Agreement on the Separation of Forces in the area of Sarajevo Airport (collection of Sarajevo agreements)
- Country/entity
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Yugoslavia (former) - Region
Europe and Eurasia
- Agreement name
- Agreement on the Separation of Forces in the area of Sarajevo Airport (collection of Sarajevo agreements)
- Date
- 22 Dec 1992
- Agreement status
- Multiparty signed/agreed
- Interim arrangement
- Yes
- Agreement/conflict level
- Intrastate/intrastate conflict
- Stage
- Ceasefire/related
- Conflict nature
- Government/territory
- Peace process
- Bosnia peace process
- Parties
- Believed to be signed by military representatives of the Croatian Defence Council (Milivoj Petkovic) and the Army Republika Srpska (signature illegible)
- Third parties
- Signed by General Morrillon, meeting held under the auspices of UNPROF0R.
- Description
- This military agreement contains several sub-agreements and plans as outputs of the Mixed Military Working Group held under the auspices of UNPROR. These include: Agreement pm yjr Implementation of Area of Separation; Agreement; Agreement on Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors; and Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors.
- Children/youth
No specific mention.
- Disabled persons
No specific mention.
- Elderly/age
No specific mention.
- Migrant workers
No specific mention.
- Racial/ethnic/national group
No specific mention.
- Religious groups
No specific mention.
- Indigenous people
No specific mention.
- Other groups
No specific mention.
- Refugees/displaced persons
No specific mention.
- Social class
No specific mention.
- Women, girls and gender
No specific mention.
- Men and boys
No specific mention.
No specific mention.
- Family
No specific mention.
State definition
- Nature of state (general)
No specific mention.
- State configuration
No specific mention.
- Self determination
No specific mention.
- Referendum
No specific mention.
- State symbols
No specific mention.
- Independence/secession
No specific mention.
- Accession/unification
No specific mention.
- Border delimitation
No specific mention.
- Cross-border provision
No specific mention.
- Political institutions (new or reformed)
No specific mention.
- Elections
No specific mention.
- Electoral commission
No specific mention.
- Political parties reform
No specific mention.
- Civil society
No specific mention.
- Traditional/religious leaders
No specific mention.
- Public administration
No specific mention.
- Constitution
No specific mention.
Power sharing
- Political power sharing
No specific mention.
- Territorial power sharing
No specific mention.
- Economic power sharing
No specific mention.
- Military power sharing
No specific mention.
Human rights and equality
- Human rights/RoL general
No specific mention.
- Bill of rights/similar
No specific mention.
- Treaty incorporation
No specific mention.
- Civil and political rights
No specific mention.
- Socio-economic rights
No specific mention.
Rights related issues
- Citizenship
No specific mention.
- Democracy
No specific mention.
- Detention procedures
No specific mention.
- Media and communication
- Rights related issues→Media and communication→Media rolesPage 8, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, Restoration of Civil Utilities
A Joint Commission composed of representatives from each side will be created in order to identify the priorities, to define the needs and to execute the implementation of civil utilities (electricity, water, gas, and telecommunications).Rights related issues→Media and communication→Media logisticsPage 8, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors
This plan deals with the withdrawal of heavy weapons as the first concrete step linked with: ...d/ Restoration of civil utilities (electricity, water, gas, and telecommunications). - Mobility/access
- Page 2, Agreement of the Implementation of an Area of Separation
...This plan deals with the withdrawal of heavy weapons as the first concrete step is linked with:... c. Freedom of movement for all civilians.
Page 3, Agreement of the Implementation of an Area of Separation, Freedom of movement for all civilians
The agreement signed on 13 December 1992 concerning SARAJEVO to be implemented on 18 December 1992 is reaffirmed and will be executed commencing on 25 December 1992 at 0800 hours. A copy of this agreement may be found at ANNEX A.
Page 4, Agreement of the Implementation of an Area of Separation, Removal of Heavy Weapons
d. Control Measures. The following implementation and control measures will be used:...(4) Complete freedom of movement for all UNPROFOR personnel and vehicles within the affected areas. (5) The Joint Commission will establish mixed patrols not later than December 26th, 1992.
