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Document of Reconciliation and Forgiveness Between the Families of the Al Ali bin Ahmad Al Awlaqi Clan

  • Country/entity

  • Region

    Middle East and North Africa
  • Agreement name

    Document of Reconciliation and Forgiveness Between the Families of the Al Ali bin Ahmad Al Awlaqi Clan
  • Date

    7 Apr 2019
  • Agreement status

    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement

  • Agreement/conflict level

    Intrastate/local conflict ( Yemeni Civil Wars (1994) (2011 - ) )
  • Stage

    Framework/substantive - comprehensive
  • Conflict nature

  • Peace process

    Yemen Inter-group Agreements
  • Parties

    Sheikh Saleh bin Fareed bin Muhsin Al Awlaqi

    Muhammad Mufni Abdullah Fareed

    Sheikh Saleh bin Abdullah BaDhayaf

    Abdullah Masa’ Abd Rabboh Batinah

    Sheikh Abdullah Saeed Al Qirai’

    Ali Ahmad Muhammad

    Muhammad Ali Al Sawd

    Saber Nasser

    Ahmad Fareed Hadi Abdullah


    Awadh Muhammad Al Tabalah

    Abdullah Saleh Abdullah Al Fayadh

    Nasser Salem Ahmad BaFayadh

    Ali Salem Barlak

    Mahdi Nasser Ali Muneeb Saber BaHada

    Saleh Salem Al Saadi BaFat

    Saleh Ahmad Omar Al Madhaji

    Abdullah Saleh Salem Mithaq

    Khalid Abdullah Shidhayah

    Muhsin Salem Saber

    Nasser Salem Sulaiman Mirbish BaFayadh

    Salem Mudheeb Muhammad BaHada

    Maqrouh Ali BaHada

    Mubarak Salem BaHada

    Muslih Muhammad Saleh

    Saber Saeed Salem BaHada

    Fahd Ahmad Muhammad Abdulsalam

    Muhsin Muhammad Mueen Baqarn BaHada

    Hamid Hasan Hamid

    Abd Rabboh Abdullah Muhammad

    Abdullah Ali Daqal

    Ali Lasawd [ILLEGIBLE]

    Ali Salem Dami

    Ali Sa’rit Al Usr

    Ahmad Muhammad Saleh

    Saeed Ali

    Saleh Tamer Ajroum

    Munassar Abdullah Awadh

    Muneer Ahmad Ajroum

    Nasser [ILLEGIBLE] Firaih Bin Shibah

    Maher Saeed Balkhair
  • Third parties

    CC: - The Office of the Minister of Interior - The Governor of the Shabwa Governorate - The Governorate Security Director - The Al Saeed Court Judge - The Al Saeed Public Prosecutor - The Shabwa Appellate Court Judge - The Shabwa Appellate Public Prosecutor
  • Description

    This agreement which addresses an ongoing tribal conflict, commits the parties to reconciling sub-divisions within the same clan, drawing a line under the dispute and recognising the signing as an official pardon of all those involved in the conflict by the wider clan. Societal leaders and dignitaries of the clan addressed issues involved in the tribal conflict including specific incidents of killings during a period between 2014 and 2019. These issues are expressed as unresolved by the previous related agreement, this agreement commits the signatories to ensure that compensations are made to the families of 11 men killed in the tribal feud as well as ensuring general reconciliation across all branches of the tribe.

Local agreement properties

  • Process type

    Formal structured process
  • Rationale

    It appears there is a systematic process of invitation of important social figures within the local network made by a Sheikh in this agreement (and this also tends to reoccur as a normative practice in a number of other tribal agreements throughout the country). There also appears to be a historic practice of signing similar types of agreement carried out by the tribe involved, this is explicitly mentioned in the agreement text. There is some form of support in the form of presence/encouragement/witnessing(to be clarified by 'CC' but possibly suggests form of presence) by either or both regional leaders and national figureheads, in the form of the interior ministry - even if CC does just mean copied or informed of the agreement, there may be meaning as to why this local agreement specifically was raised for attention at that level.
  • Is there a documented link to a national peace process?

  • Link to national process: articulated rationale

    There is no direct reference of the wider process in the text - either by content/specific issues or to the broader process. There is an ambiguous mention of the 'representatives'(which could involve those listed as 'CC' as the text notes representatives as being prominent/social figures)expressing the importance of the need for 'unity' in light of the 'difficult situation we are going through' - which may be a reference to the wider conflict in the context of the sentence. There may also be meaning or interpretation in the fact that one of the third parties is the office of the minister of interior - a government body which has been at the forefront of attempting to manage the armed forces connected to the Southern Transitional Council, as it has evolved as its own entity in the South. Traditionally the governorate(Shabwah) that this agreement addresses would be central to this devolved Southern power dynamic, as Shabwah has historically tended to hold a level of autonomy from central government. This connection to broader national efforts regarding Hadi's process and national unity could explain the presence/mention of the interior ministry in this agreement.
  • Name of Locale

  • Nature Of Locale

  • GPS Lat/Long (DD)

    14.529495, 46.829847
  • Participant type

    Local armed group
  • Mediator, facilitator or similar

    Mediator or similar referred to

    Mediator (references)

    Sheikh Saleh bin Fareed bin Muhsin Al Awlaqi is considered as the Mediator here as the person who invites the parties to talks and signs the agreement himself.

    Type of mediator/facilitator/similar

    Domestic religious organisation/leader or other elder

Local issues

  • Ritual/prayer and process (including use of scripture)
    Page 1, In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

    Page 1, All praises be to Allah, who said “Whoever pardons and seeks reconciliation, then their reward is with Allah.”

    Page 1, And He said: “Whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity.”

    Page 1, Untitled preamble, ... This bloodshed has been carried out without purpose and without end, harming everyone, and it does not please Allah, his Messenger, or any human being for this to continue. These representatives saw the importance of finding root solution to all of these problems, ensuring that these solutions please Allah and please all involved, especially since we are in dire need today of unity and to stand together because of the difficult situation that we are going through requires that we all stand together. We also hope to build a solid foundation of brotherhood and cooperation, as well as a safe future for us and our children, free of any of the negatives and diseases of the past. ...

    Page 2, May Allah guide us.
  • Grievance List
    Page 1, Paragraph 1, ...This document is applicable for all of the issues that were not included within the scope of tribal vendettas as they are known to the tribes of Arabia, and it includes the issues that have come up recently, starting with the accidental killings and followed by cases of killings. These issues were solved with solutions that were incorrect and irrational, and there were specific entities that were benefitting from these problems and feeding into them.

    Based on that, the families of Al Ali bin Ahmad clan, represented by their sheikhs, dignitaries, elders, prominent figures, and social figures, have met on this blessed day and agreed to put an end to this bloodshed between the members of the clan. This bloodshed has been carried out without purpose and without end, harming everyone, and it does not please Allah, his Messenger, or any human being for this to continue.

    Page 2, Paragraph 1, The cases that are addressed by this document were selected, and they are the cases of eleven men
    who were killed. They were all from the tribes of Ali bin Ahmad, and the following is a list of
    their names:

    1. Ahmad Hanash Awadh
    2. Aamer Muhammad Ali Atef
    3. Muhammad Abdullah Awadh Al Sawah
    4. Jamel Khalid Muhammad Ali Atef
    5. Muhammad Salem Ali Numair
    6. Saleh Nasser Salem Atiah
    7. Ali Muhammad Hussein Al Arsah
    8. Abu Bakr Ahmad Hanash Awadh
    9. Saleh Salem Al Ja’ar
    10. Assem Nasser Atef
    11. Abdullah Salem Nasser Al Awfah

    Naturally the listing of the names of the men should be viewed implicitly as a form of grievance and the provisions then go on to expand on the actions to be taken in relation to the provision that lists the names.

    Page 2, 1. All of the eleven men who were killed are the men of the Ali bin Ahmad clan, and they are all our brothers and our sons. Their loss is our loss, and it is our blood that was shed.
  • Cattle rustling/banditry

    No specific mention.

  • Social cover

    No specific mention.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Sunday, 7 April 2019

Document of Reconciliation and Forgiveness Between the Families of the Al Ali bin Ahmad Al Awlaqi Clan

All praises be to Allah, who said “Whoever pardons and seeks reconciliation, then their reward is with Allah.”

And He said:

“Whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity.”

Based on the generous invitation of our honored sheikh, Sheikh Saleh bin Fareed bin Muhsin Al Awlaqi, the sheikhs, dignitaries, and elders of the Al Ali bin Ahmad bin Ma’n Al Awlaqi clan, and all of the prominent and social figures of the clan, were invited for talks.

After discussing the matter amongst themselves, they communicated with the various groups involved and all of those who wish good for the tribe and its future regarding a tribal truce.

Their meeting was conducted for the tribe and in order to put out the fire of conflict and evil and to promote anything that will strengthen the ties of family, brotherhood, and love between the clans, branches, and families of the tribe.

Based on that, this blessed idea was formed, and it is based on building a foundation for reconciliation, forgiveness, and moving on from the past and all of its catastrophes and injuries.

This idea is based on building bridges of love between the various tribal components and bridging the gaps between them.

All of the tribes of the Al Ali clan agreed to this, under the leadership and generous sponsorship of our sheikh, Sheikh Saleh bin Fareed Al Awlaqi, during a meeting on Sunday, 7 April 2019.

They decided, during this meeting, to deal with and resolve all of the issues of killings between the members of the tribe during the period from 2014 and until today.

This agreement is a continuation of previous agreements between the tribes of Al Ali, who have always been at the forefront of finding rational solutions for their problems, since 1992.

