Accord de cessez le feu et de paix entre le Gouvernement de la République Centrafricaine et le mouvement politique et militaire Centrafricain APRD
- Country/entity
Central African Republic
- Region
Africa (excl MENA)
- Agreement name
- Accord de cessez le feu et de paix entre le Gouvernement de la République Centrafricaine et le mouvement politique et militaire Centrafricain APRD
- Date
- 9 May 2008
- Agreement status
- Multiparty signed/agreed
- Interim arrangement
- Yes
- Agreement/conflict level
- Intrastate/intrastate conflict
- Stage
- Ceasefire/related
- Conflict nature
- Government
- Peace process
- CAR: coups and rebellions process
- Parties
Pour le Gouvernement Centrafricain, Monsieur Cyriaque GONDA, Ministre de Communication, du Civisme, du Dialogue et de la Réconciliation Nationale.
Pour l'Armée Populaire pour la Restauration de la Démocratie (APRD): Maître Jean-Jacques DEMAFOUTH, Président
Pour le Président de la République Gabonaise, Président du Comité ad hoc, dans l'espace CEMAC, sur les questions centrafricaines, Madame Laure Olga GONDJOUT, Ministredes Affaires Etrangères, et de la Coopération, de la Francophonie et de l'Intégration Régionale - Third parties
- EN PRESENCE DE : Son Excellence El Hadj Omar BONGO ONDIMBA, Président de la République Gabonaise, Président du Comité ad hoc, dans l'espace CEMAC, sur les questions centrafricaines
- Description
- This agreement provides for an immediate ceasefire between the CAR Government and the APRD. Issues covered inculude DDR, provisions for security and peace during the dialogue, provisions for amnesty and liberation of prisoners, and the creation of an implementation commission.
- Agreement document
- CF_080509_Accord de Cessez le Feu entre le Gouvernement et APRD-tr.pdf (opens in new tab) | Download PDF
- Agreement document (original language)
- CF_080509_Accord de Cessez le Feu entre le Gouvernement et APRD.pdf (opens in new tab)
- Main category
• Considering the ongoing desire of His Excellency (Army) General François BOZIZE, President of the Republic, Head of State, reiterated in his speech to the nation of 31 December 2006, to promote tolerance, dialogue and reconciliation among all the sons and daughters of Central Africa;
Women, girls and gender
- Participation
No specific mention.
- Equality
No specific mention.
- Particular groups of women
No specific mention.
- International law
No specific mention.
- New institutions
No specific mention.
- Violence against women
No specific mention.
- Transitional justice
No specific mention.
- Institutional reform
No specific mention.
- Development
No specific mention.
- Implementation
No specific mention.
- Other
- Page 1, Preamble:...Recognising the abiding will of His Excellency, Army General Francois Bozize, President of the Republic, Head of State, reiterated in his speech to the nation on December 31, 2006, to promote tolerance, dialogue and reconciliation between all the daughters and all the sons of Central Africa...
Source agreement
the Government of the Central African Republic
the Political and Military Central African Movement:
the Popular Army for the Restoration of Democracy (APRD)
Considering the relevant provisions of the United Nations Charter, the African Union, the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) and national resolutions pertaining to the peaceful resolution of conflicts, notably the robust recommendations of the National Dialogue and the Code of Good Conduct;
Conscious of the need for dialogue to establish a durable peace throughout the national territory, an essential precondition for reconstruction of the country and the establishment of democracy;
Determined to consolidate a state of law, good governance, and related social progress, and complete entitlement to fundamental liberties guaranteed under law;
Considering the desire of the Popular Army for the Restoration of Democracy (APRD), confirmed by its President, Mr Jean-Jacques DEFAMOUTH, to take part in the inclusive political dialogue in Central Africa and to sign a Ceasefire and Peace Agreement with the Central African government;
Responding to mediation by His Excellency, El Hadj Omar BONGO ONDIMBA, President of the Republic of Gabon and President of the CEMAC Ad Hoc Committee on Central African questions;
corroborated by the final Libreville Declaration of 23 April 2008;
the Government of the Central African Republic, and the Popular Army for the Restoration of Democracy, agree the following:
Article 1:
An immediate cessation of hostilities and abstention from all military activities and all other forms of violence, as well as the closure of all media campaigns designed to prevent attempts to develop a spirit of fraternity and national harmony.
Article 2:
The containment of the troops of the Popular Army for the Restoration of Democracy (APRD) in their present locations, pending their integration with the defence and security forces and their incorporation in civilian life.
Article 3:
The implementation of an urgent and top priority programme to:
Return expelled Central African soldiers and APRD civilian staff to their original training and service units.
Create the conditions needed to repatriate, reinstall and reinsertall persons displaced both internally and abroad;
Implement an “urgent rehabilitation plan” in those zones affected by the conflict in the North, North-West and Centre.
Article 4:
In order to establish a secure and peaceful environment for inclusive political dialogue, the parties agree to end all judicial proceedings currently under process concerning civilian and military members of the APRD in Central African jurisdictions, whatever the cause, by adopting a law for the general amnesty and liberation of any detained civilian and military members of the APRD.
Article 5:
The signatories will establish a monitoring commission for implementation of the present Agreement composed of:
3 representatives of the Central African Government
3 representatives of the APRD.
The monitoring commission for application of the present Agreement may call upon the President of the ad hoc committee for his advice.
Article 6:
In case of any differences in opinion or difficulties in implementing the present agreement, either of the parties may refer to the Monitoring Committee.
If any difference in opinion persists despite the efforts of this Committee, either party may refer to the President of the CEMAC Region Ad Hoc Committee, on those Central African questions, .
Article 7:
The present agreement enters into force upon signature.
Donne in Libreville, May 9, 2008
His Excellency El Hadj Omar BONGO ONDIMBA, President of the Republic of Gabon, President of the CEMAC Region Ad Hoc Committee on Central African questions
Have signed