Israel/PLO Recognition - Exchange of Letters

  • Country/entity
  • Region
    Middle East and North Africa
    Middle East and North Africa
  • Agreement name
    Israel/PLO Recognition - Exchange of Letters
  • Date
    9 Sep 1993
  • Agreement status
    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement
  • Agreement/conflict level
    Intrastate/intrastate conflict ( Arab-Israeli Conflicts (1948 - ) )
  • Stage
  • Conflict nature
  • Peace process
    Israel-Palestine peace process
  • Parties
    Israel, PLO
  • Third parties
  • Description
    Agreement consists of three letters: (1) Letter from Yasser Arafat recognizing, on behalf of PLO, Israel's right to exist. (2) Letter from Yasser Arafat to Norwegian Foreign Minister confirming same. (3) Letter from Israeli PM Rabin to Yasser Arafat recognising PLO as representative of the Palestinian people.


  • Children/youth

    No specific mention.

  • Disabled persons

    No specific mention.

  • Elderly/age

    No specific mention.

  • Migrant workers

    No specific mention.

  • Racial/ethnic/national group

    No specific mention.

  • Religious groups

    No specific mention.

  • Indigenous people

    No specific mention.

  • Other groups

    No specific mention.

  • Refugees/displaced persons

    No specific mention.

  • Social class

    No specific mention.


  • Women, girls and gender

    No specific mention.

  • Men and boys

    No specific mention.


    No specific mention.

  • Family

    No specific mention.

State definition

  • Nature of state (general)
    Page 1, Letter from Yasser Arafat:
    In view of the promise of a new era and the signing of the Declaration of Principles and based on Palestinian acceptance of Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, the PLO affirms that those articles of the Palestinian Covenant which deny Israel’s right to exist, and the provisions of the Covenant which are inconsistent with the commitments of this letter are now inoperative and no longer valid. Consequently, the PLO undertakes to submit to the Palestinian National Council for formal approval the necessary changes in regard to the Palestinian Covenant.

    Page 2, Letter from Israeli PM Rabin to Yasser Arafat:
    Mr. Chairman,
    In response to your letter of September 9, 1993, I wish to confirm to you that, in light of the PLO commitments included in your letter, the Government of Israel has decided to recognize the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people and commence negotiations with the PLO within the Middle East peace process.
    Yitzhak Rabin
  • State configuration

    No specific mention.

  • Self determination

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum

    No specific mention.

  • State symbols

    No specific mention.

  • Independence/secession

    No specific mention.

  • Accession/unification

    No specific mention.

  • Border delimitation

    No specific mention.

  • Cross-border provision

    No specific mention.


  • Political institutions (new or reformed)

    No specific mention.

  • Elections

    No specific mention.

  • Electoral commission

    No specific mention.

  • Political parties reform

    No specific mention.

  • Civil society

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional/religious leaders

    No specific mention.

  • Public administration

    No specific mention.

  • Constitution

    No specific mention.

Power sharing

  • Political power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Territorial power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Economic power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Military power sharing

    No specific mention.

Human rights and equality

  • Human rights/RoL general

    No specific mention.

  • Bill of rights/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Treaty incorporation

    No specific mention.

  • Civil and political rights
    Human rights and equality→Civil and political rights→Other
    Page 1, 1. Letter from Yasser Arafat to Prime Minister Rabin: In view of the promise of a new era and the signing of the Declaration of Principles and based on Palestinian acceptance of Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, the PLO affirms that those articles of the Palestinian Covenant which deny Israel’s right to exist, and the provisions of the Covenant which are inconsistent with the commitments of this letter are now inoperative and no longer valid. Consequently, the PLO undertakes to submit to the Palestinian National Council for formal approval the necessary changes in regard to the Palestinian Covenant.

    Page 2, 3. Letter from Prime Minister Rabin to Yasser Arafat: In response to your letter of September 9, 1993, I wish to confirm to you that, in light of the PLO commitments included in your letter, the Government of Israel has decided to recognize the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people and commence negotiations with the PLO within the Middle East peace process.
  • Socio-economic rights

    No specific mention.

Rights related issues

  • Citizenship

    No specific mention.

  • Democracy

    No specific mention.

  • Detention procedures

    No specific mention.

  • Media and communication

    No specific mention.

  • Mobility/access

    No specific mention.

  • Protection measures

    No specific mention.

  • Other

    No specific mention.

Rights institutions

  • NHRI

    No specific mention.

  • Regional or international human rights institutions

    No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

  • Criminal justice and emergency law

    No specific mention.

  • State of emergency provisions

    No specific mention.

  • Judiciary and courts

    No specific mention.

  • Prisons and detention

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional Laws

    No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

  • Development or socio-economic reconstruction
    Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Socio-economic development
    Page 2, Dear Minister Holst,
    I would like top confirm to you that, upon the signing of the Declaration of Principles, the PLO encourages and calls upon the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to take part in the steps leading to the normalization of life, rejecting violence and terrorism, contributing to peace and stability and participating actively in shaping reconstruction, economic development and cooperation.
    Yasser Arafat
  • National economic plan

    No specific mention.

