The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep

New York Agreement

  • Country/entity

    El Salvador
  • Region

  • Agreement name

    New York Agreement
  • Date

    25 Sep 1991
  • Agreement status

    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement

  • Agreement/conflict level

    Intrastate/intrastate conflict ( El Salvador Civil War (1979 - 1992) )
  • Stage

    Framework/substantive - partial
  • Conflict nature

  • Peace process

    El Salvador peace process
  • Parties

    Representing the Government of El Salvador: Dr. Oscar Santamaria; Col. Mauricio Ernesto Vargas Dr. David Escobar Galindo;
    Representing the Frente Farabundo Marti Para la Liberacion Nacional: Cmdr. Schafik Handal Cmdr. Francisco Jovel; Cmdr. Salvador Sanchez Cerein; Cmdr. Eduardo Sancho; Cmdr. Joaquin Villalobos;
  • Third parties

    Alvaro de Soto, Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations (signatory, capacity unclear)
  • Description

    Establishes National Commission for the Consolidation of Peace


  • Children/youth

    No specific mention.

  • Disabled persons

    No specific mention.

  • Elderly/age

    No specific mention.

  • Migrant workers

    No specific mention.

  • Racial/ethnic/national group

    No specific mention.

  • Religious groups

    No specific mention.

  • Indigenous people

    No specific mention.

  • Other groups

    No specific mention.

  • Refugees/displaced persons
    Groups→Refugees/displaced persons→Substantive
    Article VII (Economic Questions) provides that land of a certain size shall be 'used to meet the needs of peasants and small farmers who are without land. Current land-holding in conflcit zones is to remain untl a 'satifactory land-holding situation is arrived at.'
  • Social class

    No specific mention.


  • Women, girls and gender

    No specific mention.

  • Men and boys

    No specific mention.


    No specific mention.

  • Family

    No specific mention.

State definition

  • Nature of state (general)

    No specific mention.

  • State configuration

    No specific mention.

  • Self determination

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum

    No specific mention.

  • State symbols

    No specific mention.

  • Independence/secession

    No specific mention.

  • Accession/unification

    No specific mention.

  • Border delimitation

    No specific mention.

  • Cross-border provision

    No specific mention.


  • Political institutions (new or reformed)
    Governance→Political institutions (new or reformed)→Temporary new institutions
    2. Composition
    a. COPAZ shall be composed of two representatives of the Government, including a member of the armed forces, two representatives of FMLN and one representative of each of the parties or coalitions represented in the Legislative Assembly.
    b. The Archbishop of San Salvador and a delegate of ONUSAL shall have access to the work and deliberations of COPAZ, as observers.

    3. Decisions
    COPAZ shall adopt its decisions by majority vote.

    4. Powers
    a. COPAZ shall not have executive powers since it is for the Parties, through their internal machinery, to carry out the peace agreements.
    b. The Parties shall be obliged to consult COPAZ before adopting decisions or measures relating to relevant aspects of the peace agreements. Similarly, COPAZ may consult the Parties, at the highest level, whenever it deems it appropriate to do so. In the event of a difference of opinion as to whether a matter should be submitted to COPAZ, the question shall be decided by COPAZ.
    c. At the request of three or more of its members, COPAZ shall be convened immediately and its opinion heard.
    d. COPAZ shall have direct access to the President of the Republic and shall meet with him whenever COPAZ itself or the President deems it appropriate.
    e. COPAZ shall have access to and may inspect any activity or site connected with the implementation of the peace agreements.
    f. COPAZ shall have the power to issue conclusions and recommendations of any kind relating to the implementation of the peace agreements and to make them public. The Parties undertake to comply with those conclusions and recommendations.
    g. COPAZ shall have the power to prepare the preliminary legislative drafts necessary for the development of the agreements which have been reached, both on the subject of the armed forces and on the other items on the agenda.
    h. COPAZ shall have the power to oversee the implementation of the agreements reached by the Parties, both on the subject of the armed forces and on the other items on the agenda.
    i. COPAZ shall be responsible for the preparation of the preliminary legislative drafts necessary to ensure that all those wounded in the war and, where appropriate, the families of combatants who have died, on both sides, are incorporated into the social security system of the State or receive adequate economic compensation, as provided for by law.
    j. In the performance of its functions, COPAZ shall be authorized to address the relevant organs of the United Nations, through the Secretary-General.
    k. COPAZ shall have full powers to organize its work in the manner which it deems most appropriate and to appoint any groups or subcommissions which it may deem useful in the discharge of its mission. For that purpose, it shall have its own budget.

