Agreement between the GoN and Kirant Janawadi Workers Party
- Country/entityNepal
- RegionAsia and Pacific
- Agreement nameAgreement between the GoN and Kirant Janawadi Workers Party
- Date18 Jan 2009
- Agreement statusMultiparty signed/agreed
- Interim arrangementYes
- Agreement/conflict levelIntrastate/local conflict ()
- StageCeasefire/related
- Conflict natureGovernment
- Peace processNepal related-local processes
- PartiesOn behalf of Kirant Janawadi Workers Party Sd.
Anant Kranti
On behalf of GoN Talks Team
Janardhan Sharma ‘Prabhakar’
Coordinator - Third parties-
- DescriptionAn agreement in the Government of Nepal agree to consider the demands of the Kirant Janawadi Workers Party in the next round of talks and the Kirant Janawadi Workers Party agree to suspend violent activities in order to participate in the negotiations.
- Agreement document
Local agreement properties
- Process typeFormal structured process
- RationaleA dialogue team was set up by the Maoist-led government, which won the elections in April 2008. This dialogue team was again led/ coordinated by the Minister for Peace and Reconstruction, Mr Janardhan Sharma. This team pursued dialogue with the team of Kirant Janawadi Workers Party, leading to this agreement.
- Is there a documented link to a national peace process?Yes
- Link to national process: articulated rationaleGiven the recognition of the CPA for wide-ranging commitment on social and economic transformation, this can be seen to be anchored to the CPA commitment. This agreement sought for laws to be amended in accordance to the ILO Convention 169- the international convention for Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention among others.
- Name of LocaleEastern Nepal
- Nature Of LocaleRegion
- GPS Lat/Long (DD)26.809901, 87.245895
- Participant typeCentral state actor
Local armed group - Mediator, facilitator or similarNo mention of mediator or similar
Local issues
- Ritual/prayer and process (including use of scripture)
No specific mention.
- Grievance List
No specific mention.
- Cattle rustling/banditry
No specific mention.
- Social cover
No specific mention.
Agreement between the GoN and Kirant Janawadi Workers Party
A dialogue was held in a cordial atmosphere between the Talks Team of the Government of Nepal (GoN) and the Talks Team of the Kirant Janawadi Workers Party on January 18, 2009 in Dharan.
With the belief that the institutional development, strengthening of Nepal’s progressive transformation and federal democratic republic can take place only through a new people-centric constitution, and embracing the principles of sovereignty, integrity, national interest and national unity, an agreement was reached on the following points.
1. The GoN shall be responsible for the security of the members of the talks committee during the period of dialogue.
2. The Kirant Janawadi Workers Party shall suspend its violent activities and shall not engage in any unlawful activities.
In addition, the GoN shall treat the party leaders and activists as political actors.
3. The Kirant Janawadi Workers Party shall make available to the GoN a list of the people imprisoned in the course of agitation, and the GoN shall immediately release them after investigations.
4. The GoN has already ratified ILO Convention 169.
In the course of its implementation, the acts and laws shall be amended, as necessary.
5. Many of the demands put forth on the negotiation table by the Kirant Janawadi Workers Party shall be reconsidered and the GoN shall categorize the demands, carry out additional studies and homework, and discuss them in the next round of talks.
The date of the next round of talks shall be decided on mutual understanding.
On behalf of Kirant Janawadi Workers Party
Sd. Anant Kranti, Coordinator
On behalf of GoN Talks Team
Sd. Janardhan Sharma ‘Prabhakar’, Coordinator