Memorandum of Settlement

  • Country/entity
  • Region
    Asia and Pacific
    Asia and Pacific
  • Agreement name
    Memorandum of Settlement
  • Date
    23 Aug 1993
  • Agreement status
    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement
  • Agreement/conflict level
    Intrastate/intrastate conflict ( India-Adivasi Conflicts (1955 - ) (Northeast India) )
  • Stage
    Framework/substantive - partial
  • Conflict nature
  • Peace process
    India-Tripura peace process
  • Parties
    Signed on behalf of First Party ATTF by-
    1. Sd/-Shri Lalit Deb barma), President, ATTF.
    2. Sd/-Shri Ramendra Reang, Vice President, ATTF.
    3. Sd/-Shri Rabindra Reang, General Secretary, ATTF.
    4. Sd/-Shri Dilip Deb Barma, Treasurer, ATTF.
    5. S/d-Shri Santaram Reang, Accountant, ATTF .

    Signed for and behalf of the Governor of Tripura, Sd/-M. Damodaran, Chief Secretary, Government of Tripura
  • Third parties
    In the presence of:-
    (Shri Dasarath Deb)
    Chief Minister, Tripura
    (Shri Bidyanath Majumder)
    Minister, PWD etc. Deptt, Tripura
  • Description
    All Tripura Tribal Force (ATTF) covenanted to deposit arms and ammunition and to end underground activities. Government of Tripura covenanted to take steps for resettlement and rehabilitation of ATTF personnel; to take action in respect of sending back Bangladesh foreign nationals who arrived after 25 March 1971 and to take steps to restore land acquired from tribals. Also agreed on inclusion of tribal majority villages in Autonomous District Council (ADC) areas; village police force for the ADC; increase in numbers of seats for scheduled tribe candidates in the ADC. Provision also made for establishment of a cultural development centre; improvement of Kok Borak and other Tribal languages; presentation of Ujjayanta Palace as a historical monument; and shifting of Tripura legislative Assembly; renaming of villages, rivers etc; Jhumia resettlement and industrial development of ADC area. Housing and drinking water facilities and Government employment or economic package to be provided for ATTF personnel with secured accommodation and escorts for ATTF Office Bearers.


  • Children/youth

    No specific mention.

  • Disabled persons

    No specific mention.

  • Elderly/age

    No specific mention.

  • Migrant workers

    No specific mention.

  • Racial/ethnic/national group

    No specific mention.

  • Religious groups

    No specific mention.

  • Indigenous people
    Groups→Indigenous people→Rhetorical
    Page 1, PREAMBLE
    Where as the government of Tripura have been making concerned efforts to bring about an effective settlement of the problems of the tribal who are presently minority in Tripura an attempt have been made on a continuing basis to usher in peace and harmony in areas in which disturbed conditions have prevailed for long.
    Groups→Indigenous people→Substantive
    Page 1,
    2. ... (C).effective steps would be taken in terms of the Tripura Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act 1960 for restoring land alienated by tribals.

    Page 1,
    2. ... (D) Inclusion of Tribal majority villages in ADC Area: - Tribal majority villages which now fall outside the ADC area and are contiguous to the ADC area, would be included in the TTAADC.

    Page 2,
    2. ... (G) Increase in the Number of Seats for Sch. Tribes Candidates in the TTAADC: - The demand for more representation of Scheduled Tribe Members in the Autonomous District Council is acceptable to the State Government in principle and efforts will be made amendment of the rules which deal with reservation of seats for Scheduled Tribe in order to increase the numbers of reserve seats to 25 (Twenty-five).

    Page 2,
    2. ... (I) Improvement of KOKBORAK and other Tribal Languages: - A Bhasha commission would be setup for the improvement of Kok Borok and other Tribal Languages, steps would also is taken for the introduction in phase of Kok Borak at Progressively higher levels of education.
  • Other groups

    No specific mention.

  • Refugees/displaced persons
    Groups→Refugees/displaced persons→Substantive
    Page 1,
    2.(B). Govt of Tripura to take action to sending back all Bangladesh foreign nationals who have come to Tripura since March 1971 and are not in possessession of valid docs authorizing their presence in Tripura.

    Page 1,
    2. ... (C).effective steps would be taken in terms of the Tripura Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act 1960 for restoring land alienated by tribals.

    Page 2,
    2. ... (L) Jhumia re-settlement: - Area based for resettlement of jhumias would continue to be implemented in order to provide for a strong economic base for the jhumias of Tripura.
  • Social class

    No specific mention.


  • Women, girls and gender

    No specific mention.

  • Men and boys

    No specific mention.


    No specific mention.

  • Family

    No specific mention.

State definition

  • Nature of state (general)
    2(d) agreed on inclusion of tribal majority villages in Autonomous District Council (ADC) areas. (f) agmt in principle to own Village police force, (g) increase in number of seats for scheduled tribe candidates. (h) setting up Cultural Development Centre, (i) imporvement of Kok Borak and other tribal languages. (j) separate building for Tripura legislative assembly, (k) renaming of villages, rivers, etc to tribal names,
  • State configuration

    No specific mention.

  • Self determination

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum

    No specific mention.

  • State symbols

    No specific mention.

  • Independence/secession

    No specific mention.

  • Accession/unification

    No specific mention.

  • Border delimitation

    No specific mention.

  • Cross-border provision

    No specific mention.


  • Political institutions (new or reformed)

    No specific mention.

  • Elections

    No specific mention.

  • Electoral commission

    No specific mention.

  • Political parties reform

    No specific mention.

  • Civil society

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional/religious leaders

    No specific mention.

  • Public administration

    No specific mention.

  • Constitution

    No specific mention.

Power sharing

  • Political power sharing
    Power sharing→Political power sharing→General
    Sub-state level
    Page 2,
    2. ... (G) Increase in the Number of Seats for Sch. Tribes Candidates in the TTAADC: - The demand for more representation of Scheduled Tribe Members in the Autonomous District Council is acceptable to the State Government in principle and efforts will be made amendment of the rules which deal with reservation of seats for Scheduled Tribe in order to increase the numbers of reserve seats to 25 (Twenty-five).
  • Territorial power sharing
    Power sharing→Territorial power sharing→Other
    Page 1,
    2. ... (D) Inclusion of Tribal majority villages in ADC Area: - Tribal majority villages which now fall outside the ADC area and are contiguous to the ADC area, would be included in the TTAADC.
  • Economic power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Military power sharing
    Power sharing→Military power sharing→Proportionality
    (F) Village Police Force for the ADC: - The constitution of village Police Force under the administrative control of the TTAADC is acceptable in principle to the State Government and the State Government will take up with the Government of India for Constitutional amendment, if required, to fulfil this demand.

Human rights and equality

  • Human rights/RoL general

    No specific mention.

  • Bill of rights/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Treaty incorporation

    No specific mention.

  • Civil and political rights

    No specific mention.

  • Socio-economic rights

    No specific mention.

Rights related issues

  • Citizenship

    No specific mention.

  • Democracy

    No specific mention.

  • Detention procedures

    No specific mention.

  • Media and communication

    No specific mention.

  • Mobility/access
    Page 2,
    2. ... (E) Introduction of Inner line permit: - The case for introduction of an Inner-Line
    Permit system would be taken up with the government of India. The State Government
    will insist on the Movement of India to approve this demand.
  • Protection measures

    No specific mention.

  • Other

    No specific mention.

Rights institutions

  • NHRI

    No specific mention.

  • Regional or international human rights institutions

    No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

  • Criminal justice and emergency law

    No specific mention.

  • State of emergency provisions

    No specific mention.

  • Judiciary and courts

    No specific mention.

  • Prisons and detention

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional Laws

    No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

  • Development or socio-economic reconstruction
    Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Socio-economic development
    Page 2,
    2. ... (M) Industrial Development in TTAADC: - All necessary steps would be taken to ensure the promotion of industrial activities in TTAADC areas.

    Page 3,
    2. ... (P) Drinking water Facilities: - Steps would be taken by the State Government to Provide Drinking water in the resettlement colonied set up by the Government to resettle the ATTF personal.
  • National economic plan

    No specific mention.

  • Natural resources

    No specific mention.

  • International funds

    No specific mention.

  • Business
    Page 2,
    2. ... (M) Industrial Development in TTAADC: - All necessary steps would be taken to ensure the promotion of industrial activities in TTAADC areas.
  • Taxation

    No specific mention.

  • Banks

    No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

  • Land reform/rights
    Land, property and environment→Land reform/rights→Property return and restitution
    Page 1,
    2.(c).effective steps would be taken in terms of the Tripura Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act 1960 for restoring land alienated by tribals.
  • Pastoralist/nomadism rights

    No specific mention.

  • Cultural heritage
    Land, property and environment→Cultural heritage→Tangible
    Page 2,
    2. ... (H) Setting up of a Cultural Development center: - Upajati Sanskritik vikas kendra (Tribal Cultural development Centre) with arrangements for training would be set up in the TTAADC area.

    Page 2,
    2. ... (J) Preservation of Ujjanyanta Palace as historical Monument and shifting of Tripura Legislative Assembly. Respecting sentiments of all sections of the population, especially the tribal of Tripura, steps would be taken to contract a separate building for The Tripura Legislative Assembly and to retain the Ujjanyanta Palace as a Historical Monument.
    Land, property and environment→Cultural heritage→Intangible
    Page 2,
    2. ... (K) Renaming of the Village Rivers, Etc.: - Steps would be initiated to ensure that all villages and rivers which earlier had tribal names and which were subsequently renamed, are given their original tribal names.
    Land, property and environment→Cultural heritage→Promotion
    Page 2,
    2. ... (I) Improvement of KOKBORAK and other Tribal Languages: - A Bhasha commission would be setup for the improvement of Kok Borok and other Tribal Languages, steps would also is taken for the introduction in phase of Kok Borak at Progressively higher levels of education.
  • Environment

    No specific mention.

  • Water or riparian rights or access

    No specific mention.

Security sector

  • Security Guarantees
    Page 3,
    2. ... (N) Secured accommodation and escort for Office Bearers: - The President, VicePresident, Convener and 4 (four) other members of the Executive Committee of the ATTF will be given secured accommodation subsequent to their surrender and they will also be given personal security guard for such period as may be decided by the Government. They will be provided with Police escort during their movement outside Agartala as and when required.
  • Ceasefire

    No specific mention.

  • Police
    Page 2,
    2. ... (F) Village Police Force for the ADC: - The constitution of village Police Force under the administrative control of the TTAADC is acceptable in principle to the State Government and the State Government will take up with the Government of India for Constitutional amendment, if required, to fulfil this demand.

    Page 3,
    2. ... (N) Secured accommodation and escort for Office Bearers: - The President, VicePresident, Convener and 4 (four) other members of the Executive Committee of the ATTF will be given secured accommodation subsequent to their surrender and they will also be given personal security guard for such period as may be decided by the Government. They will be provided with Police escort during their movement outside Agartala as and when required.
  • Armed forces

    No specific mention.

  • DDR
    Security sector→DDR→DDR programmes
    Page 1, PREAMBLE
    ... Whereas on a series of discussions between the parties here to and based on such discussions it has been mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto that the FIRST ATTF shall give up the path of violence and surrender to the Other Party the Government of Tripura along with all their arms and ammunition ending their underground activities and the Governor of Tripura will provide some economic package and financial benefits and facilities hereafter provided

    Page 3,
    2. ... (O) Housing Facilities: - After surrender, ATTF personal shall be provided with a house with GCI sheet raffling with a floor area of 220 square feet for their accommodation as early as possible and the ATTF personal shall take part in constructing such houses, provided that the cost of each house shall not exceed Rs. 20,000/= (Rupees Twenty thousand.

