The Implementation Modalities for the Protocol on the Resolution of Conflict in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile States, dated 26th May, 2004

South Sudan
Southern Kordofan - Blue Nile - Abyei
Africa (excl MENA)
Agreement name
The Implementation Modalities for the Protocol on the Resolution of Conflict in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile States, dated 26th May, 2004
31 Dec 2004
Agreement status
Multiparty signed/agreed
Interim arrangement
Agreement/conflict level
Intrastate/intrastate conflict
Conflict nature
Peace process
Kordofan - Blue Nile - Abyei process
The Government of Sudan, Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army
Third parties
An agreement by the parties on implementation modalities for the Protocol on the Resolution of the Conflict in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile State, of which both agreements are incorporated into the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. The implementation modalities provide a table settting out modalities for statehood and governance issues, state judiciary, state share in national wealth, state land commission, security arrangements, pre-election arrangements. An Annex sets out an agreement on the framework for governance of the State of Southern Kordofan.



No specific mention.

Disabled persons

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Migrant workers

No specific mention.

Racial/ethnic/national group

No specific mention.

Religious groups

No specific mention.

Indigenous people

No specific mention.

Other groups

No specific mention.

Refugees/displaced persons

No specific mention.

Social class

No specific mention.


Women, girls and gender

No specific mention.

Men and boys

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

State definition

Nature of state (general)
A. provides for settling the name of Nuba Mountains/Southern Kordofan and issues of merger, and B. provides for subjecting the Comprehensive Peace Agmt to the will of the people of the two areas; Southern Kordofan Annex: provides that the name of the state shall be Southern Kordofan
State configuration

No specific mention.

Self determination

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

State symbols

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Border delimitation
Page 11, Southern Kordofan Appendix - State of Southern Kordofan
11. Presidency declares the formation of Southern Kordofan State as per agreed borders of 1974.
Cross-border provision

No specific mention.


Political institutions (new or reformed)
Governance→Political institutions (new or reformed)→New political institutions (indefinite)
B.6 provides for establishing state legislature, 7. appointment of governor and deputy governor, and 8. appointment of state council of ministers in pre-elections and commissioners, 10. establishment of local councils; C. 1 provides for drafting, preparation and adoption of state constitution, D. establishment of state courts; H. governs pre-election arrangements for the representation of the state in national insitutions, national legislative assembly, rep. In constitutional review process; Southern Kordofan Annex: governs power-sharing make-up of state legislature and cabinet, and 9. provides that the seat of govt will alternate between Kaduglia and El-Fula

Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
2. Establishment of two Parliamentary Assessment and Evaluation Commissions
[Reference in the Agreement: 3.3.]

Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
3. Establishment of Presidential Monitoring and Evaluation Commission
[Reference in the Agreement: 3.4.]

Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
5. Rectifying the Peace Agreement
[Reference in the Agreement: 3.6.]

Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
6. Establishment of Stage Legislature
[Reference in the Agreement: 4., 6.]

Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
7. Appointment of Governor and Deputy Governor
[Reference in the Agreement: 4.2.1., 5.1., 5.3, 11.]

Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
8. Appointment of State Council Ministers in Pre-Elections and Commissioners
[Reference in the Agreement: 4.2.2., 5.2., 5.3, 11.]

Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
9. Appointment of State Council of Ministers and Commissioners
[Reference in the Agreement: 4.2.2., 5.2., 5.3, 5.5., 11.]

Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
10. Establishment of local councils pre-elections
[Reference in the Agreement: 5.5]

Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
11. Elected Local Councils
[Reference in the Agreement: 5.5]

Page 4-5, C. The State Legislature
1. Drafting, preparation and adoption of State Constitution
[Procedures and process entail consultation with the population; Reference in Agreement: 6.2.]

Page 4-5, C. The State Legislature
1. Drafting, preparation and adoption of State Constitution
[Procedures and process entail consultation with the population, model State Constitution based on Interim National Constitution, state values and customs, and confirmation of compatibility from the Ministry of Justice; Reference in Agreement: 6.2.]

