11-Point Common Position of Ethnic Resistance Organizations on Nationwide Ceasefire (Laiza Agreement)

Asia and Pacific
Agreement name
11-Point Common Position of Ethnic Resistance Organizations on Nationwide Ceasefire (Laiza Agreement)
2 Nov 2013
Agreement status
Multiparty signed/agreed
Interim arrangement
Agreement/conflict level
Intrastate/intrastate conflict
Conflict nature
Peace process
Myanmar ceasefires process with ethnic armed groups
Ethnic armed organizations:
U Twan Zaq, Gen. Sec. of Arakan National Council;
Khaing Thuka, Gen. Sec. of Arakan Liberation Party;
U Tun Mrat Naig, Commander-in-Chief, Arakan Army;
Pu Zin Cun, Secretary-General, Chin National Front;
Gen. Saw Mo Shay, Vice Chief of Staff, Democratic Karen Benevolent Army;
Koon Abel Tweed, Chairman, Karenni National Progressive;
Saw Mutu Say Po, Chairman, Karen National Union;
Col. Saw Kyaw Dah, Secretary, Foreign and Public Relations Department, KNU/KNLA Peace Council;
Kya Khunsa, Chairman, Lahu Democratic Union;
Hpon Da Shwin, Chief of Staff, Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army;
Nai Han Tha, Gen. Sec., New Mon State Party;
Khun Myint Tun, Chairman, Pao National Liberation Organisation;
Col. Aik Hpone, Chairman, Palaung State Liberation Front;
Col. Sai Hla, Secretary-2, Shan State Restoration Council;
Sao Khunsai, Gen. Sec., Shan State Progressive Party;
Ta Maha, Vice Chairman, Wa National Organisation;
U Zaung Hkra, Chairman, Kachin Independence Organisation;
Lt. Gen. N-Ban La, Chairman, United Nationalities Federal Council;
Third parties
U Harn Yaunghway, Euro-Burma Office;
U Ywin Zaw Khaung, Peace-talk Creation Group (PCG);
U In Sharn Hsan Awng, Peace-talk Creation Group
A set of principles for a ceasefire signed between armed groups, including basic principles, objectives, forming a political roadmap, aspects to be included in the National Ceasefire Accord, aspects related to implementation, CMBs, and items to be discussed.



No specific mention.

Disabled persons

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Migrant workers

No specific mention.

Racial/ethnic/national group
Groups→Racial/ethnic/national group→Substantive
Page 1, 1. Basic Principles 
1.5 Protection of the basic rights of the ethnic nationalities;

Page 1-2, 3. Laying Down a Political Road Map Acceptable to Both Sides
3.4  Holding the union level conference, based on Panlong spirit and principles and signing Pyidaungsu Accord (Union Accord), relating to the ethnic nationalities;

Page 1-2, 3. Laying Down a Political Road Map Acceptable to Both Sides
... 3.5  Ratification of the Pyidaungsu Accord, relating to the ethnic Nationalities;

Page 1-2, 3. Laying Down a Political Road Map Acceptable to Both Sides
... 3.6  Implementing the terms of Pyidaungsu Accord, relating to the ethnic nationalities;
Religious groups

No specific mention.

Indigenous people

No specific mention.

Other groups

No specific mention.

Refugees/displaced persons

No specific mention.

Social class

No specific mention.


Women, girls and gender

No specific mention.

Men and boys

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

State definition

Nature of state (general)
Page 3, 8. Programs for the period of dialogues and negotiations
8.7 Issues relating to border, territory, immigration, trade;
State configuration
Page 1, 1. Basic Principles

1.3 Genuine federal system;

Page 1, 2. Aims & Objectives
... 2.5  From meaningful political dialogues to establishment of the Federal Union based on states of the ethnic nationalities;
Self determination

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

State symbols

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Border delimitation

No specific mention.

Cross-border provision

No specific mention.


Political institutions (new or reformed)

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Electoral commission

No specific mention.

Political parties reform

No specific mention.

Civil society
[Third Parties] U Ywin Zaw Khaung, Peace-talk Creation Group (PCG);
U In Sharn Hsan Awng, Peace-talk Creation Group
Traditional/religious leaders

No specific mention.

Public administration

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Power sharing

Political power sharing

No specific mention.

Territorial power sharing
Power sharing→Territorial power sharing→Federal or similar sub-divided government
Page 1, 1. Basic Principles 
1.3 Genuine federal system;

Page 1, 2. Aims & Objectives
... 2.5  From meaningful political dialogues to establishment of the Federal Union based on states of the ethnic nationalities;
Economic power sharing
Power sharing→Economic power sharing→Sharing of resources
Page 2, 8. Programs for the period of dialogues and negotiations
... 8.2 Division/Sharing of economic powers and implementation
Military power sharing
Power sharing→Military power sharing→Proportionality
Page 1, 1. Basic Principles 
1.4 Formation of Union Armed Forces;

Human rights and equality

Human rights/RoL general
Page 1, 1. Basic Principles 

... 1.7 All-inclusiveness;
Bill of rights/similar

No specific mention.

Treaty incorporation

No specific mention.

Civil and political rights
Human rights and equality→Civil and political rights→Equality
Page 1, 1. Basic Principles

... 1.6 Equality;
Human rights and equality→Civil and political rights→Freedom of movement
Page 2, 6. Matters that shall be performed, with regard to trust building
... 6.2 Permission for freedom of movement;
Socio-economic rights

No specific mention.

Rights related issues


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Detention procedures

No specific mention.

Media and communication

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Protection measures
Rights related issues→Protection measures→Protection of groups
Page 1, 1. Basic Principles 
1.5 Protection of the basic rights of the ethnic nationalities;

No specific mention.

Rights institutions

Rights institutions→NHRI→New or fundamentally revised NHRI
Page 2, 5. Implementation
... 5.3 Forming an independent human rights watch committee;
Regional or international human rights institutions

No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

Criminal justice and emergency law
Justice sector reform→Criminal justice and emergency law→Reform to specific laws
Page 2, 8. Programs for the period of dialogues and negotiations
... 8.3 Issues relating to amendment of laws;
State of emergency provisions

No specific mention.

Judiciary and courts

No specific mention.

Prisons and detention

No specific mention.

Traditional Laws

No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

Development or socio-economic reconstruction
Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Socio-economic development
Page 3, 8. Programs for the period of dialogues and negotiations
... 8.8 Issues relating to mega economic projects;
National economic plan

No specific mention.

Natural resources
Page 2, 8. Programs for the period of dialogues and negotiations
... 8.6 Issues relating to management of natural resources;
International funds

No specific mention.

Page 3, 8. Programs for the period of dialogues and negotiations
8.7 Issues relating to border, territory, immigration, trade;

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

Land reform/rights
Land, property and environment→Land reform/rights→Other land rights
Page 2, 8. Programs for the period of dialogues and negotiations
... 8.5 Issues relating to land reform;
Pastoralist/nomadism rights

No specific mention.

Cultural heritage
Land, property and environment→Cultural heritage→Other
Page 2, 8. Programs for the period of dialogues and negotiations
... 8.4 Issues relating to culture and environment;
Page 2, 8. Programs for the period of dialogues and negotiations
... 8.4 Issues relating to culture and environment;
Water or riparian rights or access

No specific mention.

Security sector

Security Guarantees

No specific mention.

Security sector→Ceasefire→Ceasefire provision
Page 1, 2. Aims & Objectives
... 2.2  Cessation of confrontational attacks and hostilities;
2.3  Respect for and observation of ceasefire rules agreed to by all;
Security sector→Ceasefire→General commitments
Page 1, 3. Laying Down a Political Road Map Acceptable to Both Sides
... 3.2  Signing nationwide ceasefire accord;

Page 2, 4. Main Terms that shall be Included in Nationwide Ceasefire Accord
4.1 Issues relating to armed forces;

4.2 Issues relating to liaison offices;

4.3 Promise to hold political dialogues;

4.4 Drawing up framework for political dialogue and adoption of it;
4.5 Protection of civilians;
4.6 Agreeing to military code of conduct;

No specific mention.

Armed forces
Page 2, 4. Main Terms that shall be Included in Nationwide Ceasefire Accord
4.1 Issues relating to armed forces;

No specific mention.

Intelligence services

No specific mention.

Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces
Page 1, 2. Aims & Objectives
... 2.4  Reaffirming and sustaining the agreement and promises between the government and the ethnic armed organizations, and for starting political dialogues heading to durable and just peace;
Withdrawal of foreign forces

No specific mention.

Page 1, 1. Basic Principles 

... 1.10 Transparency and responsibility;
Crime/organised crime

No specific mention.

Page 3, 8. Programs for the period of dialogues and negotiations
... 8.9 Issues relating to narcotic drugs eradication;

No specific mention.

Transitional justice

Transitional justice general
Page 1, 3. Laying Down a Political Road Map Acceptable to Both Sides
3.1  Achieving agreement on all-inclusive “Framework for National Political Dialogue”;
Transitional justice→Amnesty/pardon→Amnesty/pardon proper
Page 2, 7. Issues relating to waiver from legal actions under the Illegal Association Acts

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Prisoner release

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Missing persons

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.


UN signatory

No specific mention.

Other international signatory

No specific mention.

Referendum for agreement

No specific mention.

International mission/force/similar

No specific mention.

Enforcement mechanism
Page 2, 5. Implementation
5.1 Implementing, in practice, the joint monitoring system;

5.2 Forming a joint committee, which will continue to implement the convening of political dialogues/forums;

5.3 Forming an independent human rights watch committee;
5.4 Implementation in accordance with a time line;
Related cases

No specific mention.

Burma Library; http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs16/BCES-BP-19-Laiza-en-red.pdf

Source agreement

11-Point Common Position of Ethnic Resistance Organizations on Nationwide Ceasefire

November 2, 2013


Basic Principles

Pledge for Peace;

Recognition of Panlong Agreement;

Genuine federal system;

Formation of Union Armed Forces;

Protection of the basic rights of the ethnic nationalities;



Achieving agreement;


Transparency and responsibility;

Aims & Objectives

Building mutual trust;

Cessation of confrontational attacks and hostilities;

Respect for and observation of ceasefire rules agreed to by all;

Reaffirming and sustaining the agreement and promises between the government and the ethnic armed organizations, and for starting political dialogues heading to durable and just peace;

From meaningful political dialogues to establishment of the Federal Union based on states of the ethnic nationalities;

Laying Down a Political Road Map Acceptable to Both Sides

Achieving agreement on all-inclusive “Framework for National Political Dialogue”;

Signing nationwide ceasefire accord;

Holding national level political dialogues;

Holding the union level conference, based on Panlong spirit and

principles and signing Pyidaungsu Accord (Union Accord), relating to the ethnic nationalities;

Ratification of the Pyidaungsu Accord, relating to the ethnic Nationalities;

Implementing the terms of Pyidaungsu Accord, relating to the ethnic nationalities;

Main Terms that shall be Included in Nationwide Ceasefire Accord

Issues relating to armed forces;

Issues relating to liaison offices;

Promise to hold political dialogues;

Drawing up framework for political dialogue and adoption of it;

Protection of civilians;

Agreeing to military code of conduct;


Implementing, in practice, the joint monitoring system;

Forming a joint committee, which will continue to implement the convening of political dialogues/forums;

Forming an independent human rights watch committee;

Implementation in accordance with a time line;

Matters that shall be performed, with regard to trust building

Performance shall be based on sincere endeavor;

Permission for freedom of movement;

Issues relating to waiver from legal actions under the Illegal Association Acts

Programs for the period of dialogues and negotiations

Division/Sharing of administrative powers and implementation;

Division/Sharing of economic powers and implementation

Issues relating to amendment of laws;

Issues relating to culture and environment;

Issues relating to land reform;

Issues relating to management of natural resources;

Issues relating to border, territory, immigration, trade;

Issues relating to mega economic projects;

Issues relating to narcotic drugs eradication;




We, the undersigned organizations, pledge to implement, unanimously and collectively, the “Common Agreement” reached.

The Signatories

1. Khaing Thuka 2.

U Twan Zaw

Gen. Secretary Gen. Secretary

Arakan Liberation Party Arakan National Council

3. U Tun Mrat Naing 4.

Pu Zin Cun

Commander-in-Chief Secretary-General

Arakan Army Chin National Front

5. Gen. Saw Mo Shay 6.

Koon Abel Tweed

Vice Chief of Staff Chairman

Democratic Karen Benevolent Army Karenni National Progressive

7. Saw Mutu Say Po 8.


Saw Kyaw Dah Chairman Secretary

Karen National Union Foreign & Public Relations Department KNU/KNLA Peace Council

9. Kya Khunsa 10.

Hpon Da Shwin

Chairman Chief of Staff

Lahu Democratic Union Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army

11. Nai Han Tha 12.

Khun Myint Tun

Gen. Secretary Chairman

New Mon State Party Pao National Liberation Organization

13. Col.

Aik Hpone 14.


Sai Hla

Chairman Secretary-2

Palaung State Liberation Front Shan State Restoration Council

15. Sao Khunsai 15.

Ta Maha

Gen. Secretary Vice Chairman

Shan State Progress Party Wa National Organization

17. U Zaung Hkra 18.


Gen. N-Ban La

Chairman Chairman

Kachin Independence Organization United Nationalities Federal Council

Persons signing as Witnesses

1. U Harn Yaunghway 2.

U Ywin Zaw Khaung

Euro-Burma Office Peace-talk Creation Group-PCG

3. U In Sharn Hsan Awng Peace-talk Creation Group