    6. Duration
    a. Between the data of this agreement and the cessation of the armed conflict, two representatives of the Government, including one member of the armed forces, two representatives of FMLN and one representative of each of the parties or coalitions represented In the Legislative Assembly shall work under a special operational regime of a transitional nature which they themselves shall define. This work shall include the preparation of the preliminary draft legislation to formalize the establishment of COPAZ.
    b. The preliminary draft legislation to formalize the establishment of COPAZ shall be submitted to the Legislative Assembly within eight (8) days following the signing of the cessation of armed conflict. The formal establishment of COPAZ shall take place within eight (8) days following the promulgation of the said law.
    c. COPAZ shall be dissolved once the implementation of the peace agreements has been completed. Its dissolution shall be decided upon by COPAZ itself, by means of an agreement receiving a favourable vote from at least two thirds of its members.

    7. International guarantees
    a. The establishment of COPAZ shall be explicitly endorsed by a resolution to be adopted by the Security Council concerning the peace agreements.
    b. The Secretary-General shall keep the Security Council informed regarding the activities and effectiveness of COPAZ.
    c. COPAZ shall be endorsed by Governments which are in a position to support effectively the guarantee required under the agreements as well as the work of COPAZ. In particular, the cooperation of those Governments shall be expressed and given in such a way as to promote the proposals set forth in the peace agreements as well as their full implementation.

    Page 4, II. PURIFICATION 1/
    a. A process of purification of the armed forces is agreed upon, on the basis of a vetting of all personnel serving in them by an ad hoc Commission.
    b. Participation by the armed forces will comprise two of their personnel, who shall have access only to the deliberations of the Commission.
    1/ The mechanisms for selecting all participants in the ad hoc  Commission, as well as the voting criteria and other measures relating to the purification, will be dealt with in the compressed negotiations.
  • Elections

    No specific mention.

  • Electoral commission

    No specific mention.

  • Political parties reform

    No specific mention.

  • Civil society
    4. The Parties refer to the compressed negotiations, as part of the economic and social subject area, consideration of the following topics:
    c. Establishment of a Forum for economic and social accommodation, with participation by the governmental, labour and business sectors, for the purpose of continuing to resolve economic and social problems. The Forum may be open to participation by other social and political sectors as observers, under terms to be determined by it.
  • Traditional/religious leaders

    No specific mention.

  • Public administration

    No specific mention.

  • Constitution
    Governance→Constitution→Constitutional reform/making
    Agreement shall be reached on the redefinition of the doctrine of the armed forces based on the ideas that emerge from the agreements on this subject and from the constitutional reform. It is understood that the function of the armed forces is to defend the sovereignty of the State and the integrity of its territory, and that this doctrine should be based on the principle that the activities and regime of the armed forces shall be consistent with the principles deriving from the concept of the legally-constituted State governed by the rule of law, the primacy of the dignity of the human person and respect for human rights; defence of and respect for the sovereignty of the Salvadorian people; the concept of the armed forces as an institution in the service of the nation, free from all considerations of politics, ideology or social standing, and from all other forms of discrimination; and the subordination of the armed services to the constitutional authorities.

