3, Procedural measures,
    ... 5. Free and unimpeded access to humanitarian and relief agencies and supplies to and from all parts of Yemen, as well as unrestricted freedom of movement for individuals, citizens and commercial supplies, and commercial and economic activities not inconsistent with the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM). The Government is committed to protecting civilians in accordance with the provisions and norms of international humanitarian law, including respect for the rights of women and children in armed conflict, and to protect civilian infrastructure and private and public property.

    Page 5, Ceasefire Agreement between Yemeni brothers in the Governorate of Jawf,
    5. A civilian committee shall be formed of notables and social personalities in which parties have four representatives in coordination with the UN. This committee shall oversee the opening of passage ways and roads and facilitation of passage, delivery of relief and humanitarian assistance, facilitating the movement of citizens, overseeing the distribution of relief aid and, within 24 hours, putting together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task (names of members of the committee members) and shall agree on its meeting location.
  • National economic plan

    No specific mention.

  • Natural resources

    No specific mention.

  • International funds

    No specific mention.

  • Business

    No specific mention.

  • Taxation

    No specific mention.

  • Banks

    No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

  • Land reform/rights

    No specific mention.

  • Pastoralist/nomadism rights

    No specific mention.

  • Cultural heritage

    No specific mention.

  • Environment

    No specific mention.

  • Water or riparian rights or access

    No specific mention.

Security sector

  • Security Guarantees

    No specific mention.

  • Ceasefire
    Security sector→Ceasefire→Ceasefire provision
    [Summary] Agreement is a ceasefire Agreement calling for a cessation of hostilities, the withdrawal of artillery, among other aspects. Relevant articles are coded elsewhere.

    Page 1-2, Procedural measures
    1. The Government agrees to a cessation of hostilities throughout the Republic of Yemen and on all its borders starting on 10 April, 23:59 GMT Sana'a. It may be permissible to reach an agreement through consultations sponsored by the UN to amend or repeal the terms of the cessation of hostilities.
    2. The cessation of hostilities includes a full and comprehensive end of land, air, and naval military attacks and all military activities and movements over the entire territory or Yemen and the border areas. This includes the cessations of all:
    a) Planting operations or the maintenance of mines, and/or any other type of explosive materials;
    b) Air strikes on any party;
    c) Attacks on any party through indirect fire (artillery and mortar shells and rockets);
    d) Attacks on any party with heavy weapons targeted and direct (Including, but not limited to, tanks and weapons mounted on vehicles and rocket-propelled grenades (RPG weapons and heavy machines));
    e) Attacks on any party by direct light weapons (medium and light machine guns, medium and small hand grenades);
    f) The use of radar for counter electronic operations for aircraft;
    g) Supplying ballistic missile systems with fuel or movement or transfer. It may be permissible to undertake maintenance only to the necessary extent after reporting to the De-escalation and Coordination Committee for approval.
    h) Hostile operational moves or acts oriented against any party;
    i) Moves for the purpose of reinforcement, redeployment, and/or supply of arms and ammunition.
    j) Building new fortifications or digging trenches or making incisions to roads for military purposes, or maintaining or improving any of them.

    Page 2, Procedural measures,
    3. It may be permissible for local military leaders to agree among themselves to work on disengagement and removing machinery and local military units outside of the effective range of weapons available. It may be that with the help of local committees to implement the cessation of hostilities, or the De-escalation and Coordination Committee, if the local committees were not successful in implementing the cessation of hostilities.

    Page 2, Procedural measures,
    4. The agreement only allows the use of force for self-defence, provided that force is used to the minimum necessary to respond to a direct attack or to restore or ensure security only in the region in which you find there are forces or the units affiliated to the party concerned at the time of the entry of these terms and conditions coming into effect, and provided that priority is given to peace through local committees to implement the cessation of hostilities and the De-escalation and Coordination Committee before taking any action.
    a) Informing the De-escalation and Coordination Committee, which was established in Switzerland in December 2015, in advance of all activities of this kind, through the representatives of the parties to the Committee.

    Page 3, De-escalation and Coordination Committee
    [Summary] Points 7-13 outlines the structure and responsibilities of the De-escalation and Coordination Committee that consists of members from both sides.

    Page 4, Local committees to stabilize the cessation of hostilities
    [Summary] Points 14-20 outlines the responsibilities and structure of the local committees that communicate with the De-escalation and Coordination Committee on ceasefire violations and stem escalation of violence.

    Page 5, Ceasefire Agreement between Yemeni brothers in the Governorate of Jawf,
    1. Permanent ceasefire in all sectors of the battle fronts in all parts of the Governorate effective 2359 on Sunday, 3 Rajab 1437, corresponding to 10 April 2016 and suspension of all kinds of military actions including reinforcements, mobilization, deployment and creation of new posts.
    2. Forming a specialized military committee made up of 4 members from each party to monitor the ceasefire. Within 24 hours, this committee shall put together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task agreeing on its meeting location [names of the committee members]
    3. In case of a violation of the ceasefire, the committee shall meet immediately and remove the causes of the violation, and if the violations reoccur, then they shall be reported to the higher authority for the necessary action.
  • Police

    No specific mention.

  • Armed forces
    Page 4, Local committees to stabilize the cessation of hostilities
    ... 16. Local committees shall proactively engage in pre-emptive cessation of hostilities with local military commanders from all military formations of the parties in their region and encourage compliance with them and where effective escalation can be avoided and defuse when violations are imminent or when they actually occur.
    15. Each committee shall consist of at least eight (8) neutral judges accepted by both parties, of which the Government shall nominate half. Each committee is coordinated with four (4) military officials who are not members of the Committee and half of whom are nominated by the Government.
    ... 18. To enforce the cessation of hostilities, Local Committees work with parties to support local confidence-building measures such as exhumation, transport of the sick or wounded, a release/exchange of prisoners and detainees, as well as measures to enhance the livelihood of the population in their areas, including the lifting of restrictions of freedom of movement of civilians and for commercial activities, humanitarian organisations and reconstruction organisations. To establish a cessation of hostilities, Local Committees may also assist in preparing for the withdrawal of militias and armed groups as appropriate, and in accordance with the agreements from consultations under the auspices of the United Nations.
    19. Local Committees shall be established before the cessation of hostilities in order to open channels of communication with military officials from all parties in the provinces in which they operate to consolidate knowledge and commitment to cease hostilities in their communities.

    Page 5, Ceasefire Agreement between Yemeni brothers in the Governorate of Jawf,
    ... 2. Forming a specialized military committee made up of 4 members from each party to monitor the ceasefire. Within 24 hours, this committee shall put together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task agreeing on its meeting location [names of the committee members]
  • DDR

    No specific mention.

  • Intelligence services

    No specific mention.

  • Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces
    Page 2, Eighteenth: Local committees work with the parties to support local confidence-building measures, including the release and exchange of prisoners, and assist in procedures for the withdrawal of militias and armed groups as appropriate and in accordance with the agreements that lead to consultations under the auspices of the United Nations.
  • Withdrawal of foreign forces

    No specific mention.

  • Corruption

    No specific mention.

  • Crime/organised crime

    No specific mention.

  • Drugs

    No specific mention.

  • Terrorism
    Page 1, Preamble, ... Recognizing the importance of achieving security and stability in Yemen and addressing the threat of terrorism in all its different forms and manifestations, such as al-Qaeda and Daesh.

Transitional justice

  • Transitional justice general

    No specific mention.

  • Amnesty/pardon

    No specific mention.

  • Courts

    No specific mention.

  • Mechanism
    Page 4, Local committees to stabilize the cessation of hostilities
    18. To enforce the cessation of hostilities, Local Committees work with parties to support local confidence-building measures such as exhumation, transport of the sick or wounded, a release/exchange of prisoners and detainees, as well as measures to enhance the livelihood of the population in their areas, including the lifting of restrictions of freedom of movement of civilians and for commercial activities, humanitarian organisations and reconstruction organisations. To establish a cessation of hostilities, Local Committees may also assist in preparing for the withdrawal of militias and armed groups as appropriate, and in accordance with the agreements from consultations under the auspices of the United Nations.

