Naivasha II Declaration
- Country/entity
- Region
Africa (excl MENA)
- Agreement name
- Naivasha II Declaration
- Date
- 19 Nov 2009
- Agreement status
- Multiparty signed/agreed
- Interim arrangement
- Yes
- Agreement/conflict level
- Intrastate/local conflict
- Stage
- Framework/substantive - partial
- Conflict nature
- Inter-group
- Peace process
- Kenya Local Agreements
- Parties
Signed by
Hon. (Prof.) George Saitoti, EGH, M.P
Hon. Ibrahim Elmi Mohamed, MP
Hon. Mohamed Yusuf Haji, EGH, MP
Hon. Simeon Lesirma, MP
Hon. Asman A. Kamama, MP
Hon. Abu Chiaba Mohamed, MGH, MP
Hon. Ndiritu Mureithi, MP
Hon. Hussein Tarry Sasura, MP
Hon. Josephat K. Nanok, MP
Hon. Linah jebii Kilimo, EGH, MP ~·
Hon. Muhdrnud Mohamed Ali, MP
Hon. Mohamed M. Mohamud, MP
Hon. Abdirahman Hassan Ali, MP
Hon. Boaz Kipchumba Kaino, MP
Hon. Raphael Letimalo, MP
Hon. Ntoitha M'Mithiaru, MP
Hon. Maison Leshoomo, MP
Hon Abdul Baheri Ali, MP - Third parties
- -
- Description
- Leaders from Arid and Semi Arid Areas committing to provide leadership in tackling banditry and cattle rustling. This is done through a process of working against the proliferation of small arms and other conflict management initiatives.
- Agreement document
- KE_091119_Naivasha II Declaration.pdf (opens in new tab) | Download PDF
Local agreement properties
- Process type
Formal structured process
- Rationale
- The agreement builds on the resolutions of Naivasha I Consultative Peace and Security Forum on ASAL Areas held at Lake Naivasha Simba Lodge on 15th-16th August, 2008. The Naivasha II Forum aimed at reviewing progress of implementation of the resolutions and recommendations of Naivasha I. The Forum was jointly convened by the Ministry of State for Provincial Administration and Internal Security (MOSPA&IS) in collaboration with the Ministry of State for the Development of Northern Kenya and Other Arid Lands (MSDNKOAL). Joint funding was done by UNDP under the Armed Violence and Reduction Project, housed at the Arid Lands Resource Management Project II, MSDNKOAL.
- Is there a documented link to a national peace process?
- No
- Link to national process: articulated rationale
- There are no references in the text of the agreement or the NSC reporting of the forum that suggests a link to the national peace process. However, it should be noted that this agreement includes MPs from a wide range of districts from across Kenya.
- Name of Locale
- Arid and Semi-Arid Lands
- Nature of Locale
- Region
- GPS Lat/Long (DD)
- 0.635432, 37.671754
- Participant type
Central state actor
International or transnational actor
Regional state actor - Mediator, facilitator or similar
- No mention of mediator or similar
Local issues
- Ritual/prayer and process (including use of scripture)
No specific mention.
- Grievance List
No specific mention.
- Cattle rustling/banditry
- Page 2,
WE the leaders drawn from Arid and Semi Arid Areas gathered at the Great Rift Valley Lodge and Golf Resort, Naivasha on the 19th day of November 2009 do hereby commit ourselves to provide effective leadership in the pursuit of peace and the eradication of cattle rustling and banditry and RESOLVE as follows:...
Page 3, 7.
Livestock Branding: design and implement appropriate branding of livestock to prevent cattle rustling and stock thefts.
Page 5, 16.
Road banditry: Ensure sustained road and highway safety and security especially:-
o Isiolo- Marsabit road
o Rumuruti - Marata] road
o Kapenguria - Kainuk- Lodwar road
o Isiolo - Kachiuru - Garbatulla road - Social cover
No specific mention.
Source agreement
Report of Naivasha II forum on Peace and Security, Nov. 2009.
Annexure I:
BUILDING on the resolutions of Naivasha I Consultative Peace and Security Forum on ASAL Areas held at Lake Naivasha Simha Lodge on 15th - 16th August, 2008;
RECOGNISING the myriad of cha llenges encountered in the peace and security realm;
REAFIRMING our commitment to building strategic partnerships in addressing issues of peace and security;
CONSIDERING the central role of political leadership and enhanced participation of the community in peace building, conflict management and armed violence reduction;
WE the leaders drawn from Arid and Semi Arid Areas gathered at the Great Rift Valley Lodge and Golf Resort, Naivasha on the 19th day of November 2009 do hereby commit ourselves to provide effective leadership in the pursuit of peace and the eradication of cattle rustling and banditry and RESOLVE as follows:
l. Naivasha 1:
ensure that the resolutions of Naivasha Declaration are fully implemented by line Ministries.