Page 4-5, C. The State Legislature
2. New Legislation/laws
[Reference in Agreement: 6.5.]

Page 5, D. The State Judiciary:
Establishment of State Courts
[Reference in Agreement: 7.2.]

Page 8, H. Pre-Election Arrangements
1. Representation of the state in National institutions
2. Representation in national legislative assembly
3. Representation in Council of states
4. Representation Fiscal and Financial Allocation & Monitoring Commission
6. Representation in Constitutional Review Process
[Reference in the Agreement: 11.2]

Page 10, Southern Kordofan Appendix - State of Southern Kordofan
2. The State Legislature shall compose of Fifty-Four (54) members, Thirty Six (36) from the previous Southern Kordofan component and Eighteen (18) from the previous Western Kordofan component including Abyei. However representation of the two components is subject to readjustment according to the population census and the decision of the National Electoral Commission as appropriate.

Page 11, Southern Kordofan Appendix - State of Southern Kordofan
10. Notwithstanding that Kadugli is the Capital and seat of the state legislature, the State Legislature shall convene its sessions alternately in Kadugli and El-Fula.
Governance→Political institutions (new or reformed)→Temporary new institutions
Page 10, Southern Kordofan Appendix - State of Southern Kordofan
3. For the pre-election formation of the State Legislature, the GOS shall nominate Eighteen (18) members from the previous Southern Kordofan component and Twelve (12) members form the previous Western Kordofan component, whereas the SPLM/A shall nominate Eighteen (18) members from the previous southern Kordofan component and Six (6) members from the previous Western Kordofan component.

Page 10, Southern Kordofan Appendix - State of Southern Kordofan
4. The State Cabinet shall be composed as follows:
4.1. The State shall have Eleven (11) cabinet members including the Governor and the Deputy Governor, Seven (7) cabinet members shall be from the Southern Kordofan component and Four (4) cabinet members shall be from the Western Kordofan component.
4.2. For the pre-election formation of the State cabinet, the GOS shall nominate Six (6) cabinet members of whom Three (3) shall be from each component, whereas the SPLM/A shall nominate Five (5) cabinet members of whom Four (4) shall be from the previous Southern Kordofan component and One (1) shall be from the previous Western Kordofan component.

Page 10, Southern Kordofan Appendix - State of Southern Kordofan
5. Regarding the representation of the State in the Council of States:
5.1. Each of the two components shall have one of the two representatives in the Council of States. However, this arrangement shall be subject to any agreed future changes.
5.2. In the pre-election arrangement the GOS shall nominate the representatives from the previous Western Kordofan component whereas the SPLM/A shall nominate the representative from the previous Southern Kordofan Component.

No specific mention.

Electoral commission

No specific mention.

Political parties reform

No specific mention.

Civil society
Pages 2-4, B. Popular consultation
1. Subjecting the Comprehensive Agreement to the will of the people of the two areas [Reference in the Agreement: 3.2]

Page 4-5, C. The State Legislature
1. Drafting, preparation and adoption of State Constitution
[Procedures and process entail consultation with the population, state values and customs, and confirmation of compatibility from the Ministry of Justice; Reference in Agreement: 6.2.]
Traditional/religious leaders

No specific mention.

Public administration

No specific mention.

Governance→Constitution→Constitutional reform/making
Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
5. Rectifying the Peace Agreement
[Reference in the Agreement: 3.6]

Page 4-5, C. The State Legislature
1. Drafting, preparation and adoption of State Constitution
[Procedures and process entail consultation with the population, model State Constitution based on Interim National Constitution, state values and customs, and confirmation of compatibility from the Ministry of Justice; Reference in Agreement: 6.2.]

Page 4-5, C. The State Legislature
2. New Legislation/laws
[Reference in Agreement: 6.5.]

Page 4-5, D. The State Judiciary:
Establishment of State Courts
[Interim State Constitution to provide for establishment of state courts; Reference in Agreement: 7.2.]

Page 8, H. Pre-Election Arrangements
6. Representation in Constitutional Review Process
[Reference in the Agreement: 11.2]

Power sharing

Political power sharing
Power sharing→Political power sharing→General
State level
Sub-state level
Summary, limited state level power sharing is provided for, see below.

Page 10, Southern Kordofan Appendix - State of Southern Kordofan
5. Regarding the representation of the State in the Council of States:
5.1. Each of the two components shall have one of the two representatives in the Council of States. However, this arrangement shall be subject to any agreed future changes.
5.2. In the pre-election arrangement the GOS shall nominate the representatives from the previous Western Kordofan component whereas the SPLM/A shall nominate the representative from the previous Southern Kordofan Component.

Summary: Sub-state level power sharing is provided for in the state of Southern Kordofan, which is established by the agreement, see below.
Power sharing→Political power sharing→Executive coalition
State level
Sub-state level
Page 10, Southern Kordofan Appendix - State of Southern Kordofan
4. The State Cabinet shall be composed as follows:
4.1. The State shall have Eleven (11) cabinet members including the Governor and the Deputy Governor, Seven (7) cabinet members shall be from the Southern Kordofan component and Four (4) cabinet members shall be from the Western Kordofan component.
4.2. For the pre-election formation of the State cabinet, the GOS shall nominate Six (6) cabinet members of whom Three (3) shall be from each component, whereas the SPLM/A shall nominate Five (5) cabinet members of whom Four (4) shall be from the previous Southern Kordofan component and One (1) shall be from the previous Western Kordofan component.
Power sharing→Political power sharing→Proportionality in legislature
State level
Sub-state level
Page 10, Southern Kordofan Appendix - State of Southern Kordofan
2. The State Legislature shall compose of Fifty-Four (54) members, Thirty Six (36) from the previous Southern Kordofan component and Eighteen (18) from the previous Western Kordofan component including Abyei. However representation of the two components is subject to readjustment according to the population census and the decision of the National Electoral Commission as appropriate.

Page 10, Southern Kordofan Appendix - State of Southern Kordofan
3. For the pre-election formation of the State Legislature, the GOS shall nominate Eighteen (18) members from the previous Southern Kordofan component and Twelve (12) members form the previous Western Kordofan component, whereas the SPLM/A shall nominate Eighteen (18) members from the previous southern Kordofan component and Six (6) members from the previous Western Kordofan component.
Territorial power sharing
Power sharing→Territorial power sharing→Local/municipal government
Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
10. Establishment of local councils pre-elections
[Reference in the Agreement: 5.5]

Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
11. Elected Local Councils
[Reference in the Agreement: 5.5]
Power sharing→Territorial power sharing→Autonomous regions
Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
6. Establishment of Stage Legislature
[Reference in the Agreement: 4., 6.]

Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
7. Appointment of Governor and Deputy Governor
[Reference in the Agreement: 4.2.1., 5.1., 5.3, 11.]

Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
8. Appointment of State Council Ministers in Pre-Elections and Commissioners
[Reference in the Agreement: 4.2.2., 5.2., 5.3, 11.]

Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
9. Appointment of State Council of Ministers and Commissioners
[Reference in the Agreement: 4.2.2., 5.2., 5.3, 5.5., 11.]

Page 4-5, C. The State Legislature
1. Drafting, preparation and adoption of State Constitution
[Procedures and process entail consultation with the population, model State Constitution based on Interim National Constitution, state values and customs, and confirmation of compatibility from the Ministry of Justice; Reference in Agreement: 6.2.]

Page 4-5, C. The State Legislature
2. New Legislation/laws
[Reference in Agreement: 6.5.]

Page 5, D. The State Judiciary:
Establishment of State Courts
[Reference in Agreement: 7.2.]

Page 8, H. Pre-Election Arrangements
1. Representation of the state in National institutions
2. Representation in national legislative assembly
3. Representation in Council of states
5. Representation Fiscal and Financial Allocation & Monitoring Commission
6. Representation in Constitutional Review Process
[Reference in the Agreement: 11.2]

Page 8, H. Pre-Election Arrangements
8. Order in which each party assumes the governorship in each state
[Reference in the Agreement: 11.1.5.]

Page 9, H. Pre-Election Arrangements
8.A. Southern Kordofan - First rotation SPLM assumes the office of the Governorship and the NCP assumes the office of the Deputy Governor
[Reference in the Agreement: 11.1.5.]

Page 9, H. Pre-Election Arrangements
8.B. Blue Nile State - First rotation the NCP assumes the office of the Governorship and SPLM assumes the office of the Deputy Governor.
[Reference in the Agreement: 11.1.5.]

Page 10, Southern Kordofan Appendix - State of Southern Kordofan
2. The State Legislature shall compose of Fifty-Four (54) members, Thirty Six (36) from the previous Southern Kordofan component and Eighteen (18) from the previous Western Kordofan component including Abyei. However representation of the two components is subject to readjustment according to the population census and the decision of the National Electoral Commission as appropriate.

Page 10, Southern Kordofan Appendix - State of Southern Kordofan
3. For the pre-election formation of the State Legislature, the GOS shall nominate Eighteen (18) members from the previous Southern Kordofan component and Twelve (12) members form the previous Western Kordofan component, whereas the SPLM/A shall nominate Eighteen (18) members from the previous southern Kordofan component and Six (6) members from the previous Western Kordofan component.

Page 10, Southern Kordofan Appendix - State of Southern Kordofan
4. The State Cabinet shall be composed as follows:
4.1. The State shall have Eleven (11) cabinet members including the Governor and the Deputy Governor, Seven (7) cabinet members shall be from the Southern Kordofan component and Four (4) cabinet members shall be from the Western Kordofan component.
4.2. For the pre-election formation of the State cabinet, the GOS shall nominate Six (6) cabinet members of whom Three (3) shall be from each component, whereas the SPLM/A shall nominate Five (5) cabinet members of whom Four (4) shall be from the previous Southern Kordofan component and One (1) shall be from the previous Western Kordofan component.

Page 10, Southern Kordofan Appendix - State of Southern Kordofan
5. Regarding the representation of the State in the Council of States:
5.1. Each of the two components shall have one of the two representatives in the Council of States. However, this arrangement shall be subject to any agreed future changes.
5.2. In the pre-election arrangement the GOS shall nominate the representatives from the previous Western Kordofan component whereas the SPLM/A shall nominate the representative from the previous Southern Kordofan Component.
Economic power sharing
Power sharing→Economic power sharing→Sharing of resources
Page 6, E. State Share in National Wealth
1. Collection of taxes and revenue
[Reference in the Agreement: 8.2.]

Page 6, E. State Share in National Wealth
2. Transfer of State's share of (2%) of net oil revenue oil producing States
[Reference in the Agreement: 8.3.]

Page 6, E. State Share in National Wealth
3. State representation in FFAMC
[Reference in the Agreement: 8.4.]

Page 6, E. State Share in National Wealth
4. Transfer of State's share in NRDF
[Reference in the Agreement: 8.5., 8.6, 8.7.]

Page 6, E. State Share in National Wealth
5. Presidential additional allocation to State
[Reference in the Agreement: 8.9.]

Page 7, E. State Share in National Wealth
6. Establishment of Technical Committee for Division of government assets and disputes resolution
[Reference in the Agreement: 8.14.]

Page 8, H. Pre-Election Arrangements
5. Representation Fiscal and Financial Allocation & Monitoring Commission
7. Representation in NRDF Steering Committee
[Reference in the Agreement: 11.2]

Page 11, Southern Kordofan Appendix - State of Southern Kordofan
8. The previous Western Kordofan component (with all its localities) shall continue to enjoy all benefits of the current Western Kordofan Fund, which shall be sustained by the National Government.

Page 11, Southern Kordofan Appendix - State of Southern Kordofan
9. The State share of the Oil Revenue shall be distributed as follows:
8.1. The Two Percent (2%) due of the oil revenue produced in any part of the State shall benefite the two components of the state equitably.
8.2. The Two Percent (2%) forming the MEssiriya share in Abyei oil shall benefit the previous Western Kordofan share of Abyei Oil shall be equally divded between the two components of the state One Percent (1%) each.
8.3 The Two Percent (2%) forming the Western Kordofan share of Abyei Oil shall be equally divided between the two components of the state One Percent (1%) each.
Military power sharing

No specific mention.

Human rights and equality

Human rights/RoL general

No specific mention.

Bill of rights/similar

No specific mention.

Treaty incorporation

No specific mention.

Civil and political rights

No specific mention.

Socio-economic rights

No specific mention.

Rights related issues


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Detention procedures

No specific mention.

Media and communication

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Protection measures

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Rights institutions


No specific mention.

Regional or international human rights institutions

No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

Criminal justice and emergency law

No specific mention.

State of emergency provisions

No specific mention.

Judiciary and courts
Page 4-5, C. The State Legislature
1. Drafting, preparation and adoption of State Constitution
[Procedures and process entail consultation with the population, state values and customs, and confirmation of compatibility from the Ministry of Justice; Reference in Agreement: 6.2.]

Page 5, D. The State Judiciary:
Establishment of State Courts
[Reference in Agreement: 7.2.]
Prisons and detention
Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
13. State Police Service, Prisons, Wildlife, Fire Brigade be recruited
[Reference in the Agreement: 5.6]
Traditional Laws

No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

Development or socio-economic reconstruction
Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Socio-economic development
Page 6, E. State Share in National Wealth
4. Transfer of State's share in NRDF
[Reference in the Agreement: 8.5., 8.6, 8.7.]

Page 6, E. State Share in National Wealth
5. Presidential additional allocation to State
[Reference in the Agreement: 8.9.]

Page 8, H. Pre-Election Arrangements
7. Representation in NRDF Steering Committee
[Reference in the Agreement: 11.2]
National economic plan

No specific mention.

Natural resources
Page 6, E. State Share in National Wealth
2. Transfer of State's share of (2%) of net oil revenue oil producing States
[Reference in the Agreement: 8.3.]
International funds
Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
2. Establishment of two Parliamentary Assessment and Evaluation Commissions
[Funding Sources: International Community and the Two States; Reference in the Agreement: 3.3.]

Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
3. Establishment of Presidential Monitoring and Evaluation Commission
[Funding Sources: International Community and the Two States; Reference in the Agreement: 3.4.]

No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction→Taxation→Power to tax
Page 6, E. State Share in National Wealth
1. Collection of taxes and revenue
[Reference in the Agreement: 8.2.]

No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

Land reform/rights
Land, property and environment→Land reform/rights→Land reform and management
Page 7, F. State Land Commission
1. Establishment of State Land Commission
[Reference in the Agreement: 9.3]

Page 7, F. State Land Commission
2. Review existing land leases and contracts and examine the criteria
[Reference in the Agreement: 9.6]
Pastoralist/nomadism rights

No specific mention.

Cultural heritage
Land, property and environment→Cultural heritage→Intangible
Page 4-5, C. The State Legislature
1. Drafting, preparation and adoption of State Constitution
[Procedures and process entail consultation with the population and state values and customs; Reference in Agreement: 6.2.]
Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
13. State Police Service, Prisons, Wildlife, Fire Brigade be recruited
[Reference in the Agreement: 5.6]
Water or riparian rights or access

No specific mention.

Security sector

Security Guarantees
Page 7, G. Security Arrangements
SAF troops level in the two States
[Reference in the Agreement: 10.1.]

No specific mention.

Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
13. State Police Service, Prisons, Wildlife, Fire Brigade be recruited
[Reference in the Agreement: 5.6]
Armed forces
Page 7, G. Security Arrangements
SAF troops level in the two States
[Reference in the Agreement: 10.1.]

No specific mention.

Intelligence services

No specific mention.

Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces

No specific mention.

Withdrawal of foreign forces

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Crime/organised crime

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Transitional justice

Transitional justice general

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Prisoner release

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Missing persons

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.


UN signatory

No specific mention.

Other international signatory

No specific mention.

Referendum for agreement

No specific mention.

International mission/force/similar

No specific mention.

Enforcement mechanism
Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
2. Establishment of two Parliamentary Assessment and Evaluation Commissions
[Reference in the Agreement: 3.3.]

Pages 2-4, B. Popular Consultation
3. Establishment of Presidential Monitoring and Evaluation Commission
[Reference in the Agreement: 3.4.]
Related cases

No specific mention.

United States Institute of Peace (2005) Peace Agreements: Sudan - Peace Agreements Digital Collection. Available at: (Accessed 14 October 2020).

Source agreement

[First 8 Pages contain an implementation matrix]



1. The name of the State shall be Southern Kordofan and its Capital shall be Kadugli.

2. The State Legislature shall compose of Fifty-Four (54) members, Thirty Six (36) from the previous Southern Kordofan component and Eighteen (18) from the previous Western Kordofan component including Abyei.

However representation of the two components is subject to readjustment according to the population census and the decision of the National Electoral Commission as appropriate.

3. For the pre-election formation of the State Legislature, the GOS shall nominate Eighteen (18) .members from the previous Southern Kordofan component and Twelve (12) members from the previous Western Kordofan component, whereas the SPLM/A shall nominate Eighteen (18) members from the previous southern Kordofan component and Six (6) members from the previous Western Kordofan component.

4. The State Cabinet shall be composed as follows:-

4.1 The State shall have Eleven (11) cabinet members including the Governor and the Deputy Governor, Seven (7) cabinet members shall be

from the Southern Kordofan component and Four ( 4) cabinet members shall be from the Western Kordofan component.

4.2 For the pre-election formation of the State cabinet, the GOS shall nominate Six (6) cabinet members of whom Three (3) shall be from each component, whereas the SPLM/A shall nominate Five (5) cabinet members of whom Four (4) shall be from the previous Southern Kordofan component and One (1) shall be from the previous Western Kordofan component.

5. Regarding the representation of the State in the Council of States:-

5.1 Each of the two components shall have one of the two representatives in the Council of States.

However, this arrangement shall be subject to any agreed future changes.

5.2 In the pre-election arrangement the GOS shall nominate the representative from the previous Western Kordofan component whereas the SPLM/A shall nominate the representative from the previous Southern Kordofan Component.

6. El-Fula shall have branches of all the State ministries and Institutions each headed by a Deputy Secretary General.

The branch shall abide by the 7.

policies and directives of the concerned ministry and report to its Secretary General.

8. The previous Western Kordofan component (with all its localities) shall continue to enjoy all benefits of the current Western Kordofan Fund, which shall be sustained by the National Government.

9. The State share of the Oil Revenue shall be distributed as follows:-

8.1 The Two Percent (2%) due of the oil revenue produced in any part of the State shall benefit the two components of the state equitably.

8.2 The Two Percent (2%) forming the Messiriya share in Abyei oil shall benefit the previous Western Kordofan component

8.3 The Two Percent (2%) forming the Western Kordofan share of Abyei Oil shall be equally divided between the two components of the state One Percent (1 %) each.

10. Notwithstanding that Kadugli is tqe Capital and seat of the state legislature, the State legislature shall convene its sessions alternately in Kadugli and ElFula.

11. Presidency declares the formation of Southern Kordofan State as per agreed borders of 1974.