Accord de Paix Global entre le Gouvernement de la République Centrafricaine et les Mouvements Politico-Militaires Centrafricains désignés ci après : Armée Populaire pour la Restauration de la Démocratie (APRD), Front Démocratique du Peuple Centrafricain (FDPC), Union des Forces Démocratique pour le Rassemblement (UFDR)
- Country/entity
Central African Republic
- Region
Africa (excl MENA)
- Agreement name
- Accord de Paix Global entre le Gouvernement de la République Centrafricaine et les Mouvements Politico-Militaires Centrafricains désignés ci après : Armée Populaire pour la Restauration de la Démocratie (APRD), Front Démocratique du Peuple Centrafricain (FDPC), Union des Forces Démocratique pour le Rassemblement (UFDR)
- Date
- 21 Jun 2008
- Agreement status
- Multiparty signed/agreed
- Interim arrangement
- Yes
- Agreement/conflict level
- Intrastate/intrastate conflict
- Stage
- Pre-negotiation/process
- Conflict nature
- Government
- Peace process
- CAR: coups and rebellions process
- Parties
Ont signé:
Pour le Gouvernement Centrafricain, S.E.M le Ministre de la Communication, du Civisme, du Dialogue et de la Reconciliation Nationale, Cyriaque Gonda
Pour L'A.P.R.D, Jean-Jacques DEMAFOUTH
Pour l'UFDR, Zakaria DAMANE
Pour le FDPC, (unsigned)
Pour le Président de la République Gabonaise, Président du Comité ad hoc, dans l'espace CEMAC, sur les questions centrafricaines, S.E.Mme le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères,de la Coopération, de la Francophonie et de l'intégration Régionale, P.O. S.E.M. le Ministre Délégué, Noel Nelson MESSONE. - Third parties
In the presence of:
- His Excellency El Hadj Omar BONGO ONDIMBA, President of the Republic of Gabon, President of the CEMAC Ad Hoc Committee on the Central African questions
- His Excellency Francois BOZIZE, President of the Central African Republic
And of:
- S.E.M Ambassador Francois Lonseny FALL, Special Representative of the UN Security General in CAR
- Master Djovi GALLY, Special Envoy of the Francophone Security General in CAR
- General Xavier Sylvestre YANGONGO, Representative of the Public Powers
- Honorable Laurent GOMINA-PAMPALI, Representative of the Presidential Majority
- Master Henri POUZERE, Representative of the Democratic Opposition
- Master Bruno Hyacinthe GBIEGBA, Representation of Civil Society. - Description
- This agreement is on an amnesty law, the parties reiterate the commitment to the ceasefire, rehabilitation, the concentration of combatants in safe zones followed by decommissioning of weapons and reinsertion with the help of the international community, after the declaration of amnesty the combatants will be placed under protection of a multinational force. They agree on political representation to advance a politically inclusive dialogue, a committee is created with representatives of the groups, Gabon, government, UN Special Representative and representative from the Francophonie. In case of differences on how to implement the agreement, the Committee will be consulted.
- Agreement document
- CF_080621_AccorddePaixGlobal_tr.pdf (opens in new tab) | Download PDF
- Agreement document (original language)
- CF_Accord de Paix Global entre le Gouvernement et APRD, FDPC, UFDR_2008.pdf (opens in new tab)
- Main category
Considering the unwavering desire of His Excellency, Army General François BOZIZE, President of the Republic, Head of State, reiterated in his speech to the nation of December 31, 2006, to promote tolerance, dialogue and reconciliation among all the daughters and sons of Africa
Women, girls and gender
- Participation
No specific mention.
- Equality
No specific mention.
- Particular groups of women
No specific mention.
- International law
No specific mention.
- New institutions
No specific mention.
- Violence against women
No specific mention.
- Transitional justice
No specific mention.
- Institutional reform
No specific mention.
- Development
No specific mention.
- Implementation
No specific mention.
- Other
- Page 2, Preamble:...Recognising the abiding will of His Excellency, Army General Francois Bozize, President of the Republic, Head of State, reiterated in his speech to the nation on December 31, 2006, to promote tolerance, dialogue and reconciliation between all the daughters and all the sons of Central Africa...
