Agreement for S4 Checkpoint

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Yugoslavia (former)
Europe and Eurasia
Agreement name
Agreement for S4 Checkpoint
8 Apr 1995
Agreement status
Multiparty signed/agreed
Interim arrangement
Agreement/conflict level
Intrastate/intrastate conflict
Conflict nature
Peace process
Bosnia peace process
H. Gobilliard, Major-General Command Sector Sarajevo; Dragomir Milosevic, General-major, Commander Sarajevo-Romanija
Third parties
This short agreement provides for freedom of movement through the S4 check point at Sarajevo. It establishes vehicle and identity checks, withdrawal of UNPROFOR armoured personnel carriers, and change of Serb authorities with a new team from another corps.



No specific mention.

Disabled persons

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Migrant workers

No specific mention.

Racial/ethnic/national group

No specific mention.

Religious groups

No specific mention.

Indigenous people

No specific mention.

Other groups

No specific mention.

Refugees/displaced persons

No specific mention.

Social class

No specific mention.


Women, girls and gender

No specific mention.

Men and boys

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

State definition

Nature of state (general)

No specific mention.

State configuration

No specific mention.

Self determination

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

State symbols

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Border delimitation

No specific mention.

Cross-border provision

No specific mention.


Political institutions (new or reformed)

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Electoral commission

No specific mention.

Political parties reform

No specific mention.

Civil society

No specific mention.

Traditional/religious leaders

No specific mention.

Public administration

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Power sharing

Political power sharing

No specific mention.

Territorial power sharing

No specific mention.

Economic power sharing

No specific mention.

Military power sharing

No specific mention.

Human rights and equality

Human rights/RoL general

No specific mention.

Bill of rights/similar

No specific mention.

Treaty incorporation

No specific mention.

Civil and political rights

No specific mention.

Socio-economic rights

No specific mention.

Rights related issues


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Detention procedures

No specific mention.

Media and communication

No specific mention.

Page 1, 1.
Seeking to reintroduce freedom of movement through S4 and wishing to promote normality in the Sarajevo region, the undersigned parties agree to...[further text crossed out and signed by both parties].

Page 1, 2.c.
In order to comply with the terms listed above both parties agreed to: the parties guarantee the safety of all vehicles and personnel using the route. Under no circumstances may persons or goods be detained or diverted by the authorities of either party. They will be afforded the highest level of personal security by the authorities of both parties. Persons who commit criminal offenses will be returned to the organization for investigation and trial.

Page 1, 2.d.
In order to comply with the terms listed above both parties agreed to: vehicles and passengers will be subject to checking of identity cards and visual checks of identity cards and visual checks of vehicles. The checks will confirm the identity of the passengers and ensure that no unauthorized material is being transported.
Protection measures

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Rights institutions


No specific mention.

Regional or international human rights institutions

No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

Criminal justice and emergency law

No specific mention.

State of emergency provisions

No specific mention.

Judiciary and courts

No specific mention.

Prisons and detention

No specific mention.

Traditional Laws

No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

Development or socio-economic reconstruction

No specific mention.

National economic plan

No specific mention.

Natural resources

No specific mention.

International funds

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

Land reform/rights

No specific mention.

Pastoralist/nomadism rights

No specific mention.

Cultural heritage

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Water or riparian rights or access

No specific mention.

Security sector

Security Guarantees

No specific mention.

Security sector→Ceasefire→General commitments
[Summary] The freedom of movement arrangements in this agreement are agreed on in order to comply with and respect earlier ceasefire implementation agreements.

No specific mention.

Armed forces

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Intelligence services

No specific mention.

Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces
Page 1, 2.a.
In order to comply with the terms listed above both parties agreed to: change the Serb authorities at S4 with a new team from Romanija-Sarajevo Corps.
Withdrawal of foreign forces

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Crime/organised crime

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Transitional justice

Transitional justice general

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Prisoner release

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Missing persons

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.


UN signatory
H. Gobilliard, Major-General Command Sector Sarajevo (UNPROFOR)
Other international signatory

No specific mention.

Referendum for agreement

No specific mention.

International mission/force/similar
Page 1, 2.b.
In order to comply with the terms listed above both parties agreed to: withdraw of 3 UNPROFOR APCS, returning the level of UNPROFOR to where it was on 6 April 1995 at S4.
Enforcement mechanism

No specific mention.

Related cases

No specific mention.

ICTY Court Records, Dragomir trial exhibit P00393

Source agreement


1. Seeking to reintroduce freedom of movement through S4 and wishing to promote normality in the Sarajevo region, the undersigned parties agree to:

a. respect the Airport Agreement of 5 June 1992.

b. Freedom of Movement Agreement of 17 March 1994.

c. Principles of Freedom of Movement of 31 January 1995.

2. In order to comply with the terms listed above both parties agreed to:

a. change the Serb authorities at S4 with a new team from Romanija-Sarajevo Corps.

b. withdraw of 3 UNPROFOR APCS, returning the level of UNPROFOR to where it was on 6 April 1995 at S4.

c. the parties guarantee the safety of all vehicles and personnel using the route.

Under no circumstances may persons or goods be detained or diverted by the authorities of either party.

They will be afforded the highest level of personal security by the authorities of both parties.

Persons who commit criminal offenses will be returned to the organization for investigation and trial.

d. vehicles and passengers will be subject to checking of identity cards and visual checks of identity cards and visual checks of vehicles.

The checks will confirm the identity of the passengers and ensure that no unauthorized material is being transported.

3. This agreement is effective from 8 April 1995.

8 April 1995