    Page 5, Ceasefire Agreement between Yemeni brothers in the Governorate of Jawf,
    4. Stopping all detentions and dealing with the portfolios of detainees and the missing with both parties seeking to release them thereby forming a 4-member special committee [two from each party – names attached] which will coordinate with the Central Committee for Detainees made up of all parties.
  • Prisoner release
    Page 2, Procedural measures
    4. ... b) Allows military movements to the extent necessary to recover the bodies of the dead, wounded, and sick, and the exchange of prisoners and the supply of food, fuel, and water, to be informed in advance to the De-escalation and Coordination Committee.

    Page 4, Local committees to stabilize the cessation of hostilities
    18. To enforce the cessation of hostilities, Local Committees work with parties to support local confidence-building measures such as exhumation, transport of the sick or wounded, a release/exchange of prisoners and detainees, as well as measures to enhance the livelihood of the population in their areas, including the lifting of restrictions of freedom of movement of civilians and for commercial activities, humanitarian organisations and reconstruction organisations. To establish a cessation of hostilities, Local Committees may also assist in preparing for the withdrawal of militias and armed groups as appropriate, and in accordance with the agreements from consultations under the auspices of the United Nations.

    Page 5, Ceasefire Agreement between Yemeni brothers in the Governorate of Jawf,
    4. Stopping all detentions and dealing with the portfolios of detainees and the missing with both parties seeking to release them thereby forming a 4-member special committee [two from each party – names attached] which will coordinate with the Central Committee for Detainees made up of all parties.
  • Vetting

    No specific mention.

  • Victims

    No specific mention.

  • Missing persons
    Page 2, Procedural measures
    4. ... b) Allows military movements to the extent necessary to recover the bodies of the dead, wounded, and sick, and the exchange of prisoners and the supply of food, fuel, and water, to be informed in advance to the De-escalation and Coordination Committee.

    Page 5, Ceasefire Agreement between Yemeni brothers in the Governorate of Jawf,
    4. Stopping all detentions and dealing with the portfolios of detainees and the missing with both parties seeking to release them thereby forming a 4-member special committee [two from each party – names attached] which will coordinate with the Central Committee for Detainees made up of all parties.
  • Reparations

    No specific mention.

  • Reconciliation

    No specific mention.


  • UN signatory
    UN Special Envoy to Yemen acting as mediator
  • Other international signatory
    Certified by the Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Referendum for agreement

    No specific mention.

  • International mission/force/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Enforcement mechanism

    No specific mention.

  • Related cases

    No specific mention.

  • Source
    Office of the UN Special Envoy to Yemen.

Terms and conditions of the cessation of hostilities in Yemen

10 April 2016


Recognizing the urgent need to prevent the bloodshed of the Yemeni people and protect them from violence;

And a commitment to finding a peaceful solution and providing an environment conducive for successful peace consultations;

Confirming to participate in good faith and without preconditions in peace consultations which are UN-sponsored to put an implementation plan to allow the resumption of a political transition to be peaceful and inclusive for all and organized under Yemeni leadership and meeting the demands of the Yemeni people and their legitimate aspirations, on the basis of the constitution of the Yemeni Republic and UN Security Council resolution 2216 (2015) and other relevant Security Council resolutions, as well as the outputs of the national dialogue conference and the initiative of the Gulf Cooperation Council

Recognizing the importance of achieving security and stability in Yemen and addressing the threat of terrorism in all its different forms and manifestations, such as al-Qaeda and Daesh.

A commitment to creating favourable conditions for securing the access of humanitarian aid to all affected areas in Yemen and unhindered freedom of movement for the mobility for trade and economic supplies and the fulfilment of obligations under international humanitarian law;

Based on the above, and on the Houthis delivering on their pledge to the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to Yemen, the Government of the Republic of Yemen agrees to adopt the terms and conditions of the cessation of hostilities detailed below as a first step towards the full, complete and permanent end to the conflict in Yemen.

Procedural measures

1. The Government agrees to a cessation of hostilities throughout the Republic of Yemen and on all its borders starting on 10 April, 23:59 GMT Sana'a.

It may be permissible to reach an agreement through consultations sponsored by the UN to amend or repeal the terms of the cessation of hostilities.

2. The cessation of hostilities includes a full and comprehensive end of land, air, and naval military attacks and all military activities and movements over the entire territory or Yemen and the border areas.