Power sharing

  • Political power sharing
    Power sharing→Political power sharing→General
    State level
    Summary: State level power sharing on a body to design a transitional regime is provided for, see below.
    Power sharing→Political power sharing→Other
    State level
    6.(a) “Between the date of this agreement and the cessation of the armedconflict, two representatives of the Government, including onemember of the armed forces, two representatives of FMLN and onerepresentative of each of the parties or coalitions represented in the Legislative Assembly shall work under a special operational régime of a transitional nature which they themselves shall define. This work shall include the preparation of the preliminary draft legislation to formalize the establishment of COPAZ.”
  • Territorial power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Economic power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Military power sharing

    No specific mention.

Human rights and equality

  • Human rights/RoL general
    Agreement shall be reached on the redefinition of the doctrine of the armed forces based on the ideas that emerge from the agreements on this subject and from the constitutional reform. It is understood that the function of the armed forces is to defend the sovereignty of the State and the integrity of its territory, and that this doctrine should be based on the principle that the activities and regime of the armed forces shall be consistent with the principles deriving from the concept of the legally-constituted State governed by the rule of law, the primacy of the dignity of the human person and respect for human rights; defence of and respect for the sovereignty of the Salvadorian people; the concept of the armed forces as an institution in the service of the nation, free from all considerations of politics, ideology or social standing, and from all other forms of discrimination; and the subordination of the armed services to the constitutional authorities.

    Full effect will be given. in its entirety to the agreement reached in Mexico on 27 April 1991 whereby the professional training of personnel serving in the armed forces shall place emphasis on the pre-eminence of human dignity and democratic values, respect for human rights and the subordination of such forces to the constitutional authorities. The agreements reached in this respect shall comprise regulatory provisions guaranteeing the foregoing points as well as the admission and instruction systems.
  • Bill of rights/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Treaty incorporation

    No specific mention.

  • Civil and political rights

    No specific mention.

  • Socio-economic rights

    No specific mention.

Rights related issues

  • Citizenship

    No specific mention.

  • Democracy
    Full effect will be given. in its entirety to the agreement reached in Mexico on 27 April 1991 whereby the professional training of personnel serving in the armed forces shall place emphasis on the pre-eminence of human dignity and democratic values, respect for human rights and the subordination of such forces to the constitutional authorities. The agreements reached in this respect shall comprise regulatory provisions guaranteeing the foregoing points as well as the admission and instruction systems.
  • Detention procedures

    No specific mention.

  • Media and communication

    No specific mention.

  • Mobility/access

    No specific mention.

  • Protection measures

    No specific mention.

  • Other

    No specific mention.

Rights institutions

  • NHRI

    No specific mention.

  • Regional or international human rights institutions

    No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

  • Criminal justice and emergency law

    No specific mention.

  • State of emergency provisions

    No specific mention.

  • Judiciary and courts

    No specific mention.

  • Prisons and detention

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional Laws

    No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

  • Development or socio-economic reconstruction
    Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Socio-economic development
    3. The policies for granting loans to the agriculture and livestock sector shall be revised.
    4. The Parties refer to the compressed negotiations, as part of the economic and social subject area, consideration of the following topics:
    a. Measures required to alleviate the social cost of structural adjustment programmes;
    b. Appropriate procedures for direct external cooperation designed to encourage community assistance and development projects;
    c. Establishment of a Forum for economic and social accommodation, with participation by the governmental, labour and business sectors, for the purpose of continuing to resolve economic and social problems. The Forum may be open to participation by other social and political sectors as observers, under terms to be determined by it.
  • National economic plan

    No specific mention.

  • Natural resources

    No specific mention.

  • International funds

    No specific mention.

  • Business

    No specific mention.

  • Taxation

    No specific mention.

  • Banks

    No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

  • Land reform/rights
    Land, property and environment→Land reform/rights→Property return and restitution
    1. Lands in excess of the constitutional limit of 245 hectares, as well as lands owned by the State which are not currently legally designated forest reserves, shall be used to meet the needs of peasants and small farmers who are without land. To this end, the Government shall also make arrangements to purchase lands offered for sale to the State.
    2. The current land-holding situation in the conflict zones shall be respected until a satisfactory legal solution for the definitive land-holding regime is arrived at. The procedures and deadlines for the implementation of this agreement shall be agreed upon in the compressed negotiations.
    3. The policies for granting loans to the agriculture and livestock sector shall be revised.
    4. The Parties refer to the compressed negotiations, as part of the economic and social subject area, consideration of the following topics:
    a. Measures required to alleviate the social cost of structural adjustment programmes;
    b. Appropriate procedures for direct external cooperation designed to encourage community assistance and development projects;
    c. Establishment of a Forum for economic and social accommodation, with participation by the governmental, labour and business sectors, for the purpose of continuing to resolve economic and social problems. The Forum may be open to participation by other social and political sectors as observers, under terms to be determined by it.
  • Pastoralist/nomadism rights

    No specific mention.

  • Cultural heritage

    No specific mention.

  • Environment

    No specific mention.

  • Water or riparian rights or access

    No specific mention.

Security sector

  • Security Guarantees

    No specific mention.

  • Ceasefire

    No specific mention.

  • Police
    Part V. agenda for negotiations on the National Civil Police (PNC)

    The agenda for the negotiations on the National Civil Police provided for in the constitutional reform approved in the Mexico agreements shall include the following items: 2/
    2/ The negotiations on the National Civil Police and on the Public Security Forces are at an advanced stage. The Parties have in their possession a working paper which reflects the progress made.
    a. Establishment of the NCP. 3/ Doctrine. Juridical regime;
    3/ Given the complexity of the task and the time required to carry it out, the process of organizing the new National Civil Police needs to begin immediately, i.e. without awaiting other political agreements or the cessation of the armed confrontation. To this end, provision of the international advisory services required has already begun.
    b. Disbandment of the National Guard and the Treasury Police, as Public Security Forces; 
    c. Personnel of the NCP;
    1/) Vetting of National Police personnel.
    2/) Enlistment of new personnel. Pluralistic and non-discriminatory selection and training system.
    3/) Profiles and training.
    4/) International advisory services and support coordinated by the United Nations. The organization of the NCP and of the National Public Security Academy and the selection of their personnel will be the subject of close international cooperation and supervision.
    5/) Transitional regime.
  • Armed forces
    1. The Comision Nacional para la Consolidacion de la Paz (National Commission for the Consolidation of Peace) (COPAZ) shall be responsible for overseeing the implementation of all the political agreements reached by the Parties. COPAZ is a mechanism for the monitoring of and the participation of civilian society in the process of the changes resulting from the negotiations, in relation both to the armed forces, in particular, and to the other items on the agenda.

    4. Powers
    ... g. COPAZ shall have the power to prepare the preliminary legislative drafts necessary for the development of the agreements which have been reached, both on the subject of the armed forces and on the other items on the agenda.
    h. COPAZ shall have the power to oversee the implementation of the agreements reached by the Parties, both on the subject of the armed forces and on the other items on the agenda.

    Page 4, II. PURIFICATION 1/
    a. A process of purification of the armed forces is agreed upon, on the basis of a vetting of all personnel serving in them by an ad hoc Commission.
    b. Participation by the armed forces will comprise two of their personnel, who shall have access only to the deliberations of the Commission.

    1. The criteria for reduction of the armed forces shall be agreed upon between the Parties.
    2. The criteria shall determine inter slick the guidelines on the basis of which:
    a. The size to which the armed forces shall be reduced in peacetime shall be determined;
    b. The plan for the reduction (manner, timetable, budget, etc.) shall be drawn up.
    2/ The negotiations on the National Civil Police and on the Public Security Forces are at an advanced stage. The Parties have in their possession a working paper which reflects the progress made.

