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Declaration of Intent and Signatures

  • Country/entity

    Plateau State
  • Region

    Africa (excl MENA)
    Africa (excl MENA)
  • Agreement name

    Declaration of Intent and Signatures
  • Date

    10 Jul 2013
  • Agreement status

    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement

  • Stage

  • Conflict nature

  • Peace process

    Nigeria - Plateau State Process
  • Parties

    Chairman of the Afizere Steering Committee Agwom Nyam Isha
    Chairman of the Anaguta Steering Committee Aminu Agwom Zang
    Chairman of the Berom Steering Committee Dr. Da Jonah Madugu
    Chairman of the Fulani Steering Committee Alhaji Shehu Buba
    Chairman of the Hausa Steering Committee Alhaji Umaru Sani
  • Third parties

  • Description

    A pre-negotiation agreement negotiated by Humanitarian Dialogue Centre between five ethnic groups in Nigeria, Plateau State - the Afizere, Anaguta, Berom, Fulani and Hausa. The Agreement lists the issues that need to be discussed, the different opinions on each of these issues by each ethnic group, the relevant stakeholders to be included in each issue, and a comprehensive time frame for addressing it (as well as activities to be conducted by Humanitarian Dialogue Centre to assist efforts). There are 30 issues over all addressing everything from governance, crime, transitional justice, access, the idigeneship issue, demarcation of boundaries, employment, the market, cultural heritage and sancations, among other issues.


  • Children/youth
    Page 6, 5. Blockage of Highways and other roads: Hausa and Fulani: Reopen the highway between Barikin-Ladi along Jos road, the Abuja-Jos Road and Bukuru-NIPSS Vom Road blocked by Berom youths.
    Page 8, 9. Stop detention of youths and other persons: Fulani: Unwarranted arrests and harassment of Fulani people must stop. Fulani youth below the age of 18 are still in police detention. Dialogue should be established to insist on their freedom.
    Anaguta: Probably beyond the scope of this process and might be prejudicial.

    Page 10, 11. Sancations and flighting impunity: ... Hausa: Accuse youths of killings and destruction and looting of properties, sacking of more than 40 Hausa settlements.
 Would belong to highway issue, land annexations.

    Page 12, 17. Increase in Employment (in particular for youths)
    Berom: There is need to expand opportunities for gainful employment and utilization of the vast resources for the benefit of all, especially for youth and women. However, the precondition for working together on this issue is peace.

    Page 12, 17. Increase in Employment (in particular for youths)
    ... Afizere: In particular, there should be more women and youths government policies and programs for their rehabilitations.
Poverty and unemployment among the youths needs to be addressed.

    Page 12-13, 18. Skill Acquisition,
    Anaguta: Development of skill acquisition centres in various disciplines which will help to expose youths and women to various opportunities. It will help in creating self employment and the reduction of pressure on Government.
  • Disabled persons

    No specific mention.

  • Elderly/age

    No specific mention.

  • Migrant workers

    No specific mention.

  • Racial/ethnic/national group
    Groups→Racial/ethnic/national group→Substantive
    [Summary] agreement is between the Afizere, Anaguta, Berom, Fulan and Hausa. Under each issue, each representatives from each tribe is invited to highlight specific problems and solutions.

    Page 8, Government dialogue with indigenous groups: Afizere: The government should dialogue with the three indigenous groups as it was the case during the state of emergency in 2004. There should be joint periodic meetings with the indigenous nationalities again.
    Hausa: Constant dialogue amongst various communities for greater understanding and respect. Misconception that the Hausa are not an indigenous group.
    Fulani: Government should dialogue with all indigenous groups and not only the three advocated.
    Anaguta: Inclusion of other relevant communities will be desirable.

    [Summary] Idigene issue relates to which ethnic group was in that area of Nigeria first.

    Page 12-13, 18. Skill Acquisition,
    ... Hausa: Poverty eradication through skill acquisition. Deliberately excluded from poverty alleviation programs and indigene certificates.

    Page 13, 19. Appointment to state and federal institutions:
    ... Anaguta: Appointments must be done in consultation with the indigenes in line with the provisions in the constitution. Expect priorities to appointments in federal state institutions as host community. They find the impression that Hausa and Fulani are being denied appointment in Jos North false.

    Page 15, 22. Access to government services:
    ... Fulani: Urge the Plateau State Government to respect the Fulani citizens’ rights irrespective of religion or tribe and extend development projects such as roads, hospitals, portable water, electricity etc. to Fulani people.

