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Memorandum of Understanding between the Goverment of the Republic of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (Helsinki MOU)

  • Country/entity

  • Region

    Asia and Pacific
    Asia and Pacific
  • Agreement name

    Memorandum of Understanding between the Goverment of the Republic of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (Helsinki MOU)
  • Date

    15 Aug 2005
  • Agreement status

    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement

  • Agreement/conflict level

    Intrastate/intrastate conflict ( Indonesian Conflicts (1976 - ) )
  • Stage

    Framework/substantive - partial
  • Conflict nature

  • Peace process

    Indonesia-Aceh peace process
  • Parties

    Government of the Republic of Indonesia (GOI), Hamid Awaludin (Minister of Law and Human Rights; Free Aceh Movement (GAM), Malik Mahmud (leader)
  • Third parties

    Witness: Crisis Management Initiative (facilitator), Martti Ahtisaari (Former President of Finland, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Crisis Management Initiative, Facilitator of the negotiation process)
  • Description

    Peace agreement detailing autonomy arrangements for Aceh, including provisions on amnesty, prisoner release, political participation, economy, international enforcement, rule of law, human rights, DDR, and security arrangements.


  • Children/youth

    No specific mention.

  • Disabled persons

    No specific mention.

  • Elderly/age

    No specific mention.

  • Migrant workers

    No specific mention.

  • Racial/ethnic/national group
    Groups→Racial/ethnic/national group→Substantive
    Page 1, Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.2 Political participation
    . 1.2.6 Full participation of all Acehnese people in local and national elections will be guaranteed in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Religious groups

    No specific mention.

  • Indigenous people

    No specific mention.

  • Other groups

    No specific mention.

  • Refugees/displaced persons

    No specific mention.

  • Social class

    No specific mention.


  • Women, girls and gender

    No specific mention.

  • Men and boys

    No specific mention.


    No specific mention.

  • Family

    No specific mention.

State definition

  • Nature of state (general)
    Page 1, Preamble, The parties commit themselves to creating conditions within which the government of the Acehnese people can be manifested through a fair and democratic process within the unitary state and constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

    1.1.3 The name of Aceh will be determined by the legislature of Aceh after the next elections. 1.1.4 The borders of Aceh correspond to the borders as of 1 July 1956. 1.1.5 Aceh has the right to use regional symbols including a flag, a crest and a hymn. 1.1.6 Kanun Aceh will be re-established for Aceh respecting the historical traditions and customs of the people of Aceh and reflecting contemporary legal requirements
    of Aceh. 1.1.7 The institution of Wali Nanggroe with all its ceremonial attributes and entitlements
    will be established. 1.3 Aceh has the right to raise funds with external loans, and set interest rates beyond that of the Indonesian central Bank; and the right to set and raise taxes to fund official internal activities
  • State configuration

    No specific mention.

  • Self determination

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum

    No specific mention.

  • State symbols
    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.1 Law on the Governing of Aceh
    . 1.1.5  Aceh has the right to use regional symbols including a ag, a crest and a hymn.
  • Independence/secession

    No specific mention.

  • Accession/unification

    No specific mention.

  • Border delimitation
    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.1 Law on the Governing of Aceh
    . 1.1.4 The borders of Aceh correspond to the borders as of 1 July 1956.
  • Cross-border provision

    No specific mention.


  • Political institutions (new or reformed)
    Governance→Political institutions (new or reformed)→New political institutions (indefinite)
    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.1 Law on the Governing of Aceh
    . 1.1.7  The institution of Wali Nanggroe [Guardian of the State] with all its ceremonial attributes and entitlements will be established.

    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.2 Political participation
    . 1.2.4  Until 2009 the legislature of Aceh will not be entitled to enact any laws without the consent of the head of the Aceh administration. 

    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh,
    1.4 Rule of law
    1.4.1 The separation of powers between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary will be recognised.

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.2 The tasks of the AMM are to:
    ... e) monitor the process of legislation change,
  • Elections
    Page 2, 1. Governing of Aceh
    1.1.3 The name of Aceh and the titles of senior elected of cials will be determined by the legislature of Aceh after the next elections.

    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.2 Political participation
    . 1.2.2 Upon the signature of this MoU, the people of Aceh will have the right to nominate candidates for the positions of all elected officials to contest the elections in Aceh in April 2006 and thereafter.

    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.2 Political participation
    . 1.2.3  Free and fair local elections will be organised under the new Law on the Governing of Aceh to elect the head of the Aceh administration and other elected officials in April 2006 as well as the legislature of Aceh in 2009.

    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.2 Political participation
    . 1.2.5  All Acehnese residents will be issued new conventional identity cards prior to the elections of April 2006.

    Page 1, Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.2 Political participation
    . 1.2.6 Full participation of all Acehnese people in local and national elections will be guaranteed in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. 

    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.2 Political participation
    . 1.2.7  Outside monitors will be invited to monitor the elections in Aceh. Local elections may be undertaken with outside technical assistance.
  • Electoral commission

    No specific mention.

  • Political parties reform
    Governance→Political parties reform→Other political parties reform
    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.2 Political participation
    . 1.2.1  As soon as possible and not later than one year from the signing of this MoU, GoI agrees to and will facilitate the establishment of Aceh-based political parties that meet national criteria. Understanding the aspirations of Acehnese people for local political parties, GoI will create, within one year or at the latest 18 months from the signing of this MoU, the political and legal conditions for the establishment of local political parties in Aceh in consultation with Parliament. The timely implementation of this MoU will contribute positively to this end.

    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.2 Political participation
    . 1.2.2  Upon the signature of this MoU, the people of Aceh will have the right to nominate candidates for the positions of all elected officials to contest the elections in Aceh in April 2006 and thereafter.
  • Civil society

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional/religious leaders
    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.1 Law on the Governing of Aceh
    . 1.1.7 The institution of Wali Nanggroe [Guardian of the State] with all its ceremonial attributes and entitlements will be established.
  • Public administration

    No specific mention.

  • Constitution
    Governance→Constitution→Constitution affirmation/renewal
    Page 1, Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.2 Political participation
    . 1.2.6 Full participation of all Acehnese people in local and national elections will be guaranteed in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

Power sharing

  • Political power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Territorial power sharing
    Power sharing→Territorial power sharing→Autonomous regions
    Page 1, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.1 Law on the Governing of Aceh
    . 1.1.1 A new Law on the Governing of Aceh will be promulgated and will enter into force as soon as possible and not later than 31 March 2006. 

    . 1.1.2 The new Law on the Governing of Aceh will be based on the following principles:
    . a) Aceh will exercise authority within all sectors of public affairs, which will be administered in conjunction with its civil and judicial administration, except in the fields of foreign affairs, external defence, national security, monetary and fiscal matters, justice and freedom of religion, the policies of which belong to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in conformity with the Constitution. 

    . b) International agreements entered into by the Government of Indonesia which relate to matters of special interest to Aceh will be entered into in consultation with and with the consent of the legislature of Aceh. 

    . c) Decisions with regard to Aceh by the legislature of the Republic of Indonesia will be taken in consultation with and with the consent of the legislature of Aceh. 

    . d) Administrative measures undertaken by the Government of Indonesia with regard to Aceh will be implemented in consultation with and with the consent of the head of the Aceh administration.
    Power sharing→Territorial power sharing→Other
    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.1 Law on the Governing of Aceh
    . 1.1.4  The borders of Aceh correspond to the borders as of 1 July 1956.
  • Economic power sharing
    Power sharing→Economic power sharing→Fiscal federalism
    Page 2-3, 1.3 Economy

    1.3.1 Aceh has the right to raise funds with external loans. Aceh has the right to set interest rates beyond that set by the Central Bank of the Republic of Indonesia.

    1.3.2 Aceh has the right to set and raise taxes to fund official internal activities. Aceh has the right to conduct trade and business internally and internationally and to seek foreign direct investment and tourism to Aceh.

    1.3.3 Aceh will have jurisdiction over living natural resources in the territorial sea surrounding Aceh.

    1.3.4 Aceh is entitled to retain seventy (70) per cent of the revenues from all current and future hydrocarbon deposits and other natural resources in the territory of Aceh as well as in the territorial sea surrounding Aceh.

    1.3.5 Aceh conducts the development and administration of all seaports and airports within the territory of Aceh.

    1.3.6 Aceh will enjoy free trade with all other parts of the Republic of Indonesia unhindered by taxes, tariffs or other restrictions.

    1.3.7 Aceh will enjoy direct and unhindered access to foreign countries, by sea and air.

    1.3.8 GoI commits to the transparency of the collection and allocation of revenues between the Central Government and Aceh by agreeing to outside auditors to verify this activity and to communicate the results to the head of the Aceh administration.

    1.3.9 GAM will nominate representatives to participate fully at all levels in the commission established to conduct the post-tsunami reconstruction (BRR).
  • Military power sharing

    No specific mention.

Human rights and equality

  • Human rights/RoL general
    Page 3, 1.4 Rule of law

    1.4.1 The separation of powers between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary will be

    1.4.2 The legislature of Aceh will redraft the legal code for Aceh on the basis of the universal
    principles of human rights as provided for in the United Nations International Covenants on Civil
    and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

    1.4.3 An independent and impartial court system, including a court of appeals, will be established
    for Aceh within the judicial system of the Republic of Indonesia.

    1.4.4 The appointment of the Chief of the organic police forces and the prosecutors shall be
    approved by the head of the Aceh administration. The recruitment and training of organic police
    forces and prosecutors will take place in consultation with and with the consent of the head of the
    Aceh administration in compliance with the applicable national standards.

    1.4.5 All civilian crimes committed by military personnel in Aceh will be tried in civil courts in

    Page 4, 4 Security arrangements
    ... 4.12 Members of the Aceh organic police force will receive special training in Aceh and overseas with emphasis on respect for human rights.

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.2 The tasks of the AMM are to:
    ... d) monitor the human rights situation and provide assistance in this field,
  • Bill of rights/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Treaty incorporation
    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh,
    1.4 Rule of law
    ... 1.4.2 The legislature of Aceh will redraft the legal code for Aceh on the basis of the universal principles of human rights as provided for in the United Nations International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

    Page 3, 2 Human rights
    2.1 GoI will adhere to the United Nations International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
  • Civil and political rights
    Human rights and equality→Civil and political rights→Vote and take part
    Page 3, 3 Amnesty and reintegration into society
    ... 3.2 Reintegration into society
    3.2.1 As citizens of the Republic of Indonesia, all persons having been granted amnesty or released from prison or detention will have all political, economic and social rights as well as the right to participate freely in the political process both in Aceh and on the national level.
  • Socio-economic rights

    No specific mention.

Rights related issues

  • Citizenship
    Rights related issues→Citizenship→Citizens, specific rights
    Page 1, Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.2 Political participation
    . 1.2.6 Full participation of all Acehnese people in local and national elections will be guaranteed in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. 

    Page 3, 3 Amnesty and reintegration into society
    ... 3.2 Reintegration into society
    3.2.1 As citizens of the Republic of Indonesia, all persons having been granted amnesty or released from prison or detention will have all political, economic and social rights as well as the right to participate freely in the political process both in Aceh and on the national level.
    3.2.2 Persons who during the conflict have renounced their citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia will have the right to regain it.
  • Democracy
    Page 1, Preamble, The parties commit themselves to creating conditions within which the government of the Acehnese people can be manifested through a fair and democratic process within the unitary state and constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. ...
  • Detention procedures

    No specific mention.

  • Media and communication
    Rights related issues→Media and communication→Media logistics
    Page 6, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.15 In order to facilitate transparency, GoI will allow full access for the representatives of national and international media to Aceh.
  • Mobility/access
    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    ... 1.3.7 Aceh will enjoy direct and unhindered access to foreign countries, by sea and air.

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.7 Monitors will have unrestricted freedom of movement in Aceh. Only those tasks which are within the provisions of the MoU will be accepted by the AMM. Parties do not have a veto over the actions or control of the AMM operations.

    Page 7, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.15 In order to facilitate transparency, GoI will allow full access for the representatives of national and international media to Aceh.
  • Protection measures

    No specific mention.

  • Other

    No specific mention.

Rights institutions

  • NHRI
    Rights institutions→NHRI→New or fundamentally revised NHRI
    Page 3, 2 Human rights
    ... 2.2 A Human Rights Court will be established for Aceh.
  • Regional or international human rights institutions

    No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

  • Criminal justice and emergency law
    Justice sector reform→Criminal justice and emergency law→Delimitation of powers in Criminal Justice System
    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh,
    1.4 Rule of law
    ... 1.4.3 An independent and impartial court system, including a court of appeals, will be established for Aceh within the judicial system of the Republic of Indonesia.
    ... 1.4.5 All civilian crimes committed by military personnel in Aceh will be tried in civil courts in Aceh.
  • State of emergency provisions

    No specific mention.

  • Judiciary and courts
    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh,
    1.4 Rule of law
    ... 1.4.3 An independent and impartial court system, including a court of appeals, will be established for Aceh within the judicial system of the Republic of Indonesia.
    ... 1.4.5 All civilian crimes committed by military personnel in Aceh will be tried in civil courts in Aceh.

    Page 3, 2 Human rights
    ... 2.2 A Human Rights Court will be established for Aceh.
  • Prisons and detention

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional Laws

    No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

  • Development or socio-economic reconstruction
    Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Socio-economic development
    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    ... 1.3.5 Aceh conducts the development and administration of all seaports and airports within the territory of Aceh.
    Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Infrastructure and reconstruction
    Page 1, Preamble, ... The parties are deeply convinced that only the peaceful settlement of the conflict will enable the rebuilding of Aceh after the tsunami disaster on 26 December 2004 to progress and succeed. ...

    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    ... 1.3.9 GAM will nominate representatives to participate fully at all levels in the commission established to conduct the post-tsunami reconstruction (BRR).
  • National economic plan

    No specific mention.

  • Natural resources
    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    ... 1.3.3 Aceh will have jurisdiction over living natural resources in the territorial sea surrounding Aceh.

    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    ... 1.3.4 Aceh is entitled to retain seventy (70) per cent of the revenues from all current and future hydrocarbon deposits and other natural resources in the territory of Aceh as well as in the territorial sea surrounding Aceh.
  • International funds

    No specific mention.

  • Business
    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    . 1.3.2 Aceh has the right to set and raise taxes to fund official internal activities. Aceh has the right to conduct trade and business internally and internationally and to seek foreign direct investment and tourism to Aceh.

    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    ... 1.3.6 Aceh will enjoy free trade with all other parts of the Republic of Indonesia unhindered by taxes, tariffs or other restrictions.
  • Taxation
    Socio-economic reconstruction→Taxation→Power to tax
    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    . 1.3.2 Aceh has the right to set and raise taxes to fund official internal activities. Aceh has the right to conduct trade and business internally and internationally and to seek foreign direct investment and tourism to Aceh.

    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    ... 1.3.6 Aceh will enjoy free trade with all other parts of the Republic of Indonesia unhindered by taxes, tariffs or other restrictions.

    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    ... 1.3.8 GOI commits to the transparency of the collection and allocation of revenues between the Central Government and Aceh by agreeing to outside auditors to verify this activity and to communicate the results to the head of the Aceh administration.
  • Banks
    Socio-economic reconstruction→Banks→Central bank
    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    . 1.3.1  Aceh has the right to raise funds with external loans. Aceh has the right to set interest rates beyond that set by the Central Bank of the Republic of Indonesia.
    Socio-economic reconstruction→Banks→International finance
    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    . 1.3.1  Aceh has the right to raise funds with external loans. Aceh has the right to set interest rates beyond that set by the Central Bank of the Republic of Indonesia.

Land, property and environment

  • Land reform/rights
    Land, property and environment→Land reform/rights→Property return and restitution
    Page 3, 3 Amnesty and reintegration into society
    ... 3.2 Reintegration into society
    ... 3.2.5 GoI will allocate suitable farming land as well as funds to the authorities of Aceh for the purpose of facilitating the reintegration to society of the former combatants and the compensation for political prisoners and affected civilians. The authorities of Aceh will use the land and funds as follows:
    a) All former combatants will receive an allocation of suitable farming land, employment or, in the case of incapacity to work, adequate social security from the authorities of Aceh.
    b) All pardoned political prisoners will receive an allocation of suitable farming land, employment or, in the case of incapacity to work, adequate social security from the authorities of Aceh.
    c) All civilians who have suffered a demonstrable loss due to the conflict will receive an allocation of suitable farming land, employment or, in the case of incapacity to work, adequate social security from the authorities of Aceh.
  • Pastoralist/nomadism rights

    No specific mention.

  • Cultural heritage
    Land, property and environment→Cultural heritage→Promotion
    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.1 Law on the Governing of Aceh
    . 1.1.6 Kanun Aceh will be re-established for Aceh respecting the historical traditions and customs of the people of Aceh and reflecting contemporary legal requirements of Aceh.
  • Environment
    Page 1, Preamble, ... The parties are deeply convinced that only the peaceful settlement of the conflict will enable the rebuilding of Aceh after the tsunami disaster on 26 December 2004 to progress and succeed. ...

    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    ... 1.3.3 Aceh will have jurisdiction over living natural resources in the territorial sea surrounding Aceh.
  • Water or riparian rights or access
    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    ... 1.3.3 Aceh will have jurisdiction over living natural resources in the territorial sea surrounding Aceh.

    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    ... 1.3.4 Aceh is entitled to retain seventy (70) per cent of the revenues from all current and future hydrocarbon deposits and other natural resources in the territory of Aceh as well as in the territorial sea surrounding Aceh.

    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    ... 1.3.5 Aceh conducts the development and administration of all seaports and airports within the territory of Aceh.

Security sector

  • Security Guarantees

    No specific mention.

  • Ceasefire

    No specific mention.

  • Police
    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh,
    1.4 Rule of law
    ... 1.4.4 The appointment of the Chief of the organic police forces and the prosecutors shall be approved by the head of the Aceh administration. The recruitment and training of organic police forces and prosecutors will take place in consultation with and with the consent of the head of the Aceh administration in compliance with the applicable national standards.

    Page 4, 3 Amnesty and reintegration into society
    ... 3.2 Reintegration into society
    ... 3.2.7 GAM combatants will have the right to seek employment in the organic police and organic military forces in Aceh without discrimination and in conformity with national standards.

    Page 4, 4 Security arrangements
    ... 4.6 The relocation of non-organic military and non-organic police forces will begin on 15 September 2005 and will be executed in four stages in parallel with the GAM decommissioning immediately after each stage has been verified by the AMM, and concluded by 31 December 2005.
    4.7 The number of organic military forces to remain in Aceh after the relocation is 14700. The number of organic police forces to remain in Aceh after the relocation is 9100.

    Page 4, 4 Security arrangements
    ... 4.10 Organic police forces will be responsible for upholding internal law and order in Aceh.

    Page 4, 4 Security arrangements
    ... 4.12 Members of the Aceh organic police force will receive special training in Aceh and overseas with emphasis on respect for human rights.

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.2 The tasks of the AMM are to:
    ... b) monitor the relocation of non-organic military forces and non-organic police troops,
  • Armed forces
    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh,
    1.4 Rule of law
    ... 1.4.5 All civilian crimes committed by military personnel in Aceh will be tried in civil courts in Aceh.

    Page 4, 3 Amnesty and reintegration into society
    ... 3.2 Reintegration into society
    ... 3.2.7 GAM combatants will have the right to seek employment in the organic police and organic military forces in Aceh without discrimination and in conformity with national standards.

    Page 4, 4 Security arrangements
    ... 4.5 GoI will withdraw all elements of non-organic military and non-organic police forces from Aceh.

    Page 4, 4 Security arrangements
    ... 4.6 The relocation of non-organic military and non-organic police forces will begin on 15 September 2005 and will be executed in four stages in parallel with the GAM decommissioning immediately after each stage has been verified by the AMM, and concluded by 31 December 2005.
    4.7 The number of organic military forces to remain in Aceh after the relocation is 14700. The number of organic police forces to remain in Aceh after the relocation is 9100.

    Page 4, 4 Security arrangements
    ... 4.8 There will be no major movements of military forces after the signing of this MoU. All movements more than a platoon size will require prior notification to the Head of the Monitoring Mission.

    Page 4, 4 Security arrangements
    ... 4.11 Military forces will be responsible for upholding external defence of Aceh. In normal peacetime circumstances, only organic military forces will be present in Aceh.

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.2 The tasks of the AMM are to:
    ... b) monitor the relocation of non-organic military forces and non-organic police troops,

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.13 The parties commit themselves to a notification responsibility procedure to the AMM, including military and reconstruction issues.
  • DDR
    Security sector→DDR→DDR programmes
    Page 3, 3 Amnesty and reintegration into society
    ... 3.2 Reintegration into society
    ... 3.2.3 GoI and the authorities of Aceh will take measures to assist persons who have participated in GAM activities to facilitate their reintegration into the civil society. These measures include economic facilitation to former combatants, pardoned political prisoners and affected civilians. A Reintegration Fund under the administration of the authorities of Aceh will be established.

    Page 3, 3 Amnesty and reintegration into society
    ... 3.2 Reintegration into society
    ... 3.2.5 GoI will allocate suitable farming land as well as funds to the authorities of Aceh for the purpose of facilitating the reintegration to society of the former combatants and the compensation for political prisoners and affected civilians. The authorities of Aceh will use the land and funds as follows: [See Land reform]

    Page 4, 4 Security arrangements
    ... 4.2 GAM undertakes to demobilise all of its 3000 military troops. GAM members will not wear uniforms or display military insignia or symbols after the signing of this MoU.

    Page 4, 4 Security arrangements
    ... 4.3 GAM undertakes the decommissioning of all arms, ammunition and explosives held by the participants in GAM activities with the assistance of the Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM). GAM commits to hand over 840 arms.

