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Dialogo Guaymuras Acuerdo Tegucigalpa/San Jose Para La Reconciliacion Nacional Y El Fortalecimiento de la democracia en Honduras

  • Country/entity

  • Region

  • Agreement name

    Dialogo Guaymuras Acuerdo Tegucigalpa/San Jose Para La Reconciliacion Nacional Y El Fortalecimiento de la democracia en Honduras
  • Date

    30 Oct 2009
  • Agreement status

    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement

  • Agreement/conflict level

    Intrastate/intrastate conflict ( Honduras coup d’état (2009) )
  • Stage

    Framework/substantive - partial
  • Conflict nature

  • Peace process

    Honduran constitutional crisis process
  • Parties


    Armando Aguilar Cruz
    Vilma Cecilia Morales Montalvan
    Arturo Gerardo Corrales Alvarez
    Victor Orlando Meza Lopez
    Mayra Janeth Mejia del Cid
    Rodil Rivera Rodil
  • Third parties

    Not signed, but confirmed from secondary sources: OAS Oscar Arias, mediator Page 4: We take this opportunity to thank the International Community, especially the Organization of American States and its Secretary General, Jose Miguel Insulza; the Missions of Chancellors of the Hemisphere; the President of Costa Rica, Oscar Arias Sanchez; the Government of the United States, its President Barack Obama, and its Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.
  • Description

    The Micheletti and Zendaya representatives agree on a way forward after electoral crisis, agreeing to not have a constituent assembly, to have international election monitors present, revert executive to its state prior to June 28, to have an OAS-led verification and committees.


  • Children/youth

    No specific mention.

  • Disabled persons

    No specific mention.

  • Elderly/age

    No specific mention.

  • Migrant workers

    No specific mention.

  • Racial/ethnic/national group

    No specific mention.

  • Religious groups

    No specific mention.

  • Indigenous people

    No specific mention.

  • Other groups

    No specific mention.

  • Refugees/displaced persons

    No specific mention.

  • Social class

    No specific mention.


  • Women, girls and gender

    No specific mention.

  • Men and boys

    No specific mention.


    No specific mention.

  • Family

    No specific mention.

State definition

  • Nature of state (general)

    No specific mention.

  • State configuration

    No specific mention.

  • Self determination

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum

    No specific mention.

  • State symbols

    No specific mention.

  • Independence/secession

    No specific mention.

  • Accession/unification

    No specific mention.

  • Border delimitation

    No specific mention.

  • Cross-border provision

    No specific mention.


  • Political institutions (new or reformed)
    Governance→Political institutions (new or reformed)→General references
    Page 2-3:
    In order to achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, in the spirit of the San Jose Agreement, both negotiating committees have decided, respectfully, that the National Congress, as an institutional expression of popular sovereignty, in use of its faculties and in accordance with the law, must deal with issues appropriately with the view to "bringing back ownership of the Executive Power to its state prior to June 28 until the conclusion of the current governmental period, on 27 January 2010. "

    The decision adopted by the National Congress should lay the foundations for achieving social peace, political tranquillity, and democratic governance that the society and country needs.
  • Elections
    Page 2:
    To achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, we reiterate that, in accordance with articles 44 and 51 of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras, the vote is universal, obligatory, equal, direct, free and secret, and it is the duty of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, with full autonomy and independence, to supervise and execute everything related to the electoral process.

    Likewise, we call on the Honduran people to participate in the next general elections and avoid all kinds of demonstrations that oppose the elections or their results, or promote insurrection, unlawful conduct, civil disobedience or other acts that could produce violent confrontations or transgressions of the law.

    In order to demonstrate the transparency and legitimacy of the electoral process, we urge the Supreme Electoral Tribunal to authorize and accredit the presence of any international influences from now until the declaration of the result of the general elections, as well as during the handover of power that will take place on 27 January 2010, in line with Article 237 of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras.