This document is applicable for all of the issues that were not included within the scope of tribal vendettas as they are known to the tribes of Arabia, and it includes the issues that have come up recently, starting with the accidental killings and followed by cases of killings.

These issues were solved with solutions that were incorrect and irrational, and there were specific entities that were benefitting from these problems and feeding into them.

Based on that, the families of Al Ali bin Ahmad clan, represented by their sheikhs, dignitaries, elders, prominent figures, and social figures, have met on this blessed day and agreed to put an end to this bloodshed between the members of the clan.

This bloodshed has been carried out without purpose and without end, harming everyone, and it does not please Allah, his Messenger, or any human being for this to continue.

These representatives saw the importance of finding root solution to all of these problems, ensuring that these solutions please Allah and please all involved, especially since we are in dire need today of unity and to stand together because of the difficult situation that we are going through requires that we all stand together.

We also hope to build a solid foundation of brotherhood and cooperation, as well as a safe future for us and our children, free of any of the negatives and diseases of the past.

The cases that are addressed by this document were selected, and they are the cases of eleven men who were killed.

They were all from the tribes of Ali bin Ahmad, and the following is a list of their names:

Ahmad Hanash Awadh

Aamer Muhammad Ali Atef

Muhammad Abdullah Awadh Al Sawah

Jamel Khalid Muhammad Ali Atef

Muhammad Salem Ali Numair

Saleh Nasser Salem Atiah

Ali Muhammad Hussein Al Arsah

Abu Bakr Ahmad Hanash Awadh

Saleh Salem Al Ja’ar

Assem Nasser Atef

Abdullah Salem Nasser Al Awfah

The representatives of the tribes of Ali bin Ahmad that have signed this agreement have agreed to the following solutions:

All of the eleven men who were killed are the men of the Ali bin Ahmad clan, and they are all our brothers and our sons.

Their loss is our loss, and it is our blood that was shed.

The people of the Ali bin Ahmad clan have decided to forgive and forget for all of their members who were killed.

They did this to please Allah first and foremost, and also to strengthen the ties of brotherhood and family, stop the bloodshed between brothers in religion and in tribe, and for their future and the future of their children.

This pardon is from the all of the Al Ali clan, and it includes all of them.

This pardon cannot be retracted, and there cannot be any claims or suits after this.

Sheikh Saleh bin Fareed Al Awlaqi shall pay the compensation to the families of the victims, at the rate of 10 million Yemeni rials to each one of the families of the victims, and we reiterate that these men who were killed are our brothers and our dead.

With this document, we all consider this issue to be done with, and to be the last of our terrible problems from this past.

It shall be a foundation for us to build a society that is free of wars and vendettas, and one with a future of peace, stability, and brotherhood for our children and their futures.

May Allah guide us.


The Office of the Minister of Interior

The Governor of the Shabwa Governorate

The Governorate Security Director

The Al Saeed Court Judge

The Al Saeed Public Prosecutor

The Shabwa Appellate Court Judge

The Shabwa Appellate Public Prosecutor









Sheikh Saleh bin Fareed bin Muhsin Al Awlaqi


Muhammad Mufni Abdullah Fareed



Sheikh Saleh bin Abdullah BaDhayaf


Abdullah Masa’ Abd Rabboh Batinah



Sheikh Abdullah Saeed Al Qirai’


Ali Ahmad Muhammad



Muhammad Ali Al Sawd


Saber Nasser



Ahmad Fareed Hadi Abdullah





Awadh Muhammad Al Tabalah


Abdullah Saleh Abdullah Al Fayadh



Nasser Salem Ahmad BaFayadh


Ali Salem Barlak



Mahdi Nasser Ali Muneeb Saber BaHada


Saleh Salem Al Saadi BaFat



Saleh Ahmad Omar Al Madhaji


Abdullah Saleh Salem Mithaq



Khalid Abdullah Shidhayah


Muhsin Salem Saber



Nasser Salem Sulaiman Mirbish BaFayadh


Salem Mudheeb Muhammad BaHada



Maqrouh Ali BaHada


Mubarak Salem BaHada



Muslih Muhammad Saleh


Saber Saeed Salem BaHada


Fahd Ahmad Muhammad Abdulsalam


Muhsin Muhammad Mueen Baqarn BaHada


Hamid Hasan Hamid


Abd Rabboh Abdullah Muhammad


Abdullah Ali Daqal


Ali Lasawd [ILLEGIBLE]


Ali Salem Dami


Ali Sa’rit Al Usr


Ahmad Muhammad Saleh


Saeed Ali


Saleh Tamer Ajroum


Munassar Abdullah Awadh


Muneer Ahmad Ajroum


Nasser [ILLEGIBLE] Firaih Bin Shibah


Maher Saeed Balkhair


It is required that the family of the victim be appeased.