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Agreement on a Cessation of Hostilities between the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and the South Sudan Democratic Movement/Defense Army, Cobra Faction

  • Country/entity

    South Sudan
  • Region

    Africa (excl MENA)
  • Agreement name

    Agreement on a Cessation of Hostilities between the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and the South Sudan Democratic Movement/Defense Army, Cobra Faction
  • Date

    30 Jan 2014
  • Agreement status

    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement

  • Agreement/conflict level

    Intrastate/local conflict ( Sudan Conflicts (1955 - ) )
  • Stage

  • Conflict nature

  • Peace process

    South Sudan: Post-secession Local agreements
  • Parties

    Hon. Canon Clement Janda, Head of Delegation, Government of the Republic of South Sudan [Signed]

    Lt. Gen. Khalid Boutros, Head of Delegation, South Sudan Democratic Movement/Defense Army Cobra Faction [Signed]
  • Third parties

    Witnessed by the Church Leadership Mediation Initiative (CLMI) Emeritus Bishop Paride Taban Kenyi, Chairperson, CLMI [Signed] Bishop Paul P. Benjamin Yugusuk, Spokesperson, CLMI [Signed] Bishop Arkanjelo Wani Lemi, Member, CLMI [Signed] Professor Hizkias Assefa, Moderator [Signed]
  • Description

    Agreement outlining a cessation of hostilities between the two parties as well as a neutral policy by the Cobra faction during the larger conflict between the Government of South Sudan and the SPLM/A-In Opposition. Mediated by Church elders and outlines a Monitoring and Verification Team.

Local agreement properties

  • Process type

    Formal structured process
  • Rationale

    The Church Leaders Mediation Initiative (CLMI) mediated between high-level representatives from the government of South Sudan as well as from the South Sudan Democratic Movement/Defense Army Cobra Faction in Addis Ababa in a process called the 'Jonglei peace dialogue' which has led to the signing of this cessation of hostilities agreements, as well as the later peace accord 'Agreement on Resolution of the Conflict in Jonglei State between Government of the Republic of South Sudan and South Sudan Democratic Movement/Army-Cobra Faction (SSDM-SSDA-Cobra) (Yau Yau Agreement)' signed on 09/05/2014. There were other peace processes in Jonglei prior to this dialogue (for example the All-Jonglei conference in May 2012).
  • Is there a documented link to a national peace process?

  • Link to national process: articulated rationale

    This is an agreement between a central government delegation and the Cobra Faction which was part of the South Sudan Democratic Movement (SSDM), one of the key opposition groups in the national-level conflict. The agreement builds on a ceasefire unilaterally declared by the government of South Sudan on 06/01/2014.
  • Name of Locale

    Jonglei State
  • Nature Of Locale

  • GPS Lat/Long (DD)

    6.797841, 33.125410
  • Participant type

    Central state actor
    Local armed group
    Domestic religious organisation/leader or other elder
    Local community/civilian group(s)/civil society organisations
  • Mediator, facilitator or similar

    Mediator or similar referred to

    Mediator (references)

    Mediators: Church Leaders Mediation Initiative (CLMI), led by Bishop Paride Taban Kenyi, Chairperson, CLMI; Bishop Paul P. Benjamin Yugusuk, Spokesperson, CLMI; Bishop Arkanjelo Wani Lemi, Member, CLMI Moderator: Professor Hizkias Assefa

    Type of mediator/facilitator/similar

    Domestic religious organisation/leader or other elder Local community/civilian group(s)/civil society organisations

Local issues

  • Ritual/prayer and process (including use of scripture)

    No specific mention.

  • Grievance List
    Page 2, PRELIMINARY, Mindful of the fact that the country is in need of a peaceful and durable solution to the conflict that made the SSDM/A, Cobra Faction resort to armed option;
  • Cattle rustling/banditry

    No specific mention.

  • Social cover

    No specific mention.


30th January 2014


We the Representatives of the Govemment of the Republic of South Sudan and the South Sudan Democratic Movement/Defense Army Cobra Faction met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia between January 23rd to 29th -2014, under the auspices of the Church Leaders Mediation lnitiative (CLMI) on Jonglei peace dialogue chaired by Bishop Patide Taban ;

note that they are:

Mindful of the fact that the country is in need of a peaceful and durable solution to the conflict that made the SSDM/ A, Cobra Faction resort to armed option;

Cognizant of the Unila~eral Declaration of Ceasefire by the Sudan People' s Liberation Army on January 6, 2014 and the same accepted by the S5DA, Cobra Faction as a way of creating a conducive environment for meaningful peace negotiations between the two Parties;

Aware of the current engagement in negotiations to find solutions to the conflicts taking place in Jonglei State in general, the conflict between the

Parties in particular and the necessity to reach a comprehensive peace deal in the area;

Determined to see that the country and the region is peaceful and prosperous and that the communities do not plunge into conflict and war again;

Convinced of the urgent need for reconciliation in Jonglei State in particular and the country at large;

United to realize the vision of a stable region where communities live and coexist in peace and harmony and

Further cognizant of the need to create a conducive environment for the successful completion of the negotiations;

NOW THEREFORE, the Parties hereto agree to a Cessation of Hostilities as follows:


i. The have reaffirmed their commitment to the Cease Fire Declaration unilaterally announced by the Government of the Republic of South Sudan on the 6th day of January 2014 and duly accepted by SSDM/ A Cobra Faction on the 7th day of January 2014.

ii. The further agree to an immediate cessation of hostilities, firmly commit to non-aggression between them and refrain from any other action that may undermine the negotiations taking place in Addis Ababa.

ili. As a gesture of good will and affirmation of this Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, the Government agree to investigate and to release as soon as possible any detainees alleged to be members of SSDM/ A Cobra Faction who are stili in custody of the Government.


The SSDM/ A Cobra Faction agree to remain neutral in the ongoing conflict between SPLA and the forces led by Dr. Riek Machar.


i. The Parties agree that the territories under the control of the SSDM/ A Cobra Faction shall remain a Zone of Peace.

il. SPLA troop movement into areas controlled by SSDM/ A Cobra Faction shall be notified in advance if such a movement is in the interest of the two parties.

iii. During the period of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, the SPLA mobilization in the SSDM/ A Cobra Faction areas of control shall be withheld until the final and comprehensive peace agreement is reached.


The Parties agree to refrain from all hostile propaganda aimed at each other.

They agree that no communication regarding this Cessation of Hostilities Agreement shall be made to the public without mutual agreement and the agreement of the Mediation Team of this peace negotiation.


The Church Leaders Mediation Initiative (CLMI) shall be the overall body for monitoring, supervising and solving any potential conflict that may arise or occur in the implementation of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement.

Monitoring and Verification Team

1. The Monitoring and Verification Team (MVT) shall be composed of:

i. Church members chosen by the CLMI

ii. UNMISS as per their mandate in South Sudan

iii. The Joint Military Team

2. Composition of the Joint Military Team:

The Joint military team shall comprise of an equal number from the SPLA and SSDA, Cobra Faction whose nomination, orientation and deployment shall be done by the Leadership of the two Parties.

3. The Monitoring and Verification Team (MVI) shall report to the Church Leaders Mediation Initiative.

in case of a violation of the Agreement the CLMI shall seek an amicable solution.

If the CLMI is unable to solve the matter, then the same is referred to the Leadership of the Two Parties.

Terms of Reference for MVT

The Terms of Reference for the Monitoring and Verification Team shall include, but not necessarily be limited to:

i. Monitoring of the Implementation of this Agreement.

ii. Investigating and verifying of any allegation of violation.

iii. Providing early warning about matters that might undermine the implementation of this Agreement and take appropriate measures to diffuse them.

iv. Reporting violations to the CLMI.

v. Recommending amicable solutions to any disagreement arising out of the implementation and interpretation of this Agreement.

vi. Undertaking any other function that may be appropriate for the maintenance of this Agreement.


The parties shall continue to keep humanitarian corridors open and support ali humanitarian assistance to affected areas and communities in Jonglei State.


This Agreement shall not be amended or modified unless by a mutual agreement of the f!o parties.



This Agreement shall come into force on the date of its signature by the two Parties.

in witness of the above, the representatives of the Government of South Sudan and the SSDM/A Cobra Faction have signed this agreement on 30th day of January 2014, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Head of Delegation, Government of the Republic of South Sudan

Head of Delegation, South Sudan

Democratic Movemenf/Defense Army

Cobra Faction

Witnessed by the Church Leaders Mediation Initiative (CLMI)

Emeritus Bishop Paride Taban Kenyi, Chairperson, CLMI

Bishop Paul P. Benjamin Yugusuk,

Spokesperson, CLMI

Bishop Arkanje\o Wani Lemi,
