Accord des Retour Voluntaire des DPIs des Koui

Central African Republic
Africa (excl MENA)
Agreement name
Accord des Retour Voluntaire des DPIs des Koui
3 Oct 2018
Agreement status
Multiparty signed/agreed
Interim arrangement
Agreement/conflict level
Intrastate/local conflict
Framework/substantive - partial
Conflict nature
Peace process
CAR: Local Processes
For the 3R, Mr. Sidiki Abassi

For the Anti-Balaka, Mr. Hamadou Ndale

For the DPIs [Personnes Deplacees internes], Mr Ngaibona Maxime
Third parties
Mayor of the Koui CC, Mr Yaya [illegible] Daouda
Religious leaders, Imam Abassi Modibq, Pastor Nefonyam Samuel
Youth representative (Koui), Gambo Amadou
Women's representative, Ms Bangue Pauline

Representatives of civil society:
Executive president of ONG GDAP [NGO Groupement pour le Developpement Agro Pastoral], Mr Mohamadou Dahirou
President of UDAPE, Mr Bindowo Ibrahim
In this agreement, the CAR armed groups active in the Koui sub-prefecture agree to take measures that would allow for safe return of internally displaced persons, by committing to refraining from violence, and ensuring free movement for people and goods in the area.

Main category
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Women's representative, Ms Bangue Pauline

Women, girls and gender


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Particular groups of women

No specific mention.

International law

No specific mention.

New institutions

No specific mention.

Violence against women

No specific mention.

Transitional justice

No specific mention.

Institutional reform

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Implementation→Signing or witnessing agreement
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Women's representative, Ms Bangue Pauline

No specific mention.

Source agreement

Koui IDPs Voluntary Return Agreement - October 2018 CCTD / GDAP

Given the Agreement between the Antibalakas and 3R armed groups, signed on December 15, 2017, in Bouar;

Aware of the fact that the responsibility for determining the destiny of our region falls on us, according to the realities of our country and based on the values of justice, rule of law, democracy, good governance, respect for people’s fundamental freedom and rights, unity and solidarity, mutual understanding and cooperation among different ethnic communities, and religious groups;

Reaffirm our commitment to renounce violence and cattle theft, and agreeing resolutely through the present document to engage in the voluntary return of IDPs, to restore peace, cohabitation, and reconciliation for the socio-economic well-being of the population of the Koui sub-prefecture.

By signing this Agreement, we make a solemn commitment before the local administrative authorities, religious leaders, and the population, to renounce any act that goes against the respect for free movement and social cohesion in our sub-prefecture.

We agree to the following:

Article 1:

the parties undertake to agree to the final return of IDPs to their places of origin from the date of signature of this agreement.

Article 2:

as soon as the agreement is signed, offensive acts such as the burning of villages, the theft of livestock, attacks on civilians, and any act that may constitute a violation of the agreement must cease.

Article 3:

Under the supervision of the NGO GDAP, the parties together define with the community leaders the conditions for the [illegible] in this agreement.

Article 4:

to aid the definitive return of IDPs to their places of origin to consolidate peace, rebuilding, and social cohesion [illegible], the parties commit to:

Ensuring free movement of people and goods in the Koui sub-prefecture;

Refraining from damaging, stealing, or trespassing on private property (houses, [illegible], livestock, etc.);

Resorting to traditional local mechanisms of conflict agreements between farmers and herders.

Article 5:

the parties undertake to respect and implement the provisions of the Agreement to successfully ensure the definitive return of IDPs to their respective localities.

Article 6:

As soon as the agreement is signed, the parties individually and collectively must take joint measures to sensitize the populations of the Koui sub-prefecture to accepting the voluntary return of IDPs to their localities of origin.

Article 7:

This Agreement shall be communicated to the civilian population through the media, as well as through other means of communication.

Article 8:

this Agreement comes into force upon its signature.

Done in Degaule (Koui sub-prefecture), October 03, 2018

For the 3R, Mr. Sidiki Abassi

For the Anti-Balaka, Mr. Hamadou Ndale

For the DPIs [Personnes Deplacees internes], Mr Ngaibona Maxime


Mayor of the Koui CC, Mr Yaya [illegible] Daouda

Religious leaders, Imam Abassi Modibq, Pastor Nefonyam Samuel

Youth representative (Koui), Gambo Amadou

Women's representative, Ms Bangue Pauline

Representatives of civil society:

Executive president of ONG GDAP [NGO Groupement pour le Developpement Agro Pastoral], Mr Mohamadou Dahirou

President of UDAPE, Mr Bindowo Ibrahim