    Agreement shall be reached on the redefinition of the doctrine of the armed forces based on the ideas that emerge from the agreements on this subject and from the constitutional reform. It is understood that the function of the armed forces is to defend the sovereignty of the State and the integrity of its territory, and that this doctrine should be based on the principle that the activities and regime of the armed forces shall be consistent with the principles deriving from the concept of the legally-constituted State governed by the rule of law, the primacy of the dignity of the human person and respect for human rights; defence of and respect for the sovereignty of the Salvadorian people; the concept of the armed forces as an institution in the service of the nation, free from all considerations of politics, ideology or social standing, and from all other forms of discrimination; and the subordination of the armed services to the constitutional authorities.

    Full effect will be given. in its entirety to the agreement reached in Mexico on 27 April 1991 whereby the professional training of personnel serving in the armed forces shall place emphasis on the pre-eminence of human dignity and democratic values, respect for human rights and the subordination of such forces to the constitutional authorities. The agreements reached in this respect shall comprise regulatory provisions guaranteeing the foregoing points as well as the admission and instruction systems.

    1. Other aspects still pending under the "Armed Forces" item relate to the guarantees of compliance with the agreements. No direct mention is made of these, because they are subject to agreement in the compressed negotiations. In any event, their fulfilment and implementation will be the responsibility of COPAZ.
  • DDR

    No specific mention.

  • Intelligence services

    No specific mention.

  • Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces

    No specific mention.

  • Withdrawal of foreign forces

    No specific mention.

  • Corruption

    No specific mention.

  • Crime/organised crime

    No specific mention.

  • Drugs

    No specific mention.

  • Terrorism

    No specific mention.

Transitional justice

  • Transitional justice general

    No specific mention.

  • Amnesty/pardon

    No specific mention.

  • Courts

    No specific mention.

  • Mechanism

    No specific mention.

  • Prisoner release

    No specific mention.

  • Vetting

    No specific mention.

  • Victims

    No specific mention.

  • Missing persons

    No specific mention.

  • Reparations

    No specific mention.

  • Reconciliation

    No specific mention.


  • UN signatory
    Alvaro de Soto, Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations
  • Other international signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum for agreement

    No specific mention.

  • International mission/force/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Enforcement mechanism
    Article 1 establishes the Comision Nacional para la Consolidacion de la Paz (National Commission for the Consolidation of Peace) (COPAZ) responsible for the for overseeing the implementation of all the political agreements reached by the Parties, consist of parties reps, one rep of the Legislative Assembly, and Archbishop of San Salvador and UNOMSAL (UN Observer Mission in El Salvador) rep as observers (article 2), non-executive powers only (article 4); Part VII. Article 4.c. provides for forum of economic and social coordination to resolve economic and social problems consisting of govt, labour and business sectors, possibly also observers from other social and political sectors

    1. The Comision Nacional para la Consolidacion de la Paz (National Commission for the Consolidation of Peace) (COPAZ) shall be responsible for overseeing the implementation of all the political agreements reached by the Parties. COPAZ is a mechanism for the monitoring of and the participation of civilian society in the process of the changes resulting from the negotiations, in relation both to the armed forces, in particular, and to the other items on the agenda.

    4. Powers
    a. COPAZ shall not have executive powers since it is for the Parties, through their internal machinery, to carry out the peace agreements.
    b. The Parties shall be obliged to consult COPAZ before adopting decisions or measures relating to relevant aspects of the peace agreements. Similarly, COPAZ may consult the Parties, at the highest level, whenever it deems it appropriate to do so. In the event of a difference of opinion as to whether a matter should be submitted to COPAZ, the question shall be decided by COPAZ.
    c. At the request of three or more of its members, COPAZ shall be convened immediately and its opinion heard.
    d. COPAZ shall have direct access to the President of the Republic and shall meet with him whenever COPAZ itself or the President deems it appropriate.
    e. COPAZ shall have access to and may inspect any activity or site connected with the implementation of the peace agreements.
    f. COPAZ shall have the power to issue conclusions and recommendations of any kind relating to the implementation of the peace agreements and to make them public. The Parties undertake to comply with those conclusions and recommendations.
    g. COPAZ shall have the power to prepare the preliminary legislative drafts necessary for the development of the agreements which have been reached, both on the subject of the armed forces and on the other items on the agenda.
    h. COPAZ shall have the power to oversee the implementation of the agreements reached by the Parties, both on the subject of the armed forces and on the other items on the agenda.
    i. COPAZ shall be responsible for the preparation of the preliminary legislative drafts necessary to ensure that all those wounded in the war and, where appropriate, the families of combatants who have died, on both sides, are incorporated into the social security system of the State or receive adequate economic compensation, as provided for by law.
    j. In the performance of its functions, COPAZ shall be authorized to address the relevant organs of the United Nations, through the Secretary-General.
    k. COPAZ shall have full powers to organize its work in the manner which it deems most appropriate and to appoint any groups or subcommissions which it may deem useful in the discharge of its mission. For that purpose, it shall have its own budget.