This includes the cessations of all:

a) Planting operations or the maintenance of mines, and/or any other type of explosive materials;

b) Air strikes on any party;

c) Attacks on any party through indirect fire (artillery and mortar shells and rockets);

d) Attacks on any party with heavy weapons targeted and direct (Including, but not limited to, tanks and weapons mounted on vehicles and rocket-propelled grenades (RPG weapons and heavy machines));

e) Attacks on any party by direct light weapons (medium and light machine guns, medium and small hand grenades);

f) The use of radar for counter electronic operations for aircraft;

g) Supplying ballistic missile systems with fuel or movement or transfer.

It may be permissible to undertake maintenance only to the necessary extent after reporting to the De-escalation and Coordination Committee for approval.

h) Hostile operational moves or acts oriented against any party;

i) Moves for the purpose of reinforcement, redeployment, and/or supply of arms and ammunition.

j) Building new fortifications or digging trenches or making incisions to roads for military purposes, or maintaining or improving any of them.

3. It may be permissible for local military leaders to agree among themselves to work on disengagement and removing machinery and local military units outside of the effective range of weapons available.

It may be that with the help of local committees to implement the cessation of hostilities, or the De-escalation and Coordination Committee, if the local committees were not successful in implementing the cessation of hostilities.

4. The agreement only allows the use of force for self-defence, provided that force is used to the minimum necessary to respond to a direct attack or to restore or ensure security only in the region in which you find there are forces or the units affiliated to the party concerned at the time of the entry of these terms and conditions coming into effect, and provided that priority is given to peace through local committees to implement the cessation of hostilities and the De-escalation and Coordination Committee before taking any action.

a) Informing the De-escalation and Coordination Committee, which was established in Switzerland in December 2015, in advance of all activities of this kind, through the representatives of the parties to the Committee.

b) Allows military movements to the extent necessary to recover the bodies of the dead, wounded, and sick, and the exchange of prisoners and the supply of food, fuel, and water, to be informed in advance to the De-escalation and Coordination Committee.

5. Free and unimpeded access to humanitarian and relief agencies and supplies to and from all parts of Yemen, as well as unrestricted freedom of movement for individuals, citizens and commercial supplies, and commercial and economic activities not inconsistent with the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM).

The Government is committed to protecting civilians in accordance with the provisions and norms of international humanitarian law, including respect for the rights of women and children in armed conflict, and to protect civilian infrastructure and private and public property.

6. In conjunction with the start of the cessation of hostilities, the Government is committed to calm the media and rationalize the speech and guide it in support of stopping the fighting and peaceful solutions.

De-escalation and Coordination Committee

7. Four (4) senior military officers and two (2) middle-level operations [officials] representing the Government shall be selected to be members of De-escalation and Coordination Committee.

The Committee shall commence their meetings at least one week before the cessation of hostilities enters into force.

8. The De-escalation and Coordination Committee shall meet in Kuwait during the period of consultations.

The UN Special Envoy shall then determine its venue in consultation with the parties.

The meetings of the Committee shall be facilitated by a United Nations official(s) appointed by the Special Envoy, that shall participate in all its meetings.

9. The De-escalation and Coordination Committee shall communicate and coordinate with Local Committees to stabilize the cessation of hostilities where they exist (in accordance with Paragraphs 14 onwards in these procedures) in order to ensure accurate and timely transmission of information.

The De-escalation and Coordination Committee may also request information from Local Committees wherever and whenever necessary.

10. The De-escalation and Coordination Committee shall endeavor to promote compliance with the cessation of hostilities through coordination and the exchange of information, as appropriate, between Parties and to report to the members of the Committee on actions taken.

The De-escalation and Coordination Committee shall be responsible for coordination and consultation with the Parties in the event of accidents to avoid escalation.

11. The De-escalation and Coordination Committee shall not be held liable for violations of the cessation of hostilities by any of the Parties or to report thereon only to the United Nations.

12. Members of the De-escalation and Coordination Committee are prohibited from communicating with the media or issuing any information or comments on any means of social communication about the work of the Committee or any information provided by any party to the conflict.

13. The Special Envoy of the United Nations or any other official designated by the United Nations shall undertake all communication activities or reports on the work of the De-escalation and Coordination Committee throughout the period of the cessation of hostilities.

