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Unilateral ceasefire agreement signed between the ARDPC for peace in Ituri province

  • Country/entity

    Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Region

    Africa (excl MENA)
  • Agreement name

    Unilateral ceasefire agreement signed between the ARDPC for peace in Ituri province
  • Date

    14 Aug 2020
  • Agreement status

    Unilateral document
  • Interim arrangement

  • Agreement/conflict level

    Intrastate/intrastate conflict ( Congo Civil Wars (1996 - ) )
  • Stage

  • Conflict nature

  • Peace process

    DRC: Eastern DRC processes
  • Parties

    Pour l'ARDPC
    NGABU-NGAWI-OLIVIER [signature]
  • Third parties

    Les Témoins: 1. Pour la délégation envoyée par le Chef de l'État Floribert Ndjabu Ngabu [signature] 2. Les chefs des Groupements et des villages LOMBUMI-BLEKPA-GABRIEL [signature] Chef de groupements Nobjukpo. LODY ANGE DUANI-WILLY [signature] Chef de groupement MBR'BU. Ayyub DHEKAMA [signature] 3. Les Responsables et Représentants de l'Église Locale MBSIDZA-MALORIE Pasteur yo Zambe [illegible] [signature] pasteur CECA yo MDJARR-KPABAMEA [signature] gilbert Bbleka Catholique [signature] 4. Les Organisations de la Société Civile et de la Jeunesse LoPA-TEMBETE-PASCAL.F.E.L LB [signature] GODKA-MASTABI-PASCAL.F.E.L.R.N.D.R.A [signature] MAKI MASTARI FLORIBERT Societe civ. [signature] NGABU MAWA ALIAMINI Pres. de J. Groupes DZ'NA [signature] BUSI LOVE ESTELLA Rep. Mamans [signature]
  • Description

    Unilateral ceasefire declaration in which ARDPC, a non-state armed group active in Djugo territory, commits itself to put an end to hostilities in Ituri Province. The group provides for the safe movement of people (including displaced people), goods and humanitarian aid. It also calls on the Congolese government to provide humanitarian assistance and implement a mechanism to oversee the enforcement of the truce. Finally, the group conditions its commitment to the DDR process to the outcome of tasks with the Congolese government. This unilateral ceasefire is part of a pacification mission in Djugu territory initiated by the President of the Republic on July 13, 2020. In this context, 6 different militias have agreed to join the peace process. These are ALC/CODECO (Armée de Libération du Congo/Coopérative pour le Développement Économique du Congo), URDPC/CODECO (Union des Révolutionnaires pour la Défense du Peuple Congolais), ARDPC/CODECO (Armée des Révolutionnaires pour la Défense du Peuple Congolais), FDBD (La Force pour la Défense de la Balkanisation du Congo), Gutsi's assailants and the FDBC.

  • Main category

    Page 5, 4. Organisations de la Société Civile et de la Jeunesse
    BUSI LOVE ESTELLA Rep Mamans [Moms representative]

Women, girls and gender

  • Participation

    No specific mention.

  • Equality

    No specific mention.

  • Particular groups of women

    No specific mention.

  • International law

    No specific mention.

  • New institutions

    No specific mention.

  • Violence against women

    No specific mention.

  • Transitional justice

    No specific mention.

  • Institutional reform

    No specific mention.

  • Development

    No specific mention.

  • Implementation
    Implementation→Signing or witnessing agreement
    Page 5, 4. Organisations de la Société Civile et de la Jeunesse
    BUSI LOVE ESTELLA Rep Mamans [Moms representative]
  • Other

    No specific mention.



Having regard to the multiple calls made by the Congolese Head of State to various armed groups active in the East of the DRC to cease hostilities;

Having regard to the Congolese Head of State’s invitation to end violence in Ituri during his visit to Djugu territory in July 2019;

Having regard to the Congolese Head of State’s wish and commitment to restore the authority of the State in Djugu territory;

Having regard to the mission of keeping peace in Ituri which the Congolese Head of State entrusted to certain community leaders sent from Kinshasa;

Whereas the delegation of these leaders traveled (from Ezekere/Kambutso) to meet the commanders of the Armee des Revolutionnaires pour la Defense du Peuple Congolais (ADPC) and the people on 22 July 2020, to bring them the Congolese Head of State’s message;

Having regard to the need to restore peace and security to entities controlled by the ARDPC in Ituri province;

Having regard to the meeting with the heads of the ARDPC in ALA which was held on 12 August 2020 with the delegation sent by the Head of State;

Being eager to participate in and contribute to efforts to restore peace, security and the authority of the State in Ituri province;


Chapter 1:

On the unilateral truce

Article 1.

The ARDPC agrees to put an end to hostilities in Ituri Province.

The end of hostilities includes an end of attacks against the FARDC and the PNC.

Article 2.

The ARDPC agrees to engage in talks with the Congolese government regarding its list of demands made to the delegation sent from Kinshasa by the Congolese Head of State on 14 August 2020.

Chapter II.

On free movement of people, goods and humanitarian services

Article 3.

The ARDPC agrees to guarantee free movement of people and their goods in Ituri Province.

Article 4.

The ARDPC agrees to allow the civilian population to peacefully and freely go about their business in Ituri Province.

Article 5.

The ARDPC agrees to leave open a humanitarian corridor in order to assist displaced persons and populations in need of humanitarian aid.

It also agrees to allow free passage of security services to collect supplies and on their various comings and goings.

Article 6.

The ARDPC agrees to gather its fighters at the sites provided by the Congolese government’s technical services and/or its partners.

Article 7.

During the accommodation period, the ARDPC not having the means to provide for itself, agrees to accept food and other provisions to ensure the survival of its fighters from the Congolese government and/or its partners.

Chapter IV.

On the community DDR process

Article 8.

The ARDPC agrees to cooperate with the Congolese government on disarmament and reintegration of its fighters into society.

Article 9.

The cooperation referenced in Article 8 above shall depend on the outcome of talks begun pursuant to Article 2 of this Ceasefire Agreement.

Chapter V. Final provisions

Article 10.

The ARDPC invites the Congolese government to implement a mechanism to oversee enforcement of this agreement, made up of a mix of ARDPC members, negotiators sent by the Head of State, members of the Congolese government and civilians.

Article 11.

The ARDPC agrees to perform the terms of this agreement in good faith, which enters into force on the date of signature below.

Done at Ala, on 14 August 2020


For the ARDPC:




1. For the Delegation sent for the Head of State:

Floribert Ndjabu Ngabu

2. Group and Village Leaders:


(2 more names which are not legible)

3. Leaders and Representatives of the Local Church:

MBsidza-Malone-Pasteur ya (elegible)

(2 more names which are not legible)

4. Civil Society and Youth Organisations:





of the Group DZ'NA