Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of Mizoram and the Bru National Liberation Front (BNLF)

Asia and Pacific
Agreement name
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of Mizoram and the Bru National Liberation Front (BNLF)
26 Apr 2005
Agreement status
Multiparty signed/agreed
Interim arrangement
Agreement/conflict level
Intrastate/intrastate conflict
Framework/substantive - comprehensive
Conflict nature
Peace process
India-Hmar-Bodoland peace process
H.V.LALRINGA, Chief Secretary Govt, of Mizoram
Third parties
Agreement bringing an end to the conflict between the Government of Mizoram and the BNLF whereby the BNLF agrees to lay down arms and dissolve, and the government puts in place new forms of development.



No specific mention.

Disabled persons

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Migrant workers

No specific mention.

Racial/ethnic/national group

No specific mention.

Religious groups

No specific mention.

Indigenous people
Groups→Indigenous people→Substantive
Page 2, 7.
The Government of Mizoram will take steps for changing Reang to Bru in the Scheduled Tribe List.

Page 2-3, 8.
After BNLF lay down their arms and join the mainstream, the state Goverrunent will take all necessary steps to accelerate the pace of development in western belt of Mizoram covering all Bru settlements. The Special Development Project will be implemented depending upon the quantum of financial assistance received from the Central Goverrunent. The Government of Mizoram shall continue to work for the socio - economic upliitment of the Bru people living in different districts of Mizoram.

Page 3, 10.
The Government of Mizoram agrees to take necessary measures for inclusion of eligible Bru voters in the Electoral Roll with due process of law after they are resettled inside Mizoram.
Other groups

No specific mention.

Refugees/displaced persons
Groups→Refugees/displaced persons→Substantive
Page 1, 1.
...The Government of Mizoram on its part agrees to take back genuine Reangs from Tripura refugee camps.

Page 2, 5.
Rehabilitation and resettlement of the BNLF returnees and their family members will be carried out as per scheme prepared separately. The BNLF returnees will be accommodated at Tuipuibari rehabiUtation camps for a period not exceeding three months.

Page 3, 9.
The scheme of reception, rehabilitation and resettlement of repatriated Reang refugees will be implemented after the BNLF lay down their arms.
Social class

No specific mention.


Women, girls and gender

No specific mention.

Men and boys

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Page 2, 5.
Rehabilitation and resettlement of the BNLF returnees and their family members will be carried out as per scheme prepared separately. The BNLF returnees will be accommodated at Tuipuibari rehabiUtation camps for a period not exceeding three months.

State definition

Nature of state (general)

No specific mention.

State configuration

No specific mention.

Self determination

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

State symbols

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Border delimitation

No specific mention.

Cross-border provision

No specific mention.


Political institutions (new or reformed)

No specific mention.

Page 3, 10.
The Government of Mizoram agrees to take necessary measures for inclusion of eligible Bru voters in the Electoral Roll with due process of law after they are resettled inside Mizoram.
Electoral commission

No specific mention.

Political parties reform

No specific mention.

Civil society

No specific mention.

Traditional/religious leaders

No specific mention.

Public administration

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Power sharing

Political power sharing

No specific mention.

Territorial power sharing

No specific mention.

Economic power sharing

No specific mention.

Military power sharing

No specific mention.

Human rights and equality

Human rights/RoL general

No specific mention.

Bill of rights/similar

No specific mention.

Treaty incorporation

No specific mention.

Civil and political rights

No specific mention.

Socio-economic rights

No specific mention.

Rights related issues


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Detention procedures

No specific mention.

Media and communication

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Protection measures

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Rights institutions


No specific mention.

Regional or international human rights institutions

No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

Criminal justice and emergency law

No specific mention.

State of emergency provisions

No specific mention.

Judiciary and courts

No specific mention.

Prisons and detention

No specific mention.

Traditional Laws

No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

Development or socio-economic reconstruction
Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Socio-economic development
Page 2-3, 8.
After BNLF lay down their arms and join the mainstream, the state Goverrunent will take all
necessary steps to accelerate the pace of development in western belt of Mizoram covering all Bru settlements. The Special Development Project will be implemented depending upon the quantum of financial assistance received from the Central Goverrunent. The Government of Mizoram shall continue to work for the socio - economic upliitment of the Bru people living in different districts of Mizoram.
National economic plan

No specific mention.