    Page 4, 4 Security arrangements
    ... 4.4 The decommissioning of GAM armaments will begin on 15 September 2005 and will be executed in four stages and concluded by 31 December 2005.

    Page 4, 4 Security arrangements
    ... 4.9 GoI undertakes the decommissioning of all illegal arms, ammunition and explosives held by any possible illegal groups and parties.

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.2 The tasks of the AMM are to:
    a) monitor the demobilisation of GAM and decommissioning of its armaments,
    .. c) monitor the reintegration of active GAM members,

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.9 GoI will provide weapons collection points and support mobile weapons collection teams in collaboration with GAM.
    5.10 Immediate destruction will be carried out after the collection of weapons and ammunitions. This process will be fully documented and publicised as appropriate.
  • Intelligence services

    No specific mention.

  • Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces
    Page 4, 4 Security arrangements
    ... 4.2 GAM undertakes to demobilise all of its 3000 military troops. GAM members will not wear uniforms or display military insignia or symbols after the signing of this MoU.

    Page 4, 4 Security arrangements
    ... 4.3 GAM undertakes the decommissioning of all arms, ammunition and explosives held by the participants in GAM activities with the assistance of the Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM). GAM commits to hand over 840 arms.

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.2 The tasks of the AMM are to:
    a) monitor the demobilisation of GAM and decommissioning of its armaments,
  • Withdrawal of foreign forces

    No specific mention.

  • Corruption
    Page 2, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.2 Political participation
    . 1.2.8  There will be full transparency in campaign funds.

    Page 3, 1 Governing of Aceh
    1.3 Economy
    ... 1.3.8 GOI commits to the transparency of the collection and allocation of revenues between the Central Government and Aceh by agreeing to outside auditors to verify this activity and to communicate the results to the head of the Aceh administration.

    Page 6, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.15 In order to facilitate transparency, GoI will allow full access for the representatives of national and international media to Aceh.
  • Crime/organised crime

    No specific mention.

  • Drugs

    No specific mention.

  • Terrorism

    No specific mention.

Transitional justice

  • Transitional justice general

    No specific mention.

  • Amnesty/pardon
    Transitional justice→Amnesty/pardon→Amnesty/pardon proper
    Page 3, 3 Amnesty and reintegration into society
    3.1 Amnesty
    3.1.1 GOI will, in accordance with constitutional procedures, grant amnesty to all persons who have participated in GAM activities as soon as possible and not later than within 15 days of the signature of this MoU.

    Page 3, 3 Amnesty and reintegration into society
    3.1 Amnesty
    ... 3.1.4 Use of weapons by GAM personnel after the signature of this MoU will be regarded as a violation of the MoU and will disqualify the person from amnesty.

    Page 3, 3 Amnesty and reintegration into society
    ... 3.2 Reintegration into society
    3.2.1 As citizens of the Republic of Indonesia, all persons having been granted amnesty or released from prison or detention will have all political, economic and social rights as well as the right to participate freely in the political process both in Aceh and on the national level.

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.2 The tasks of the AMM are to:
    ... f) rule on disputed amnesty cases,
  • Courts

    No specific mention.

  • Mechanism
    Page 3, 2 Human rights
    ... 2.3 A Commission for Truth and Reconciliation will be established for Aceh by the Indonesian Commission of Truth and Reconciliation with the task of formulating and determining reconciliation measures.
  • Prisoner release
    Page 3, 3 Amnesty and reintegration into society
    3.1 Amnesty
    ... 3.1.2 Political prisoners and detainees held due to the conflict will be released unconditionally as soon as possible and not later than within 15 days of the signature of this MoU.

    Page 3, 3 Amnesty and reintegration into society
    ... 3.2 Reintegration into society
    3.2.1 As citizens of the Republic of Indonesia, all persons having been granted amnesty or released from prison or detention will have all political, economic and social rights as well as the right to participate freely in the political process both in Aceh and on the national level.

    Page 3, 3 Amnesty and reintegration into society
    ... 3.2 Reintegration into society
    ... 3.2.3 GoI and the authorities of Aceh will take measures to assist persons who have participated in GAM activities to facilitate their reintegration into the civil society. These measures include economic facilitation to former combatants, pardoned political prisoners and affected civilians. A Reintegration Fund under the administration of the authorities of Aceh will be established.
  • Vetting

    No specific mention.

  • Victims

    No specific mention.

  • Missing persons

    No specific mention.

  • Reparations
    Transitional justice→Reparations→Material reparations
    Page 3, 3 Amnesty and reintegration into society
    ... 3.2 Reintegration into society
    ... 3.2.4 GoI will allocate funds for the rehabilitation of public and private property destroyed or damaged as a consequence of the conflict to be administered by the authorities of Aceh.

    Page 3, 3 Amnesty and reintegration into society
    ... 3.2 Reintegration into society
    3.2.6 The authorities of Aceh and GoI will establish a joint Claims Settlement Commission to deal with unmet claims.
  • Reconciliation
    Page 3, 2 Human rights
    ... 2.3 A Commission for Truth and Reconciliation will be established for Aceh by the Indonesian Commission of Truth and Reconciliation with the task of formulating and determining reconciliation measures.


  • UN signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Other international signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum for agreement

    No specific mention.

  • International mission/force/similar
    Page 3, 3 Amnesty and reintegration into society
    3.1 Amnesty
    ... 3.1.3 The Head of the Monitoring Mission will decide on disputed cases based on advice from the legal advisor of the Monitoring Mission.

    Page 4, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    5.1 An Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM) will be established by the European Union and ASEAN contributing countries with the mandate to monitor the implementation of the commitments taken by the parties in this Memorandum of Understanding.

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.3 A Status of Mission Agreement (SoMA) between GoI and the European Union will be signed after this MoU has been signed. The SoMA defines the status, privileges and immunities of the AMM and its members. ASEAN contributing countries which have been invited by GoI will confirm in writing their acceptance of and compliance with the SoMA.

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.4 GoI will give all its support for the carrying out of the mandate of the AMM. To this end, GoI will write a letter to the European Union and ASEAN contributing countries expressing its commitment and support to the AMM.

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    .. 5.5 GAM will give all its support for the carrying out of the mandate of the AMM. To this end, GAM will write a letter to the European Union and ASEAN contributing countries expressing its commitment and support to the AMM.

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.6 The parties commit themselves to provide AMM with secure, safe and stable working conditions and pledge their full cooperation with the AMM.

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.8 GoI is responsible for the security of all AMM personnel in Indonesia. The mission personnel do not carry arms. The Head of Monitoring Mission may however decide on an exceptional basis that a patrol will not be escorted by GoI security forces. In that case, GoI will be informed and the GoI will not assume responsibility for the security of this patrol.

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.11 AMM reports to the Head of Monitoring Mission who will provide regular reports to the parties and to others as required, as well as to a designated person or office in the European Union and ASEAN contributing countries.

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.14 GoI will authorise appropriate measures regarding emergency medical service and hospitalisation for AMM personnel.
  • Enforcement mechanism
    [Summary] Page 4-5, An Aceh Monitoring Mission is established. Detailed coded elsewhere as appropriate.

    Page 5, 5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission
    ... 5.2 The tasks of the AMM are to:
    ... g) investigate and rule on complaints and alleged violations of the MoU,
    h) establish and maintain liaison and good cooperation with the parties.

    Page 7, 6 Dispute settlement
    6.1 In the event of disputes regarding the implementation of this MoU, these will be resolved promptly as follows:
    a) As a rule, eventual disputes concerning the implementation of this MoU will be resolved by the Head of Monitoring Mission, in dialogue with the parties, with all parties providing required information immediately. The Head of Monitoring Mission will make a ruling which will be binding on the parties.
    b) If the Head of Monitoring Mission concludes that a dispute cannot be resolved by the means described above, the dispute will be discussed together by the Head of Monitoring Mission with the senior representative of each party. Following this, the Head of Monitoring Mission will make a ruling which will be binding on the parties.
    c) In cases where disputes cannot be resolved by either of the means described above, the Head of Monitoring Mission will report directly to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Law and Security Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, the political leadership of GAM and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Crisis Management Initiative, with the EU Political and Security Committee informed. After consultation with the parties, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Crisis Management Initiative will make a ruling which will be binding on the parties.
  • Related cases

    No specific mention.

  • Source
    UN Peacemaker:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Government of Indonesia (GoI) and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) confirm their commitment to a peaceful, comprehensive and sustainable solution to the conflict in Aceh with dignity for all.

The parties commit themselves to creating conditions within which the government of the Acehnese people can be manifested through a fair and democratic process within the unitary state and constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

The parties are deeply convinced that only the peaceful settlement of the conflict will enable the rebuilding of Aceh after the tsunami disaster on 26 December 2004 to progress and succeed.

The parties to the conflict commit themselves to building mutual confidence and trust.

This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) details the agreement and the principles that willguide the transformation process.

To this end the GoI and GAM have agreed on the following:

1 Governing of Aceh

1.1 Law on the Governing of Aceh

1.1.1 A new Law on the Governing of Aceh will be promulgated and will enter into force as soon as possible and not later than 31 March 2006.

1.1.2 The new Law on the Governing of Aceh will be based on the following principles:

a) Aceh will exercise authority within all sectors of public affairs, which will

be administered in conjunction with its civil and judicial administration, except in the fields of foreign affairs, external defence, national security, monetary and fiscal matters, justice and freedom of religion, the policies of which belong to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in conformity with the Constitution.

b) International agreements entered into by the Government of Indonesia which relate to matters of special interest to Aceh will be entered into in consultation with and with the consent of the legislature of Aceh.

c) Decisions with regard to Aceh by the legislature of the Republic of Indonesia will be taken in consultation with and with the consent of the legislature of Aceh.

d) Administrative measures undertaken by the Government of Indonesia with regard to Aceh will be implemented in consultation with and with the consent of the head of the Aceh administration.

1.1.3 The name of Aceh and the titles of senior elected officials will be determined by the legislature of Aceh after the next elections.

1.1.4 The borders of Aceh correspond to the borders as of 1 July 1956.

1.1.5 Aceh has the right to use regional symbols including a flag, a crest and a hymn.

1.1.6 Kanun Aceh will be re-established for Aceh respecting the historical traditions and customs of the people of Aceh and reflecting contemporary legal requirements of Aceh.

1.1.7 The institution of Wali Nanggroe with all its ceremonial attributes and entitlements will be established.

1.2 Political participation

1.2.1 As soon as possible and not later than one year from the signing of this MoU, GoI agrees to and will facilitate the establishment of Aceh-based political parties that meet national criteria.

Understanding the aspirations of Acehnese people for local political parties, GoI will create, within one year or at the latest 18 months from the signing of this MoU, the political and legal conditions for the establishment of local political parties in Aceh in consultation with Parliament.

The timely implementation of this MoU will contribute positively to this end.

1.2.2 Upon the signature of this MoU, the people of Aceh will have the right to nominate candidates for the positions of all elected officials to contest the elections in Aceh in April 2006 and thereafter.

1.2.3 Free and fair local elections will be organised under the new Law on the Governing of Aceh to elect the head of the Aceh administration and other elected officials in April 2006 as well as the legislature of Aceh in 2009.

1.2.4 Until 2009 the legislature of Aceh will not be entitled to enact any laws without the consent of the head of the Aceh administration.

1.2.5 All Acehnese residents will be issued new conventional identity cards prior to the elections of April 2006.

1.2.6 Full participation of all Acehnese people in local and national elections will be guaranteed in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

1.2.7 Outside monitors will be invited to monitor the elections in Aceh.

Local elections may be undertaken with outside technical assistance.

1.2.8 There will be full transparency in campaign funds.

1.3 Economy

1.3.1 Aceh has the right to raise funds with external loans.

Aceh has the right to set interest rates beyond that set by the Central Bank of the Republic of Indonesia.

1.3.2 Aceh has the right to set and raise taxes to fund official internal activities.

Aceh has the right to conduct trade and business internally and internationally and to seek foreign direct investment and tourism to Aceh.

1.3.3 Aceh will have jurisdiction over living natural resources in the territorial sea surrounding Aceh.

1.3.4 Aceh is entitled to retain seventy (70) per cent of the revenues from all current and future hydrocarbon deposits and other natural resources in the territory of Aceh as well as in the territorial sea surrounding Aceh.

1.3.5 Aceh conducts the development and administration of all seaports and airports within the territory of Aceh.

1.3.6 Aceh will enjoy free trade with all other parts of the Republic of Indonesia unhindered by taxes, tariffs or other restrictions.

1.3.7 Aceh will enjoy direct and unhindered access to foreign countries, by sea and air.

1.3.8 GoI commits to the transparency of the collection and allocation of revenues between the Central Government and Aceh by agreeing to outside auditors to verify this activity and to communicate the results to the head of the Aceh administration.

1.3.9 GAM will nominate representatives to participate fully at all levels in the commission established to conduct the post-tsunami reconstruction (BRR).

1.4 Rule of law

1.4.1 The separation of powers between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary will be recognised.

1.4.2 The legislature of Aceh will redraft the legal code for Aceh on the basis of the universal principles of human rights as provided for in the United Nations International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

1.4.3 An independent and impartial court system, including a court of appeals, will be established for Aceh within the judicial system of the Republic of Indonesia.

1.4.4 The appointment of the Chief of the organic police forces and the prosecutors shall be approved by the head of the Aceh administration.

The recruitment and training of organic police forces and prosecutors will take place in consultation with and with the consent of the head of the Aceh administration in compliance with the applicable national standards.

1.4.5 All civilian crimes committed by military personnel in Aceh will be tried in civil courts in Aceh.

2 Human rights

2.1 GoI will adhere to the United Nations International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

2.2 A Human Rights Court will be established for Aceh.

2.3 A Commission for Truth and Reconciliation will be established for Aceh by the Indonesian Commission of Truth and Reconciliation with the task of formulating and determining reconciliation measures.

3 Amnesty and reintegration into society

3.1 Amnesty

3.1.1 GoI will, in accordance with constitutional procedures, grant amnesty to all persons who have participated in GAM activities as soon as possible and not later than within 15 days of the signature of this MoU.

3.1.2 Political prisoners and detainees held due to the conflict will be released unconditionally as soon as possible and not later than within 15 days of the signature of this MoU.

3.1.3 The Head of the Monitoring Mission will decide on disputed cases based on advice from the legal advisor of the Monitoring Mission.

3.1.4 Use of weapons by GAM personnel after the signature of this MoU will be regarded as a violation of the MoU and will disqualify the person from amnesty.

3.2 Reintegration into society

3.2.1 As citizens of the Republic of Indonesia, all persons having been granted amnesty or released from prison or detention will have all political, economic and social rights as well as the right to participate freely in the political process both in Aceh and on the national level.

3.2.2 Persons who during the conflict have renounced their citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia will have the right to regain it.

3.2.3 GoI and the authorities of Aceh will take measures to assist persons who have participated in GAM activities to facilitate their reintegration into the civil society.

These measures include economic facilitation to former combatants, pardoned political prisoners and affected civilians.

A Reintegration Fund under the administration of the authorities of Aceh will be established.

3.2.4 GoI will allocate funds for the rehabilitation of public and private property destroyed or damaged as a consequence of the conflict to be administered by the authorities of Aceh.

3.2.5 GoI will allocate suitable farming land as well as funds to the authorities of Aceh for the purpose of facilitating the reintegration to society of the former combatants and the compensation for political prisoners and affected civilians.

The authorities of

Aceh will use the land and funds as follows:

a) All former combatants will receive an allocation of suitable farming land, employment or, in the case of incapacity to work, adequate social security from the authorities of Aceh.

b) All pardoned political prisoners will receive an allocation of suitable farming land, employment or, in the case of incapacity to work, adequate social security from the authorities of Aceh.

c) All civilians who have suffered a demonstrable loss due to the conflict will receive an allocation of suitable farming land, employment or, in the case of incapacity to work, adequate social security from the authorities of Aceh.

3.2.6 The authorities of Aceh and GoI will establish a joint Claims Settlement Commission to deal with unmet claims.

3.2.7 GAM combatants will have the right to seek employment in the organic police and organic military forces in Aceh without discrimination and in conformity with national standards.

4 Security arrangements

4.1 All acts of violence between the parties will end latest at the time of the signing of this MoU.

4.2 GAM undertakes to demobilise all of its 3000 military troops.

GAM members will not wear uniforms or display military insignia or symbols after the signing of this MoU.

4.3 GAM undertakes the decommissioning of all arms, ammunition and explosives held by the participants in GAM activities with the assistance of the Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM).

GAM commits to hand over 840 arms.

4.4 The decommissioning of GAM armaments will begin on 15 September 2005 and will be executed in four stages and concluded by 31 December 2005.

4.5 GoI will withdraw all elements of non-organic military and non-organic police forces from Aceh.

4.6 The relocation of non-organic military and non-organic police forces will begin on 15 September 2005 and will be executed in four stages in parallel with the GAM decommissioning immediately after each stage has been verified by the AMM, and concluded by 31 December 2005.

4.7 The number of organic military forces to remain in Aceh after the relocation is 14700.

The number of organic police forces to remain in Aceh after the relocation is 9100.

4.8 There will be no major movements of military forces after the signing of this MoU. All movements more than a platoon size will require prior notification to the Head of the Monitoring Mission.

4.9 GoI undertakes the decommissioning of all illegal arms, ammunition and explosives held by any possible illegal groups and parties.

4.10 Organic police forces will be responsible for upholding internal law and order in Aceh.

4.11 Military forces will be responsible for upholding external defence of Aceh.

In normal peacetime circumstances, only organic military forces will be present in Aceh.

4.12 Members of the Aceh organic police force will receive special training in Aceh and overseas with emphasis on respect for human rights.

5 Establishment of the Aceh Monitoring Mission

5.1 An Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM) will be established by the European Union and ASEAN contributing countries with the mandate to monitor the implementation of the commitments taken by the parties in this Memorandum of Understanding.


The tasks of the AMM are to:

a) monitor the demobilisation of GAM and decommissioning of its armaments,

b) monitor the relocation of non-organic military forces and non-organic police troops,

c) monitor the reintegration of active GAM members,

d) monitor the human rights situation and provide assistance in this field,

e) monitor the process of legislation change,

f) rule on disputed amnesty cases,

g) investigate and rule on complaints and alleged violations of the MoU,

h) establish and maintain liaison and good cooperation with the parties.

5.3 A Status of Mission Agreement (SoMA) between GoI and the European Union will be signed after this MoU has been signed.

The SoMA defines the status, privileges and immunities of the AMM and its members.

ASEAN contributing countries which have been invited by GoI will confirm in writing their acceptance of and compliance with the SoMA.

5.4 GoI will give all its support for the carrying out of the mandate of the AMM.

To this end, GoI will write a letter to the European Union and ASEAN contributing countries expressing its commitment and support to the AMM.

5.5 GAM will give all its support for the carrying out of the mandate of the AMM.

To this end, GAM will write a letter to the European Union and ASEAN contributing countries expressing its commitment and support to the AMM.

5.6 The parties commit themselves to provide AMM with secure, safe and stable working conditions and pledge their full cooperation with the AMM.

5.7 Monitors will have unrestricted freedom of movement in Aceh.

Only those tasks which are within the provisions of the MoU will be accepted by the AMM.

Parties do not have a veto over the actions or control of the AMM operations.

5.8 GoI is responsible for the security of all AMM personnel in Indonesia.

The mission personnel do not carry arms.

The Head of Monitoring Mission may however decide on an exceptional basis that a patrol will not be escorted by GoI security forces.

In that case, GoI will be informed and the GoI will not assume responsibility for the security of this patrol.

5.9 GoI will provide weapons collection points and support mobile weapons collection teams in collaboration with GAM.

5.10 Immediate destruction will be carried out after the collection of weapons and ammunitions.

This process will be fully documented and publicised as appropriate.

5.11 AMM reports to the Head of Monitoring Mission who will provide regular reports to the parties and to others as required, as well as to a designated person or office in the European Union and ASEAN contributing countries.

5.12 Upon signature of this MoU each party will appoint a senior representative to deal with all matters related to the implementation of this MoU with the Head of Monitoring Mission.

5.13 The parties commit themselves to a notification responsibility procedure to the AMM, including military and reconstruction issues.

5.14 GoI will authorise appropriate measures regarding emergency medical service and hospitalisation for AMM personnel.

5.15 In order to facilitate transparency, GoI will allow full access for the representatives of national and international media to Aceh.

6 Dispute settlement

6.1 In the event of disputes regarding the implementation of this MoU, these will be resolved promptly as follows:

a) As a rule, eventual disputes concerning the implementation of this MoU will be resolved by the Head of Monitoring Mission, in dialogue with the parties, with all parties providing required information immediately.

The Head of Monitoring Mission will make a ruling which will be binding on the parties.

b) If the Head of Monitoring Mission concludes that a dispute cannot be resolved by the means described above, the dispute will be discussed together by the Head of Monitoring Mission with the senior representative of each party.

Following this, the Head of Monitoring Mission will make a ruling which will be binding on the parties.

c) In cases where disputes cannot be resolved by either of the means described above, the Head of Monitoring Mission will report directly to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Law and Security Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, the political leadership of GAM and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Crisis Management Initiative, with the EU Political and Security Committee informed.

After consultation with the parties, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Crisis Management Initiative will make a ruling which will be binding on the parties.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

GoI and GAM will not undertake any action inconsistent with the letter or spirit of this Memorandum of Understanding.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Signed in triplicate in Helsinki, Finland on the 15 of August in the year 2005.

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia,

On behalf of the Free Aceh Movement, Hamid Awaludin Malik Mahmud, Minister of Law and Human Rights, Leadership

As witnessed by

Martti Ahtisaari

Former President of Finland, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Crisis Management Initiative, Facilitator of the negotiation process