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Erbil Agreement

  • Country/entity

  • Region

    Middle East and North Africa
  • Agreement name

    Erbil Agreement
  • Date

    7 Nov 2010
  • Agreement status

    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement

  • Agreement/conflict level

  • Stage

    Framework/substantive - partial
  • Conflict nature

  • Peace process

    Kurdistan/Iraq territorial conflict
  • Parties

    The meeting minutes were signed by:
    Rose Nuri Shaways, Deputy Prime Minister, Representative of Kurdistan Region President and Kurdistan Alliance, leader of National Coalition, Hassan Al-Sunaid,
    leader of IS, Salman Al-Jumaili.
  • Third parties

  • Description

    Short agreement providing for substantial governmental reforms, encompassing the executive, legislature, and judiciary. Primary among them, the balance law seeks to provide some 'balance' between various government positions.


  • Children/youth

    No specific mention.

  • Disabled persons

    No specific mention.

  • Elderly/age
    Page 2, Aspect Four: Security Reform Paper
    6 - Establish research centers to benefit from the experience of retirees [from security forces]
  • Migrant workers

    No specific mention.

  • Racial/ethnic/national group

    No specific mention.

  • Religious groups

    No specific mention.

  • Indigenous people

    No specific mention.

  • Other groups

    No specific mention.

  • Refugees/displaced persons

    No specific mention.

  • Social class

    No specific mention.


  • Women, girls and gender

    No specific mention.

  • Men and boys

    No specific mention.


    No specific mention.

  • Family

    No specific mention.

State definition

  • Nature of state (general)

    No specific mention.

  • State configuration

    No specific mention.

  • Self determination

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum

    No specific mention.

  • State symbols

    No specific mention.

  • Independence/secession

    No specific mention.

  • Accession/unification

    No specific mention.

  • Border delimitation

    No specific mention.

  • Cross-border provision

    No specific mention.


  • Political institutions (new or reformed)
    Governance→Political institutions (new or reformed)→General references
    Page 1, Aspect One: Administration and Finance:
    1. Privileges of Members: review legislations with regard to privileges of members and their replacement (entitlements, salaries, protection, pension and administrative and financial powers).
    2. Reform of the Parliament: strengthening the capacities of CoR’s cadres to enable them perform their duties with regard to drafting legislations, and following up with the laws of different Committees within a specific time frame. Additionally, draft laws or legislations submitted to or received by the Council should not be neglected.

    Page 1, Aspect Two: Legislations/Laws:
    2. Legislations timeframes: to set a timeframe for the enactment of all constitutionally approved legislations/laws which have not yet been enacted, in coordination with the Parliament, the Legal Committee and other competent parliamentary committees on the one hand and the Presidency of the Council and the political blocs on the other hand in order of precedence and priority:
    ... – Law of the Federation Council
    ... – The Executive Authority Law

    Page 2, Aspect Three: The Oversight Role
    1. Activation of linking independent bodies/commissions with the Council of Representatives: in accordance with the Constitution (the Integrity Commission, Bureau of Financial Audit, Media Network, Media and Communication Commission) and in accordance with the decision of the Federal Court.
    2 – Address and resolve the issue of acting officials (acting minister, commission chairman, deputy minister, etc.) within three months from the beginning of the term of the Council of Representatives (CoR) while ensuring constitutional balance.
    ... 4 - Adopt a clear and agreed mechanism for summoning and questioning members of the executive authority and not leave this to the interpretations of the Presidency.

    Page 4, Balance in state institutions
    Aspect VI: Achieving national balance in:
    ... 5 - Activate the Constitution and laws related to appointment and employment and speed up the establishment of the Federal Civil service Council provided for in Article 107 of the Constitution which was endorsed by the CoR in its last term.

    Page 4, Aspect V11: Reform of the Executive Authority
    ... 4- Approval of an agreed-upon by law that regulates the work of the Council of Ministers and identifies the powers of the Council and its members.

    Page 4, Aspect V11: Reform of the Executive Authority
    ... 7- Activation of the supervisory role of the Council of Ministers over the performance of ministries.

    Page 4, Aspect V11: Reform of the Executive Authority
    ... 10- Combination of legislative and executive positions shall be barred.
    11- Direct interference in the work of Ministries through agents, advisors and director general for the benefit of any party shall be banned and the Minister shall be dealt with in his/her capacity as the supreme president of his/her ministry.

    Page 5, Aspect V11: Reform of the Executive Authority
    ... 12- The Prime Minister and all Ministers shall comply with the decisions of the Council of Ministers and applicable laws as they represent the State at their Ministries and not their components or political blocs. Required measures to sack those who violate thereof shall be taken.
    13- Inspector General of the Ministry shall not be member in the same bloc of the Minister.

    Page 5, Aspect Eight: National Accord (Consensus)
    1- Vote on crucial issues like (war and peace, strategic agreements, constitutional amendments) shall be by 100 percent consensus.
    2- Vote on strategic and important issues shall be by absolute majority (one half plus one).
    3- Vote on daily procedural issues shall be by half plus one.
  • Elections
    Page 1, Aspect Two: Legislations/Laws:
    2. Legislations timeframes: to set a timeframe for the enactment of all constitutionally approved legislations/laws which have not yet been enacted, in coordination with the Parliament, the Legal Committee and other competent parliamentary committees on the one hand and the Presidency of the Council and the political blocs on the other hand in order of precedence and priority:
    ... – Electoral law
    – Electoral Commission Law
  • Electoral commission
    Page 1, Aspect Two: Legislations/Laws:
    2. Legislations timeframes: to set a timeframe for the enactment of all constitutionally approved legislations/laws which have not yet been enacted, in coordination with the Parliament, the Legal Committee and other competent parliamentary committees on the one hand and the Presidency of the Council and the political blocs on the other hand in order of precedence and priority:
    ... – Electoral law
    – Electoral Commission Law
  • Political parties reform

    No specific mention.

  • Civil society
    Page 1, Aspect Two: Legislations/Laws:
    2. Legislations timeframes: to set a timeframe for the enactment of all constitutionally approved legislations/laws which have not yet been enacted, in coordination with the Parliament, the Legal Committee and other competent parliamentary committees on the one hand and the Presidency of the Council and the political blocs on the other hand in order of precedence and priority:
    ... – Law on [Political] Parties
  • Traditional/religious leaders

    No specific mention.

  • Public administration
    Page 4, Aspect V11: Reform of the Executive Authority
    1- Adoption of efficiency and professionalism principle and achievement of constitutional balance in public service in accordance with the Public Service Council Law.
    2- Restoration of the constitutional balance resulting from the appointments that were made in the past period and guarantee of the constitutional representation of Governorates (not agreed upon).
  • Constitution
    Governance→Constitution→Constitutional reform/making
    Page 1-2, Aspect Two: Legislations/Laws:
    1. Reformation of the Constitutional Review Committee: in a manner that ensures actual participation of all winning blocs in the Committee and the implementation of the agreed amendments.
    2. Legislations timeframes: to set a timeframe for the enactment of all constitutionally approved legislations/laws which have not yet been enacted, in coordination with the Parliament, the Legal Committee and other competent parliamentary committees on the one hand and the Presidency of the Council and the political blocs on the other hand in order of precedence and priority:
    – The Federal Court Law
    – Oil and Gas Law
    – National Reconciliation Law
    – Law for Organizing Security Apparatus
    – Law on [Political] Parties
    – Law of the Federation Council
    – Electoral law
    – Electoral Commission Law
    – Media Network Law
    – The Integrity Commission Law
    – Law of Inspectors General
    – Law of Bureau of Financial Audit
    – Balance Commission Law
    – Federal Revenues Law
    – The Executive Authority Law
    – Law of Journalism and Protection of Journalists.

    Page 2, Aspect Two: Legislations/Laws:
    3. Formation of permanent parliamentary committees: Chairs, Deputy Chairs and Rapporteur should be appointed in accordance with the electoral entitlements and constitutional equilibrium.