Local committees to stabilize the cessation of hostilities

14. Local committees to establish a cessation of hostilities shall be immediately established upon the [announcement of] the cessation of hostilities in Ta’iz, Shabwah, Ma’rib, Jawf, Dhali’a and al-Bayda, in order to support the work of the Ceasefire Committee and coordinate and exchange information effectively in relation to the cessation of hostilities and encourage compliance by all actors that are under the control of each Party and/or its influence in the territories concerned.

Local committees to stabilize the cessation of hostilities may be established in other locations as agreed.

15. Each committee shall consist of at least eight (8) neutral judges accepted by both parties, of which the Government shall nominate half.

Each committee is coordinated with four (4) military officials who are not members of the Committee and half of whom are nominated by the Government.

16. Local committees shall proactively engage in pre-emptive cessation of hostilities with local military commanders from all military formations of the parties in their region and encourage compliance with them and where effective escalation can be avoided and defuse when violations are imminent or when they actually occur.

17. To enforce the cessation of hostilities, Local Committees shall report on any reports or allegations of violations to the De-escalation and Coordination Committee.

18. To enforce the cessation of hostilities, Local Committees work with parties to support local confidence-building measures such as exhumation, transport of the sick or wounded, a release/exchange of prisoners and detainees, as well as measures to enhance the livelihood of the population in their areas, including the lifting of restrictions of freedom of movement of civilians and for commercial activities, humanitarian organisations and reconstruction organisations.

To establish a cessation of hostilities, Local Committees may also assist in preparing for the withdrawal of militias and armed groups as appropriate, and in accordance with the agreements from consultations under the auspices of the United Nations.

19. Local Committees shall be established before the cessation of hostilities in order to open channels of communication with military officials from all parties in the provinces in which they operate to consolidate knowledge and commitment to cease hostilities in their communities.

20. During the cessation of hostilities to enforce it, Local Committees are to actively engage with civil society, including women’s and youth groups, to promote the general commitment to the cessation of hostilities.


In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

Ceasefire Agreement between Yemeni brothers in

the Governorate of Al-Jawf

On 10 April 2016

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds and peace and blessings be upon the last Prophet and Messenger and all his blessed companions.

Today, Sunday, 3 Rajab 1437 corresponding to 10 April 2016, and with the Grace of Allah, an agreement was reached between the Yemeni brothers in the Governorate of [Al-Jawf] as follows:

Permanent ceasefire in all sectors of the battle fronts in all parts of the Governorate effective 2359 on Sunday, 3 Rajab 1437, corresponding to 10 April 2016 and suspension of all kinds of military actions including reinforcements, mobilization, deployment and creation of new posts.

Forming a specialized military committee made up of 4 members from each party to monitor the ceasefire.

Within 24 hours, this committee shall put together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task agreeing on its meeting location [names of the committee members]

In case of a violation of the ceasefire, the committee shall meet immediately and remove the causes of the violation, and if the violations reoccur, then they shall be reported to the higher authority for the necessary action.

Stopping all detentions and dealing with the portfolios of detainees and the missing with both parties seeking to release them thereby forming a 4-member special committee [two from each party – names attached] which will coordinate with the Central Committee for Detainees made up of all parties.

A civilian committee shall be formed of notables and social personalities in which parties have four representatives in coordination with the UN.This committee shall oversee the opening of passage ways and roads and facilitation of passage, delivery of relief and humanitarian assistance, facilitating the movement of citizens, overseeing the distribution of relief aid and, within 24 hours, putting together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task (names of members of the committee members) and shall agree on its meeting location.

Both parties welcome the oversight of the UN through the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over the performance of this committee and help it succeed.

Both parties commit to submitting the work mechanism of this committee to the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) within 24 hours and request that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia host the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) providing it with the necessary support maintaining the continuation of the cease fire.

At the end of the meeting, both parties valued the great efforts exerted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in solving the Yemeni crisis and bringing all parties together in order to reach full and inclusive solutions serving the interest of the Yemeni people in accordance with the UNSC Resolution 2216 of 2015 and the rest of related UNSCRs.

Allah is the leader to success.

Written in Dhahran al-Janoub on 3 Rajab 1437 corresponding to 10/4/2016.