    Page 19-20, 29. Solve the issue of indigeneship and benefits,
    Berom: Berom demand Hausa and Fulani community in the areas of Jos North, Jos South, Barkin Ladi and Riyom to denounce any claims to indigeneship.
Residing Hausa and Fulani are free to form their own associations and select their own leaders. The Berom would enter into dialogue with them. Accuse Hausa and Fulani of importing people of swelling their numbers by selling Nigerian citizenship.
    There can be no benefits to non indigene people. Opposed to the quest by Hausa and Fulani for indigeneship in Jos and Beromland.

    Page 20, 29. Solve the issue of indigeneship and benefits,
    Anaguta: Hausa and Fulani should accept they are citizens of Nigeria residing in Jos and renounce the claim of being indigenes of Jos. They must renounce their call for creation of districts as they do not possess historical rights.
    Afizere: Suspicious of those that claim that Afizere are not indigenes but squatters in Jos.
    Afizere: The Federal Government should urgently enact laws to protect minorities, especially within their own settlements.
    Hausa: Hausa Community should be guaranteed rights and privileges accorded to the other ethnic groups in Plateau State. These should be guaranteed and protected in line with the Nigerian constitution.

    Page 20-21, Solve the issue of indigeneship and benefits,
    Fulani: Urge the Federal Government and the National Assembly to address the indigene/settler divide in Nigeria. This matter is not in the competence of the Plateau House of Assembly. Discrimination against the Fulani by the Government of Plateau State should be discouraged in its entirety. Otherwise, Fulani would also have as much claim to the indigenous status as the Berom.

    Page 20, 29. Solve the issue of indigeneship and benefits,
    Hausa: Hausa Community should be guaranteed rights and privileges accorded to the other ethnic groups in Plateau State. These should be guaranteed and protected in line with the Nigerian constitution.
  • Religious groups
    Groups→Religious groups→Substantive
    Page 4, Religious Tolerance and Customs: Berom: There needs to be reciprocal respect for the culture, beliefs, religions and norms of other groups.
    Many Berom believe that Hausa and Fulani incursions are driven as a part of a jihad to take control first of Jos North, then Plateau State, and eventually Nigeria as a whole.

    Page 6, 4. Reopen and secure religious places: Hausa: The Plateau State Authority
    should intervene and ensure the safety of worship places, particularly those at Rukuba Road and Tudun Wada in Jos North and that of Barkin Ladi LGA.

    Page 6, 4. Reopen and secure religious places: Fulani: The mosque in Mahanga village in Riyom should be reopened.

    Page 6, 4. Reopen and secure religious places: Berom: Christian places of worship inaccessible in many areas of Jos, for example in Anguwan Rogo, A/Rimi, Rikkos,

    Page 12-13, 18. Skill Acquisition,
    ... Hausa: Muslims and Christians should be sent in as security chiefs in coherence with the state and the federal law.

    Page 14, 19. Appointment to state and federal institutions:
    Hausa: All Federal agencies, especially security outfits should be represented by both Muslims and Christians. The current security outfits headed by only Christians entrench fear and suspicion by the Muslims.

    Page 15, 22. Access to government services:
    ... Fulani: Urge the Plateau State Government to respect the Fulani citizens’ rights irrespective of religion or tribe and extend development projects such as roads, hospitals, portable water, electricity etc. to Fulani people.
  • Indigenous people
    Groups→Indigenous people→Substantive
    [Summary] Agreement deals with 'indigene' issue that revolves around what tribes as indigenous in an area. See Ethnic Groups.
  • Other groups

    No specific mention.

  • Refugees/displaced persons
    Groups→Refugees/displaced persons→Substantive
    Page 17-18, 25. Resettlement of displaced people, Berom: Return to their homes, settlements, and for the return of annexed lands to their owners.
    Afizere: Have been displaced from their traditional settlements in Rikkos and parts of Jos Jarawa. They ask the government to support people to rehabilitate their damaged living spaces.
    Fulani: Berom people should support the Fulani community in urging the Federal and State Government to resettle all internally displaced herdsmen from Plateau State. Where not possible, the Fulani people should be compensated. Particularly concerned are villages in Jos South, Riyom and Barhin Ladi LGAs of Plateau State.
    Hausa: Resettlement of displaced communities back to where they were before crisis
  • Social class

    No specific mention.


  • Women, girls and gender
    Page 5, Religious Tolerance and Customs: Anaguta: Hausa and Fulani do not respect traditions, customs and culture. Hausa and Fulani have married several ABA women, but attempts by ABA men to marry HF women result in the killing of the man, woman, or both.

    Page 12, 17. Increase in Employment (in particular for youths)
    Berom: There is need to expand opportunities for gainful employment and utilization of the vast resources for the benefit of all, especially for youth and women. However, the precondition for working together on this issue is peace.

    Page 12, 17. Increase in Employment (in particular for youths)
    ... Afizere: In particular, there should be more women and youths government policies and programs for their rehabilitations.
Poverty and unemployment among the youths needs to be addressed.

    Page 12-13, 18. Skill Acquisition,
    Anaguta: Development of skill acquisition centres in various disciplines which will help to expose youths and women to various opportunities. It will help in creating self employment and the reduction of pressure on Government.
  • Men and boys

    No specific mention.


    No specific mention.

  • Family

    No specific mention.

State definition

  • Nature of state (general)

    No specific mention.

  • State configuration

    No specific mention.

  • Self determination

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum

    No specific mention.

  • State symbols

    No specific mention.

  • Independence/secession

    No specific mention.

  • Accession/unification

    No specific mention.

  • Border delimitation

    No specific mention.

  • Cross-border provision

    No specific mention.


  • Political institutions (new or reformed)

    No specific mention.

  • Elections
    Page 18, 16. Compromise on electoral wards, Berom: The creation of federal electoral subdivisions especially in Jos North LGA is favours Hausa and Fulani, to the disadvantage of the densely populated non-Hausa-Fulani areas. This must be readdressed in the interest of population size, land area, fair play and justice.
    Anaguta: The 1991 additional creation of electoral wards was skewed in favour of the Hausa and Fulani.
    Anaguta: Issue of additional districts should not be introduced here (now under 22.).
    Afizere: The Federal Government should delineate more constituencies and create additional electoral wards to correct imbalances.
    Page 19, 16. Compromise on electoral wards, Hausa: Stoppage of manipulation of laws by the State Government as a means of disenfranchising its people. Size of the voting population should determine the number of electoral wards which are insufficient presently. Election rigging needs to be stopped.
  • Electoral commission

    No specific mention.

  • Political parties reform

    No specific mention.

  • Civil society

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional/religious leaders
    Page 4, Anaguta and Afizere: Leaders and religious leaders must refrain from making unguided utterances.

    Page 16, 23. Respect for traditional leadership and structures,
    Berom: Hausa Fulani must withdraw any claims to traditional rulership in Jos or the districts or to the creation of districts in Jos or in other areas of Beromland. They should recognise and respect Berom traditional institutions.
    Berom: Find that the point that Hausa- Fulani must withdraw any claim to any traditional institutions and the districts or creation of districts is not captured. It is a cardinal demand of the Berom.
    One of the issues Berom find can be solved by themselves.

    Page 16-17, 23. Respect for traditional leadership and structures,
    Afizere: Further gaps in government have been created through abolishment of Development Areas and additional chiefdoms and districts.
    The Afizere Chiefdom in Jos North LGA has been rendered non-functional. Afizere deserve to be integrated into the system and the chieftaincy institution should be recognized. Government should recognize and respect the chiefdom and districts earlier created, in particular the Jos Izere Chiefdom. The Afizere Paramount Traditional Ruler in Jos North should be integrated into the Jos North Tradi- tional Council and also into the Jos B/Ladi Joint Traditional Council.
    Hausa: Need to strengthen the Hausa traditional institutions in Jos, Bukuru, Barikin Ladi and Bassa among others.
    Hausa: Create three additional districts be created in Jos North LGA for communities including the Hausa.
    Fulani: The position of the Fulani Ardos must also be recognised since they are part of the five king makers responsible for elect- ing/selecting a Dagwom at district level.
    Anaguta: Call for withdrawal of claims from Hausa/Fulani on traditional institutions

    Page 17, 24. Demarcation of boundaries, Anaguta: The government has failed to demark the boundary of Anaguta Chief-dom. Hausa and Fulani illegally occupy and expand into Anaguta land. Proper boundary demarcation between Jos North, Jos South and Bassa LGAs is necessary.
    Hausa: Identify the boundaries of the Hausa settlements in the former Jos Di- vision through proper demarcation.
  • Public administration
    Page 12, 17. Increase in Employment (in particular for youths)
    ... Anaguta: ... Federal Government should ensure the enforcement of the employment of officers from grade levels 01-06 from the catchment areas.

