Acte d'Engagement Entre Les Groupes Anti-Balakas de la Nana Membere et 3R (Bouar Agreement)

Central African Republic
Africa (excl MENA)
Agreement name
Acte d'Engagement Entre Les Groupes Anti-Balakas de la Nana Membere et 3R (Bouar Agreement)
14 Dec 2017
Agreement status
Multiparty signed/agreed
Interim arrangement
Agreement/conflict level
Intrastate/local conflict
Framework/substantive - partial
Conflict nature
Peace process
CAR: Local Processes
Pour le groupe ANTI-BALAKA représenté par M. Adamou Sylvain GBOKAO NDALE
Pour le groupe 3R répresenté par M. SIDIKI ABADDI
Third parties
M. Jonad DONON - Membre de l'Assemblée Nationale
M. Amadou ISSA ADAMOU - Conseiller du Chef de l'Etat en Matière de l'Agriculture de et l'Elevage
M. Alexis NAGUEZANGBA - Préfet de la Nana-Mambere
M. Paul Shaba BAGAZA YEDERE - Sous-Préfet de Bouar
M. Lazare NAMBENA - Président de la Délégation Spéciale de la Ville de Bouar
M. Roger GODONGAI - Commandant de la FACA dans la Nana-Mambere
Mme. Christine KAPALATA - Chef de Bureau de la MINUSCA a Bouar
M. Augusti KOULAS - Représentant du Centre pour le Dialogue Humaitaire (HD)
Agreement signed between rival armed factions in Bouar, in the province of Nana-Mambéré, in which they commit to an unconditional ceasefire as well as the cessation of all hostilities and attacks against armed fighters from the opposite side. The agreement also includes a number of provisions related to disarmament, economic recovery, return of the displaced, freedom of people and goods and free access to health and education. Later reports of the UN recorded the date at 15 December 2017, however the date on the photographed original is clearly 14 December 2017.

Local agreement properties

Process type
Formal structured process
The process leading to the signing of this agreement was facilitated by national, regional, and local authorities, the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD), and MINUSCA. Another agreement between five armed group in West CAR, including 3R, was signed about 10 months later (see La Declaration de Coordination des Groupes Armes RCP, 20/10/2018), suggesting that this is not an isolated example.
Is there a documented link to a national peace process?
Link to national process: articulated rationale
While the agreement references the Bangui National Forum of 4-11 May 2015 (p.1), neither the agreement text nor limited background research suggests a link to the national-level peace process.
Name of Locale
Nana-Mambéré prefecture
Nature of Locale
GPS Lat/Long (DD)
6.192070, 15.227413
Participant type
Central state actor
Local state actor
Local armed group
International or transnational actor
Regional state actor
Mediator, facilitator or similar
Mediator or similar referred to
Mediator (references)
Facilitators: National and prefecture authorities: M. Amadou ISSA ADAMOU - Advisor to the Head of State on Agriculture and Livestock; M. Alexis NAGUEZANGBA - Prefect of Nana-Mambéré; M. Paul Shaba BAGAZA YEDERE - Sub-Prefet of Bouar; M. Lazare NAMBENA - President of the Special Delegation of the City of Bouar; with support from MINSUCA / Mme. Christine KAPALATA - MINUSCA Office Manager in Bouar, and the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) / M. Augusti KOULAS - Representative of HD
Type of mediator/facilitator/similar
Central state actor Regional state actor Local state actor International or transnational actor

Local issues

Ritual/prayer and process (including use of scripture)

No specific mention.

Grievance List
Page 2, PREAMBULE, Expressing deep regret towards the persistent violations of the previous ceasefire agreements, as well as the loss of lives and property caused by the latest conflicts;
Cattle rustling/banditry
Page 2, Article 3, Upon signature of the Agreement, the use of weapons, as well as aggressive acts such as the burning of villages and granaries, theft of livestock, further attacks on civilians and any other act that may constitute or facilitate a violation of the Agreement must cease immediately.

Page 3, Article 5, The Parties, under the supervision of the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue shall jointly outline with Community leaders, the conditions for the operation of local mechanisms for the prevention and management of the problems related to violence. These will act in the event of aggression, extortion and livestock theft, often a source of inter-communal tension and bloody clashes between the Parties.

Page 3, Article 6, The transport of animals within Nana-Mambéré or from Nana-Mambéré to other localities of the CAR will be accompanied by a Certificate of Origin, to better control the livestock movement and to prevent theft.

Page 3, Article 7, The Parties’ commitment to peace, reconciliation and social cohesion implies amongst other things:
e) Tolerance towards private property (houses, vehicles, agricultural parcels, livestock, etc.);
Social cover

No specific mention.

Source agreement





We, Adamou Sylvain GBOKAO NDALE and SIDIKI ABBASSI, representatives respectively of the armed groups 3R and Anti-Balaka, situated in the Nana-Mambéré prefecture, hereinafter referred to as the Parties;

Bearing in mind the previous initiatives taken by the international community to negotiate a peace in the CAR, signed on 23 July 2014 in Brazzaville;

Bearing in mind the efforts of MINUSCA to support the Central-African authorities in general, and the authorities of Nana-Mambéré in particular, in their quest for peace and reconciliation in the country;

Bearing in mind the national desire to build a nation-wide peaceful society, including that of the nation’s largest forces, such as the Religious Authorities, Civil Society, and political parties;

Bearing in mind the recommendations of the Bangui National Forum from 04 to 11 May 2015, the most important of which are contained in the Republican Agreement for Peace, National Reconciliation and Reconstruction in the CAR.