    Page 3,
    2. ... (Q) Government Employment or Economic Package: - All ATTF personal, on their surrender, will be provided with government employment according to their qualification or economic facilities as provided here in and till such Government employment or economic facilities are given, each surrendered ATTF personal shall be paid subsistence allowance at the rate of Rs.500/= (Rupees five hundred) only per month, so, however, that the subsistence allowance shall not be paid beyond a period of 10 (ten) months.
  • Intelligence services

    No specific mention.

  • Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces

    No specific mention.

  • Withdrawal of foreign forces

    No specific mention.

  • Corruption

    No specific mention.

  • Crime/organised crime

    No specific mention.

  • Drugs

    No specific mention.

  • Terrorism

    No specific mention.

Transitional justice

  • Transitional justice general

    No specific mention.

  • Amnesty/pardon

    No specific mention.

  • Courts

    No specific mention.

  • Mechanism

    No specific mention.

  • Prisoner release

    No specific mention.

  • Vetting

    No specific mention.

  • Victims

    No specific mention.

  • Missing persons

    No specific mention.

  • Reparations
    Transitional justice→Reparations→Material reparations
    Page 1,
    2. ... (c).effective steps would be taken in terms of the Tripura Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act 1960 for restoring land alienated by tribals.
  • Reconciliation

    No specific mention.


  • UN signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Other international signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum for agreement

    No specific mention.

  • International mission/force/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Enforcement mechanism

    No specific mention.

  • Related cases

    No specific mention.

  • Source
    Reproduced in Datta (1995)

Memorandum of Settlement between the Tripura State Government and All Tripura Tribal Force (ATTF)

23 August 1993


Where as the government of Tripura have been making concerned efforts to bring about an effective settlement of the problems of the tribal who are presently minority in Tripura an attempt have been made on a continuing basis to usher in peace and harmony in areas in which disturbed conditions have prevailed for long.


Whereas All Tripura Tribal Force have given a clear indication that they would like to give up the path of armed struggle and would like to resume a normal life and they have decided to abandon the path of violence and to seek solutions to their problems within the framework of the Constitution of India and, therefore, they have responded positively to the appeals made by the Government of Tripura to join the mainstream and to help in the cause of building a prosperous Tripura


Whereas on a series of discussions between the parties here to and based on such discussions it has been mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto that the FIRST ATTF shall give up the path of violence and surrender to the Other Party the Government of Tripura along with all their arms and ammunition ending their underground activities and the Governor of Tripura will provide some economic package and financial benefits and facilities hereafter provided

2. ( B).

Action is taken against foreign Nationals:

- Action would be taken in respect of sending back all Bangladesh foreign nationals who have come to Tripura after 25 th March, 1971 and are not in possession of valid documents authorizing their presence in Tripura.

(C) Restoration of alienated land:

- Effective steps would be taken in items of the Tripura Land Revenue and Land Reform Act, 1960 for restoring land alienated by tribal.

(D) Inclusion of Tribal majority villages in ADC Area:

- Tribal majority villages which now fall outside the ADC area and are contiguous to the ADC area, would be included in the TTAADC.

(E) Introduction of Inner line permit:

- The case for introduction of an Inner-Line Permit system would be taken up with the government of India.

The State Government will insist on the Movement of India to approve this demand.

(F) Village Police Force for the ADC:

- The constitution of village Police Force under the administrative control of the TTAADC is acceptable in principle to the State Government and the State Government will take up with the Government of India for Constitutional amendment, if required, to fulfil this demand.

(G) Increase in the Number of Seats for Sch.