Page 5, Agreement
The undersigned reaffirming their good will and expressing the need for a humanitarian gesture at this time have decided to open free passage within and out of the city of SARAJEVO for approximately 500 people of each side before December 24, 1992. Each side will decide who should be selected and from their own communities will provide vehicles tor their. transportation. Each side is responsible for the safety of the convoys in their
respective areas. UNPROFOR will escort, in coordination with each side, the convoys.
Page 7, Agreement on Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, 2.
The agreement tor civilians signed December 13th will be implemented the day after the implementation of the agreement on demilitarization of the airport area and opening of the corridors from Sarajevo, being Sarajevo-Mostar, Sarajevo-Zenica (1 km to the left and to the right there are to be no army forces).
Page 8, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors
This plan deals with the withdrawal of heavy weapons as the first concrete step linked with: ...b/ Opening of land corridors towards Mostar and Zenica. c/ Freedom of movement for all civilians, in accordance with legal regulations...
Page 8, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, The agreement on the opening of the land corridors and freedom of movement for civilians The agreement signed on the 13th December 1992 concerning Sarajevo to be implemented on the 10th December 1992 is reaffirmed and will be executed commencing on the 25th December 1992 at 0800 hrs on confition that the Sarajevo-Mostar and Sarajevo-Zenica land corridors be opened and that heavy weapons be withdrawan 1 km off the left and the right side of the road. Flow of goods and people through the corridors is to be controlled by UNPROFOR exclusively. (For copy of this agreement see ANNEX A).
Page 9, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, Removal of Heavy Weapons
d/Control Measures...(4) Complete movement for all UNPROFOR personnel and vehicles within the affected areas... - Protection measures
No specific mention.
- Other
No specific mention.
Rights institutions
No specific mention.
- Regional or international human rights institutions
No specific mention.
Justice sector reform
- Criminal justice and emergency law
No specific mention.
- State of emergency provisions
No specific mention.
- Judiciary and courts
No specific mention.
- Prisons and detention
No specific mention.
- Traditional Laws
No specific mention.
Socio-economic reconstruction
- Development or socio-economic reconstruction
- Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Infrastructure and reconstructionPage 2, Agreement of the Implementation of an Area of Separation
...This plan deals with the withdrawal of heavy weapons as the first concrete step is linked with:... d. Restoration of civil utilities
Page 3, Agreement of the Implementation of an Area of Separation, Restoration of Civil Utilities
A Joint Commission composed of representatives from each side will be created in order to identify the priorities, to define the needs and to execute the implementation of civil utilities. The implementation of civil utilities. The implementation of this Joint Commission will be effective on December 26th, 1992 at 0800 hours.
Page 8, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors
This plan deals with the withdrawal of heavy weapons as the first concrete step linked with: ...d/ Restoration of civil utilities (electricity, water, gas, and telecommunications).
Page 8, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, Restoration of Civil Utilities
A Joint Commission composed of representatives from each side will be created in order to identify the priorities, to define the needs and to execute the implementation of civil utilities (electricity, water, gas, and telecommunications). - National economic plan
No specific mention.
- Natural resources
No specific mention.
- International funds
No specific mention.
- Business
- Page 8, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, The agreement on the opening of the land corridors and freedom of movement for civilians The agreement signed on the 13th December 1992 concerning Sarajevo to be implemented on the 10th December 1992 is reaffirmed and will be executed commencing on the 25th December 1992 at 0800 hrs on confition that the Sarajevo-Mostar and Sarajevo-Zenica land corridors be opened and that heavy weapons be withdrawan 1 km off the left and the right side of the road. Flow of goods and people through the corridors is to be controlled by UNPROFOR exclusively. (For copy of this agreement see ANNEX A).
- Taxation
No specific mention.
- Banks
No specific mention.
Land, property and environment
- Land reform/rights
No specific mention.
- Pastoralist/nomadism rights
No specific mention.
- Cultural heritage
No specific mention.
- Environment
No specific mention.
- Water or riparian rights or access
- Page 8, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors
This plan deals with the withdrawal of heavy weapons as the first concrete step linked with: ...d/ Restoration of civil utilities (electricity, water, gas, and telecommunications).
Page 8, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, Restoration of Civil Utilities
A Joint Commission composed of representatives from each side will be created in order to identify the priorities, to define the needs and to execute the implementation of civil utilities (electricity, water, gas, and telecommunications).