Source agreement
The Government of the Central African Republic
the Central African Political Movements
indicated below:
The Popular Army for the Restoration of Democracy (APRD)
The Democratic Front of the Central African People (FDPC)
The Union of Democratic Forces for Unity (UFDR)
Considering the relevant provisions of the United Nations Charter, the African Union, the Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD), the Economic and Monetary Community of Central African States (CEMAC) and the national resolutions on the peaceful resolution of conflicts, in particular the firm recommendations of the National Dialogue and the Code of Good Conduct;
In light of the Central African Constitution of December 27, 2004;
Considering that tolerance and dialogue constitute the bedrock of peace and national unity;
Determined to consolidate a State of Law, and of Good Governance, with its corollary of social progress, and full legal entitlement to fundamental liberties;
In light of the Libreville Ceasefire and Peace Agreement signed on May 9, 2008, between the Government of the Central African Republic and the Popular Army for the Restoration of Democracy;
In light of the Birao Peace Agreement signed on April 13, 2007, between the Government of the Central African Republic and the Union of Democratic Forces for Unity;
In light of the Peace Agreement signed at Sirte in Libya on February 2, 2007, between the Government of the Central African Republic and the Democratic Front of the Central African People;
Considering the unwavering desire of His Excellency, Army General François BOZIZE, President of the Republic, Head of State, reiterated in his speech to the nation of December 31, 2006, to promote tolerance, dialogue and reconciliation among all the daughters and sons of Africa;
Considering the desire of every political actor and every member of civil society in Central Africa to participate in the Inclusive Political Dialogue;
Responding to the mediation initiatives of His Excellency EL HADJ OMAR BONGO ONDIMBA, President of the Republic of Gabon, President of the CEMAC space ad-hoc committee on Central African questions and His Excellency MOHAMMAR AL KHADAFI, Guide of the EL FATAH Revolution, Permanent High Mediator for peace in the CEN-SAD area;
The Government of the Central African Republic and Politico-Military Movements indicated above
Agree the following:
Article 1:
Confirm their agreement to respect the ceasefire already established in previous agreements.
Article 2:
The promulgation of a law of general amnesty for military personnel, combatants and civilians from the APRD, FDPC, and UFDR, for crimes and offences currently under trial in the national jurisdictions of Central Africa, other than those referred to the International Penal Court.
Article 3:
The reinstatement of the rights of Central African military personnel expelled as a result of the rebellion, and of civilian personnel of the APRD, the FDPC and the UFDR, to their original training units .
Article 4:
The confinement of APRD, FDPC, and UFDR troops in their present zones, followed by a process of demobilisation, disarmament and reinsertion with the support of the International Community.
These sites will be determined by mutual agreement between the parties.
Article 5:
As soon as the law of general amnesty and liberation of prisoners is promulgated, APRD, FDPC and UFDR combatants will be officially placed under the protection of the Multinational Force (FOMUC) and the Central African Armed Forces (FACA).
Article 6:
The principle of participation of the representatives of Politico-Military Movements who are signatories to the Global Peace Accord, in the management of Government business, in a spirit of national reconciliation, following the Inclusive Political Dialogue.
Article 7:
The signatories will establish a Committee to monitor implementation of the present Agreement, comprised of:
One (1) Representative of the Republic of Gabon;
Three (3) Representatives of the Central African Government;
Three (3) Representatives of the Politico-Military Movements;
The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General;
The Representative of the International Organisation of La Francophonie.
If they agree, the Monitoring Committee may be expanded to include representatives from the following organisations:
the African Union
the European Union.
Article 8:
The Gabonese Government is responsible for contacting the organisations listed in the second part of Article 7, and for convening the first meeting of the Monitoring Committee, no later than one month after signature of the Global Peace Agreement.
Article 9:
In case of any disagreement on the implementation of the present Agreement, either of the parties may appeal to the Monitoring Committee.
If disagreement persists despite the efforts of the Committee, either party may appeal to the President of the CEMAC space Ad Hoc Committee on Central African questions, whose judgement is final .
Article 10:
The present Global Peace Agreement enters into force upon signature.
Names and signatures