    Page 2:
    In order to achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, we reaffirm our willingness to comply with all aspects of article 272 of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras, pursuant to which the Armed Forces are available to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal from one month before the general elections, in order to guarantee the right to vote safely, as well as provide custody, transportation and surveillance of electoral materials and other security aspects. We reaffirm the professional, apolitical, obedient and non-deliberative nature of the Honduran Armed Forces. Likewise, we agree that the National Police must strictly adhere to what is prescribed by its special legislation.
  • Electoral commission
    Page 2:
    To achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, we reiterate that, in accordance with articles 44 and 51 of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras, the vote is universal, obligatory, equal, direct, free and secret, and it is the duty of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, with full autonomy and independence, to supervise and execute everything related to the electoral process.
    Page 2:
    In order to achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, we reaffirm our willingness to comply with all aspects of article 272 of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras, pursuant to which the Armed Forces are available to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal from one month before the general elections, in order to guarantee the right to vote safely, as well as provide custody, transportation and surveillance of electoral materials and other security aspects. We reaffirm the professional, apolitical, obedient and non-deliberative nature of the Honduran Armed Forces. Likewise, we agree that the National Police must strictly adhere to what is prescribed by its special legislation.
  • Political parties reform

    No specific mention.

  • Civil society

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional/religious leaders

    No specific mention.

  • Public administration

    No specific mention.

  • Constitution

    No specific mention.

Power sharing

  • Political power sharing
    Power sharing→Political power sharing→Executive coalition
    Page 1:

    To achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, we will form a Government of National Unity and Reconciliation composed of representatives of the various political parties and social organizations, recognized for their ability, honour, suitability and willingness to dialogue, and who will occupy the different Secretary and Undersecretary positions as well as other State dependencies, in accordance with Article 246 et seq. of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras.

    In view of the fact that prior to June 28, the Executive Power had not forwarded the General Budget Project of Income and Expenses to the National Congress for consideration, in accordance with the provisions of Article 205, paragraph 32, of the Constitution of the Republics of Honduras, this Government of National Unity and Reconciliation will respect and function on the basis of the General Budget recently approved by the National Congress for the fiscal year 2009.
  • Territorial power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Economic power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Military power sharing

    No specific mention.

Human rights and equality

  • Human rights/RoL general

    No specific mention.

  • Bill of rights/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Treaty incorporation

    No specific mention.

  • Civil and political rights
    Human rights and equality→Civil and political rights→Vote and take part
    Page 2:

    To achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, we reiterate that, in accordance with articles 44 and 51 of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras, the vote is universal, obligatory, equal, direct, free and secret, and it is the duty of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, with full autonomy and independence, to supervise and execute everything related to the electoral process.

    Likewise, we call on the Honduran people to participate in the next general elections and avoid all kinds of demonstrations that oppose the elections or their results, or promote insurrection, unlawful conduct, civil disobedience or other acts that could produce violent confrontations or transgressions of the law.
  • Socio-economic rights

    No specific mention.

Rights related issues

  • Citizenship

    No specific mention.

  • Democracy
    Page 1:

    We, Honduran citizens, men and women, convinced of the need to strengthen the rule of law, under the protection of our Constitution and the laws of our Republic, of the need to strengthen our democracy and ensure a climate of peace and tranquillity for our people, have gone through an intense and honest process of political dialogue to seek a peaceful solution to the crisis which has afflicted our country in recent months.

    As a result of this dialogue, dominated by the sanity, tolerance and patriotic spirit of all its participants, we have drafted a Political Agreement that will allow us to re-establish citizen coexistence and ensure an appropriate climate for democratic governability in our country. This Agreement, we are sure, will mark the path towards peace, reconciliation and democracy, all of which are urgently needed in Honduran society.

    The result of this Agreement demonstrates, once again, that Honduran men and women are capable of having successful dialogue, and through it achieve the difficult goals that the country and society demand of us.
  • Detention procedures

    No specific mention.

  • Media and communication

    No specific mention.

  • Mobility/access

    No specific mention.

  • Protection measures

    No specific mention.

  • Other

    No specific mention.

Rights institutions

  • NHRI

    No specific mention.

  • Regional or international human rights institutions

    No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

  • Criminal justice and emergency law

    No specific mention.