2. Disarmament:
Support comprehensive, coordinated and conflict sensitive mapping up of illi cit SALW in ASAL areas and provide adequate security to the affected communities under DUMISHA AMANI ll
3. KPR:
Fully support the restructuring, equipping, improvement, supervision, management and control of KPR including ensuring that they unde rgo basic training to instill discipline as supplementary community based security arrangement
4. Political commitment:
As political leaders and representatives of communities, be committed and take lead in all peace building and conflict management initiatives
5. Policy and legal framework:
ensure that the draft policies on development of Arid & Semi Arid Lands (ASAL, Small Arms & Light Weapons (SALW) and Peace Building & Conflict Management (PBCM) ar e approved and implemented and enforce stiff penalties for illegal arms possession including supporting the formal ratification and domestication of the Protocol on the Prevention, Combating and Eradication of Cattle Rustling in Eastern Africa.
6. Cluster approach to peace:
Support cluster approach in addressing conflicts in the region;
a) cross border clusters:-
o Karamoja/ Ateker Cluster
o Somali clusters.
o Upper Eastern/ Oromia cluster
b) Local clusters
o Turkana/ Pokot/Samburu Central and North, Trans Nzoia Cluster,
o Isiolo Triangle - Greater Marsabit, Wajir, lsiolo, Meru and Samburu East Cluster
o Tana River Cluster
o Pokot East, Laikipia, Samburu Central, Marakwet, and Baringo Cluster
o Kuria, Greater Kisii, Greater Narok.
Greater Kericho Cluster
7. Livestock branding:
design and implement appropriate brand ing of livestock to prevent cattle rustling and stock thefts
8. Security & Administrative structures j personnel/equipments:
ensure that there are sufficient administrative, security personnel and equipment in conflict prone areas including operationalization of DSICs membership.
Officers must be decisive in dealing with offenders
o Those working well to be rewarded
o Those who are not decisive in taking appropriate action(s) to be dealt with firmly including dismissal
9. Incentives for peace -develop and implement an honours & award system that rewards peace makers and communities through commendations, peace dividends etc.
10. Strengthen CEWARN mechanism- domesticate conflict early warning system/sharing of information to trigger early rapid response.
ll. Education for peace and security:- As a long term measure, facilitate access to education in all ASAL areas in Kenya to be mainstreamed & resourced by Government
12. Peace Campaign:
Inaugurate national peace campaign.
13. Peace declarations:
Customize Inter-Community Agreements/Social Contracts e.g. Modogashe, Maikona and Naivasha Accord etc.
14. Coordination:
Operationalise an inter-ministerial secretariat to coordinate jointly with the National Steering Committee on Peace Building and Conflict Management to implement Naivasha I and Il Declarations.
15. Peace dialogues:
In partnership with Ministries of State for Provincial Administration & Internal Security and Development of Northern Kenya and other ASALs, organize meetings in the next three (3) months in the clusters to restore confidence among the people
16. Road banditry:
Ensure sustained road and highway safety and security especially:-
o Isiolo- Marsabit road
o Rumuruti - Marata] road
o Kapenguria - Kain uk- Lodwar road
o Isiolo - Kachiuru - Garbatulla road
Signed by;-
l. Hon. (
Prof.) George Saitoti, EGH, M.P
2. Hon.
Ibrahim Elmi Mohamed, MP
3. Hon.
Mohamed Yusuf Haji, EGH, MP
4. Hon.
Simeon Lesirma, MP
s. Hon.
Asman A. Kamama, MP
6. Hon.
Abu Chiaba Mohamed, MGH, MP
7. Hon.
Ndiritu Mureithi, MP
8. Hon.
Hussein Tarry Sasura, MP
9. Hon.
Josephat K. Nanok, MP
10. Hon.
Linah jebii Kilimo, EGH, MP ~·
11. Hon.
Muhdrnud Mohamed Ali, MP
12. Hon.
Mohamed M. Mohamud, MP
13. Hon.
Abdirahman Hassan Ali, MP
14. Hon.
Boaz Kipchumba Kaino, MP
15. Hon.
Raphael Letimalo, MP
16. Hon.
Ntoitha M'Mithiaru, MP
17. Hon.
Maison Leshoomo, MP
18. Hon Abdul Baheri Ali, MP
19th November 2009