    5. Form
    In addition to being the product of this political agreement, COPAZ shall be confirmed by law.

    6. Duration
    a. Between the data of this agreement and the cessation of the armed conflict, two representatives of the Government, including one member of the armed forces, two representatives of FMLN and one representative of each of the parties or coalitions represented In the Legislative Assembly shall work under a special operational regime of a transitional nature which they themselves shall define. This work shall include the preparation of the preliminary draft legislation to formalize the establishment of COPAZ.
    b. The preliminary draft legislation to formalize the establishment of COPAZ shall be submitted to the Legislative Assembly within eight (8) days following the signing of the cessation of armed conflict. The formal establishment of COPAZ shall take place within eight (8) days following the promulgation of the said law.
    c. COPAZ shall be dissolved once the implementation of the peace agreements has been completed. Its dissolution shall be decided upon by COPAZ itself, by means of an agreement receiving a favourable vote from at least two thirds of its members.

    7. International guarantees
    a. The establishment of COPAZ shall be explicitly endorsed by a resolution to be adopted by the Security Council concerning the peace agreements.
    b. The Secretary-General shall keep the Security Council informed regarding the activities and effectiveness of COPAZ.
    c. COPAZ shall be endorsed by Governments which are in a position to support effectively the guarantee required under the agreements as well as the work of COPAZ. In particular, the cooperation of those Governments shall be expressed and given in such a way as to promote the proposals set forth in the peace agreements as well as their full implementation.
  • Related cases

    No specific mention.

  • Source
    United States Institute of Peace (2001) Peace Agreements: El Salvador - Peace Agreements Digital Collection. Available at: (Accessed 14 October 2020).



The Government of El Salvador and the Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional (hereinafter called "the Parties"),

Convinced of the need to give a final impetus to the process of negotiations currently taking place with the active participation of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, so that the set of political agreements required to bring a definitive end to the armed conflict in our country can be reached as speedily as possible,

Conscious of the fact that, in order to achieve the aforementioned objective, it is essential to establish a set of conditions and guarantees which will ensure the full implementation of those political agreements by both Parties,

Have reached the following political agreement:


1. The Comision Nacional para la Consolidacion de la Paz (National Commission for the Consolidation of Peace) (COPAZ) shall be responsible for overseeing the implementation of all the political agreements reached by the Parties.

COPAZ is a mechanism for the monitoring of and the participation of civilian society in the process of the changes resulting from the negotiations, in relation both to the armed forces, in particular, and to the other items on the agenda.

2. Composition

COPAZ shall be composed of two representatives of the Government, including a member of the armed forces, two representatives of FMLN and one representative of each of the parties or coalitions represented in the Legislative Assembly.

The Archbishop of San Salvador and a delegate of ONUSAL shall have access to the work and deliberations of COPAZ, as observers.

3. Decisions

COPAZ shall adopt its decisions by majority vote.

4. Powers

COPAZ shall not have executive powers since it is for the Parties, through their internal machinery, to carry out the peace agreements.

