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Final signed agreement for al-Waer

  • Country/entity

  • Region

    Middle East and North Africa
  • Agreement name

    Final signed agreement for al-Waer
  • Date

    13 Mar 2017
  • Agreement status

    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement

  • Agreement/conflict level

  • Stage

  • Conflict nature

  • Peace process

    Intra-Syrian Process (state/non-state)
  • Parties

    Representatives of al-Waer Neighbourhood
    Representatives of the Security Committee in Homs Governorate
    The Russian side
  • Third parties

  • Description

    Final agreement of a long negotiation process for al-Waer neighbourhood in the city of Homs. The agreement provides for the renewal of a ceasefire, a settlement programme that includes DDR and an amnesty for defectors of the Syrian army. The agreement also organises the evacuation of opposition fighters under the supervision of the Russian army, and includes the lifting of checkpoints.

Local agreement properties

  • Process type

    Formal structured process
  • Rationale

    The agreement is signed by the governmental security committee in Homs, which is affiliated with the Syrian regime, and the Russian side. This is the final agreement of a long negotiation process between the Syrian regime and its allies and oppositions groups in al-Waer neighbourhood (continuous process since April 2014 and reinvigorated in August 2016).
  • Is there a documented link to a national peace process?

  • Link to national process: articulated rationale

    The agreement is signed by the governmental security committee in Homs, which is affiliated with the Syrian regime, and the Russian side.
  • Name of Locale

    al-Waer neighbourhood
  • Nature Of Locale

  • GPS Lat/Long (DD)

    34.740858, 36.670604
  • Participant type

    Central state actor
    Local state actor
    Local community/civilian group(s)/civil society organisations
  • Mediator, facilitator or similar

    No mention of mediator or similar

Local issues

  • Ritual/prayer and process (including use of scripture)

    No specific mention.

  • Grievance List

    No specific mention.

  • Cattle rustling/banditry

    No specific mention.

  • Social cover
    Page 1,
    F – The conditions of deserters from the Syrian Arab Army are dealt with by placing them in a temporary settlement centre, and they are not subject to any penalty related to their escape until their situation is resolved by returning them to conscription service

Agreement ((Homs - Al-Waer neighbourhood))

Terms of Agreement

Continuation of the cease-fire.

Settlement process:

A – Opening the settlement centre in the Criminal Security Branch in al-Waer neighbourhood and settling the situation (Those who wish) of militants and the rest of the wanted individuals, starting from 12 March 2017, over a period of (24) hours.

B – Every militant who performs the settlement process and does not handover his weapon pledges that he does not own any weapon, and if he is caught possessing a weapon, the settlement will be cancelled, and legal measures will be taken against him.

C – The settlement period will last for three months from the date of signing the agreement, and no one from al-Waer neighbourhood will be arrested during this period.

D- Each person who is part of the settlement shall be given a document proving that.

E – The status of employees and students will be settled by the authorities concerned with their affairs.

F – The conditions of deserters from the Syrian Arab Army are dealt with by placing them in a temporary settlement centre, and they are not subject to any penalty related to their escape until their situation is resolved by returning them to conscription service

G – Those who fail to perform conscription service, or reserve service, are given six months to regularize their status.

3. The process of exit from al-Waer neighbourhood

A – The departure of the first batch of militants is within seven days from the date of signing the agreement, with a number of (1500) people, provided that among them there are (400-500) militants.

B – The exit of the batch will continue on a weekly basis and in the same number until the end of the agreement.

C – The Syrian forces and the Russian forces bear full responsibility for the safety of those leaving the neighbourhood.

D – The exit process is organized to one of the following areas:

(Jarablus - Idlib – the northern countryside of Homs).

4. A general committee will be formed consisting of representatives (al-Waer neighbourhood committee – Homs' security committee – the Russian side) to supervise the implementation of the settlement and resolve violations.

5. The 7th Island and al-Waer orchards [two neighbourhoods in al-Waer] will be fully received simultaneously with the exit of the last batch of militants, with the participation of the Russian military police

6. Opening the crossings:

A – The Mohandesin roundabout crossing will be opened in both directions (for pedestrians only) after the first batch of militants leave.

B – Food and goods normally enter after the first batch of militants have left.

7. The issue of ensuring the security of civilians in al-Waer neighbourhood is the responsibility of the general intelligence branch and the civil police in coordination with the Russian military police to preserve citizens’ property and secure crossings entry and exit for citizens (from and to) al-Waer neighbourhood.

The Homs security committee ensures that no other party enters al-Waer neighbourhood.

8. Reactivating the public facilities, starting with their preparation, opening the roads leading to them, and securing them by the Homs Governorate, in coordination with al-Waer neighbourhood committee.

9. A committee shall be formed to preserve the property and documents of the justice palace [the court] and hand it over to the Governor of Homs or his representative upon entering al-Waer neighbourhood.

10. No innocent person shall be arrested because of kinship.

11. The period of implementation of the agreement is two months from the date of signing.

Homs, 13 March 2017

Representatives of al-Waer Neighbourhood

Representatives of the Security Committee in Homs Governorate

The Russian side