Agreement between the Dafing, Samogo, Fulani, Dogon and Bozo communities of the Baye municipality, located in the area (“circle”) of Bankass and the region of Mopti (Baye agreement)
- Country/entity
- Region
Africa (excl MENA)
- Agreement name
- Agreement between the Dafing, Samogo, Fulani, Dogon and Bozo communities of the Baye municipality, located in the area (“circle”) of Bankass and the region of Mopti (Baye agreement)
- Date
- 25 Jul 2019
- Agreement status
- Multiparty signed/agreed
- Interim arrangement
- Yes
- Agreement/conflict level
- Intrastate/local conflict
- Stage
- Framework/substantive - partial
- Conflict nature
- Inter-group
- Peace process
- Mali Local Processes
- Parties
Dafing community representative
Tandou SENOU, customary chief of Baye
Samogo community representative
Massa DIENRE, village chief of Dien
Dogon community representative
Amoré TOGO, adviser to the village chief of Pissa
Peulh community representative
Hamarba SIDIBE, village chief of Libé Peuhl
Bozo community representative
Moussa TEMANTA, chief of the Bozos of Baye - Third parties
- [Note: The agreement refers to 'mediation undertaken for a month by local authorities and nationals with the support of the Center for humanitarian dialogue, on mandate from the Malian government which will support the peace efforts communities in central Mali;' (p. 1).]
- Description
- Local peace agreement aimed at settling inter-communal conflicts mainly fought over natural resources. Calling for, inter alia, an end to the violence, humanitarian assistance, lifting of embargoes around markets, and protection of people and their property. Mandates the setting up of a monitoring committee tasked with overseeing the agreement's implementation.
- Agreement document
- ML_190725_Agreement between the Dafi, Samoko, Fulani, Dogon and Bozo communities of the Baye municipality (Baye agreement)_tr.pdf (opens in new tab) | Download PDF
- Agreement document (original language)
- ML_190725_Accord-de-Baye.pdf (opens in new tab)
- Main category
Page 4, Chapter V: Monitoring of implementation, Article 7: A Monitoring Committee will be set up; whose mission is to:
Twenty (20) members appointed by consensus to represent all the communities will make up the Monitoring Committee. These will be two people from each of the four communities, two religious’ leaders, four representatives of women and youth, a blacksmith, and a representative of the customary chief of Baye.
Women, girls and gender
- Participation
No specific mention.
- Equality
No specific mention.
- Particular groups of women
No specific mention.
- International law
No specific mention.
- New institutions
No specific mention.
- Violence against women
No specific mention.
- Transitional justice
No specific mention.
- Institutional reform
No specific mention.
- Development
No specific mention.
- Implementation
- Implementation→Women's role and consideration in implementation of the agreementPage 4, Chapter V: Monitoring of implementation, Article 7: A Monitoring Committee will be set up; whose mission is to:
Twenty (20) members appointed by consensus to represent all the communities will make up the Monitoring Committee. These will be two people from each of the four communities, two religious’ leaders, four representatives of women and youth, a blacksmith, and a representative of the customary chief of Baye. - Other
No specific mention.
Source agreement
Peace agreement between the Dafing, Samogo, Peulh, Dogon and Bozo communities of the commune of Baye
Bankass circle, Mopti region, Mali
July 2019
We, Dafing, Samogo, Peulh, Dogon, Bozo communities of the commune of Baye from the circle of Bankass in the Mopti region of Mali, hereinafter referred to as the Parties;
Recalling that in the past the Dafing, Samogo, Peulh, Dogon and Bozo communities coexisted peacefully in the commune of Baye by overcoming any tensions that could arise around the management of the natural resources that they shared;
Aware that the conflict and the tensions which have pit us against each other for more than a year feed the security crisis which shakes the circles of Bankass and Koro, but also the Mopti region in general;
Aware that these tensions are exacerbated by the high level of danger in the region, due to the strong presence of local and jihad armed groups;
Deploring the fact that the conflict has resulted in issues with harvests, major difficulties in gaining access to the Baye trade show, and the closure of transhumance routes;
Aware that this Agreement must come in tandem with commitments to support it from the local armed groups;
Considering the results of the previous reconciliation efforts led by the State, traditional, religious and elected authorities, nationals and local persons;
Conscious that the tensions involving members of our respective communities may not be allowed to die out;
immediately with the signing of this Agreement, but rather will require a constant commitment on our part to peacefully manage disputes;
Determined to work to improve peaceful coexistence between our communities;
Gathered in Baye as part of the mediation undertaken for a month by local authorities and nationals with the support of the Center for humanitarian dialogue, on mandate from the Malian government which will support the peace efforts communities in central Mali;
Agree on the following and commit to implementing the provisions of this Agreement in full and in good faith, recognizing our primary responsibility in this regard:
Chapter I:
Article 1:
With this Agreement, the Parties declare peace between them and undertake to make every effort to maintain it.