First Party Second Party

[Saleh Ahmed Al-Santeel] [Saleh [Illegible]]

Certified by the Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

Ceasefire Agreement between Yemeni brothers

in the Governorate of Marib

On 10 April 2016

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds and peace and blessings be upon the last Prophet and Messenger and all his blessed companions.

Today, Sunday, 3 Rajab 1437 corresponding to 10 April 2016, and with the Grace of Allah, an agreement was reached between the Yemeni brothers in the Governorate of Marib as follows:

Permanent ceasefire in all sectors of the battle fronts in all parts of the Governorate effective 2359 on Sunday, 3 Rajab 1437, corresponding to 10 April 2016 and suspension of all kinds of military actions including reinforcements, mobilization, deployment and creation of new posts.

Forming a specialized military committee made up of 4 members from each party to monitor the ceasefire.

Within 24 hours, this committee shall put together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task agreeing on its meeting location [names of the committee members]

In case of a violation of the ceasefire, the committee shall meet immediately and remove the causes of the violation, and if the violations reoccur, then they shall be reported to the higher authority for the necessary action.

Stopping all detentions and dealing with the portfolios of detainees and the missing with both parties seeking to release them thereby forming a 4-member special committee [two from each party – names attached] which will coordinate with the Central Committee for Detainees made up of all parties.

A civilian committee shall be formed of notables and social personalities in which parties have four representatives in coordination with the UN.This committee shall oversee the opening of passage ways and roads and facilitation of passage, delivery of relief and humanitarian assistance, facilitating the movement of citizens, overseeing the distribution of relief aid and, within 24 hours, putting together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task (names of members of the committee members) and shall agree on its meeting location.

Both parties welcome the oversight of the UN through the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over the performance of this committee and help it succeed.

Both parties commit to submitting the work mechanism of this committee to the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) within 24 hours and request that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia host the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) providing it with the necessary support maintaining the continuation of the cease fire.

At the end of the meeting, both parties valued the great efforts exerted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in solving the Yemeni crisis and bringing all parties together in order to reach full and inclusive solutions serving the interest of the Yemeni people in accordance with the UNSC Resolution 2216 of 2015 and the rest of related UNSCRs.

Allah is the leader to success.

Written in Dhahran al-Janoub on 3 Rajab 1437 corresponding to 10/4/2016.

First Party Second Party

[Illegible] [Illegible]

Certified by the Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

Ceasefire Agreement between Yemeni brothers in

the Governorate of al-Baydah

On 10 April 2016

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds and peace and blessings be upon the last Prophet and Messenger and all his blessed companions.

Today, Sunday, 3 Rajab 1437 corresponding to 10 April 2016, and with the Grace of Allah, an agreement was reached between the Yemeni brothers in the Governorate of al-Baydah as follows:

Permanent ceasefire in all sectors of the battle fronts in all parts of the Governorate effective 2359 on Sunday, 3 Rajab 1437, corresponding to 10 April 2016 and suspension of all kinds of military actions including reinforcements, mobilization, deployment and creation of new posts.

Forming a specialized military committee made up of 4 members from each party to monitor the ceasefire.

Within 24 hours, this committee shall put together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task agreeing on its meeting location [names of the committee members]

In case of a violation of the ceasefire, the committee shall meet immediately and remove the causes of the violation, and if the violations reoccur, then they shall be reported to the higher authority for the necessary action.

Stopping all detentions and dealing with the portfolios of detainees and the missing with both parties seeking to release them thereby forming a 4-member special committee [two from each party – names attached] which will coordinate with the Central Committee for Detainees made up of all parties.

A civilian committee shall be formed of notables and social personalities in which parties have four representatives in coordination with the UN.This committee shall oversee the opening of passage ways and roads and facilitation of passage, delivery of relief and humanitarian assistance, facilitating the movement of citizens, overseeing the distribution of relief aid and, within 24 hours, putting together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task (names of members of the committee members) and shall agree on its meeting location.

Both parties welcome the oversight of the UN through the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over the performance of this committee and help it succeed.

Both parties commit to submitting the work mechanism of this committee to the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) within 24 hours and request that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia host the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) providing it with the necessary support maintaining the continuation of the cease fire.

At the end of the meeting, both parties valued the great efforts exerted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in solving the Yemeni crisis and bringing all parties together in order to reach full and inclusive solutions serving the interest of the Yemeni people in accordance with the UNSC Resolution 2216 of 2015 and the rest of related UNSCRs.

Allah is the leader to success.

Written in Dhahran al-Janoub on 3 Rajab 1437 corresponding to 10/4/2016.

First Party Second Party

[Illegible] [Illegible]

Certified by the Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

Ceasefire Agreement between Yemeni brothers in

the Governorate of Shabwah

On 10 April 2016

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds and peace and blessings be upon the last Prophet and Messenger and all his blessed companions.

Today, Sunday, 3 Rajab 1437 corresponding to 10 April 2016, and with the Grace of Allah, an agreement was reached between the Yemeni brothers in the Governorate of Shabwah as follows:

Permanent ceasefire in all sectors of the battle fronts in all parts of the Governorate effective 2359 on Sunday, 3 Rajab 1437, corresponding to 10 April 2016 and suspension of all kinds of military actions including reinforcements, mobilization, deployment and creation of new posts.

Forming a specialized military committee made up of 4 members from each party to monitor the ceasefire.

Within 24 hours, this committee shall put together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task agreeing on its meeting location [names of the committee members]

In case of a violation of the ceasefire, the committee shall meet immediately and remove the causes of the violation, and if the violations reoccur, then they shall be reported to the higher authority for the necessary action.

Stopping all detentions and dealing with the portfolios of detainees and the missing with both parties seeking to release them thereby forming a 4-member special committee [two from each party – names attached] which will coordinate with the Central Committee for Detainees made up of all parties.

A civilian committee shall be formed of notables and social personalities in which parties have four representatives in coordination with the UN.This committee shall oversee the opening of passage ways and roads and facilitation of passage, delivery of relief and humanitarian assistance, facilitating the movement of citizens, overseeing the distribution of relief aid and, within 24 hours, putting together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task (names of members of the committee members) and shall agree on its meeting location.

Both parties welcome the oversight of the UN through the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over the performance of this committee and help it succeed.

Both parties commit to submitting the work mechanism of this committee to the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) within 24 hours and request that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia host the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) providing it with the necessary support maintaining the continuation of the cease fire.

At the end of the meeting, both parties valued the great efforts exerted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in solving the Yemeni crisis and bringing all parties together in order to reach full and inclusive solutions serving the interest of the Yemeni people in accordance with the UNSC Resolution 2216 of 2015 and the rest of related UNSCRs.

Allah is the leader to success.

Written in Dhahran al-Janoub on 3 Rajab 1437 corresponding to 10/4/2016.

First Party Second Party

[Illegible] [Illegible]

Certified by the Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

Ceasefire Agreement between Yemeni brothers in

the Governorate of al-Dhalea

On 10 April 2016

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds and peace and blessings be upon the last Prophet and Messenger and all his blessed companions.

Today, Sunday, 3 Rajab 1437 corresponding to 10 April 2016, and with the Grace of Allah, an agreement was reached between the Yemeni brothers in the Governorate of al-Dahlea as follows:

Permanent ceasefire in all sectors of the battle fronts in all parts of the Governorate effective 2359 on Sunday, 3 Rajab 1437, corresponding to 10 April 2016 and suspension of all kinds of military actions including reinforcements, mobilization, deployment and creation of new posts.

Forming a specialized military committee made up of 4 members from each party to monitor the ceasefire.

Within 24 hours, this committee shall put together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task agreeing on its meeting location [names of the committee members]

In case of a violation of the ceasefire, the committee shall meet immediately and remove the causes of the violation, and if the violations reoccur, then they shall be reported to the higher authority for the necessary action.

Stopping all detentions and dealing with the portfolios of detainees and the missing with both parties seeking to release them thereby forming a 4-member special committee [two from each party – names attached] which will coordinate with the Central Committee for Detainees made up of all parties.

A civilian committee shall be formed of notables and social personalities in which parties have four representatives in coordination with the UN.This committee shall oversee the opening of passage ways and roads and facilitation of passage, delivery of relief and humanitarian assistance, facilitating the movement of citizens, overseeing the distribution of relief aid and, within 24 hours, putting together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task (names of members of the committee members) and shall agree on its meeting location.

Both parties welcome the oversight of the UN through the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over the performance of this committee and help it succeed.