The Parties shall be obliged to consult COPAZ before adopting decisions or measures relating to relevant aspects of the peace agreements.

Similarly, COPAZ may consult the Parties, at the highest level, whenever it deems it appropriate to do so.

In the event of a difference of opinion as to whether a matter should be submitted to COPAZ, the question shall be decided by COPAZ.

At the request of three or more of its members, COPAZ shall be convened immediately and its opinion heard.

COPAZ shall have direct access to the President of the Republic and shall meet with him whenever COPAZ itself or the President deems it appropriate.

COPAZ shall have access to and may inspect any activity or site connected with the implementation of the peace agreements.

COPAZ shall have the power to issue conclusions and recommendations of any kind relating to the implementation of the peace agreements and to make them public.

The Parties undertake to comply with those conclusions and recommendations.

COPAZ shall have the power to prepare the preliminary legislative drafts necessary for the development of the agreements which have been reached, both on the subject of the armed forces and on the other items on the agenda.

COPAZ shall have the power to oversee the implementation of the agreements reached by the Parties, both on the subject of the armed forces and on the other items on the agenda.

COPAZ shall be responsible for the preparation of the preliminary legislative drafts necessary to ensure that all those wounded in the war and, where appropriate, the families of combatants who have died, on both sides, are incorporated into the social security system of the State or receive adequate economic compensation, as provided for by law.

In the performance of its functions, COPAZ shall be authorized to address the relevant organs of the United Nations, through the Secretary-General.

COPAZ shall have full powers to organize its work in the manner which it deems most appropriate and to appoint any groups or subcommissions which it may deem useful in the discharge of its mission.

For that purpose, it shall have its own budget.

5. Form

In addition to being the product of this political agreement, COPAZ shall be confirmed by law.

6. Duration

Between the data of this agreement and the cessation of the armed conflict, two representatives of the Government, including one member of the armed forces, two representatives of FMLN and one representative of each of the parties or coalitions represented In the Legislative Assembly shall work under a special operational regime of a transitional nature which they themselves shall define.

This work shall include the preparation of the preliminary draft legislation to formalize the establishment of COPAZ.

The preliminary draft legislation to formalize the establishment of COPAZ shall be submitted to the Legislative Assembly within eight (8) days following the signing of the cessation of armed conflict.

The formal establishment of COPAZ shall take place within eight (8) days following the promulgation of the said law.

COPAZ shall be dissolved once the implementation of the peace agreements has been completed.

Its dissolution shall be decided upon by COPAZ itself, by means of an agreement receiving a favourable vote from at least two thirds of its members.

7. International guarantees

The establishment of COPAZ shall be explicitly endorsed by a resolution to be adopted by the Security Council concerning the peace agreements.

The Secretary-General shall keep the Security Council informed regarding the activities and effectiveness of COPAZ.

COPAZ shall be endorsed by Governments which are in a position to support effectively the guarantee required under the agreements as well as the work of COPAZ.

In particular, the cooperation of those Governments shall be expressed and given in such a way as to promote the proposals set forth in the peace agreements as well as their full implementation.


A process of purification of the armed forces is agreed upon, on the basis of a vetting of all personnel serving in them by an ad hoc Commission.

Participation by the armed forces will comprise two of their personnel, who shall have access only to the deliberations of the Commission.

1/ The mechanisms for selecting all participants in the ad hoc Commission, as well as the voting criteria and other measures relating to the purification, will be dealt with in the compressed negotiations.


1. The criteria for reduction of the armed forces shall be agreed upon between the Parties.

2. The criteria shall determine inter slick the guidelines on the basis of which:

a. The size to which the armed forces shall be reduced in peacetime shall be determined;

b. The plan for the reduction (manner, timetable, budget, etc.)

shall be drawn up.


Agreement shall be reached on the redefinition of the doctrine of the armed forces based on the ideas that emerge from the agreements on this subject and from the constitutional reform.