    Page 13, 19. Appointment to state and federal institutions:
    ... Anaguta: Appointments must be done in consultation with the indigenes in line with the provisions in the constitution. Expect priorities to appointments in federal state institutions as host community. They find the impression that Hausa and Fulani are being denied appointment in Jos North false.

    Page 13-14, 19. Appointment to state and federal institutions:
    ... Afizere: The practice of employment in Jos North LGC discriminates against Afizere in the Local Government, at State and Federal levels.

    Page 14, 19. Appointment to state and federal institutions:
    Hausa: All Federal agencies, especially security outfits should be represented by both Muslims and Christians. The current security outfits headed by only Christians entrench fear and suspicion by the Muslims.
    Fulani: Berom people have frustrated efforts of Fulani people to be employed in Government establishments/agencies.
  • Constitution

    No specific mention.

Power sharing

  • Political power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Territorial power sharing
    Power sharing→Territorial power sharing→Local/municipal government
    Page 19, 27. Coherence of State and Federal Law,
    Anaguta: Jos cannot be treated in isolation from other parts of the Country, particularly the North. There should not be two sets of rules and practices for Jos and the rest of the North.
    Page 19, 28, Solve the issue of the ownership of Jos, Afizere: The ownership of Jos can be settled if everyone respects the traditional claims of the other communities. Communities should go back to the peaceful coexistence in the status quo ante.
    Fulani: The issue of ownership of Jos has been in the forefront in causing most crises, mainly between the Hausa and the Berom. They believe that claims of exclusive communal ownership of Jos by the Berom do not hold. Fulani content that no law in Nigeria recognizes ownership of a whole town by a tribal group. Berom need to rethink their claims on Jos North LGA and other LGAs for peace to be achieved.
    Hausa: Install three additional districts in Jos. Attempts to distort the history of the former Jos Division against the Hausa.
    Power sharing→Territorial power sharing→Other
    Page 17, 24. Demarcation of boundaries, Anaguta: The government has failed to demark the boundary of Anaguta Chief-dom. Hausa and Fulani illegally occupy and expand into Anaguta land. Proper boundary demarcation between Jos North, Jos South and Bassa LGAs is necessary.
    Hausa: Identify the boundaries of the Hausa settlements in the former Jos Di- vision through proper demarcation.
  • Economic power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Military power sharing

    No specific mention.

Human rights and equality

  • Human rights/RoL general
    Page 5, 3. Governance: Afizere: Promotion of good governance among leaders through capacity building, target evaluation and public accountability in governance.
  • Bill of rights/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Treaty incorporation

    No specific mention.

  • Civil and political rights
    Human rights and equality→Civil and political rights→Equality
    Page 5-6, 3. Governance: Hausa: There is a need for good governance. The issue of marginalization and exclusion of Hausa community from Governance structures/Social-Economic empowerment need to be resolved. Also, issue of impunity of groups committing crime, including murder arson/destruction of property is wide spread.

    Page 6, 3. Governance: Fulani: Government should strive to treat all people fairly and equitably.

    Page 12, 17. Increase in Employment (in particular for youths)
    ... Hausa: Cessation of all forms of discrimination especially in the areas of education and employment support.

    Page 13, 19. Appointment to state and federal institutions:
    Berom: The federal character of appointments into federal establishments, including the army, police force and other paramilitary services are abused to marginalize the Berom and other indigenes. Need for review.

    Page 13-14, 19. Appointment to state and federal institutions:
    ... Afizere: The practice of employment in Jos North LGC discriminates against Afizere in the Local Government, at State and Federal levels.

    Page 14, 19. Appointment to state and federal institutions:
    Hausa: All Federal agencies, especially security outfits should be represented by both Muslims and Christians. The current security outfits headed by only Christians entrench fear and suspicion by the Muslims.
    Fulani: Berom people have frustrated efforts of Fulani people to be employed in Government establishments/agencies.

    Page 15, 22. Access to government services:
    Hausa: Cessation of all forms of discrimination, particularly in the areas of education, employment support such as poverty eradication and provision of social services and amenities.
    Denial of the right to education and basic amenities to the Hausa should be addressed by the Plateau State Government and all agencies concerned.

    Page 15, 22. Access to government services:
    ... Fulani: Urge the Plateau State Government to respect the Fulani citizens’ rights irrespective of religion or tribe and extend development projects such as roads, hospitals, portable water, electricity etc. to Fulani people.

    Page 20-21, Solve the issue of indigeneship and benefits,

    Fulani: Urge the Federal Government and the National Assembly to address the indigene/settler divide in Nigeria. This matter is not in the competence of the Plateau House of Assembly. Discrimination against the Fulani by the Government of Plateau State should be discouraged in its entirety. Otherwise, Fulani would also have as much claim to the indigenous status as the Berom.
    Human rights and equality→Civil and political rights→Liberty and security of person
    Page 11, 12. Security and Lives of Property: [Nothing listed under this section]
  • Socio-economic rights
    Human rights and equality→Socio-economic rights→Property
    Page 11, 12. Security and Lives of Property: [Nothing listed under this section]

Rights related issues

  • Citizenship
    Rights related issues→Citizenship→Citizenship other
    Page 19-20, 29. Solve the issue of indigeneship and benefits,
    Berom: Berom demand Hausa and Fulani community in the areas of Jos North, Jos South, Barkin Ladi and Riyom to denounce any claims to indigeneship.
Residing Hausa and Fulani are free to form their own associations and select their own leaders. The Berom would enter into dialogue with them. Accuse Hausa and Fulani of importing people of swelling their numbers by selling Nigerian citizenship.
  • Democracy

    No specific mention.

  • Detention procedures

    No specific mention.

  • Media and communication
    Rights related issues→Media and communication→Governance of media
    Page 5, 2. Religious tolerance and customs: Hausa: There had been deliberate attempt to distort the history of the old Jos Division on the Plateau through several jaundiced newspaper articles and publications. There is a hate campaign going on by means of ethnicity and religion targeted to create suspicion mistrust and disharmony against Hausa Community.
  • Mobility/access
    Page 6, 5. Blockage of Highways and other roads: Hausa and Fulani: Reopen the highway between Barikin-Ladi along Jos road, the Abuja-Jos Road and Bukuru-NIPSS Vom Road blocked by Berom youths.

    Page 9, 10. Illegal occupation of land, Berom: There can be no “no-go-areas” for Berom.

    Page 10, 11. Sancations and flighting impunity: ... Hausa: Accuse youths of killings and destruction and looting of properties, sacking of more than 40 Hausa settlements.
Would belong to highway issue, land annexations.
  • Protection measures

    No specific mention.

  • Other

    No specific mention.

Rights institutions

  • NHRI

    No specific mention.

  • Regional or international human rights institutions

    No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

  • Criminal justice and emergency law

    No specific mention.

  • State of emergency provisions

    No specific mention.

  • Judiciary and courts
    Page 11-12, 16. Support of the Commission for conflicts concerning farmer/grazer.
    Fulani: The Government should support the current peace initiative between Berom and Fulani by establishing a permanent Commis- sion to address problems associated with farmer/grazer conflicts.
    The Commission should be tasked with the responsibility of settling all farmer/grazer conflicts as well as the creation of grazing reserves in the country, under the Federal Ministry of Agriculture. The commission should also regulate the administration of national and international stock routes or map them out properly, establish and protect these routes.
  • Prisons and detention

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional Laws

    No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

  • Development or socio-economic reconstruction
    Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Socio-economic development
    Page 12-13, 18. Skill Acquisition,
    ... Afizere: Programs of skills acquisition and empowerment should be put in place by Government and donor agencies.

    Page 12-13, 18. Skill Acquisition,
    ... Hausa: Poverty eradication through skill acquisition. Deliberately excluded from poverty alleviation programs and indigene certificates.

    Page 15, 22. Access to government services:
    Hausa: Cessation of all forms of discrimination, particularly in the areas of education, employment support such as poverty eradication and provision of social services and amenities.
  • National economic plan

    No specific mention.

  • Natural resources

    No specific mention.

  • International funds

    No specific mention.

  • Business
    Page 11, 14. Reopen Market: Hausa, Recommend the rebuilding of Jos Main Market, which was burnt in 2001.

    Page 12, 17. Increase in Employment (in particular for youths)
    ... Anaguta: The Government should develop a policy that enhances the setting up of small scale industries in the agro- allied and construction sectors. They add government should prioritize agriculture to provide employment to the youths. Further, government should assist in resuscitating its ailing industries.
  • Taxation

    No specific mention.

  • Banks

    No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

  • Land reform/rights
    Land, property and environment→Land reform/rights→Land reform and management
    Page 6-7, 6. Return burial grounds: Hausa: The illegal confiscation of the burial grounds in Jos North, Jos South (Bukuru) and Barkin Ladi as well as other places need to be urgently addressed. The Hausa community must be allowed to bury their dead at both legitimately acquired and Government designated grave yards.
    Anaguta: Matter is with National Assembly for consideration. Growing population has resulted in greater farming activity.

    Page 7-8, 7. Access to grazing reserves and carrying out farming practices: Fulani: Berom people, with connivance of the Plateau State Government and the Police, have denied the Fulanis the right to carry out business practices and farming activities by confiscation of farmlands and attacks and destruction of Fulani properties.
    Security operatives intimidate Fulani herdsman and block them from getting access to the areas to feed their cattle.
    Fulani urge the agencies concerned to ensure that Fulani people can freely exercise their constitutional rights. About 60% of the grazing reserve in Wase LGA of Plateau State has been taken over by farmers and the Government of Plateau State has been irresponsive.
    The government should in joint effort with Berom Elders ensure that grazing reserves are protected, or are created where they do not, in all farmer/grazer flashpoints particularly in Jos South, Barkin Ladi and Riyom LGAs.
    Berom people continue to cultivate and build their houses on areas officially designated as cattle routes and grazing reserves. Plateau State Government refused to take action.
    Fulani: Local and international cattle routes which pass through Plateau State should be clearly mapped out and safeguarded against encroachment by farmers and builders.
    Hausa: Peace can be entrenched with the resuscitation of grazing reserves, and animal rights of way should be enhanced to curtail Fulani herdsmen and farmers’ fighting affecting the Hausa.

    Page 9, 10. Illegal occupation of land, Berom: ... Annexation of lands must stop. All displaced Berom people return to their homes and settlements while annexed lands revert to their owners.
    Demand that attacks and killing by Hausa and Fulani people, the destruction of homes and crops must stop.
    There are ongoing attacks by the Fulani living in the countryside in Jos South, Barkin Ladi, and Riyom LGAs.
    ... Anaguta: Hausa and Fulani illegal occupation of Anaguta land.
    ... Berom: Issues like this can be resolved by the communities themselves.
    ... Fulani: Berom confiscate Fulani farmlands and attack and destroy properties (also refer to 8).

    Page 10, 11. Sancations and flighting impunity: ... Hausa: Accuse youths of killings and destruction and looting of properties, sacking of more than 40 Hausa settlements. 
Would belong to highway issue, land annexations.

    Page 17, 24. Demarcation of boundaries, Anaguta: The government has failed to demark the boundary of Anaguta Chief-dom. Hausa and Fulani illegally occupy and expand into Anaguta land. Proper boundary demarcation between Jos North, Jos South and Bassa LGAs is necessary.
    Land, property and environment→Land reform/rights→Property return and restitution
    Page 9, 10. Illegal occupation of land, ... Berom: ... All displaced Berom people return to their homes and settlements while annexed lands revert to their owners.
    Afizere: have been displaced from their traditional settlements in Rikkos and parts of Jos Jarawa. 
The Government should support people to rehabilitate their damaged living spaces. Entrenchment into Afizere ancestral lands, and attempts of renaming village areas and places should stop, particularly in Dong, Gyese, Kabong and Katon Rikkos.
    Hausa: Resettlement of displaced communities back to where they were before the crises.
  • Pastoralist/nomadism rights
    Page 7-8, 7. Access to grazing reserves and carrying out farming practices: Fulani: Berom people, with connivance of the Plateau State Government and the Police, have denied the Fulanis the right to carry out business practices and farming activities by confiscation of farmlands and attacks and destruction of Fulani properties.
    Security operatives intimidate Fulani herdsman and block them from getting access to the areas to feed their cattle.
    Fulani urge the agencies concerned to ensure that Fulani people can freely exercise their constitutional rights. About 60% of the grazing reserve in Wase LGA of Plateau State has been taken over by farmers and the Government of Plateau State has been irresponsive.
    The government should in joint effort with Berom Elders ensure that grazing reserves are protected, or are created where they do not, in all farmer/grazer flashpoints particularly in Jos South, Barkin Ladi and Riyom LGAs.
    Berom people continue to cultivate and build their houses on areas officially designated as cattle routes and grazing reserves. Plateau State Government refused to take action.
    Fulani: Local and international cattle routes which pass through Plateau State should be clearly mapped out and safeguarded against encroachment by farmers and builders.
    Hausa: Peace can be entrenched with the resuscitation of grazing reserves, and animal rights of way should be enhanced to curtail Fulani herdsmen and farmers’ fighting affecting the Hausa.

    Page 11-12, 16. Support of the Commission for conflicts concerning farmer/grazer.
    Fulani: The Government should support the current peace initiative between Berom and Fulani by establishing a permanent Commis- sion to address problems associated with farmer/grazer conflicts.
    The Commission should be tasked with the responsibility of settling all farmer/grazer conflicts as well as the creation of grazing reserves in the country, under the Federal Ministry of Agriculture. The commission should also regulate the administration of national and international stock routes or map them out properly, establish and protect these routes.
    Hausa: Call for constant dialogue and recommend a commission for all conflicts and all communities.

    Page 16, 22. Access to government services:
    Plateau State Government has neglected nomadic schools, which are the only means of education for Fulani people. The Fulani Community calls for the establishment of more nomadic schools, particularly in Jos South, Riyom and Barkin Ladi LGAs. It also calls for urgent renovation and development of the exist- ing nomadic schools in Plateau State.
  • Cultural heritage
    Land, property and environment→Cultural heritage→Tangible
    Page 6-7, 6. Return burial grounds: Hausa: The illegal confiscation of the burial grounds in Jos North, Jos South (Bukuru) and Barkin Ladi as well as other places need to be urgently addressed. The Hausa community must be allowed to bury their dead at both legitimately acquired and Government designated grave yards.
    Anaguta: Matter is with National Assembly for consideration. Growing population has resulted in greater farming activity.
    Land, property and environment→Cultural heritage→Intangible
    Page 11, 13. Naming of cities, villages and regions, Afizere: Places of traditional settlement that have been renamed include Gyese (Jishe), Katon Rikkos (Zot Bading), Guash (Rot Norong) and Rigib (Giring).
    Anaguta: Historical areas must not be renamed. Anaguta observe the distortion of history by the Afizere, Berom, Hausa and Fulani where historical areas are renamed to give support to false claims of ownership.
    Hausa: There had been deliberate attempt to distort the history of the old Jos Division on the Plateau through newspaper articles and publications.
    Land, property and environment→Cultural heritage→Promotion
    Page 4, Religious Tolerance and Customs: Berom: There needs to be reciprocal respect for the culture, beliefs, religions and norms of other groups.

    Page 5, Religious Tolerance and Customs: Anaguta: Hausa and Fulani do not respect traditions, customs and culture.
  • Environment

    No specific mention.

  • Water or riparian rights or access

    No specific mention.

Security sector

  • Security Guarantees

    No specific mention.

  • Ceasefire

    No specific mention.

  • Police
    Page 12-13, 18. Skill Acquisition,
    ... Hausa: Muslims and Christians should be sent in as security chiefs in coherence with the state and the federal law.

    Page 13, 19. Appointment to state and federal institutions:
    Berom: The federal character of appointments into federal establishments, including the army, police force and other paramilitary services are abused to marginalize the Berom and other indigenes. Need for review.

    Page 14, 19. Appointment to state and federal institutions:
    Hausa: All Federal agencies, especially security outfits should be represented by both Muslims and Christians. The current security outfits headed by only Christians entrench fear and suspicion by the Muslims.
    Fulani: Berom people have frustrated efforts of Fulani people to be employed in Government establishments/agencies.
  • Armed forces
    Page 13, 19. Appointment to state and federal institutions:
    Berom: The federal character of appointments into federal establishments, including the army, police force and other paramilitary services are abused to marginalize the Berom and other indigenes. Need for review.

    Page 14, 19. Appointment to state and federal institutions:
    Hausa: All Federal agencies, especially security outfits should be represented by both Muslims and Christians. The current security outfits headed by only Christians entrench fear and suspicion by the Muslims.
    Fulani: Berom people have frustrated efforts of Fulani people to be employed in Government establishments/agencies.
  • DDR

    No specific mention.

  • Intelligence services

    No specific mention.

  • Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces
    Page 13, 19. Appointment to state and federal institutions:
    Berom: The federal character of appointments into federal establishments, including the army, police force and other paramilitary services are abused to marginalize the Berom and other indigenes. Need for review.
  • Withdrawal of foreign forces

    No specific mention.

  • Corruption
    Page 11, 15. Cattle Rustling, ... Anaguta: Any attempt at monetary compensation [for cattle rustling] may provide conduit for settling phantom claims including for those from unscrupulous officials etc.
  • Crime/organised crime
    Page 5, 3. Governance: Hausa: There is a need for good governance. The issue of marginalization and exclusion of Hausa community from Governance structures/Social-Economic empowerment need to be resolved. Also, issue of impunity of groups committing crime, including murder arson/destruction of property is wide spread.

    Page 11, 15. Cattle Rustling, Berom: The Fulani rustled dwarf (muturu) and other cattle of the Berom.

    Page 11, 15. Cattle Rustling, ... Fulani: Increase in cattle rustling of the Berom from the Fulani. Vwang-vom district is used to hide these cows and the area has become a no-go-area.
The Berom people should take steps to return all cows – or monetary compensation for them - stolen or taken away from the Fulani. Places were cattle are rustled into include Fan in Barakin LGA and Gyel in Jos-south LGA.
  • Drugs

    No specific mention.

  • Terrorism

    No specific mention.

Transitional justice

  • Transitional justice general
    Page 10, 11. Sancations and flighting impunity: Berom: Punishment and sanctions should be meted out to those responsible for reoccurring conflict and violence.

    Page 21, 30. Apologies
    Berom: Unreserved apology from the Hausa and Fulani.
    Hausa: Ask for a clear and unreserved apology by the Plateau State Government to all those affected by the strife.
    Fulani: Equally deserve and demand an unconditional apology from the Berom community.
    Anaguta: Deserve an apology particularly from Fulani who alleged to have attacked several Anaguta settlement e.g. Mazah
  • Amnesty/pardon

    No specific mention.

  • Courts
    Transitional justice→Courts→National courts
    Page 10, Page 10, 11. Sancations and flighting impunity: ...
    Anaguta: Sanctions for those responsible for crimes. Government establish high power committee to review recommendations in past reports for implementation.
  • Mechanism
    Page 14, 20. Implementation of part reports and white papers:
    Berom: Full implementation of past reports of panels, committees and judicial commissions of inquiry into Jos crisis. Punishment and sanctions should be meted out to those responsible for reoccurring conflict and violence.
    Anaguta: The recommendations and the white paper report of all judicial commissions of inquiry should be implemented immediately.
    Afizere: Implementation of recommendations of past Judicial Commissions and enquiry reports.
    Hausa: Carefully implement the White Paper of General Abisoye and Solomon Lar Advisory Committee and the White Paper chaired by the Attorney General and Minister of Justice in 2011. Lopsided information of commissions, designed to do what State Government wanted as an interested party.
  • Prisoner release

    No specific mention.

  • Vetting

    No specific mention.

  • Victims

    No specific mention.

  • Missing persons

    No specific mention.

  • Reparations
    Transitional justice→Reparations→Material reparations
    Page 11, 15. Cattle Rustling, ... Anaguta: Any attempt at monetary compensation [for cattle rustling] may provide conduit for settling phantom claims including for those from unscrupulous officials etc.

    Page 11, 15. Cattle Rustling, ... Fulani: Increase in cattle rustling of the Berom from the Fulani. Vwang-vom district is used to hide these cows and the area has become a no-go-area.
The Berom people should take steps to return all cows – or monetary compensation for them - stolen or taken away from the Fulani. Places were cattle are rustled into include Fan in Barakin LGA and Gyel in Jos-south LGA.

    Page 15, 21. Reparations and Compensation:
    Berom: Demand restitution, compensation and reparation for the damages and destructions inflicted on the Berom, their land, settlements, infrastructure, foodstuff, cattle etc.
    Afizere: Seek for compensation and restitution for human and material losses.
    Hausa: Compensation to affected victims suffered of the various carnages – both material and personal losses.
    Fulani: Compensation for damages and losses suffered, to cover lives and properties.
    Anaguta: Compensation should be paid to all as everybody suffered in various degrees
  • Reconciliation

    No specific mention.


  • UN signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Other international signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum for agreement

    No specific mention.

  • International mission/force/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Enforcement mechanism

    No specific mention.

  • Related cases

    No specific mention.

  • Source
    Humanitarian Dialogue Centre, Nigeria Agreements,

Declaration of Intent and Signatures

We the Chairmen of the five Steering Committees of the Afizere, Anaguta, Berom, Fulani and Hausa communities, endorse on behalf of our

communities, the roadmap and agenda for discussion during the Inter-communal Dialogue meetings, which will start on or about the 12th August


We hereby commit ourselves to work for Peace and enter into a dialogue process to find solutions to several issues on which our different communities

have expressed their concerns.


Chairman of the Afizere Steering Committee Agwom Nyam Isha

Chairman of the Anaguta Steering Committee Aminu Agwom Zang

Chairman of the Berom Steering Committee Dr. Da Jonah Madugu

Chairman of the Fulani Steering Committee Alhaji Shehu Buba

Chairman of the Hausa Steering Committee Alhaji Umaru Sani