Tribes Candidates in the TTAADC:

- The demand for more representation of Scheduled Tribe Members in the Autonomous District Council is acceptable to the State Government in principle and efforts will be made amendment of the rules which deal with reservation of seats for Scheduled Tribe in order to increase the numbers of reserve seats to 25 (Twenty-five).

(H) Setting up of a Cultural Development center:

- Upajati Sanskritik vikas kendra (Tribal Cultural development Centre) with arrangements for training would be set up in the TTAADC area.

(I) Improvement of KOKBORAK and other Tribal Languages:

- A Bhasha commission would be setup for the improvement of Kok Borok and other Tribal Languages, steps would also is taken for the introduction in phase of Kok Borak at Progressively higher levels of education.

(J) Preservation of Ujjanyanta Palace as historical Monument and shifting of Tripura Legislative Assembly.

Respecting sentiments of all sections of the population, especially the tribal of Tripura, steps would be taken to contract a separate building for The Tripura Legislative Assembly and to retain the Ujjanyanta Palace as a Historical Monument.

(K) Renaming of the Village Rivers, Etc.:


Steps would be initiated to ensure that all villages and rivers which earlier had tribal names and which were subsequently renamed, are given their original tribal names.

(L) Jhumia re-settlement:

- Area based for resettlement of jhumias would continue to be implemented in order to provide for a strong economic base for the jhumias of Tripura.

(M) Industrial Development in TTAADC:

- All necessary steps would be taken to ensure the promotion of industrial activities in TTAADC areas.

(N) Secured accommodation and escort for Office Bearers:

- The President, Vice-President, Convener and 4 (four) other members of the Executive Committee of the ATTF will be given secured accommodation subsequent to their surrender and they will also be given personal security guard for such period as may be decided by the Government.

They will be provided with Police escort during their movement outside Agartala as and when required.

(O) Housing Facilities:

- After surrender, ATTF personal shall be provided with a house with GCI sheet raffling with a floor area of 220 square feet for their accommodation as early as possible and the ATTF personal shall take part in constructing such houses, provided that the cost of each house shall not exceed Rs.

20,000/= (Rupees Twenty thousand.

(P) Drinking water Facilities:

- Steps would be taken by the State Government to Provide Drinking water in the resettlement colonied set up by the Government to resettle the ATTF personal.

(Q) Government Employment or Economic Package:

- All ATTF personal, on their surrender, will be provided with government employment according to their qualification or economic facilities as provided here in and till such Government imployment or economic facilities are given, each surrendered ATTF personal shall be paid subsistence allowance at the rate of Rs.500/= (Rupees five hundred) only per month, so, however, that the subsistence allowance shall not be paid beyond a period of 10 (ten) months.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE ATTF is being represented by

(I) shri Lalit Debbarma, President,ATTF, (2) Shri Ramcndra Reang, Vice-President, ATTF, (3) Shri Rabindra Reang, General Secretary, ATTF, (4) Shri Dilip Debbarma, Treasurer, ATTF, and (6) Shri Santaram Reang Accountant, ATTF, and the Governor of Tripura being represented by Sri M. Damodaran, Chief Secretary to the Government of Tripura, have hereunto set their hand on the date, month and year as afore-mentioned.

Signed on behalf of First Party ATTF by-

1. Sd/-Shri Lalit Deb barma) President, ATTF.


Sd/-Shri Ramendra Reang Vice President, ATTF.


Sd/-Shri Rabindra Reang General Secretary, ATTF.


Sd/-Shri Dilip Deb Barma Treasurer, ATTF.


S/d-Shri Santaram Reang Accountant, ATTF .

Signed for and behalf of the Governor of Tripura

Sd/-M. Damodaran Chief Secretary Government of Tripura

In the presence of:-

(Shri Dasarath Deb) Chief Minister, Tripura

(Shri Bidyanath Majumder) Minister, PWD etc.

Deptt, Tripura