It is understood that the function of the armed forces is to defend the sovereignty of the State and the integrity of its territory, and that this doctrine should be based on the principle that the activities and regime of the armed forces shall be consistent with the principles deriving from the concept of the legally-constituted State governed by the rule of law, the primacy of the dignity of the human person and respect for human rights;

defence of and respect for the sovereignty of the Salvadorian people;

the concept of the armed forces as an institution in the service of the nation, free from all considerations of politics, ideology or social standing, and from all other forms of discrimination;

and the subordination of the armed services to the constitutional authorities.


Full effect will be given.

in its entirety to the agreement reached in Mexico on 27 April 1991 whereby the professional training of personnel serving in the armed forces shall place emphasis on the pre-eminence of human dignity and democratic values, respect for human rights and the subordination of such forces to the constitutional authorities.

The agreements reached in this respect shall comprise regulatory provisions guaranteeing the foregoing points as well as the admission and instruction systems.


The agenda for the negotiations on the National Civil Police provided for in the constitutional reform approved in the Mexico agreements shall include the following items:


2/ The negotiations on the National Civil Police and on the Public Security Forces are at an advanced stage.

The Parties have in their possession a working paper which reflects the progress made.

a. Establishment of the NCP.

3/ Doctrine.

Juridical regime;

b. Disbandment of the National Guard and the Treasury Police, as Public Security Forces;

c. Personnel of the NCP;

1/) Vetting of National Police personnel.

2/) Enlistment of new personnel.

Pluralistic and non-discriminatory selection and training system.

3/) Profiles and training.

4/) International advisory services and support coordinated by the United Nations.

The organization of the NCP and of the National Public Security Academy and the selection of their personnel will be the subject of close international cooperation and supervision.

5/) Transitional regime.


1. Lands in excess of the constitutional limit of 245 hectares, as well as lands owned by the State which are not currently legally designated forest reserves, shall be used to meet the needs of peasants and small farmers who are without land.

To this end, the Government shall also make arrangements to purchase lands offered for sale to the State.

2. The current land-holding situation in the conflict zones shall be respected until a satisfactory legal solution for the definitive land-holding regime is arrived at.

The procedures and deadlines for the implementation of this agreement shall be agreed upon in the compressed negotiations.

3. The policies for granting loans to the agriculture and livestock sector shall be revised.

4. The Parties refer to the compressed negotiations, as part of the economic and social subject area, consideration of the following topics:

3/ Given the complexity of the task and the time required to carry it out, the process of organizing the new National Civil Police needs to begin immediately, i.e. without awaiting other political agreements or the cessation of the armed confrontation.

To this end, provision of the international advisory services required has already begun.

Measures required to alleviate the social cost of structural adjustment programmes;

Appropriate procedures for direct external cooperation designed to encourage community assistance and development projects;

Establishment of a Forum for economic and social accommodation, with participation by the governmental, labour and business sectors, for the purpose of continuing to resolve economic and social problems.

The Forum may be open to participation by other social and political sectors as observers, under terms to be determined by it.



Other aspects still pending under the "Armed Forces" item relate to the guarantees of compliance with the agreements.

No direct mention is made of these, because they are subject to agreement in the compressed negotiations.

In any event, their fulfilment and implementation will be the responsibility of COPAZ.

On the same date, the Parties have agreed on an agenda for the compressed negotiations on the pending items, which shall be deemed to form part of the present agreement.

Those items on this agenda which have been the subject of agreements in principle in the present agreement shall be subject to consideration and negotiation in conformity with the criteria and principles defined herein.

New York, 25 September 1991

Representing the Government of El Salvador:

Dr. Oscar Santamaria

Col. Mauricio Ernesto Vargas Dr. David Escobar Galindo

Representing the Frente Farabundo Marti Para la Liberacion Nacional:


Schafik Handal Cmdr.

Francisco Jovel


Salvador Sanchez Cerein Cmdr.

Eduardo Sancho


Joaquin Villalobos

Alvaro de Soto

Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations