Agreement between the President of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia and the Speaker of the Transitional Federal Parliament (The Kampala Accord)
- Country/entitySomalia
- RegionAfrica (excl MENA)
- Agreement nameAgreement between the President of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia and the Speaker of the Transitional Federal Parliament (The Kampala Accord)
- Date9 Jun 2011
- Agreement statusMultiparty signed/agreed
- Interim arrangementYes
- Agreement/conflict levelIntrastate/intrastate conflict ()
- StageFramework/substantive - partial
- Conflict natureGovernment
- Peace processSomalia Peace Process
- PartiesThe President of the Transitional Federal Government and The Speaker of the Transitional Federal Parliament met in Kampala, Uganda under the auspices of His Excellency President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the facilitation of the Special Representative of the United Nations Ambassador Augustine P. Mahiga.
- Third partiesPage 1, Para 2, The meeting was held 'under the auspices of His Excellency President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the facilitation of the Special Representative of the United Nations Ambassador Augustine P. Mahiga'
Page 1, para 3, 'All parties were cognisant of the counsel from the United Nations Security Council in their meeting of the 25th May 2011 to reach an agreement on ending the transitional phase. Cognisant of the counsel of the ICG Meeting of June 3rd, 2011. Cognisant of the concerns of the Troop Contributing Countries not to squander significant military progress and the readiness by the Regional Heads of State (IGAD and EAC with the participation of the United Nations (UNPOS) and the African Union) to oversee and monitor and guide and agreement by the Transitional Federal Institutions on bringing an end [to] the Transitional Phase on 20 August, 2011 and thereafter bringing in a new dispensation.' - DescriptionAgreement sets forth a timetable for political appointments, elections, and external review of institutional performance, re-committing to the Transitional Federal Charter and the Djibouti Agreement.
- Agreement document
- Children/youth
No specific mention.
- Disabled persons
No specific mention.
- Elderly/age
No specific mention.
- Migrant workers
No specific mention.
- Racial/ethnic/national group
No specific mention.
- Religious groups
No specific mention.
- Indigenous people
No specific mention.
- Other groups
No specific mention.
- Refugees/displaced persons
No specific mention.
- Social class
No specific mention.
- Women, girls and gender
No specific mention.
- Men and boys
No specific mention.
No specific mention.
- Family
No specific mention.
State definition
- Nature of state (general)Page 1, 1. Recognizing the Transitional Federal Charter as the basis for the legitimacy of all Transitional Federal Institutions.
- State configuration
No specific mention.
- Self determination
No specific mention.
- Referendum
No specific mention.
- State symbols
No specific mention.
- Independence/secession
No specific mention.
- Accession/unification
No specific mention.
- Border delimitation
No specific mention.
- Cross-border provision
No specific mention.
- Political institutions (new or reformed)Governance→Political institutions (new or reformed)→General referencesPage 2, 4, 1. In its oversight role, Parliament should facilitate the smooth functioning of government business in Parliament. Each branch of the TFPs will operate within the confines of its respective mandate to ensure harmonious and complimentary working relations. Government will initiate needed legislation in a timely manner and Parliament shall consider and act on proposed and pending legislation expeditiously.
Page 2, 4i. The new Government and Parliament will work closely with each other through joint committees and their respective mandates to complete important priority tasks, including on security, Parliamentary reforms, constitution-making process, preparation for elections, and greater political outreach. - ElectionsPage 1, 4. The parties meeting in Kampala agreed to the following para meters:
a. We agree to defer elections of the President and the Speaker and his deputies for twelve months after August, 2011 in order to adequately prepare and complete priority transitional tasks.
b. Elections for President and Speaker of Parliament will have to take place prior to August 20, 2012.
Page 2, 4. i. The new Government and Parliament will work closely with each other through joint committees and their respective mandates to complete important priority tasks, including on security, Parliamentary reforms, constitution-making process, preparation for elections, and greater political outreach. - Electoral commission
No specific mention.
- Political parties reform
No specific mention.
- Civil society
No specific mention.
- Traditional/religious leaders
No specific mention.
- Public administration
No specific mention.
- ConstitutionGovernance→Constitution→Constitutional reform/makingPage 4. i. The new Government and Parliament will work closely with each other through joint committees and their respective mandates to complete important priority tasks, including on security, Parliamentary reforms, constitution-making process, preparation for elections, and greater political outreach.
Power sharing
- Political power sharingPower sharing→Political power sharing→Executive coalitionState levelPage 2, 4. c. Within thirty days of the signing of this Agreement, the Prime Minister will resign from his position; and the President will appoint a new Prime Minister.
d. Parliament will endorse the new Prime Minister within 14 days of the submission of the PM Nominee by the Office of the President.
e. The New Prime Minister will appoint his cabinet within 30 days of his approval and submit it to President.
f. Parliament will endorse the new cabinet within 14 days of the submission of the cabinet list by the Office of the President.
g. While ensuring the new government reflects the 4.5 formula for power sharing. These appointments will be done in the spirit of collaboration and mutual confidence between the leaders of the TPs in accordance with their respective mandates.Power sharing→Political power sharing→Proportionality in legislatureState levelPage 2, 4. g. While ensuring the new government reflects the 4.5 formula for power sharing. These appointments will be done in the spirit of collaboration and mutual confidence between the leaders of the TPs in accordance with their respective mandates.Power sharing→Political power sharing→Form of 'veto' or communal majorityState levelPage 2, 4. k. The government should also not be subjected to motions unless that motion has been justified and substantia ted with strong evidence of a breach of the TFC.Power sharing→Political power sharing→International involvementState levelPage 2, 4m. Both Government and Parliament shall work together with the international community to establish a roadmap with bench marks, timelines and compliance mechanisms for the implementation of the priority task. Details of the mechanisms to be agreed by 20 August 2011.
Page 2, 4n. The Heads of State of the Region (IGAD and EAC) shall constitute a Political Bureau with participation of the UN (UNPOS) and the AU, similar to the Burundi Regional Peace Initiative. The Bureau shall oversee and monitor compliance of the TFls with agreed benchmarks and timelines to implement the transitional tasks and to advance the Somali Peace Process. - Territorial power sharing
No specific mention.
- Economic power sharing
No specific mention.
- Military power sharing
No specific mention.
Human rights and equality
- Human rights/RoL general
No specific mention.
- Bill of rights/similar
No specific mention.
- Treaty incorporation
No specific mention.
- Civil and political rights
No specific mention.
- Socio-economic rights
No specific mention.
Rights related issues
- Citizenship
No specific mention.
- Democracy
No specific mention.
- Detention procedures
No specific mention.
- Media and communicationRights related issues→Media and communication→Media rolesPage 2, 4. j. Both Government and Parliament will endeavor to create an environment to that is conducive to a cooperative working relationship and shall refrain from media recrimination, threat of impeachment of the President, Speaker and two deputy speakers of Parliament, and the dismissal of Parliament.
- Mobility/access
No specific mention.
- Protection measures
No specific mention.
- Other
No specific mention.
Rights institutions
No specific mention.
- Regional or international human rights institutions
No specific mention.
Justice sector reform
- Criminal justice and emergency law
No specific mention.
- State of emergency provisions
No specific mention.
- Judiciary and courts
No specific mention.
- Prisons and detention
No specific mention.
- Traditional Laws
No specific mention.
Socio-economic reconstruction
- Development or socio-economic reconstruction
No specific mention.
- National economic plan
No specific mention.
- Natural resources
No specific mention.
- International funds
No specific mention.
- Business
No specific mention.
- Taxation
No specific mention.
- Banks
No specific mention.
Land, property and environment
- Land reform/rights
No specific mention.
- Pastoralist/nomadism rights
No specific mention.
- Cultural heritage
No specific mention.
- Environment
No specific mention.
- Water or riparian rights or access
No specific mention.
Security sector
- Security GuaranteesPage 2, i. The new Government and Parliament will work closely with each other through joint committees and their respective mandates to complete important priority tasks, including on security, Parliamentary reforms, constitution-making process, preparation for elections, and greater political outreach.
Page 3, 5. The parties agreed that support for the current military operations and completion of the rebuilding of the Security forces are fundamental to the success of the transitional period and agreed that a reformed Joint Security Committee will sit permanently in Mogadishu. - Ceasefire
No specific mention.
- Police
No specific mention.
- Armed forcesPage 3, 5. The parties agreed that support for the current military operations and completion of the rebuilding of the Security forces are fundamental to the success of the transitional period and agreed that a reformed Joint Security Committee will sit permanently in Mogadishu.
No specific mention.
- Intelligence services
No specific mention.
- Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces
No specific mention.
- Withdrawal of foreign forces
No specific mention.
- CorruptionPage 3, 7. All parties to this agreement agreed to the creation of a new Anti-Corruption Commission to safeguard the public wealth.
- Crime/organised crime
No specific mention.
- Drugs
No specific mention.
- Terrorism
No specific mention.
Transitional justice
- Transitional justice general
No specific mention.
- Amnesty/pardon
No specific mention.
- Courts
No specific mention.
- Mechanism
No specific mention.
- Prisoner release
No specific mention.
- Vetting
No specific mention.
- Victims
No specific mention.
- Missing persons
No specific mention.
- Reparations
No specific mention.
- Reconciliation
No specific mention.
- UN signatoryWitnessed by His Excellency President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the facilitation of the Special Representative of the United Nations Ambassador Augustine P. Mahiga.
- Other international signatoryWitnessed by His Excellency President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni (also Guarantor) and by the Special Representative of the United Nations Ambassador Augustine P. Mahiga.
- Referendum for agreement
No specific mention.
- International mission/force/similar
No specific mention.
- Enforcement mechanismPage 2, 4o. The international partners and the Regional Bureau reserve the right to evoke appropriate measures with consequences to ensure compliance with the benchmarks and timelines by the TFls including the application of appropriate sanctions against spoilers.
p. A mid-term review of performance of the TFls to take place in six month's time.
9. HE President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda will Guarantee the implementation of this agreement and sign below as a witness . - Related cases
No specific mention.
- SourceUNPOS
1. Recognizing the Transitional Federal Charter as the basis for the legitimacy of all Transitional Federal lnstitutions.
2. The President of the Transitional Federal Government and The Speaker of the Transitional Federal Parliament met in Kampala Uganda under the auspices of His Excellency President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the facilitation of the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations Ambassador Augustine P. Mahiga to address the issues and agree the way forward on bringing to an end the
transition in a spirit of cooperation and harmony in accordance with the Djibouti Agreement and in line with the Transitional Federal Charter.
3. All parties were cognisant of the counsel from the United Nations Security Council in their meeting of the 25th May 2011 to reach an agreement on ending the transitional phase.
Cognisant of the counsel of the ICG Meeting of June 3rd, 2011.
Cognisant of the concerns of the Troop Contributing Countries not to squander significant military progress and the readiness by the Regional Heads of State (IGAD and EAC with the participation of the United Nations (UNPOS) and the African Union) to oversee and monitor and guide any agreement by the Transitional Federal lnstitutions on bringing to an end the Transitional Phase on 20th August, 2011 and thereafter bringing in a new dispensation.
4. The parties meeting in Kampala agreed to the following parameters:
a. We agree to defer elections of the President and the Speaker and his deputies for twelve months after August, 2011 in order to adequately prepare and complete priority transitional tasks.
b. Elections for President and Speaker of Parliament will have to take place prior to August 20, 2012.
c. Within thirty days of the signing of this Agreement, the Prime Minister will resign from his position;
and the President will appoint a new Prime Minister.
d. Parliament will endorse the new Prime Minister within 14 days of the submission of the PM Nominee by the Office of the President.
e. The New Prime Minister will appoint his cabinet within 30 days of his approval and submit it to President.
f. Parliament will endorse the new cabinet within 14 days of the submission of the cabinet list by the Office of the President.
g. While ensuring the new government reflects the 4.5 formula for power sharing.
These appointments will be done in the spirit of collaboration and mutual confidence between the leaders of the TFis in accordance with their respective mandates.
h. All Ministers are to possess the education, experience and integrity to discharge their ministerial duties.
i. The new Government and Parliament will work closely with each other through joint committees and their respective mandates to complete important priority tasks, including on security, Parliamentary reforms, constitution-making process, preparation for elections, and greater political outreach.
j. Both Government and Parliament will endeavour to create an environment to that is conducive to a cooperative working relationship and shall refrain from media recrimination, threats of impeachment of the President, Speaker and two deputy speakers of Parliament, and the dismissal of Parliament.
k. The government should also not be subjected to motions unless that motion has been justified and substantiated with strong evidence of a breach of the TFC.
l. ln its oversight role, Parliament should facilitate the smooth functioning of government business in Parliament.
Each branch of the TFis will operate within the confines of its respective mandate to ensure harmonious and complimentary working relations.
Govemment will initiate needed legislation in a timely manner and Parliament shall consider and act on proposed and pending legislation expeditiously.
m. Both Government and Parliament shall work together with the international community to establish a roadmap with benchmarks, timelines and compliance mechanisms for the implementation of the priority task.
Details of the mechanisms to be agreed by 20 August 2011.
n. The Heads of State of the Region (IGAD and EAC) shall constitute a Political Bureau with participation of the UN (UNPOS) and the AU, similar to the Burundi Regional Peace Initiative.
The Bureau shall oversee and monitor compliance of the TFls with agreed benchmarks and timelines to implement the transitional tasks and to advance the Somali Peace Process.
o. The intemational partners and the Regional Bureau reserve the right to evoke appropriate measures with consequences to ensure compliance with the benchmarks and timelines by the TFls including the application of appropriate sanctions against spoilers.
p. A mid-term review of performance of the TFls to take place in six months time.
q. The international community shall undertake commitment to provide timely support for these efforts in line with agreed benchmarks and timelines.
r. The planned Mogadishu Conference will be convened by the TFG and TFP and facilitated by the SRSG to be held ata mutually agreed date as soon as possible.
5. The parties agreed that support for the current military operations and completion of the rebuilding of the Security forces are fundamental to the success of the transitional period and agreed that a reformed Joint Security Committee will sit permanently in Mogadishu.
6. All parties to this agreement should seek the support and reach out to all tl1e Somali stakeholders.
7. All parties to this agreement agreed to the creation of a new Anti-Corruption Commission to safeguard the public wealth.
8. We invite the international community and the regional actors to guarantee this political undertaking.
The parties to this agreement will seek the support and reach out to all Somali stakeholders.
9. HE President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda will Guarantee the implementation of this agreement and sign below as a witness.
10. This Agreement will come into effect when signed.
Signed this day 9'" June 2011 by:
HE Sharif Sheikh Ahmed
President of the Transitional Federal Government
H.E. Museveni
President of the Republic of Uganda
Hon Shariff Hassan Sheikh Aden
Speaker of the Transitional Federal Parliament
Winessed by:
Special Representative of the Secretary
General of the United Nations