Natural resources

No specific mention.

International funds

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

Land reform/rights

No specific mention.

Pastoralist/nomadism rights

No specific mention.

Cultural heritage

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Water or riparian rights or access

No specific mention.

Security sector

Security Guarantees

No specific mention.

Security sector→Ceasefire→General commitments
Page 1, 1.
The BNLF agrees to lay down their arms and ammunitions and come overground to lead normal life as law abiding citizen...

No specific mention.

Armed forces

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Intelligence services

No specific mention.

Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces
Page 1, 1.
The BNLF agrees to lay down their arms and ammunitions and come overground to lead normal life as law abiding citizen...

Page 1, 2.
With the signing of agreement and immediately after laying down of their arms and ammunitions, the BNLF shall stand automatically dissolved and shall cease to exist.

Page 1, 3.
The BNLF will make a complete inventory of their arms and ammunitions and other equipments will be held at Tuipuibari in Mizoram.

Page 1, 4.
After signing this agreement, the BNLF will neither recruit new members nor assist any other insurgent or underground outfit in the form of weapons, money or other assistance directly or indirectly.

Page 2, 5.
Rehabilitation and resettlement of the BNLF returnees and their family members will be carried out as per scheme prepared separately. The BNLF returnees will be accommodated at Tuipuibari rehabiUtation camps for a period not exceeding three months.
Withdrawal of foreign forces

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Crime/organised crime

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Transitional justice

Transitional justice general

No specific mention.

Transitional justice→Amnesty/pardon→Amnesty/pardon proper
Page 2, 6.
The Government of Mizoram will grant amnesty to all those BNLF cadres having criminal cases inside the state. It shall also request other neighbouring state governments to do likewise in respect of those BNLF cadres who have been convicted and kept in jails outside Mizoram.

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Prisoner release

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Missing persons

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.


UN signatory

No specific mention.

Other international signatory

No specific mention.

Referendum for agreement

No specific mention.

International mission/force/similar

No specific mention.

Enforcement mechanism

No specific mention.

Related cases

No specific mention.


Source agreement



The main points of agreement between the Government of

Mizoram and BNLF are -

1. The BNLF agrees to lay down their arms and

ammunitions and come overground to lead normal life

as law abiding citizen.

The Goverrmient of Mizoram.


its part agrees to take back genuine Reangs from

Tripura refugee camps.

2. With the signing of agreement and immediately after

laying down of their arms and ammunitions, the BNLF

shall stand automatically dissolved and shall cease to


3. The BNLF will make a complete inventory of their arms

and ammunitions and other equipments will be held at

Tuipuibari in Mizoram.

4. After signing this agreement, the BNLF will neither

recruit new members nor assist any other insurgent or

undergroimd outfit in the form of weapons, money or

other assistance directly or indirectly.


5. Rehabilitation and resettlement of the BNLF returnees

and their family members will be carried out as per

scheme prepared separately.

The BNLF returnees will

be accommodated at Tuipuibari rehabiUtation camps for

a period not exceeding three months.

6. The Government of Mizoram will grant anmesty to all

those BNLF cadres having criminal cases inside the


It shall also request other neighbouring state

goverrmients to do likewise in respect of those BNLF

cadres who have been convicted and kept in jails

outside Mizoram.

7. The Government of Mizoram will take steps for

changing Reang to Bru in the Scheduled Tribe List.

8. After BNLF lay down their arms and join the

mainstream, the state Goverrunent will take all

necessary steps to accelerate the pace of development in

western belt of Mizoram covering all Bru settlements.

The Special Development Project will be implemented

depending upon the quantum of financial assistance

received from the Central Goverrunent.


Government of Mizoram shall continue to work for the


socio - economic upliitment of the Bru people living in

different districts of Mizoram.

9. The scheme of reception, rehabilitation and resettlement

of repatriated Reang refugees will be implemented after

the BNLF lay down their arms.

10. The Government of Mizoram agrees to take necessary

measures for inclusion of eligible Bru voters in the

Electoral Roll with due process of law after they are

resettled inside Mizoram^.

The Government of Mizoram and the Bru National Liberation

Front have accepted the above points on this day of 26* April, 2005.


President, BNLF Chief Secretary

Govt, of Mizoram