Bearing in mind the will of his Excellency, Professor Faustin Archange TUUDERA, Head of State, repeated in his various statements (Inauguration of 30 March 2016, Kigali, Brussels) and the more recent addresses to the nation of 3 December 2016 and 1 December 2017, to promote dialogue and national reconciliation between all the sons and daughters of the Central African Republic;

Expressing deep regret towards the persistent violations of the previous ceasefire agreements, as well as the loss of lives and property caused by the latest conflicts;

Conscious of the fact that without our commitment to the cardinal principles of good governance, tolerance and peaceful coexistence, the people of the prefecture of Nana-Mambéré cannot achieve overall economic growth or social-economic progress for present and future generations;

Recognizing that the responsibility to determine the fate of our region depends on the realities of our country and on the basic values of justice, the rule of law, democracy, good governance, respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms, unity and solidarity.

This alongside mutual understanding and cooperation between different ethnic communities and religious groups;

Reaffirming our commitment to cease all violence and determined to move firmly towards an environment of peace, social cohesion, reconciliation and well-being of the people of Nana-Mambéré;

By signing this Agreement, we take a solemn pledge to the government authorities, the representatives of MINUSCA, and to the people, to refrain from any action on our part that may undermine the security and well-being of the population.

We agree on the following:

Article I The Parties shall undertake a non-aggression agreement from the date of signature of this document.

Article 2 Upon signature of the Agreement, the Parties shall jointly observe an unconditional ceasefire and cessation of hostilities or aggression against the armed forces of both parties, and against the civilian populations of all the towns of Nana-Mambéré.

Article 3 Upon signature of the Agreement, the use of weapons, as well as aggressive acts such as the burning of villages and granaries, theft of livestock, further attacks on civilians and any other act that may constitute or facilitate a violation of the Agreement must cease immediately.

Article 4 Over the thirty (30) days following the Agreement’s entry into force, the Parties shall establish with the support of the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue:

1. An information exchange network composed of community leaders, with the involvement of Party leaders

2. Detailed mapping that will define:

- Areas from which or to which the groups must withdraw;

- Demilitarized zones to serve as a buffer zone between the respective armed combatants of the Parties.

For the purposes of this document, a demilitarized zone is an area where neither party has a temporary or permanent base.

Article 5 The Parties, under the supervision of the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue shall jointly outline with Community leaders, the conditions for the operation of local mechanisms for the prevention and management of the problems related to violence.

These will act in the event of aggression, extortion and livestock theft, often a source of inter-communal tension and bloody clashes between the Parties.

Article 6 The transport of animals within Nana-Mambéré or from Nana-Mambéré to other localities of the CAR will be accompanied by a Certificate of Origin, to better control the livestock movement and to prevent theft.

Article 7 The Parties’ commitment to peace, reconciliation and social cohesion implies amongst other things:

a) The free movement of persons and goods, including humanitarian organizations in NanaMambéré;

b) Free access to health facilities, such as hospitals and medical centers;

c) Free access to schools and other public buildings;

d) Commitment to returning persons in Nana-Mambéré who were displaced during Party hostilities

e) Tolerance towards private property (houses, vehicles, agricultural parcels, livestock, etc.);

f) The use of local traditional mechanisms of conflict management in the event of disputes regarding use of natural resources;

g) The systematic use of the exchange network established by this agreement in the event of disagreements

Article 8 The Parties commit to respecting and implementing the provisions of the Agreement to ensure the successful establishment and consolidation of peace and social cohesion in the prefecture of Nana-Mambéré.

Article 9 Upon signature of the Agreement, the Parties shall, individually and collectively, take specific joint measures to inform their respective combatants and supporters and the populations in general of the localities concerned, to stop hostile acts against each other and any other act capable of jeopardizing peace in Nana-Mambéré.

These include ethnic and religious discrimination, intimidation, extortion, the use of hostile propaganda and incitement that may harm life or cause damage to property.

Article 10 The terms of the Agreement will be communicated simultaneously to the civilian population by local radio, print media and other means of communication.

Article 11 The Parties agree to meet monthly as part of the exchange network established by the Agreement as a trust-building measure between the Parties.

Article 11 The Parties agree to meet monthly as part of the exchange network established by the Agreement as a trust-building measure between the Parties.

Article 12 This Agreement shall come into force upon its signature.

Done in Bouar (Nana-Mambéré) on 14 December 2017

For the ANTI-BALAKA group represented by

M. Adamou Sylvain GBOKAO NDALE [signature]

For the 3R group represented by

M. SIDIKI ABADDI [signature]


M. Jonad DONON [signature]

Member of he National Assembly

M. Amadou ISSA ADAMOU [signature]

Advisor to the Head of State on Agriculture and Livestock

M. Alexis NAGUEZANGBA [signature]

Prefect of Nana-Mambéré

M. Paul Shaba BAGAZA YEDERE [signature]

Sub-Prefet of Bouar

M. Lazare NAMBENA [signature]

President of the Special Delegation of the City of Bouar

M. Roger GODONGAI [signature]

FACA Commander in Nana-Mambéré

Mme. Christine KAPALATA [signature]

MINUSCA Office Manager in Bouar

M. Augusti KOULAS [signature]

Representative of the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD)