Agreement on the release and transfer of prisoners
- Country/entity
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Yugoslavia (former) - Region
Europe and Eurasia
- Agreement name
- Agreement on the release and transfer of prisoners
- Date
- 1 Oct 1992
- Agreement status
- Multiparty signed/agreed
- Interim arrangement
- Yes
- Agreement/conflict level
- Intrastate/intrastate conflict
- Stage
- Pre-negotiation/process
- Conflict nature
- Government/territory
- Peace process
- Bosnia peace process
- Parties
Mr. K. Trnka, Representative of Mr. Alija Izetbegovic, President of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Mr. D. Kalinic, Representative of Mr. Radovan Karadzic, President of the Serbian Democratic Party
Mr. S. Sito Coric, Representative of Mr. Mate Boban, President of the Croatian Democratic Community
Mr. A. Kurjak, Representative of the Party of Democratic Action
Mr. M. Popadic, Liaison Officer of the Serbian Democratic Party
Mr. M. Mujic, Liaison Officer of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Third parties
Meeting chaired by Mr. Thierry Germond, ICRC Delegate General for Europe, in the presence of the following observers:
For the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Ms. Olga Lazic-Djerdj
For the Republic of Croatia: Mr. Ranko Vilovic
For the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: Mrs. A.-M. Demmer, Director, Regional Bureau for Europe - Description
- This agreement provides for the release and transfer of prisoners and detained persons, subject to International Humanitarian Law and organised under the auspices of the ICRC and UNHCR. Includes annexes listing sites of detention and possible transfer routes, and a joint signed 'Recommendation on the tragic situation of civilians in Bosnia-Herzegovina'.
- Children/youth
No specific mention.
- Disabled persons
No specific mention.
- Elderly/age
No specific mention.
- Migrant workers
No specific mention.
- Racial/ethnic/national group
No specific mention.
- Religious groups
No specific mention.
- Indigenous people
No specific mention.
- Other groups
No specific mention.
- Refugees/displaced persons
- Groups→Refugees/displaced persons→SubstantivePage 4, Art. 10, Right to return
Any prisoner released in or transferred to an area other than that of his or her former residence retains the right to return home at a later stage if he or she wishes to do so.
Page 4, Art. 11, Validity of documents, (1)
Any document, including a document renouncing or transferring property rights, assets or claims, signed by a prisoner who is to be released or transferred has no legal validity and does not in any way affect that prisoner’s rights or obligations.
Page 4, Art. 11, Validity of documents, (2)
Paragraph (1) is also applicable to documents signed by civilians to be transferred to an area other than their area of former residence.
Page 9, Recommendation on the tragic situation of civilians in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Untitled preamble
...Considering that in the present situation in Bosnia-Herzegovia with generalised violations of International Humanitarian Law systematically committed against civilians, the lives of certain civilians in certain areas can only be saved if they leave temporarily their homes and reach temporarily other areas,...
Page 9, Recommendation on the tragic situation of civilians in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1.
Civilians who desire to leave temporarily the territory controlled by another party should be entitled to do so.
Page 10, Recommendation on the tragic situation of civilians in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2.
The will of civilians to leave temporarily should be checked by an impartial international body in a private interview.
Page 10, Recommendation on the tragic situation of civilians in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 3.
The civilians should be able to leave in an organised transfer under international supervision and, if necessary, protection. Its security will be guaranteed by each party on the territory it controls.
Page 10, Recommendation on the tragic situation of civilians in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 4.
Each party to the conflict guarantees those who leave temporarily the territory it controls:
a) that their goods, assets and belongings will be respected and protected;
b) that they have a right to return home at a later stage if they wish so;
c) that any document, including a document renouncing or transferring property rights, assets or claims signed by a person who is about to leave temporarily has no legal validity and does not affect in any way that person’s rights or obligations .
Page 10, Recommendation on the tragic situation of civilians in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 5.
Persons temporarily transferred to areas other than their areas of origin should benefit, as vulnerable groups, from international assistance, inter alia, in conformity with its mandate, by the ICRC. - Social class
No specific mention.
- Women, girls and gender
No specific mention.
- Men and boys
No specific mention.
No specific mention.
- Family
No specific mention.
State definition
- Nature of state (general)
No specific mention.
- State configuration
No specific mention.
- Self determination
No specific mention.
- Referendum
No specific mention.
- State symbols
No specific mention.
- Independence/secession
No specific mention.
- Accession/unification
No specific mention.
- Border delimitation
No specific mention.
- Cross-border provision
No specific mention.
- Political institutions (new or reformed)
No specific mention.
- Elections
No specific mention.
- Electoral commission
No specific mention.
- Political parties reform
No specific mention.
- Civil society
- Page 1, Untitled preamble
...Accepting the good offices of the ICRC to help conclude agreements to release prisoners in conformity with Chapter IV of the Agreement of 6 June 1992,...
Page 2, Art. 3 Release of prisoners, (2)
Each party will release all prisoners it is holding in any given place of detention as soon as the ICRC so requests on the basis of a specific plan of operation for the release and transfer of the prisoners held in that place.
Page 2, Art. 3 Release of prisoners, (3)
In particular, the parties accept that the ICRC will draw up specific plans of operation and implement them within 31 October 1992 for the places of detention and via the tentative [unreadable] of transfer listed in Annex B, subject to the approval of any third country entitled to be released under para. (1) and present on the day of implementation of the specific plan of operation will benefit from the operation, regardless of the notifications made under Article 6.
Page 2, Art. 3 Release of prisoners, (4)
The parties will grant the ICRC all the facilities necessary for the implementation of the specific plans of operation and will, in particular, guarantee the security of a transfer on the territory they control, including, if the ICRC so requests, by an armed escort. This is without prejudice to any UNPROFOR escort that might be requested by the ICRC in conformity with UN Security Council Resolution 776.
Page 2, Art. 3 Release of prisoners, (5)
The parties accept that under specific plans of operation prisoners may be transferred temporarily into neighbouring countries, where UNHCR may be involved in the implementation of such plans of operation, in conformity with its mandate.
Page 2, Art. 3 Release of prisoners, (6)
Each prisoner to be released has the right to express to the ICRC in a private interview his free will on whether he wishes to be released and transferred according to the specific ICRC plan of operation, or wishes to be released on the spot, or wishes to remain in detention.
Page 2, Art. 3 Release of prisoners, (7)
For prisoners who are nationals of third States the specific ICRC plan of operation shall always provide for the right to be transferred into their State of origin.
Page 2, Art. 4 Prisoners not entitled to be released (1)
Prisoners not entitled to be released under Art. 3 (1) shall benefit from the judicial guarantees set out in Arts 82-108 of the Third Geneva Convention if they are captured combatants, and Arts 71-76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention if they are civilians. The ICRC shall in particular be informed in each such case of the charge pending against the prisoner.
Page 3, Art. 5, Assistance to prisoners released and transferred
The parties accept that prisoners released by virtue of Art.3 shall receive, as vulnerable groups, assistance from the ICRC and UNHCR, in accordance with the two organizations’ respective mandates.
Page 3, Art. 6, Notification of prisoners, (1)
Each party will notify the ICRC before 7 October 1992 of all prisoners detained in the places of detention listed in Annex A1, if this has not yet been done according to Annex A1.
Page 3, Art. 6, Notification of prisoners, (2)
Each party will notify the ICRC before 15 October 1992 of the name and location of any other places where prisoners are being held on the territory under its control and of all prisoners held in those places.
Page 3, Art. 6, Notification of prisoners, (3)
Thereafter, the ICRC shall be notified within 14 days:
(a) of every prisoner captured, arrested, or transferred;
(b) of every new place of detention opened.
Page 3, Art. 7, Enquiries, (1)
The ICRC and any party may ask any other party for information on the whereabouts of a prisoner held by the latter and previously registered by the ICRC in the power of that party, or allegedly detained by that party.
Page 3, Art. 7, Enquiries, (2)
The ICRC and any party may ask any other party about the location of any alleged place of detention and to be notified of any prisoners held there.
Page 3, Art. 8, ICRC access to prisoners
The ICRC shall have free access to all prisoners and may make a census of the population of any place of detention with a view to drawing up a specific plan of operation as provided for in Art.3
Page 4, Art. 9, Notification of releases without ICRC involvement
In the events of any release, transfer, repatriation or exchange of prisoners in which the ICRC takes no part, the ICRC will be notified of all the prisoners concerned.
Page 10, Recommendation on the tragic situation of civilians in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 5.
Persons temporarily transferred to areas other than their areas of origin should benefit, as vulnerable groups, from international assistance, inter alia, in conformity with its mandate, by the ICRC. - Traditional/religious leaders
No specific mention.
- Public administration
No specific mention.
- Constitution
No specific mention.
Power sharing
- Political power sharing
No specific mention.
- Territorial power sharing
No specific mention.
- Economic power sharing
No specific mention.
- Military power sharing
No specific mention.
Human rights and equality
- Human rights/RoL general
No specific mention.
- Bill of rights/similar
No specific mention.
- Treaty incorporation
- Page 2, Art. 3 Release of prisoners, (1)
All prisoners not accused of, or sentenced for, grave breaches of International Humanitarian Law as defined in Art. 50 of the First Art. 51 of the Second, Art. 130 of the Third [unreadable] Art. 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, as well as in Art.85 of Additional Protocol I, will be unilaterally and unconditionally released.
Page 2, Art. 4 Prisoners not entitled to be released (1)
Prisoners not entitled to be released under Art. 3 (1) shall benefit from the judicial guarantees set out in Arts 82-108 of the Third Geneva Convention if they are captured combatants, and Arts 71-76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention if they are civilians. The ICRC shall in particular be informed in each such case of the charge pending against the prisoner.
Page 2, Art. 4 Prisoners not entitled to be released (2)
Even if convicted, such prisoners retain the benefits of the treatment provided for in Art. 2.3 or 2.4 of the Agreement of 22 May 1992, depending on their status.
Page 3, Art. 5, Assistance to prisoners released and transferred
The parties accept that prisoners released by virtue of Art.3 shall receive, as vulnerable groups, assistance from the ICRC and UNHCR, in accordance with the two organizations’ respective mandates.
Page 9, Recommendation on the tragic situation of civilians in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Untitled preamble
...Considering that in the present situation in Bosnia-Herzegovia with generalised violations of International Humanitarian Law systematically committed against civilians, the lives of certain civilians in certain areas can only be saved if they leave temporarily their homes and reach temporarily other areas,... - Civil and political rights
No specific mention.
- Socio-economic rights
No specific mention.
Rights related issues
- Citizenship
No specific mention.
- Democracy
No specific mention.
- Detention procedures
No specific mention.
- Media and communication
No specific mention.
- Mobility/access
No specific mention.
- Protection measures
- Rights related issues→Protection measures→OtherPage 10, 3. The civilians should be able to leave in an organised transfer under international supervision and, if necessary, protection. Its security will be guaranteed by each party on the territory it controls.
- Other
No specific mention.
Rights institutions
No specific mention.
- Regional or international human rights institutions
No specific mention.
Justice sector reform
- Criminal justice and emergency law
No specific mention.
- State of emergency provisions
No specific mention.
- Judiciary and courts
No specific mention.
- Prisons and detention
- Page 3, Art. 6, Notification of prisoners, (3)
Thereafter, the ICRC shall be notified within 14 days:...(b) of every new place of detention opened.
[Summary: Page 4-5, Annex A1, List of places of detention according to information given by detaining parties on 01.10.1992, acts as a precursor to releasing prisoners from these sites of detention]
[Summary: Page 5-6, Annex A2, List of places of detention formerly notified by detaining parties for which clarification is requested, acts as a precursor to releasing prisoners from these sites of detention]
[Summary: Page 6, Annex A3, List of alleged places of detention according to information provided by the parties during the plenipotentiary conference for which clarification is requested, acts as a precursor to releasing prisoners from these sites of detention]
[Summary: Page 7-8, Annex B, Places of Detention, Possible Routing, provides suggested routes for transfer of released prisoners] - Traditional Laws
No specific mention.
Socio-economic reconstruction
- Development or socio-economic reconstruction
No specific mention.
- National economic plan
No specific mention.
- Natural resources
No specific mention.
- International funds
No specific mention.
- Business
No specific mention.
- Taxation
No specific mention.
- Banks
No specific mention.
Land, property and environment
- Land reform/rights
- Land, property and environment→Land reform/rights→Property return and restitutionPage 4, Art. 11, Validity of documents, (1)
Any document, including a document renouncing or transferring property rights, assets or claims, signed by a prisoner who is to be released or transferred has no legal validity and does not in any way affect that prisoner’s rights or obligations.
Page 10, Recommendation on the tragic situation of civilians in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 4.
Each party to the conflict guarantees those who leave temporarily the territory it controls:
a) that their goods, assets and belongings will be respected and protected;
b) that they have a right to return home at a later stage if they wish so;
c) that any document, including a document renouncing or transferring property rights, assets or claims signed by a person who is about to leave temporarily has no legal validity and does not affect in any way that person’s rights or obligations. - Pastoralist/nomadism rights
No specific mention.
- Cultural heritage
No specific mention.
- Environment
No specific mention.
- Water or riparian rights or access
No specific mention.
Security sector
- Security Guarantees
- Page 2, Art. 3, Release of prisoners, (4)
The parties will grant the ICRC all the facilities necessary for the implementation of the specific plans of operation and will, in particular, guarantee the security of a transfer on the territory they control, including, if the ICRC so requests, by an armed escort. This is without prejudice to any UNPROFOR escort that might be requested by the ICRC in conformity with UN Security Council Resolution 776.
Page 9, Recommendation on the tragic situation of civilians in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Untitled preamble
...Recalling that the presence of civilians may not be used to render certain areas immune from military operations,...
Page 10, Recommendation on the tragic situation of civilians in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 3.
The civilians should be able to leave in an organised transfer under international supervision and, if necessary, protection. Its security will be guaranteed by each party on the territory it controls. - Ceasefire
No specific mention.
- Police
No specific mention.
- Armed forces
- Page 4, Activities after release
The parties undertake not to recruit prisoners released and/or transferred under this Agreement in their armed forces or groups and to take all feasible measures that such prisoners do not take a direct part in hostilities. - DDR
No specific mention.
- Intelligence services
No specific mention.
- Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces
- Page 4, Activities after release
The parties undertake not to recruit prisoners released and/or transferred under this Agreement in their armed forces or groups and to take all feasible measures that such prisoners do not take a direct part in hostilities. - Withdrawal of foreign forces
No specific mention.
- Corruption
No specific mention.
- Crime/organised crime
No specific mention.
- Drugs
No specific mention.
- Terrorism
No specific mention.
Transitional justice
- Transitional justice general
No specific mention.
- Amnesty/pardon
No specific mention.
- Courts
No specific mention.
- Mechanism
No specific mention.
- Prisoner release
- Page 1, Untitled preamble
...Accepting the good offices of the ICRC to help conclude agreements to release prisoners in conformity with Chapter IV of the Agreement of 6 June 1992,...
Page 1, Art. 1 Prisoners covered by this agreement
In this Agreement the term “prisoners” means:
(a) all civilian deprived of their liberty for reasons related to the conflict, as defined in Art. 2.3.(2) of the Agreement of 22 May 1992, including those interned, detained or subject to assigned residence.
(b) all captured combatants, as defined in Art. 2.4 of the Agreement of 22 May 1992,
Including those accused of or sentenced for any crime related to the armed conflict.
Page 1, Art. 2 Responsibility for prisoners
The parties are responsible for the application of this Agreement in respect of all prisoners held on territories under their control and will therefore ensure central control over all prisoners detained by individuals or local groups.
Page 2, Art. 3 Release of prisoners, (1)
All prisoners not accused of, or sentenced for, grave breaches of International Humanitarian Law as defined in Art. 50 of the First Art. 51 of the Second, Art. 130 of the Third [unreadable] Art. 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, as well as in Art.85 of Additional Protocol I, will be unilaterally and unconditionally released.
Page 2, Art. 3 Release of prisoners, (2)
Each party will release all prisoners it is holding in any given place of detention as soon as the ICRC so requests on the basis of a specific plan of operation for the release and transfer of the prisoners held in that place.
Page 2, Art. 3 Release of prisoners, (3)
In particular, the parties accept that the ICRC will draw up specific plans of operation and implement them within 31 October 1992 for the places of detention and via the tentative [unreadable] of transfer listed in Annex B, subject to the approval of any third country entitled to be released under para. (1) and present on the day of implementation of the specific plan of operation will benefit from the operation, regardless of the notifications made under Article 6.
Page 2, Art. 3 Release of prisoners, (4)
The parties will grant the ICRC all the facilities necessary for the implementation of the specific plans of operation and will, in particular, guarantee the security of a transfer on the territory they control, including, if the ICRC so requests, by an armed escort. This is without prejudice to any UNPROFOR escort that might be requested by the ICRC in conformity with UN Security Council Resolution 776.
Page 2, Art. 3 Release of prisoners, (5)
The parties accept that under specific plans of operation prisoners may be transferred temporarily into neighbouring countries, where UNHCR may be involved in the implementation of such plans of operation, in conformity with its mandate.
Page 2, Art. 3 Release of prisoners, (6)
Each prisoner to be released has the right to express to the ICRC in a private interview his free will on whether he wishes to be released and transferred according to the specific ICRC plan of operation, or wishes to be released on the spot, or wishes to remain in detention.
Page 2, Art. 3 Release of prisoners, (7)
For prisoners who are nationals of third States the specific ICRC plan of operation shall always provide for the right to be transferred into their State of origin.
Page 2, Art. 4 Prisoners not entitled to be released (1)
Prisoners not entitled to be released under Art. 3 (1) shall benefit from the judicial guarantees set out in Arts 82-108 of the Third Geneva Convention if they are captured combatants, and Arts 71-76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention if they are civilians. The ICRC shall in particular be informed in each such case of the charge pending against the prisoner.