  • State of emergency provisions

    No specific mention.

  • Judiciary and courts

    No specific mention.

  • Prisons and detention

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional Laws

    No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

  • Development or socio-economic reconstruction

    No specific mention.

  • National economic plan

    No specific mention.

  • Natural resources

    No specific mention.

  • International funds

    No specific mention.

  • Business

    No specific mention.

  • Taxation

    No specific mention.

  • Banks

    No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

  • Land reform/rights

    No specific mention.

  • Pastoralist/nomadism rights

    No specific mention.

  • Cultural heritage

    No specific mention.

  • Environment

    No specific mention.

  • Water or riparian rights or access

    No specific mention.

Security sector

  • Security Guarantees

    No specific mention.

  • Ceasefire

    No specific mention.

  • Police
    Page 2:

    In order to achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, we reaffirm our willingness to comply with all aspects of article 272 of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras, pursuant to which the Armed Forces are available to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal from one month before the general elections, in order to guarantee the right to vote safely, as well as provide custody, transportation and surveillance of electoral materials and other security aspects. We reaffirm the professional, apolitical, obedient and non-deliberative nature of the Honduran Armed Forces. Likewise, we agree that the National Police must strictly adhere to what is prescribed by its special legislation.
  • Armed forces
    Page 2:

    In order to achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, we reaffirm our willingness to comply with all aspects of article 272 of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras, pursuant to which the Armed Forces are available to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal from one month before the general elections, in order to guarantee the right to vote safely, as well as provide custody, transportation and surveillance of electoral materials and other security aspects. We reaffirm the professional, apolitical, obedient and non-deliberative nature of the Honduran Armed Forces. Likewise, we agree that the National Police must strictly adhere to what is prescribed by its special legislation.
  • DDR

    No specific mention.

  • Intelligence services

    No specific mention.

  • Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces

    No specific mention.

  • Withdrawal of foreign forces

    No specific mention.

  • Corruption

    No specific mention.

  • Crime/organised crime

    No specific mention.

  • Drugs

    No specific mention.

  • Terrorism

    No specific mention.

Transitional justice

  • Transitional justice general

    No specific mention.

  • Amnesty/pardon

    No specific mention.

  • Courts

    No specific mention.

  • Mechanism
    Page 3:

    To achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, we endorse the creation of a Verification Committee, for all of the commitments made in this Agreement, and those derived from it, coordinated by the Organization of American States (OAS). Said Committee will be composed of two members of the international community and two members of the national community (one chosen by each party).

    The Verification Committee will be in charge of certifying the strict compliance to all points of this Agreement, and will receive the full cooperation of Honduran public institutions.

    Failure to comply with any of the commitments contained in this Agreement, as verified and declared by the Verification Committee, will result in measures that the Committee will decide upon for the offender or offenders.

    In order to clarify the events that occurred before and after 28 June 2009, a Truth Committee will also be created to identify the acts that led to the current situation, and to provide the people of Honduras with the facts to help prevent these events from happening again in future.

    This Dialogue Committee recommends that the next Government, within the framework of a national consensus, establish this Truth Committee during the first semester of 2010.
  • Prisoner release

    No specific mention.

  • Vetting

    No specific mention.

  • Victims

    No specific mention.

  • Missing persons

    No specific mention.

  • Reparations

    No specific mention.

  • Reconciliation
    Page 1:

    To achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, we will form a Government of National Unity and Reconciliation composed of representatives of the various political parties and social organizations, recognized for their ability, honour, suitability and willingness to dialogue, and who will occupy the different Secretary and Undersecretary positions as well as other State dependencies, in accordance with Article 246 et seq. of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras.

    In view of the fact that prior to June 28, the Executive Power had not forwarded the General Budget Project of Income and Expenses to the National Congress for consideration, in accordance with the provisions of Article 205, paragraph 32, of the Constitution of the Republics of Honduras, this Government of National Unity and Reconciliation will respect and function on the basis of the General Budget recently approved by the National Congress for the fiscal year 2009.


  • UN signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Other international signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum for agreement

    No specific mention.