  • Natural resources

    No specific mention.

  • International funds

    No specific mention.

  • Business

    No specific mention.

  • Taxation

    No specific mention.

  • Banks

    No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

  • Land reform/rights

    No specific mention.

  • Pastoralist/nomadism rights

    No specific mention.

  • Cultural heritage

    No specific mention.

  • Environment

    No specific mention.

  • Water or riparian rights or access

    No specific mention.

Security sector

  • Security Guarantees

    No specific mention.

  • Ceasefire

    No specific mention.

  • Police

    No specific mention.

  • Armed forces

    No specific mention.

  • DDR

    No specific mention.

  • Intelligence services

    No specific mention.

  • Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces

    No specific mention.

  • Withdrawal of foreign forces

    No specific mention.

  • Corruption

    No specific mention.

  • Crime/organised crime

    No specific mention.

  • Drugs

    No specific mention.

  • Terrorism
    Page 1, The PLO considers that the signing of the Declaration of Principles constitutes a historic event, inaugurating a new epoch of peaceful coexistence, free from violence and all other acts which endanger peace and stability. Accordingly, the PLO renounces the use of terrorism and other acts of violence and will assume responsibility over all PLO elements and personnel in order to assure their compliance, prevent violations and discipline violators.

    Page 2, Dear Minister Holst,
    I would like top confirm to you that, upon the signing of the Declaration of Principles, the PLO encourages and calls upon the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to take part in the steps leading to the normalization of life, rejecting violence and terrorism, contributing to peace and stability and participating actively in shaping reconstruction, economic development and cooperation.
    Yasser Arafat

Transitional justice

  • Transitional justice general
    Page 1, The PLO considers that the signing of the Declaration of Principles constitutes a historic event, inaugurating a new epoch of peaceful coexistence, free from violence and all other acts which endanger peace and stability. Accordingly, the PLO renounces the use of terrorism and other acts of violence and will assume responsibility over all PLO elements and personnel in order to assure their compliance, prevent violations and discipline violators.
  • Amnesty/pardon

    No specific mention.

  • Courts

    No specific mention.

  • Mechanism

    No specific mention.

  • Prisoner release

    No specific mention.

  • Vetting

    No specific mention.

  • Victims

    No specific mention.

  • Missing persons

    No specific mention.

  • Reparations

    No specific mention.

  • Reconciliation

    No specific mention.


  • UN signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Other international signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum for agreement

    No specific mention.

  • International mission/force/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Enforcement mechanism

    No specific mention.

  • Related cases

    No specific mention.

  • Source
    INCORE -

Israel-PLO Recognition – Exchange of Letters

1. Letter from Yasser Arafat to Prime Minister Rabin:

9 September 1993

Yitzhak Rabin

Prime Minister of Israel

Mr. Prime Minister,

The signing of the Declaration of Principles marks a new era in the history of the Middle


In firm conviction thereof, I would like to confirm the following PLO


The PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security.

The PLO accepts United Nations Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338.

The PLO commits itself to the Middle East peace process, and to a peaceful resolution of

the conflict between the two sides and declares that all outstanding issues relating to

permanent status will be resolved through negotiations.

The PLO considers that the signing of the Declaration of Principles constitutes a historic

event, inaugurating a new epoch of peaceful coexistence, free from violence and all other

acts which endanger peace and stability.

Accordingly, the PLO renounces the use of

terrorism and other acts of violence and will assume responsibility over all PLO elements

and personnel in order to assure their compliance, prevent violations and discipline


In view of the promise of a new era and the signing of the Declaration of Principles and

based on Palestinian acceptance of Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, the PLO

affirms that those articles of the Palestinian Covenant which deny Israel’s right to exist,

and the provisions of the Covenant which are inconsistent with the commitments of this

letter are now inoperative and no longer valid.

Consequently, the PLO undertakes to

submit to the Palestinian National Council for formal approval the necessary changes in

regard to the Palestinian Covenant.


Yasser Arafat


The Palestine Liberation Organization

2. Letter from Yasser Arafat to Norwegian Foreign Minister:

9 September 1993

His Excellency

Johan Jorgen Holst

Foreign Minister of Norway

Dear Minister Holst,

I would like top confirm to you that, upon the signing of the Declaration of Principles, the

PLO encourages and calls upon the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

to take part in the steps leading to the normalization of life, rejecting violence and

terrorism, contributing to peace and stability and participating actively in shaping

reconstruction, economic development and cooperation.


Yasser Arafat


The Palestine Liberation Organization

3. Letter from Prime Minister Rabin to Yasser Arafat:

9 September 1993

Yasser Arafat


The Palestinian Liberation Organization

Mr. Chairman,

In response to your letter of September 9, 1993, I wish to confirm to you that, in light of

the PLO commitments included in your letter, the Government of Israel has decided to

recognize the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people and commence

negotiations with the PLO within the Middle East peace process.

Yitzhak Rabin

Prime Minister of Israel