Page 2, Art. 4 Prisoners not entitled to be released (2)
Even if convicted, such prisoners retain the benefits of the treatment provided for in Art. 2.3 or 2.4 of the Agreement of 22 May 1992, depending on their status.
Page 2, Art. 4 Prisoners not entitled to be released (3)
The party approached will make any internal enquiries necessary to obtain the information requested.
Page 3, Art. 5, Assistance to prisoners released and transferred
The parties accept that prisoners released by virtue of Art.3 shall receive, as vulnerable groups, assistance from the ICRC and UNHCR, in accordance with the two organizations’ respective mandates.
Page 3, Art. 6, Notification of prisoners, (1)
Each party will notify the ICRC before 7 October 1992 of all prisoners detained in the places of detention listed in Annex A1, if this has not yet been done according to Annex A1.
Page 3, Art. 6, Notification of prisoners, (2)
Each party will notify the ICRC before 15 October 1992 of the name and location of any other places where prisoners are being held on the territory under its control and of all prisoners held in those places.
Page 3, Art. 6, Notification of prisoners, (3)
Thereafter, the ICRC shall be notified within 14 days:
(a) of every prisoner captured, arrested, or transferred;
(b) of every new place of detention opened.
Page 3, Art. 6, Notification of prisoners, (4)
The local liaison officers of the parties will meet at least once every 14 days in a mutually agreed place to exchange lists of all prisoners held in their respective areas.
Page 3, Art. 6, Notification of prisoners, (5)
All notifications referred to in this article and in Art. 9 shall contain at least the following details on the prisoners concerned: - name - first name - father’s first name - mother’s first name and maiden name - date of birth - place of birth.
Page 3, Art. 7, Enquiries, (1)
The ICRC and any party may ask any other party for information on the whereabouts of a prisoner held by the latter and previously registered by the ICRC in the power of that party, or allegedly detained by that party.
Page 3, Art. 7, Enquiries, (2)
The ICRC and any party may ask any other party about the location of any alleged place of detention and to be notified of any prisoners held there.
Page 3, Art. 7, Enquiries, (3)
The party approached will make any internal enquiries necessary to obtain the information requested.
Page 3, Art. 8, ICRC access to prisoners
The ICRC shall have free access to all prisoners and may make a census of the population of any place of detention with a view to drawing up a specific plan of operation as provided for in Art.3.
Page 4, Art. 9, Notification of releases without ICRC involvement
In the events of any release, transfer, repatriation or exchange of prisoners in which the ICRC takes no part, the ICRC will be notified of all the prisoners concerned.
Page 4, Art. 10, Right to return
Any prisoner released in or transferred to an area other than that of his or her former residence retains the right to return home at a later stage if he or she wishes to do so.
Page 4, Art. 11, Validity of documents, (1)
Any document, including a document renouncing or transferring property rights, assets or claims, signed by a prisoner who is to be released or transferred has no legal validity and does not in any way affect that prisoner’s rights or obligations.
Page 4, Art. 11, Validity of documents, (2)
Paragraph (1) is also applicable to documents signed by civilians to be transferred to an area other than their area of former residence.
Page 4, Activities after release
The parties undertake not to recruit prisoners released and/or transferred under this Agreement in their armed forces or groups and to take all feasible measures that such prisoners do not take a direct part in hostilities.
[Summary: Page 4-5, Annex A1, List of places of detention according to information given by detaining parties on 01.10.1992, acts as a precursor to releasing prisoners from these sites of detention]
[Summary: Page 5-6, Annex A2, List of places of detention formerly notified by detaining parties for which clarification is requested, acts as a precursor to releasing prisoners from these sites of detention]
[Summary: Page 6, Annex A3, List of alleged places of detention according to information provided by the parties during the plenipotentiary conference for which clarification is requested, acts as a precursor to releasing prisoners from these sites of detention]
[Summary: Page 7, Annex B, Places of Detention, Possible Routing, provides suggested routes for transfer of released prisoners] - Vetting
No specific mention.
- Victims
No specific mention.
- Missing persons
No specific mention.
- Reparations
No specific mention.
- Reconciliation
No specific mention.
- UN signatory
- Observed for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees by Mrs. A.-M. Demmer, Director, Regional Bureau for Europe
- Other international signatory
- Meeting chaired by Mr. Thierry Germond, ICRC Delegate General for Europe, in the presence of the following observers:
For the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Ms. Olga Lazic-Djerdj
For the Republic of Croatia: Mr. Ranko Vilovic - Referendum for agreement
No specific mention.
- International mission/force/similar
- Page 2, Art. 3 Release of prisoners, (4)
The parties will grant the ICRC all the facilities necessary for the implementation of the specific plans of operation and will, in particular, guarantee the security of a transfer on the territory they control, including, if the ICRC so requests, by an armed escort. This is without prejudice to any UNPROFOR escort that might be requested by the ICRC in conformity with UN Security Council Resolution 776. - Enforcement mechanism
No specific mention.
- Related cases
No specific mention.
- Source
- ICTY Court Records, Karadzic trial exhibit P04859
Source agreement
At the invitation of the International Committee of the Red Cross,
Mr. K. Trnka Representative of Mr. Alija Izetbegovic, President of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Mr. D. Kalinic Representative of Mr. Radovan Karadzic, President of the Serbian Democratic Party
Mr. S. Sito Coric Representative of Mr. Mate Boban, President of the Croatian Democratic Community
Mr. A. Kurjak Representative of the Party of Democratic Action
Mr. M. Popadic Liaison Officer of the Serbian Democratic Party
Mr. M. Mujic Liaison Officer of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Met in Geneva on 30 September and 1 October 1992, at a meeting chaired by Mr. Thierry Germond, ICRC Delegate General for Europe, in the presence of the following observers:
For the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia:
Ms. Olga Lazic-Djerdj
For the Republic of Croatia:
Mr. Ranko Vilovic
For the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees:
Mrs. A.-M. Demmer, Director, Regional Bureau for Europe
Have agreed on the following:
On the basis of the Agreement of 22 May 1992,
Accepting the good offices of the ICRC to help conclude agreements to release prisoners in conformity with Chapter IV of the Agreement of 6 June 1992,
Recalling the humanitarian plan of action their leaders accepted in London on 27 August 1992,
The undersigned have accepted the following:
Art. 1 Prisoners covered by this agreement
In this Agreement the term “prisoners” means:
(a) all civilian deprived of their liberty for reasons related to the conflict, as defined in Art.
2.3.(2) of the Agreement of 22 May 1992, including those interned, detained or subject to assigned residence.
(b) all captured combatants, as defined in Art.
2.4 of the Agreement of 22 May 1992,
Including those accused of or sentenced for any crime related to the armed conflict.
Art. 2 Responsibility for prisoners
The parties are responsible for the application of thos Agreement in respect of all prisoners held on territories under their control and will therefore ensure central control over all prisoners detained by individuals or local groups.
Art. 3 Release of prisoners
(1) All prisoners not accused of, or sentenced for, grave breaches of International Humanitarian Law as defined in Art.
50 of the First Art.
51 of the Second, Art.
130 of the Third [unreadable] Art.
147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, as well as in Art.85 of Additional Protocol I, will be unilaterally and unconditionally released.
(2) Each party will release all prisoners it is holding in any given place of detention as soon as the ICRC so requests on the basis of a specific plan of operation for the release and transfer of the prisoners held in that place.
(3) In particular, the parties accept that the ICRC will draw up specific plans of operation and implement them within 31 October 1992 for the places of detention and via the tentative [unreadable] of transfer listed in Annex B, subject to the approval of any third country entitled to be released under para. (
1) and present on the day of implementation of the specific plan of operation will benefit from the operation, regardless of the notifications made under Article 6.
(4) The parties will grant the ICRC all the facilities necessary for the implementation of the specific plans of operation and will, in particular, guarantee the security of a transfer on the territory they control, including, if the ICRC so requests, by an armed escort.
This is without prejudice to any UNPROFOR escort that might be requested by the ICRC in conformity with UN Security Council Resolution 776.
(5) The parties accept that under specific plans of operation prisoners may be transferred temporarily into neighbouring countries, where UNHCR may be involved in the implementation of such plans of operation, in conformity with its mandate.
(6) Each prisoner to be released has the right to express to the ICRC in a private interview his free will on whether he wishes to be released and transferred according to the specific ICRC plan of operation, or wishes to be released on the spot, or wishes to remain in detention.
(7) For prisoners who are nationals of third States the specific ICRC plan of operation shall always provide for the right to be transferred into their State of origin.
Art. 4 Prisoners not entitled to be released
(1) Prisoners not entitled to be released under Art.
3 (1) shall benefit from the judicial guarantees set out in Arts 82-108 of the Third Geneva Convention if they are captured combatants, and Arts 71-76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention if they are civilians.
The ICRC shall in particular be informed in each such case of the charge pending against the prisoner.
(2) Even if convicted, such prisoners retain the benefits of the treatment provided for in Art.
2.3 or 2.4 of the Agreement of 22 May 1992, depending on their status.
(3) The party approached will make any internal enquiries necessary to obtain the information requested.
Art. 5 Assistance to prisoners released and transferred
The parties accept that prisoners released by virtue of Art.3 shall receive, as vulnerable groups, assistance from the ICRC and UNHCR, in accordance with the two organizations’ respective mandates.
Art. 6 Notification of prisoners
(1) Each party will notify the ICRC before 7 October 1992 of all prisoners detained in the places of detention listed in Annex A1, if this has not yet been done according to Annex A1.
(2) Each party will notify the ICRC before 15 October 1992 of the name and location of any other places where prisoners are being held on the territory under its control and of all prisoners held in those places.
(3) Thereafter, the ICRC shall be notified within 14 days:
(a) of every prisoner captured, arrested, or transferred;
(b) of every new place of detention opened.
(4) The local liaison officers of the parties will meet at least once every 14 days in a mutually agreed place to exchange lists of all prisoners held in their respective areas.
(5) All notifications referred to in this article and in Art.
9 shall contain at least the following details on the prisoners concerned:
- name
- first name
- father’s first name
- mother’s first name and maiden name
- date of birth
- place of birth.
Art. 7 Enquiries
(1) The ICRC and any party may ask any other party for information on the whereabouts of a prisoner held by the latter and previously registered by the ICRC in the power of that party, or allegedly detained by that party.
(2) The ICRC and any party may ask any other party about the location of any alleged place of detention and to be notified of any prisoners held there.
(3) The party approached will make any internal enquiries necessary to obtain the information requested.
Art. 8 ICRC access to prisoners
The ICRC shall have free access to all prisoners and may make a census of the population of any place of detention with a view to drawing up a specific plan of operation as provided for in Art.3.
Art. 9 Notification of releases without ICRC involvement
In the events of any release, transfer, repatriation or exchange of prisoners in which the ICRC takes no part, the ICRC will be notified of all the prisoners concerned.
Art. 10 Right to return
Any prisoner released in or transferred to an area other than that of his or her former residence retains the right to return home at a later stage if he or she wishes to do so.
Art. 11 Validity of documents
(1) Any document, including a document renouncing or transferring property rights, assets or claims, signed by a prisoner who is to be released or transferred has no legal validity and does not in any way affect that prisoner’s rights or obligations.
(2) Paragraph (1) is also applicable to documents signed by civilians to be transferred to an area other than their area of former residence.
Art. 12 Activities after release
The parties undertake not to recruit prisoners released and/or transferred under this Agreement in their armed forces or groups and to take all feasible measures that such prisoners do not take a direct part in hostilities.
Geneva, 1 October 1992
Mr. K. Trnka
Mr. D. Kalenic
Mr. S. Sito Coric
Mr. A. Kurjak
1. Under Bosnian control
Sarajevo Prison
Victor Bubanj Army Barracks
Zenica Prison
Tuzla Prison
Bihac Prison
Velika Kladusa Camp
Konjic Camp/Prison *2
Celebici Camp
Visoko Camp
Begov Han Camp
Jajce *2
2. Under Croatian control
Mostar Prison *1
Bosanski Brod Camp
Jajce *2
Konjic Camp/Prison *2
Livno *3
Tomislavgrad *3
3. Under Serbian Control
Manjaca Camp
Trno Polje Camp
Foca Prison
Drvar “Kamenica” Prison
Bileca Police Station
Sanski Most
Bijelina “Batkovic” Camp
Banja Luka Prison
Doboj Prison
Vlasenica Camp
Kula (Butmir) Prison
Pale Prison
Bosanski Samac
Kotor Varos
*1 All detainess formerly held in Ljubuski, Dretelj Cjapljina, Tomislavgrad and Livno were recently transferred to Mostar prison.
*2 Places of detention under common Bosnia-Croatian control
*3 Areas where restricted freedom of movements is applied to certain categories of persons
1. Under Serbian Authority
2. Under Bosnian Authority
1. Under Croatian Control
Bradina Tunnel
Stup (Sarajevo)
2. Under Bosnian Control
Tarcin Silo
Buturovic Polje
3. Under Serbian Control
Places of Detention
Bosanski Brod
Sanski Most
Possible Routing
Trnopolje – Prijedor
Bosanski Novi
Dvor – Glina – Vojnic – Turanj – Karlovac
Bileca – Front.
Niksic – Podgorica
Podgorica – Skopje (?)
Bihac – Izacic
Izacic – Licko Petrovo Selo
Licko Petrovo Selo Titova Korenica
Bosanski Brod – Slavonski Brod – Lipovac
Lipovac – Kuzmin – Belgrade
Foca – Gradac
Gradac – Pljevlina-Front. –
Front. –
Prijelpa –Sjenica – Novi Pazar
Celebici – Jablanica – Front.
Front – Prozor – Posusje - Front. –
Front – Imotski – Split 1 Night
Slipt – Zelenika (Boat)
Konjic – Celebici
Idem Celebici
Batkovic – Bijeljina
Kuzmin - Lipovac
Lipovac – Karlovac – Djakovo (?)
Sanski Most – Prijedor – Bosanski Novi
Dvor – Glina – Vojnic
Turanj – Karlovac
Drvar Kamenica – Zaseok
Zaseok – Knin
Knin – Slunj – Karlovac
Mostar – Listica – Posusje – Front.
Front. –
Imotski – Split
Split – Zelenika (Boat)
Capljina Grabovina
Manjaca 1
Manjaca 2
Banja Luka KPD
Capljina – Ljubuski
Puis Idem Ljubuski
Manjaca – Banja Luka
Bosanski Gradiska
B. Gradiska – Okucani – Novska
Novska – Karlovac
Zenica – Front.
Prozor – Posusje – Front.
Front. –
Imotski – Split (Night)
Split – Zelenika (Boat)
Split – B. Luka (Airplane)
Visoko – Zenica (Night)
And Idem Zenica
Idem Manjaca 1
Tuzla – Belgrade (Airplane)
Livno – Posusje-Front.
Split – Zelenika (Boat)
Split – B. Luka (Airplane)
Tomislavgrad-Posusje Front.
And Idem Livno
B. Luka – Bosanska Gradiska
B. Gradiska-Okucani-Novska
Novska – Karlovac
Doboj – B. Luka
And Idem B. Luka
Pale - Zvornik
Zvornik – Loznica
Loznica – Sabac
Sremska Mitrovica – Kuzmin – Lipovac
Lipovac – Karlovac
These routings are indicative and remain subject to changes according to up-dated assessment of local conditions.
At the invitation of the International Committee of the Red Cross,
Mr. K. Trnka Representative of Mr. Alija Izetbegovic, President of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Mr. D. Kalinic Representative of Mr. Radovan Karadzic, President of the Serbian Democratic Party
Mr. S. Sito Coric Representative of Mr. Mate Boban, President of the Croatian Democratic Community
Mr. A. Kurjak Representative of the Party of Democratic Action
Mr. M. Popadic Liaison Officer of the Serbian Democratic Party
Mr. M. Mujic Liaison Officer of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Met in Geneva on 30 September and 1 October 1992, at a meeting chaired by Mr. Thierry Germond, ICRC Delegate General for Europe, in the presence of the following observers:
For the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia:
Ms. Olga Lazic-Djerdj
For the Republic of Croatia:
Mr. Ranko Vilovic
For the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees:
Mrs. A.-M. Demmer, Director, Regional Bureau for Europe
And adopted the following recommendation:
Deploring that the parties to the conflict and the international community did not yet find a political solution to end the conflict and a permanent answer to the serious humanitarian situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Reaffirming the prohibition of any discrimination based on ethnic origin and the prohibition of forced movements of civilians and the inherent right of every human being to live in peace and dignity,
Recalling that the presence of civilians may not be used to render certain areas immune from military operations,
Considering that in the present situation in Bosnia-Herzegovia with generalised violations of International Humanitarian Law systematically committed against civilians, the lives of certain civilians in certain areas can only be saved if they leave temporarily their homes and reach temporarily other areas,
Mindful of the winter which is approaching,
The undersigned submit the following recommendations to the deliberation of the International Conference on Former Yugoslavia:
1. Civilians who desire to leave temporarily the territory controlled by another party should be entitled to do so.
2. The will of civilians to leave temporarily should be checked by an impartial international body in a private interview.
3. The civilians should be able to leave in an organised transfer under international supervision and, if necessary, protection.
Its security will be guaranteed by each party on the territory it controls.
4. Each party to the conflict guarantees those who leave temporarily the territory it controls:
a) that their goods, assets and belongings will be respected and protected;
b) that they have a right to return home at a later stage if they wish so;
c) that any document, including a document renouncing or transferring property rights, assets or claims signed by a person who is about to leave temporarily has no legal validity and does not affect in any way that person’s rights or obligations .
5. Persons temporarily transferred to areas other than their areas of origin should benefit, as vulnerable groups, from international assistance, inter alia, in conformity with its mandate, by the ICRC.
Geneva, 1 October 1992
Mr. K. Trnka
Mr. D. Kalenic
Mr. S. Sito Coric
Mr. A. Kurjak