Power sharing

  • Political power sharing
    Power sharing→Political power sharing→General
    State level
    Balance in state institutions
    Aspect VI: Achieving national balance in:
    A – Deputy Ministers
    B – Ambassadors
    C - Heads of agencies and the Independent Commission.
    D - In federal ministries and military and security institutions at the rank of director general and
    above or its equivalent (division commanders, ministries secretariat, etc.)
    2 - The national balance commission law shall be enacted within a period not exceeding six
    months from the date the parliamentary committees begin their work. The commission shall be
    established immediately after the entry into force of the law upon agreement of the blocs.
    3 - The commission shall adopt constitutional balance and ensure the rights of all regions and
    governorates in all state institutions including the military and security institutions at all levels.
    - Activate the role of the ministries councils and independent bodies and grant appropriate
    powers to deputy ministers and deputy chairmen of independent bodies to achieve participation.
    5 - Activate the Constitution and laws related to appointment and employment and speed up the establishment of the Federal Civil service Council provided for in Article 107 of the Constitution which was endorsed by the CoR in its last term.
    Power sharing→Political power sharing→Executive coalition
    State level
    Page 4, Aspect V11: Reform of the Executive Authority
    ...2- Restoration of the constitutional balance resulting from the appointments that were made in the past period and guarantee of the constitutional representation of Governorates (not agreed
    3- Guarantee genuine participation of the parities allied in the Government in decision making (political, security and economic).
  • Territorial power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Economic power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Military power sharing

    No specific mention.

Human rights and equality

  • Human rights/RoL general
    Page 2, Aspect Four: Security Reform Paper
    ... 4 - Investigate with all security leaders and personnel against whom human rights violation claims are received. No one should be given immunity under any pretext.
  • Bill of rights/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Treaty incorporation

    No specific mention.

  • Civil and political rights

    No specific mention.

  • Socio-economic rights

    No specific mention.

Rights related issues

  • Citizenship

    No specific mention.

  • Democracy

    No specific mention.

  • Detention procedures

    No specific mention.

  • Media and communication
    Rights related issues→Media and communication→Media roles
    Page 1-2, Aspect Two: Legislations/Laws:
    2. Legislations timeframes: to set a timeframe for the enactment of all constitutionally approved legislations/laws which have not yet been enacted, in coordination with the Parliament, the Legal Committee and other competent parliamentary committees on the one hand and the Presidency of the Council and the political blocs on the other hand in order of precedence and priority:
    ... – Media Network Law
    ... – Law of Journalism and Protection of Journalists.

    Page 2, Aspect Three: The Oversight Role
    1. Activation of linking independent bodies/commissions with the Council of Representatives: in accordance with the Constitution (the Integrity Commission, Bureau of Financial Audit, Media Network, Media and Communication Commission) and in accordance with the decision of the Federal Court.
    ... 3 - Activate the role of the various media outlets as the fourth power and pass the journalism law and the journalists’ protection law.
  • Mobility/access

    No specific mention.

  • Protection measures
    Rights related issues→Protection measures→Protection of groups
    Page 1-2, Aspect Two: Legislations/Laws:
    2. Legislations timeframes: to set a timeframe for the enactment of all constitutionally approved legislations/laws which have not yet been enacted, in coordination with the Parliament, the Legal Committee and other competent parliamentary committees on the one hand and the Presidency of the Council and the political blocs on the other hand in order of precedence and priority:
    ... – Media Network Law
    ... – Law of Journalism and Protection of Journalists.

    Page 2, Aspect Three: The Oversight Role
    1. Activation of linking independent bodies/commissions with the Council of Representatives: in accordance with the Constitution (the Integrity Commission, Bureau of Financial Audit, Media Network, Media and Communication Commission) and in accordance with the decision of the Federal Court.
    ... 3 - Activate the role of the various media outlets as the fourth power and pass the journalism law and the journalists’ protection law.
    Rights related issues→Protection measures→Other
    Page 1, Aspect One: Administration and Finance:
    1. Privileges of Members: review legislations with regard to privileges of members and their replacement (entitlements, salaries, protection, pension and administrative and financial powers).
  • Other

    No specific mention.

Rights institutions

  • NHRI

    No specific mention.

  • Regional or international human rights institutions

    No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

  • Criminal justice and emergency law
    Justice sector reform→Criminal justice and emergency law→Reform to specific laws
    Page 3, Aspect V: Judicial Reform Paper
    … 6 - Review the Anti-Terrorism Law.

    Page 5, Part Nine: Accountability, Justice and national reconciliation
    ...3- Reconsideration of the Accountability and Justice Law by making agreed upon amendments thereto to prevent the use of the law with double standards or to use the law for political purposes. And the issue shall be addressed in accordance with the Law.
  • State of emergency provisions

    No specific mention.

  • Judiciary and courts
    Page 1, Aspect Two: Legislations/Laws:
    2. Legislations timeframes: to set a timeframe for the enactment of all constitutionally approved legislations/laws which have not yet been enacted, in coordination with the Parliament, the Legal Committee and other competent parliamentary committees on the one hand and the Presidency of the Council and the political blocs on the other hand in order of precedence and priority:
    – The Federal Court Law

    Page 3, Aspect V: Judicial Reform Paper
    1 - Combining the positions of Chairman of the Higher Judicial Council (HJC), the Federal Supreme Court, and the Court of Cassation is prohibited.
    2 - Speed up enactment of the Federal Court Law and agree on the names of its members.
    3 - Speed up enactment of the judicial authority law in accordance with the Constitution and activate and enhance the work of the Public Prosecutor.
    4 - Speed up enactment of the HJC [Higher Judicial Council] law.
    5 – Prohibit the work of judges outside HJC formations.
  • Prisons and detention

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional Laws

    No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

  • Development or socio-economic reconstruction
    Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Socio-economic development
    Page 4, Aspect V11: Reform of the Executive Authority
    ... 6- The educational and agricultural initiative shall be connected with the competent ministries and any future initiative shall only be adopted by a decision of the Council of Ministers.
  • National economic plan

    No specific mention.

  • Natural resources
    Page 1, Aspect Two: Legislations/Laws:
    2. Legislations timeframes: to set a timeframe for the enactment of all constitutionally approved legislations/laws which have not yet been enacted, in coordination with the Parliament, the Legal Committee and other competent parliamentary committees on the one hand and the Presidency of the Council and the political blocs on the other hand in order of precedence and priority:
    – Oil and Gas Law
  • International funds

    No specific mention.

  • Business

    No specific mention.

  • Taxation
    Socio-economic reconstruction→Taxation→Reform of taxation
    Page 1, Aspect Two: Legislations/Laws:
    2. Legislations timeframes: to set a timeframe for the enactment of all constitutionally approved legislations/laws which have not yet been enacted, in coordination with the Parliament, the Legal Committee and other competent parliamentary committees on the one hand and the Presidency of the Council and the political blocs on the other hand in order of precedence and priority:
    ... – Federal Revenues Law
  • Banks

    No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

  • Land reform/rights

    No specific mention.

  • Pastoralist/nomadism rights

    No specific mention.

  • Cultural heritage

    No specific mention.

  • Environment
    Page 3 Aspect Four: Security Reform Paper
    ... 9 - Establish a special emergency agency to be concerned with cases of national disasters and to provide immediate solutions and responses to affected areas.
  • Water or riparian rights or access

    No specific mention.

Security sector

  • Security Guarantees
    Page 1, Aspect Two: Legislations/Laws:
    2. Legislations timeframes: to set a timeframe for the enactment of all constitutionally approved legislations/laws which have not yet been enacted, in coordination with the Parliament, the Legal Committee and other competent parliamentary committees on the one hand and the Presidency of the Council and the political blocs on the other hand in order of precedence and priority:
    ... – Law of Inspectors General

    Page 2, Aspect Four: Security Reform Paper
    [Note: clauses from section are coded elsewhere as appropriate.]
    ... 5 - Activate the role of the governorate councils in accordance with the Constitution as well as the law of the governorate councils to ensure the implementation of the security decisions of these councils.

    Page 3 Aspect Four: Security Reform Paper
    ... 7 - Control and protect borders using modern technologies in a manner that ensures border control.
    8 - Deal strictly with illegal border infiltrators.

    Page 4, Aspect V11: Reform of the Executive Authority
    ... 5- Gradual integration of security institutions that are not prescribed in the Constitution at competent Security Ministries as conditions allow.
  • Ceasefire

    No specific mention.

  • Police
    Page 2, Aspect Four: Security Reform Paper
    1 - Law of the security apparatuses and their powers.
    Adopt the security apparatuses law which identifies the functioning security apparatuses and specifies the functions and powers of each apparatus to achieve integration and avoid overlapping jurisdictions of the security apparatuses.
    2 - The need to rehabilitate security apparatuses in a manner that achieves the highest levels of professionalism.
    3 - Security apparatuses shall be accountable to the CoR (in accordance with the constitutional texts). The necessary laws shall be enacted to impose the strictest legal penalties on parties that prove to be involved in providing intelligence to foreign entities.
  • Armed forces
    Page 1, Aspect Two: Legislations/Laws:
    2. Legislations timeframes: to set a timeframe for the enactment of all constitutionally approved legislations/laws which have not yet been enacted, in coordination with the Parliament, the Legal Committee and other competent parliamentary committees on the one hand and the Presidency of the Council and the political blocs on the other hand in order of precedence and priority:
    ... – Law for Organizing Security Apparatus

    Page 2, Aspect Four: Security Reform Paper
    1 - Law of the security apparatuses and their powers.
    Adopt the security apparatuses law which identifies the functioning security apparatuses and specifies the functions and powers of each apparatus to achieve integration and avoid overlapping jurisdictions of the security apparatuses.
    2 - The need to rehabilitate security apparatuses in a manner that achieves the highest levels of professionalism.
    3 - Security apparatuses shall be accountable to the CoR (in accordance with the constitutional texts). The necessary laws shall be enacted to impose the strictest legal penalties on parties that prove to be involved in providing intelligence to foreign entities.
  • DDR

    No specific mention.

  • Intelligence services
    Page 2, Aspect Four: Security Reform Paper
    ... 3 - Security apparatuses shall be accountable to the CoR (in accordance with the constitutional texts). The necessary laws shall be enacted to impose the strictest legal penalties on parties that prove to be involved in providing intelligence to foreign entities.
    ... 6 - Establish research centers to benefit from the experience of retirees [from security forces]

    Page 3 Aspect Four: Security Reform Paper
    ... 10 - Enhance the role and powers of the Iraqi National Intelligence Service and build the capacities of its staff to meet the requirements of maintaining Iraq's national security. Combat espionage; monitor security intelligence activities on Iraqi lands; and enact effective laws in this regard.
  • Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces

    No specific mention.

  • Withdrawal of foreign forces

    No specific mention.

  • Corruption
    Page 1, Aspect Two: Legislations/Laws:
    2. Legislations timeframes: to set a timeframe for the enactment of all constitutionally approved legislations/laws which have not yet been enacted, in coordination with the Parliament, the Legal Committee and other competent parliamentary committees on the one hand and the Presidency of the Council and the political blocs on the other hand in order of precedence and priority:
    ... – The Integrity Commission Law

    Page 2, Aspect Three: The Oversight Role
    ... 4 - Adopt a clear and agreed mechanism for summoning and questioning members of the executive authority and not leave this to the interpretations of the Presidency.

    Page 4, Aspect V11: Reform of the Executive Authority
    1- Adoption of efficiency and professionalism principle and achievement of constitutional balance in public service in accordance with the Public Service Council Law.

    Page 4, Aspect V11: Reform of the Executive Authority
    ... 8- Addressing of administrative and financial corruption phenomenon.
  • Crime/organised crime

    No specific mention.

  • Drugs

    No specific mention.

  • Terrorism
    Page 3, Aspect V: Judicial Reform Paper
    ... 6 - Review the Anti-Terrorism Law.

Transitional justice

  • Transitional justice general

    No specific mention.

  • Amnesty/pardon

    No specific mention.

  • Courts

    No specific mention.

  • Mechanism

    No specific mention.

  • Prisoner release

    No specific mention.

  • Vetting

    No specific mention.

  • Victims

    No specific mention.

  • Missing persons

    No specific mention.

  • Reparations

    No specific mention.

  • Reconciliation
    Page 1, Aspect Two: Legislations/Laws:
    2. Legislations timeframes: to set a timeframe for the enactment of all constitutionally approved legislations/laws which have not yet been enacted, in coordination with the Parliament, the Legal Committee and other competent parliamentary committees on the one hand and the Presidency of the Council and the political blocs on the other hand in order of precedence and priority:
    – National Reconciliation Law


  • UN signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Other international signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum for agreement

    No specific mention.

  • International mission/force/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Enforcement mechanism

    No specific mention.

  • Related cases

    No specific mention.

  • Source
    UN Peacemaker (which cites Unofficial translation by UNAMI language services – published in Arabic in Alsabah Newspaper)

Erbil Agreement

Erbil, 7 November 2010

Aspect One:

Administration and Finance:

1. Privileges of Members:

review legislations with regard to privileges of members and their replacement (entitlements, salaries, protection, pension and administrative and financial powers).

2. Reform of the Parliament:

strengthening the capacities of CoR’s cadres to enable them perform their duties with regard to drafting legislations, and following up with the laws of different Committees within a specific timeframe.

Additionally, draft laws or legislations submitted to or received by the Council should not be neglected.

Aspect Two:


1. Reformation of the Constitutional Review Committee:

in a manner that ensures actual participation of all winning blocs in the Committee and the implementation of the agreed amendments.

2. Legislations timeframes:

to set a timeframe for the enactment of all constitutionally approved legislations/laws which have not yet been enacted, in coordination with the Parliament, the Legal Committee and other competent parliamentary committees on the one hand and the Presidency of the Council and the political blocs on the other hand in order of precedence and priority:

– The Federal Court Law

– Oil and Gas Law

– National Reconciliation Law

– Law for Organizing Security Apparatus

– Law on [Political] Parties

– Law of the Federation Council

– Electoral law

– Electoral Commission Law

– Media Network Law

– The Integrity Commission Law

– Law of Inspectors General

– Law of Bureau of Financial Audit

– Balance Commission Law

– Federal Revenues Law

– The Executive Authority Law

– Law of Journalism and Protection of Journalists.

3. Formation of permanent parliamentary committees:

Chairs, Deputy Chairs and Rapporteur should be appointed in accordance with the electoral entitlements and constitutional equilibrium.

Aspect Three:

The Oversight Role

1. Activation of linking independent bodies/commissions with the Council of Representatives:

in accordance with the Constitution (the Integrity Commission, Bureau of Financial Audit, Media Network, Media and Communication Commission) and in accordance with the decision of the Federal Court.

2 – Address and resolve the issue of acting officials (acting minister, commission chairman, deputy minister, etc.)

within three months from the beginning of the term of the Council of Representatives (CoR) while ensuring constitutional balance.

3 - Activate the role of the various media outlets as the fourth power and pass the journalism law and the journalists’ protection law.

4 - Adopt a clear and agreed mechanism for summoning and questioning members of the executive authority and not leave this to the interpretations of the Presidency.

Aspect Four:

Security Reform Paper

1 - Law of the security apparatuses and their powers.

Adopt the security apparatuses law which identifies the functioning security apparatuses and specifies the functions and powers of each apparatus to achieve integration and avoid overlapping jurisdictions of the security apparatuses.

2 - The need to rehabilitate security apparatuses in a manner that achieves the highest levels of professionalism.

3 - Security apparatuses shall be accountable to the CoR (in accordance with the constitutional texts).

The necessary laws shall be enacted to impose the strictest legal penalties on parties that prove to be involved in providing intelligence to foreign entities.

4 - Investigate with all security leaders and personnel against whom human rights violation claims are received.

No one should be given immunity under any pretext.

5 - Activate the role of the governorate councils in accordance with the Constitution as well as the law of the governorate councils to ensure the implementation of the security decisions of these councils.

6 - Establish research centers to benefit from the experience of retirees.

7 - Control and protect borders using modern technologies in a manner that ensures border control.

8 - Deal strictly with illegal border infiltrators.

9 - Establish a special emergency agency to be concerned with cases of national disasters and to provide immediate solutions and responses to affected areas.

