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Union-level agreement between Pa-Oh National Organization (PNLO) and Union Peacemaking Working Committee (UPWC)

  • Country/entity

  • Region

    Asia and Pacific
  • Agreement name

    Union-level agreement between Pa-Oh National Organization (PNLO) and Union Peacemaking Working Committee (UPWC)
  • Date

    23 Mar 2013
  • Agreement status

    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement

  • Agreement/conflict level

    Intrastate/intrastate conflict ( Myanmar Conflict (1948 - ) )
  • Stage

  • Conflict nature

  • Peace process

    Myanmar ceasefires process with ethnic armed groups
  • Parties

    Pa-Oh National Organization (PNLO) and Union Peacemaking Working Committee (UPWC); Representatives from PNLO
    U Khun Okkar (Chairman)
    U Khun Myint Htun (General Secretary)
    Representatives from UPWC
    U Aung Min (Union Minister)
    U Khin Mg Soe (Union Minister)
  • Third parties

  • Description

    Ceasefire agreement with other clauses pertaining to the distribution of national identity cards, development projects, and a continuation of political talks.

  • Main category

    Page 1-2, Youth, Women and Labour
    (a) To help the coordination and promotion of Pa-O youth, women and workers
    (b) To promote the participation of youth, women and laborers at each level of the political process
    (c) To permit the Pa-O national conference, youth conference, women conference and labour conference in accordance with the law
    ... (e) To permit promoting the empowerment of youth, women and labors

Women, girls and gender

  • Participation
    Page 1-2, Youth, Women and Labour
    (a) To help the coordination and promotion of Pa-O youth, women and workers
    (b) To promote the participation of youth, women and laborers at each level of the political process
    (c) To permit the Pa-O national conference, youth conference, women conference and labour conference in accordance with the law
    ... (e) To permit promoting the empowerment of youth, women and labors
  • Equality

    No specific mention.

  • Particular groups of women

    No specific mention.

  • International law

    No specific mention.

  • New institutions

    No specific mention.

  • Violence against women

    No specific mention.

  • Transitional justice

    No specific mention.

  • Institutional reform

    No specific mention.

  • Development

    No specific mention.

  • Implementation

    No specific mention.

  • Other

    No specific mention.

Union Level agreement between PNLO and UPWC

(unofficial translation)

23 March 2013 Myanmar Peace Center, Yangon


1. On August 25, 2012, PNLO and state government authorities signed a ceasefire agreement to halt fighting.

If other armed groups enter the PNLO controlled area, UPWC must help to solve the problem.

Code of Conduct

2. Code of Conduct must be uniform for all ceasefire groups.

Both sides agreed to study and review the terms.

Liaison Office and Economic office

3. In accordance with the state level peace agreement, a liaison office has been opened in Taunggyi city.

Both sides agreed to open other liaison offices in Hsee Hsai and Mauk Mae, as well as a business office in Tha Htone city.

National Identity Card

4. Both sides agreed that the UPWC will help PNLO members and other civilians to obtain official national identity cards.

Relief, Resettlement, Anti-Narcotics and Development

5.(a) PNLO will submit a proposal for Ka Du Gyi and Mae Aww road construction to the Union government

(b) Based on the constitution, the government must provide Humanitarian aid during a crisis

(c) PNLO has the permission to cooperate with INGOs and NGOs

(d) PNLO will cooperate with Union government, State government and local authorities to implement education, healthcare, agriculture-based development

(e) Union government must help anti-narcotic operations

(f) Union government must assist agriculture-based development


6. In accordance with the current constitution, PNLO can establish companies to conduct businesses related to mining, logging, cement, hotels and warehouses.


7. The two sides agreed to cooperate with the government's demining department in removing landmines along the Ka Du Gyi – Mae Aww road

Youth, Women and Labour

8. ( a) To help the coordination and promotion of Pa-O youth, women and workers

(b) To promote the participation of youth, women and laborers at each level of the political process

(c) To permit the Pa-O national conference, youth conference, women conference and labour conference in accordance with the law

(d) To permit the establishment of social networks, media, publications and broadcasting businesses

(e) To permit promoting the empowerment of youth, women and labors

Political dialogue

9. Both sides agreed to continue political talks after the PNLO and UPWC sign a union level ceasefire agreement


PNLO is a member of the UNFC and will ensure political discussions are inline with the group)

Discussion policy

10. Irrespective of group size, both sides will continue to discuss all difficulties, problems and disagreements in accordance with this agreement.

Representatives from PNLO

U Khun Okkar (Chairman)

U Khun Myint Htun (General Secretary)

Representatives from UPWC

U Aung Min (Union Minister)

U Khin Mg Soe (Union Minister)