  • International mission/force/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Enforcement mechanism
    Page 3:

    To achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, we endorse the creation of a Verification Committee, for all of the commitments made in this Agreement, and those derived from it, coordinated by the Organization of American States (OAS). Said Committee will be composed of two members of the international community and two members of the national community (one chosen by each party).

    The Verification Committee will be in charge of certifying the strict compliance to all points of this Agreement, and will receive the full cooperation of Honduran public institutions.

    Failure to comply with any of the commitments contained in this Agreement, as verified and declared by the Verification Committee, will result in measures that the Committee will decide upon for the offender or offenders.

    In order to clarify the events that occurred before and after 28 June 2009, a Truth Committee will also be created to identify the acts that led to the current situation, and to provide the people of Honduras with the facts to help prevent these events from happening again in future.

    This Dialogue Committee recommends that the next Government, within the framework of a national consensus, establish this Truth Committee during the first semester of 2010.
  • Related cases

    No specific mention.

  • Source

Guaymuras Dialogue

Tegucigalpa / San Jose Agreement

on national reconciliation and the strengthening of democracy in Honduras


We, Honduran citizens, men and women, convinced of the need to strengthen the rule of law, under the protection of our Constitution and the laws of our Republic, of the need to strengthen our democracy and ensure a climate of peace and tranquillity for our people, have gone through an intense and honest process of political dialogue to seek a peaceful solution to the crisis which has afflicted our country in recent months.

As a result of this dialogue, dominated by the sanity, tolerance and patriotic spirit of all its participants, we have drafted a Political Agreement that will allow us to re-establish citizen coexistence and ensure an appropriate climate for democratic governability in our country.

This Agreement, we are sure, will mark the path towards peace, reconciliation and democracy, all of which are urgently needed in Honduran society.

The result of this Agreement demonstrates, once again, that Honduran men and women are capable of having successful dialogue, and through it achieve the difficult goals that the country and society demand of us.

In virtue of all the above, we have agreed on the following:


To achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, we will form a Government of National Unity and Reconciliation composed of representatives of the various political parties and social organizations, recognized for their ability, honour, suitability and willingness to dialogue, and who will occupy the different Secretary and Undersecretary positions as well as other State dependencies, in accordance with Article 246 et seq.

of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras.

In view of the fact that prior to June 28, the Executive Power had not forwarded the General Budget Project of Income and Expenses to the National Congress for consideration, in accordance with the provisions of Article 205, paragraph 32, of the Constitution of the Republics of Honduras, this Government of National Unity and Reconciliation will respect and function on the basis of the General Budget recently approved by the National Congress for the fiscal year 2009.


To achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, we reiterate our respect of the Constitution and the laws of our country, abstaining from calling a National Constituent Assembly, directly or indirectly, and also abstaining from promoting or supporting any query looking to reform the Constitution, to allow for a presidential re-election, to modify our Government, or contravene any of the permanent articles of our Fundamental Charter.

In particular, we will not make public statements or exercise any kind of influence inconsistent with articles 5, 239, 373 and 374 of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras, and we will strongly reject any manifestation contrary to the spirit of said articles and the Special Law that Regulates the Referendum and the Plebiscite.


To achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, we reiterate that, in accordance with articles 44 and 51 of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras, the vote is universal, obligatory, equal, direct, free and secret, and it is the duty of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, with full autonomy and independence, to supervise and execute everything related to the electoral process.

Likewise, we call on the Honduran people to participate in the next general elections and avoid all kinds of demonstrations that oppose the elections or their results, or promote insurrection, unlawful conduct, civil disobedience or other acts that could produce violent confrontations or transgressions of the law.

In order to demonstrate the transparency and legitimacy of the electoral process, we urge the Supreme Electoral Tribunal to authorize and accredit the presence of any international influences from now until the declaration of the result of the general elections, as well as during the handover of power that will take place on 27 January 2010, in line with Article 237 of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras.


In order to achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, we reaffirm our willingness to comply with all aspects of article 272 of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras, pursuant to which the Armed Forces are available to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal from one month before the general elections, in order to guarantee the right to vote safely, as well as provide custody, transportation and surveillance of electoral materials and other security aspects.

We reaffirm the professional, apolitical, obedient and non-deliberative nature of the Honduran Armed Forces.

Likewise, we agree that the National Police must strictly adhere to what is prescribed by its special legislation.


In order to achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, in the spirit of the San Jose Agreement, both negotiating committees have decided, respectfully, that the National Congress, as an institutional expression of popular sovereignty, in use of its faculties and in accordance with the law, must deal with issues appropriately with the view to "bringing back ownership of the Executive Power to its state prior to June 28 until the conclusion of the current governmental period, on 27 January 2010. "

The decision adopted by the National Congress should lay the foundations for achieving social peace, political tranquillity, and democratic governance that the society and country needs.


To achieve reconciliation and strengthen democracy, we endorse the creation of a Verification Committee, for all of the commitments made in this Agreement, and those derived from it, coordinated by the Organization of the United States of America (OAS).

Said Committee will be composed of two members of the international community and two members of the national community (one chosen by each party).

The Verification Committee will be in charge of certifying the strict compliance to all points of this Agreement, and will receive the full cooperation of Honduran public institutions.

Failure to comply with any of the commitments contained in this Agreement, as verified and declared by the Verification Committee, will result in measures that the Committee will decide upon for the offender or offenders.

In order to clarify the events that occurred before and after 28 June 2009, a Truth Committee will also be created to identify the acts that led to the current situation, and to provide the people of Honduras with the facts to help prevent these events from happening again in future.

This Dialogue Committee recommends that the next Government, within the framework of a national consensus, establish this Truth Committee during the first semester of 2010.


By committing ourselves to faithfully complying with the commitments made in this Agreement, we respectfully request the immediate revocation of those measures or sanctions adopted at a bilateral or multilateral level, which in some way affect the reinsertion and full participation of the Republic of Honduras in the international community.

We call on the international community to reactivate all current cooperative efforts with the Republic of Honduras.

In particular, we ask for the international cooperation that is necessary and timely for the Verification Committee and the Truth Committee to ensure the faithful fulfilment and the commitments in this Agreement.


Any differences in interpretation or application of this Agreement will be submitted to the Verification Committee, which shall determine, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras and the legislation in force, and through an authentic interpretation of this Agreement, the corresponding solution.

Bearing in mind that this Agreement is the product of understanding and fraternity between Hondurans, we strongly request the international community to respect the sovereignty of the Republic of Honduras, and fully observe the principle enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations regarding interference in the internal affairs of other States.


Given the immediate entry into force of this Agreement as of its signing, and in order to clarify the necessary compliance times of the commitments made to achieve national reconciliation, we agree on the following compliance schedule:

30 October 2009

1. Signing and entry into force of the Agreement.

2. Formal delivery of the Agreement to the Congress for the purposes of Point 5, "On the Executive Power".

2 November 2009

1. Verification Committee is instated.

As of the signing of this Agreement and no later than 5 November 2009

1. Formation and installation of the Government and National Unity and Reconciliation.

27 January 2010

1. Celebration of the handover of power.

First half of 2010

1. Truth Committee is instated.


In the name of reconciliation and the patriotic spirit that has summoned us together, we commit ourselves to complying in good faith with this Agreement, and what is derived from it.

The world is witness to this demonstration of unity and peace, to which our conscience and patriotic devotion are committed.

Together, we will know how to demonstrate our value and commitment to strengthen the rule of law and build a tolerant, pluralistic and democratic society.

We sign this Agreement in the city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 20 October 2009


We take this opportunity to thank the International Community, especially the Organization of American States and its Secretary General, Jose Miguel Insulza;

the Missions of Chancellors of the Hemisphere;

the President of Costa Rica, Oscar Arias Sanchez;

the Government of the United States, its President Barack Obama, and its Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.


For internal purposes, the Agreement is fully effective as of its signature.

For ceremonial and, a public signing will be held on November 2nd.

Tegucigalpa, Municipality of the Central District, 30 October 2009