Both parties commit to submitting the work mechanism of this committee to the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) within 24 hours and request that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia host the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) providing it with the necessary support maintaining the continuation of the cease fire.

At the end of the meeting, both parties valued the great efforts exerted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in solving the Yemeni crisis and bringing all parties together in order to reach full and inclusive solutions serving the interest of the Yemeni people in accordance with the UNSC Resolution 2216 of 2015 and the rest of related UNSCRs.

Allah is the leader to success.

Written in Dhahran al-Janoub on 3 Rajab 1437 corresponding to 10/4/2016.

First Party Second Party

[Illegible] [Illegible]

Certified by the Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

Ceasefire Agreement between Yemeni brothers in

the Governorate of Ta’iz

On 10 April 2016

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds and peace and blessings be upon the last Prophet and Messenger and all his blessed companions.

Today, Sunday, 3 Rajab 1437 corresponding to 10 April 2016, and with the Grace of Allah, an agreement was reached between the Yemeni brothers in the Governorate of Ta’iz as follows:

Permanent ceasefire in all sectors of the battle fronts in all parts of the Governorate effective 2359 on Sunday, 3 Rajab 1437, corresponding to 10 April 2016 and suspension of all kinds of military actions including reinforcements, mobilization, deployment and creation of new posts.

Forming a specialized military committee made up of 4 members from each party to monitor the ceasefire.

Within 24 hours, this committee shall put together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task agreeing on its meeting location [names of the committee members]

In case of a violation of the ceasefire, the committee shall meet immediately and remove the causes of the violation, and if the violations reoccur, then they shall be reported to the higher authority for the necessary action.

Stopping all detentions and dealing with the portfolios of detainees and the missing with both parties seeking to release them thereby forming a 4-member special committee [two from each party – names attached] which will coordinate with the Central Committee for Detainees made up of all parties.

A civilian committee shall be formed of notables and social personalities in which parties have four representatives in coordination with the UN.This committee shall oversee the opening of passage ways and roads and facilitation of passage, delivery of relief and humanitarian assistance, facilitating the movement of citizens, overseeing the distribution of relief aid and, within 24 hours, putting together a suitable mechanism to carry out its task (names of members of the committee members) and shall agree on its meeting location.

Both parties welcome the oversight of the UN through the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over the performance of this committee and help it succeed.

Both parties commit to submitting the work mechanism of this committee to the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) within 24 hours and request that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia host the De-escalation and Coordination Committee (DCC) providing it with the necessary support maintaining the continuation of the cease fire.

At the end of the meeting, both parties valued the great efforts exerted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in solving the Yemeni crisis and bringing all parties together in order to reach full and inclusive solutions serving the interest of the Yemeni people in accordance with the UNSC Resolution 2216 of 2015 and the rest of related UNSCRs.

Allah is the leader to success.

Written in Dhahran al-Janoub on 3 Rajab 1437 corresponding to 10/4/2016.

First Party Second Party

[Illegible] [Illegible]

Certified by the Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

[Un-official translation by Neil Russel (IMES) and Robert A Forster (PSRP) at the University of Edinburgh]

Two Terms of Reference were signed, one for the Government of Yemen and one for Ansar Allah (the Houthis) and the General People’s Congress.

Differences only relate to the actor specified in the text and will be noted in the footnotes.

This translated copy pertains to the Terms of Reference for the Government of Yemen.

“…, both Ansar Allah and the General People’s Congress agree to adopt the …”

“Both Ansar Allah and the General People’s Congress agree…”

“Both Allah Ansar and the General People’s Congress are committed…”

“Both Allah Ansar and the General People’s Congress are committed…”

“Representing Ansar Allah and the General People’s Congress will be selected…”

“… Ansar Allah and the General People’s Congress shall nominate half.”

“…and Ansar Allah and the General People’s Congress shall nominate half.”

Unofficial translation provided by Office of the UN Special Envoy to Yemen.

This agreement pertains to al-Jawf governorate.

Identical agreements drawn up for the following governorates – Ta’iz, Shabwah, Ma’rib, Dhali’a and al-Bayda – with different signatories and specified members of local committees.

These signatures pertain to al-Jawf governorate, each of the six Dharan al-Janoub Ceasefires have different signatories.