Chapter II:
Causes and consequences of the conflict
Article 2:
The Parties agree that the conflict between them is the result of the following elements:
a) The repeated attacks and looting of villages and towns by armed individuals;
b) Targeted assassinations of influential figures;
c) Mass thefts of livestock;
d) Attacks on stalls;
e) Embargoes on certain villages, water points, weekly markets,
f) and the trade of certain products (cereals, milk, etc.);
g) The absence of the State and of the Defense and Security Forces in the commune;
h) The feeling on both sides that the neighboring communities are using armed groups to take revenge against the others;
i) The feeling of inequality in the treatment of communities;
j) Frustration due to unresolved or poorly resolved conflicts over access to inter communal natural resources;
Article 3:
The Parties agree that the conflict between that has taken place in the municipality of Baye for a year has resulted in the following:
a) The deaths of dozens of people;
b) The displacement of villages and towns;
c) Massive cattle theft;
d) Market embargoes;
e) Restrictions on access to cultivable land;
f) Restrictions on movement between municipalities that affect the communities.
Chapter III:
Commitments of the Parties
Article 4:
The Parties undertake jointly to
a) Make a strong appeal to the fighters of each community for an immediate end to the violence, and to refer to the competent authorities in the event of threats or attacks;
b) Strongly condemn all acts of aggression and violence that may be committed by members of their community;
c) Contribute to lifting the embargoes around villages, markets, etc.;
d) Oppose theft of cattle regardless of the owner's community;
e) Return stolen goods to their owners;
f) Facilitate the rapid return of displaced persons to their respective villages;
g) Facilitate the smooth running of farming and livestock activities;
h) Respect and enforce the rules for access to pastoral resources;
i) Inform and encourage community leaders to commit to peace and to disseminate only peaceful messages on social networks;
j) Urge the authorities to take all necessary measures to secure people and their property in the area concerned and throughout the Mopti region;
k) Support legitimate people at local level to find solutions amicably to cohabitation issues;
l) Disseminate this Agreement and monitor its implementation on a regular basis with the communities.
Article 5:
The Parties undertake jointly to approach the armed groups present in the commune in order to ensure their support for this Agreement and its implementation.
Chapter IV:
Recommendations to the State
Article 6:
The Parties request the State to support their pacification efforts in the commune of Baye.
More specifically, the Parties request:
a) Humanitarian assistance proportional to the needs of the communities;
b) The deployment of the Defense and Security Forces to secure people and their property;
c) Contribution to the sustainability of the Agreement by supporting the Parties in their approach to dialogue with armed persons, in order to ensure their adhesion to the process, and by supporting of the Agreement's monitoring committee;
d) Impartiality in the treatment of communities;
e) That the state encourage the behavior of its representatives who can contribute to building trust between the State and the people;
f) Expansion of the DDR process underway to include local armed youth.
Chapter V:
Monitoring of implementation
Article 7:
A Monitoring Committee will be set up;
whose mission is to:
a) Regularly update the Parties on the progress made in implementing the commitments made under this Agreement in order to strengthen its scope;
b) Prevent and manage disputes between the Parties that may lead to non-compliance with this Agreement;
c) Identify, if necessary, additional measures necessary for the inter-communal reconciliation process.
Twenty (20) members appointed by consensus to represent all the communities will make up the Monitoring Committee.
These will be two people from each of the four communities, two religious’ leaders, four representatives of women and youth, a blacksmith, and a representative of the customary chief of Baye.
Chapter V:
Management of disputes
Article 8:
The Parties will make every effort to settle out of court and negotiation any dispute between them, in the spirit of friendship and cooperation that underlies this Peace Agreement.
Article 9:
In the event of a breach of the application of this Agreement or in the event of a dispute relating to its interpretation, the Parties will refer the matter to the Monitoring Committee so that a consensual solution is identified and applied.
Article 10:
In the event of a serious breach of the application of this Agreement, and of a failure of all attempts at negotiation to remedy it, the Parties may terminate this Agreement.
Such termination will take effect on a specified termination date.
In this case, the Parties shall take all necessary measures to minimize the impact of such a decision on the pacification efforts already undertaken.
Chapter V:
Final Provisions
Article 11:
The Parties undertake to meet at least once during the first year following the signing of this Agreement in order to take stock of the implementation of the Agreement and, if necessary, renew and adjust the commitments.
Article 12:
This Agreement shall enter into force from the date of its signature by the Parties.
Done in Baye, Thursday July 25, 2019
Signatories to the Peace Agreement between the communities of the commune of Baye in the Bankass circle in the Mopti region
Baye, Thursday July 25, 2019
Dafing community representative
Tandou SENOU, customary chief of Baye
Samogo community representative
Massa DIENRE, village chief of Dien
Dogon community representative
Amoré TOGO, adviser to the village chief of Pissa
Peulh community representative
Hamarba SIDIBE, village chief of Libé Peuhl
Bozo community representative
Moussa TEMANTA, chief of the Bozos of Baye