10 - Enhance the role and powers of the Iraqi National Intelligence Service and build the capacities of its staff to meet the requirements of maintaining Iraq's national security.

Combat espionage;

monitor security intelligence activities on Iraqi lands;

and enact effective laws in this regard.

Aspect V:

Judicial Reform Paper

1 - Combining the positions of Chairman of the Higher Judicial Council (HJC), the Federal Supreme Court, and the Court of Cassation is prohibited.

2 - Speed up enactment of the Federal Court Law and agree on the names of its members.

3 - Speed up enactment of the judicial authority law in accordance with the Constitution and activate and enhance the work of the Public Prosecutor.

4 - Speed up enactment of the HJC law.

5 – Prohibit the work of judges outside HJC formations.

6 - Review the Anti-Terrorism Law.

Balance in state institutions

Aspect VI:

Achieving national balance in:

A – Deputy Ministers

B – Ambassadors

C - Heads of agencies and the Independent Commission.

D - In federal ministries and military and security institutions at the rank of director general and above or its equivalent (division commanders, ministries secretariat, etc.)

2 - The national balance commission law shall be enacted within a period not exceeding six months from the date the parliamentary committees begin their work.

The commission shall be established immediately after the entry into force of the law upon agreement of the blocs.

3 - The commission shall adopt constitutional balance and ensure the rights of all regions and governorates in all state institutions including the military and security institutions at all levels.

4 - Activate the role of the ministries councils and independent bodies and grant appropriate powers to deputy ministers and deputy chairmen of independent bodies to achieve participation.

5 - Activate the Constitution and laws related to appointment and employment and speed up the establishment of the Federal Civil service Council provided for in Article 107 of the Constitution which was endorsed by the CoR in its last term.

Aspect V11:

Reform of the Executive Authority

1- Adoption of efficiency and professionalism principle and achievement of constitutional balance in public service in accordance with the Public Service Council Law.

2- Restoration of the constitutional balance resulting from the appointments that were made in the past period and guarantee of the constitutional representation of Governorates (not agreed upon).

3- Guarantee genuine participation of the parities allied in the Government in decision making (political, security and economic).

4- Approval of an agreed-upon by law that regulates the work of the Council of Ministers and identifies the powers of the Council and its members.

5- Gradual integration of security institutions that are not prescribed in the Constitution at competent Security Ministries as conditions allow.

6- The educational and agricultural initiative shall be connected with the competent ministries and any future initiative shall only be adopted by a decision of the Council of Ministers.

7- Activation of the supervisory role of the Council of Ministers over the performance of ministries.

8- Addressing of administrative and financial corruption phenomenon.

9- Abidance by one government’s official discourse.

10- Combination of legislative and executive positions shall be barred.

11- Direct interference in the work of Ministries through agents, advisors and director general for the benefit of any party shall be banned and the Minister shall be dealt with in his/her capacity as the supreme president of his/her ministry.

12- The Prime Minister and all Ministers shall comply with the decisions of the Council of Ministers and applicable laws as they represent the State at their Ministries and not their components or political blocs.

Required measures to sack those who violate thereof shall be taken.13- Inspector General of the Ministry shall not be member in the same bloc of the Minister.

Aspect Eight:

National Accord (Consensus)

1- Vote on crucial issues like (war and peace, strategic agreements, constitutional amendments) shall be by 100 percent consensus.

2- Vote on strategic and important issues shall be by absolute majority (one half plus one).

3- Vote on daily procedural issues shall be by half plus one.

Part Nine:

Accountability, Justice and national reconciliation

1- Suspension of decisions of the present Commission except routine works.

2- Formation of Commission of Accountability and Justice in accordance with law.

3- Reconsideration of the Accountability and Justice Law by making agreed upon amendments thereto to prevent the use of the law with double standards or to use the law for political purposes.

And the issue shall be addressed in accordance with the Law.

The meeting minutes were signed by:

Rose Nuri Shaways, Deputy Prime Minister, Representative of Kurdistan Region President and Kurdistan Alliance, leader of National Coalition, Hassan Al-Sunaid, leader of IS, Salman Al-Jumaili.