Security sector
- Security Guarantees
- Page 1, Agreement on the Separation of Forces in the Area of Sarajevo Airport, 4.
All heavy weapons (12.7 1111 and above), direct and indirect fire, will be withdrawn from the area presented on the attached overlay not later than 1700 hrs. 24 December 1992. Simultaneously UNPROFOR will patrol the area between the "FORMER" conflicting sides.
Page 2, Agreement of the Implementation of an Area of Separation
The authorized representative of all three conflicting sides with the presence of the UNPROFOR representative agree on the implementation of an area of separation in the western and southern districts of SARAJEVO.
Page 3, Agreement of the Implementation of an Area of Separation, Removal of Heavy Weapons
a. Area. All heavy weapons will be withdrawn from the following locations: MOJMILO, DOBRINJA, LUKAVICA, GORNJI KOTORAC, VOJKOVICI, HRASNICA, SOKOLOVICI, BUTMIR, ILIDZA, OTES, STUP, NEDDARICI. The exact overlay of this area is to be found at ANNEX B.
Page 3, Agreement of the Implementation of an Area of Separation, Removal of Heavy Weapons
...b. Joint Commission. A Joint Commission will be created to begin on December 23rd, 1992 at 0900 hours.
(1) The mission of this Joint Commission will be to execute and implement details of this plan and subsequent phases.
(2) The Joint Commission will be composed of: (a) UNPROFOR command and support element. (b) A team of each side commanded by an officer senior enough to make decisions and designated as the authorised commander for the troops in the area affected. (c) A joint communications system which includes a command net and the necessary guaranteed communications link to each individual headquarters.
(3) The location of this Joint Commission will be at the airport settlement colocated with FRBAT who will provide the necessary accommodation and a team of experts.
Page 4, Agreement of the Implementation of an Area of Separation, Removal of Heavy Weapons
c. Timeframe. From each district the withdrawal of heavy weapons out of the circle will be divided into two days: (1) Day 1 - Withdrawal of all heavy (direct fire) weapons (tanks, APCs, anti-tank, anti-aircraft and heavy machine guns above 12.7 mm). (2) Day 2 - Withdrawal of all heavy (indirect fire) weapons (mortars, field artillery). (3) Day 1 is December 23th, 1992.
Page 7, Agreement on Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, 4.
All heavy weapons (12.7 mm and above), direct and indirect fire, will be withdrawn from the area presented on the attached overlay (30 km off the Sarejevo airport) not later than 1100 hrs, December 24th 1992. Simultaneously UNPROPOR will patrol the area between the conflicting sides.
Page 8, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors
The authorized representatives of the two conflicting sides with the presence of the UNPROFOR representatives agree on the demilitarization of the Sarajevo Airport area and opening of the corridors...
Page 8, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, The agreement on the opening of the land corridors and freedom of movement for civilians The agreement signed on the 13th December 1992 concerning Sarajevo to be implemented on the 10th December 1992 is reaffirmed and will be executed commencing on the 25th December 1992 at 0800 hrs on confition that the Sarajevo-Mostar and Sarajevo-Zenica land corridors be opened and that heavy weapons be withdrawan 1 km off the left and the right side of the road. Flow of goods and people through the corridors is to be controlled by UNPROFOR exclusively. (For copy of this agreement see ANNEX A).
Page 9, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, Removal of Heavy Weapons
a/Area. All the heavy weapons will be withdrawn 30 kms off the Sarajevo Airport from the following locations: MOJMILO, DOBRINJA, LUKAVICA, GORNJI KOTORAC, VOJKOVICI, HRASNICA, SOKOLOVICI, BUTMIR, ILIDZA, OTES, STUP, NEDZARAICI, GAVRICA BRDO. (For the exact overlay of this area see ANNEX B and the map).
Page 9, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, Removal of Heavy Weapons
c/Timeframe. From each district the withdrawal of heavy weapons will be divided into two days: (1) Day 1 - Withdrawal of all heavy (direct fire) weapons (tanks, APCs, anti-tank, anti-aircraft, and heavy machine guns above 12.7mm). (2) Day 2 - Withdrawal of all heavy weapons (mortars, field artillery). (3) Day 1 is December 23, 1992. The UNPROFOR forces will provide for the unobstructed withdrawal of heavy weapons 30 kms off the Airport. - Ceasefire
- Security sector→Ceasefire→Ceasefire provisionPage 1, Agreement on the Separation of Forces in the Area of Sarajevo Airport, 1.
The cease-fire signed on the 10th of November 1992 throughout Bosnia-Hercegovina is reaffirmed. Furthermore they accept to freeze the Military Situation and to proclaim the
Cessation of Hostilities.
Page 2, Agreement of the Implementation of an Area of Separation
...This plan deals with the withdrawal of heavy weapons as the first concrete step is linked with: a. An absolute cease fire. b. Cessation of hostilities
Page 2, Agreement of the Implementation of an Area of Separation, Cessation of Hostilities
The cessation of hostilities will be implemented on the 23rd of December 1992 at 0800 hours as follows: a. The freezing of the military situation on the existing lines. b. No offensive action allowed. c. No forward redeployments. d. All heavy weapons will be withdrawn from positions from which they can engage. e. No movement of any additional forces although rotation of personnel on a one for one basis shall be permitted. f. No movement or resupply of ammunition, explosives or incendiary devices.
Page 7, Agreement on Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, 1.
The cease fire signed November 10th 1992 throughout Bosnia-Herzegovina is reaffirmed.
Page 8, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors
This plan deals with the withdrawal of heavy weapons as the first concrete step linked with: a/ An absolute cease-fire...
Page 8, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, Cease-fire
The cease-fire will be implemented on the 23rd December 1992 at 0800 hrs as follows;
a/ No offensive action allowed. b/ No forward redeployment. c/ All heavy weapons will be withdrawn 30 km off the Sarajevo Airport. d/ No movement of any additional forces. e/ No movement or resupply or ammunition, explosives or incendiary device. - Police
No specific mention.
- Armed forces
No specific mention.
No specific mention.
- Intelligence services
No specific mention.
- Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces
No specific mention.
- Withdrawal of foreign forces
No specific mention.
- Corruption
No specific mention.
- Crime/organised crime
No specific mention.
- Drugs
No specific mention.
- Terrorism
No specific mention.
Transitional justice
- Transitional justice general
No specific mention.
- Amnesty/pardon
No specific mention.
- Courts
No specific mention.
- Mechanism
No specific mention.
- Prisoner release
No specific mention.
- Vetting
No specific mention.
- Victims
No specific mention.
- Missing persons
No specific mention.
- Reparations
No specific mention.
- Reconciliation
No specific mention.
- UN signatory
- Signed by General Morrillon, meeting held under the auspices of UNPROF0R.
- Other international signatory
No specific mention.
- Referendum for agreement
No specific mention.
- International mission/force/similar
- Page 1, Agreement on the Separation of Forces in the Area of Sarajevo Airport, 4.
All heavy weapons (12.7 1111 and above), direct and indirect fire, will be withdrawn from the area presented on the attached overlay not later than 1700 hrs. 24 December 1992. Simultaneously UNPROFOR will patrol the area between the "FORMER" conflicting sides.
Page 3, Agreement of the Implementation of an Area of Separation, Removal of Heavy Weapons
b. Joint Commission. A Joint Commission will be created to begin on December 23rd, 1992 at 0900 hours...(2) The Joint Commission will be composed of: (a) UNPROFOR command and support element... (3) The location of this Joint Commission will be at the airport settlement colocated with FRBAT who will provide the necessary accommodation and a team of experts.
Page 4, Agreement of the Implementation of an Area of Separation, Removal of Heavy Weapons
d. Control Measures. The following implementation and control measures will be used: (1) UNPROFOR forces will patrol the area of separation between the conflicting sides beginning December 24th 1992, at 0800 hours. (2) UNPROFOR forces will be deployed on the confrontation line and on agreed mixed checkpoints proposed by the Joint Commission not later than December 26th, 1992. (3) All parties are to identify weapons by type and locations and will provide UNPROFOR with detailed maps of areas considered to be under their respective control not later than December 26th, 1992. (4) Complete freedom of movement for all UNPROFOR personnel and vehicles within the affected areas. (5) The Joint Commission will establish mixed patrols not later than December 26th, 1992.
Page 5, Agreement
The undersigned reaffirming their good will and expressing the need for a humanitarian gesture at this time have decided to open free passage within and out of the city of SARAJEVO for approximately 500 people of each side before December 24, 1992. Each side will decide who should be selected and from their own communities will provide vehicles tor their. transportation. Each side is responsible for the safety of the convoys in their
respective areas. UNPROFOR will escort, in coordination with each side, the convoys.
Page 7, Agreement on Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, 4.
All heavy weapons (12.7 mm and above), direct and indirect fire, will be withdrawn from the area presented on the attached overlay (30 km off the Sarejevo airport) not later than 1100 hrs, December 24th 1992. Simultaneously UNPROPOR will patrol the area between the conflicting sides.
Page 8, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, The agreement on the opening of the land corridors and freedom of movement for civilians The agreement signed on the 13th December 1992 concerning Sarajevo to be implemented on the 10th December 1992 is reaffirmed and will be executed commencing on the 25th December 1992 at 0800 hrs on confition that the Sarajevo-Mostar and Sarajevo-Zenica land corridors be opened and that heavy weapons be withdrawan 1 km off the left and the right side of the road. Flow of goods and people through the corridors is to be controlled by UNPROFOR exclusively. (For copy of this agreement see ANNEX A).
Page 9, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, Removal of Heavy Weapons
b/Joint Commission. Joint Commission will be created to begin on the 23rd December 1992 at 1800 hrs. (1) The mission of this Joint Commission will be to execute and implement details of this plan and subsequent phases. (2) This Joint Commision will be composed of: a) UNPROFOR command and support elements...(3) The location of this Joint Commission will be at the airport settlement colocated with FRBAT who will provide the necessary accomodation and a team of experts.
Page 9, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, Removal of Heavy Weapons
c/Timeframe...The UNPROFOR forces will provide for the unobstructed withdrawal of heavy weapons 30 kms off the Airport.
Page 9, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, Removal of Heavy Weapons
d/Control Measures. The following implementation and control measures will be used: (1) UNPROFOR forces will patrol the demilitarization zone between the conflicting sides beginning the 24th December 1992 at 0800 hrs. (2) UNPROFOR forces will be depolyed on the confrontation lines and on agreed mixed checkpoints proposed by the Joint Commission not later than the 26th December 1992. (3) All parties are to identify weapons by type and locations and will provide UNPROFOR with detailed maps of the areas considered to be under their respective control not later than 28th December 1992. (4) Complete movement for all UNPROFOR personnel and vehicles within the affected areas. (5) The Joint Commission will establish mixed patrols not later than December 26th 1992. (6) The inspection of the vehicles in the corridors is to be done by UNPROFOR exclusively. - Enforcement mechanism
- Page 1, Agreement on the Separation of Forces in the Area of Sarajevo Airport, 3.
A Permanent Joint Commission will be created the day following the signing of this agreement in order to deal with all the details of the execution of the attached plan.
Page 7, Agreement on Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, 3.
A permanent Joint Commission will be created the day following the signing of this agreement in order to deal with all the details of the execution of the attached plan.
Page 9, Agreement on the Realization of the Demilitarization of the Airport Area and Opening of the Corridors, Removal of Heavy Weapons
b/Joint Commission. Joint Commission will be created to begin on the 23rd December 1992 at 1800 hrs. (1) The mission of this Joint Commission will be to execute and implement details of this plan and subsequent phases. (2) This Joint Commision will be composed of: a) UNPROFOR command and support elements. b) A team of each side commanded by an officer senior enough to make decisions and designated as the authorized command for the troops in the area affected. c) A joint communications system which includes a link to each individiual headquaters. (3) The location of this Joint Commission will be at the airport settlement colocated with FRBAT who will provide the necessary accomodation and a team of experts. - Related cases
No specific mention.
- Source
- ICTY Court Records, Kordic-Cerkez trial exhibit 245
Source agreement
December 12, 1992
As a first concrete step towards the implementation of Security Council Resolution 787 (1992);
The undersigned have agreed that:
1. The cease-fire signed on the 10th of November 1992 throughout Bosnia-Hercegovina is reaffirmed.
Furthermore they accept to freeze the military situation and to proclaim the Cessation of Hostilities.
2. The agreement for civilians signed on the 13th of December 1992 will be implemented the day after the implementation on the Separation of Forces.
3. A permanent Joint Commission will be created the day following the signing of this agreement in order to deal with all the details of the execution of the attached plan.
4. All heavy weapons (12.7mm and above), direct and indirect fire, will be withdrawn from the area presented on the attached overlay not later than 1700 hrs, 24 December 1992.
Simultaneously UNPROFOR will patrol the area between the "FORMER” conflicting sides.
December 22, 1992
The authorized representative of all three conflicting sides with the presence of the UNPROFOR representative agree on the implementation of an area of separation in the western and southern districts of SARAJEVO.
This plan deals with the withdrawal of heavy weapons as the first concrete step is linked with:
a. An absolute cease fire.
b. Cessation of hostilities throughout Bosnia-Hercegovina.
c. Freedom of movement for all civilians.
d. Restoration of civil utilities.
Cessation of Hostilities
The cessation of hostilities will be implemented on the 23rd of December 1992 at 0800 hours as follows:
a. The freezing of the military situation on the existing lines.
b. No offensive action allowed.
c. No forward redeployment.
d. All heavy weapons will be withdrawn from positions from which they can engage.
e. No movement of any additional forces although rotation of personnel on a one for one basis shall be permitted.
f. No movement or resupply of ammunition, explosives or incendiary devices.
Freedom of movement for all civilians
The agreement signed on 13 December 1992 concerning SARAJEVO to be implemented on 18 December 1992 is reaffirmed and will be executed commencing on December 1992 at 0800 hours.
A copy of this agreement may be found at Annex A.
Restoration of Civil Utilities
A Joint Commission composed of representatives from each side will be created in order to identify the priorities, to define the needs and to execute the implementation of civil utilities.
The implementation of this Joint Commission will be effective on December 26th, 1992 at 0800 hours.
Removal of Heavy Weapons
a. Area.
All heavy weapons will be withdrawn from the following locations:
The exact overlay of this area is to be found at ANNEX B.
b. Joint Commission.
A Joint Commission will be created to begin on December 23rd.
1992 at 0900 hours.
(1) The mission of this Joint Commission will be to execute and implement details of this plan and subsequent phases·
(2) This Joint Commission will be composed of:
(a) UNPROFOR command and support elements.
(b) A team of each aide commanded by an officer senior enough to make decisions and designated the authorised commander for the troops in the area affected.
(c) A joint communications system which included a command net and the necessary guaranteed communications link to each individual headquarters.
(3) The location of this Joint Commission will be at the airport settlement colocated with FRBAT who will provide the necessary accommodation and a team of experts.
c. Timeframe.
From each district the withdrawal of heavy weapons out of the circle will be divided into two days:
(1) Day 1 - Withdrawal of all heavy (direct fire) weapons (tanks, APCs, anti-tank, anti-aircraft and heavy machine guns above 12.7 mm).
(2) Day 2 - Withdrawal of all heavy (indirect fire) weapons (mortars, field artillery).
(3) Day 1 is December 23th, 1992.
d. Control Measures.
The following implementation and control measures will be used:
(1) UNPROFOR forces will patrol the area of separation between the conflicting sides beginning December 24th 1992, at 0800 hours.
(2) UNPROFOR forces will be deployed on the confrontation lines and on agreed mixed checkpoints proposed by the Joint Commission not later than December 26th, 1992.
(3) All parties are to identify weapons by type and locations and will provide UNPROFOR with detailed maps of areas considered to be under their respective control not later than December 26th, 1992.
(4) Complete freedom of movement for all UNPROFOR personnel and vehicles within the affected areas.
(5) The Joint Commission will establish mixed patrols not later than December 26th, 1992.
The undersigned reaffirming their good will and expressing the need for a humanitarian gesture at this time have decided to open free passage within and out of the city of SARAJEVO for approximately 500 people of each side before December 24, 1992.
Each side will decide who should be selected and from their own communities will provide vehicles for their, transportation.
Each side is responsible for the safety of the convoys in their respective areas.
UNPROFOR will escort, in coordination with each side, the convoys.
As a first concrete step towards the implementation of Security Council Resolution 787 (1892)
The undersigned have agreed that:
1. The cease fire signed November 10th 1992 throughout Bosnia-Herzegovina is reaffirmed.
2. The agreement tor civilians signed December 13th will be implemented the day after the implementation of the agreement on demilitarisation of the airport area and option of the corridors from Sarajevo, being:
Sarajevo-Mostar, Sarajevo-Zenica (1 km to the left and to the right there are to be no army forces).
3. A permanent Joint Commission will be created the day following the signing of this agreement in order to deal with all the details of the execution of the attached plan.
4. All heavy weapons (12 .7 mm and above), direct and indirect fire, will be withdrawn from the area presented on the attached overlay (30 km off the Sarajevo airport) not later than 1700 hrs, December 24th 1992.
Simultaneously UNPROFOR will patrol the area between the conflicting sides.
The authorized representative of the two conflicting sides with the presence of the UNPROFOR representative are on the demilitarization of the Sarajevo Airport area and opening of the corridor.
This plan deals with the withdrawal of heavy weapons as the first concrete step linked with:
A) An absolute cease-fire.
B) Opening of land corridors towards Mostar and Zenica.
C) Freedom of movement for all civilians, in accordance with legal regulations.
D) Restoration of civil utilities (electricity, water, gas, and telecommunications).
The cease-fire will be implemented on the 23rd December 1992 at 0800 hrs as follows:
a) No offensive action allowed.
b) No forward redeployment.
c) All heavy weapons will be withdrawn 30 km off the Sarajevo Airport.
d) No movement of any additional forces.
e) Movement or resupply of ammunition, explosives or incendiary devices.
The agreement on the opening of the land corridors and freedom of movement for civilians
The agreement signed on the 13th December 1992 concerning Sarajevo to be implemented on the 10th December 1992 is confirmed and will be executed commencing on the 25th December 1992 at 0800 hrs, on condition that the Sarajevo-Mostar and Sarajevo-Zenica land corridors be opened and that heavy weapons be withdrawn 1 km off the left and the right side of the road.
Flow of goods and people through the corridors is to be controlled by UNPROFOR exclusively. (
For the copy of this agreement see ANNEX A).
Restoration of Civil Utilities
A Joint Commission composed of representatives from each side will be created in order to identify the priorities, to define the needs and to execute the implementation of civil utilities (electricity, water, gas, and telecommunications).
The implementation will be effective on December 26th 1992 at 0800 hrs.
Removal of Heavy Weapons
a) Area.
All the heavy weapons will be withdrawn 30 kms off the Sarajevo Airport from the following locations:
The exact overlay of this area is to be found at ANNEX B.
b. Joint Commission.
A Joint Commission will be created to begin on December 23rd.
1992 at 0900 hours.
(1) The mission of this Joint Commission will be to execute and implement details of this plan and subsequent phases·
(2) This Joint Commission will be composed of:
(a) UNPROFOR command and support elements.
(b) A team of each aide commanded by an officer senior enough to make decisions and designated the authorised commander for the troops in the area affected.
(c) A joint communications system which included a command net and the necessary guaranteed communications link to each individual headquarters.
(3) The location of this Joint Commission will be at the airport settlement colocated with FRBAT who will provide the necessary accommodation and a team of experts.
c. Timeframe.
From each district the withdrawal of heavy weapons out of the circle will be divided into two days:
(1) Day 1 - Withdrawal of all heavy (direct fire) weapons (tanks, APCs, anti-tank, anti-aircraft and heavy machine guns above 12.7 mm).
(2) Day 2 - Withdrawal of all heavy (indirect fire) weapons (mortars, field artillery).
(3) Day 1 is December 23th, 1992.
d. Control Measures.
The following implementation and control measures will be used:
(1) UNPROFOR forces will patrol the area of separation between the conflicting sides beginning December 24th 1992, at 0800 hours.
(2) UNPROFOR forces will be deployed on the confrontation lines and on agreed mixed checkpoints proposed by the Joint Commission not later than December 26th, 1992.
(3) All parties are to identify weapons by type and locations and will provide UNPROFOR with detailed maps of areas considered to be under their respective control not later than December 26th, 1992.
(4) Complete freedom of movement for all UNPROFOR personnel and vehicles within the affected areas.
(5) The Joint Commission will establish mixed patrols not later than December 26th, 1992.