Decision and Recommendation of Peaceful Co-existence in Unity State (Bentiu Peace Conference Resolutions)

South Sudan
Southern Kordofan - Blue Nile - Abyei
Africa (excl MENA)
Agreement name
Decision and Recommendation of Peaceful Co-existence in Unity State (Bentiu Peace Conference Resolutions)
2 Nov 2010
Agreement status
Multiparty signed/agreed
Interim arrangement
Agreement/conflict level
Intrastate/local conflict
Framework/substantive - partial
Conflict nature
Peace process
Kordofan - Blue Nile - Abyei process
Misseria and Dinka Ngok representatives.
Third parties
Resolutions cover the issues between Misseriya and Dinka Ngok in Parieng Country, Unity State. Recommendations include the opening of roads, SPLA and police escorts of tribes, the administrations of fees per head of cattle, restrictions on firearms among cattlement, and co-operation between tribes in regards to crime.



No specific mention.

Disabled persons

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Migrant workers

No specific mention.

Racial/ethnic/national group
Groups→Racial/ethnic/national group→Rhetorical
Summary: Agreement in its entirety addresses inter-group relationships between Misseria and Dinka Ngok groups.

Page 1, Recommendations:
... 6. The conference recommends conducting tribal conferences to build the social fabric of these tribes.
Religious groups

No specific mention.

Indigenous people

No specific mention.

Other groups

No specific mention.

Refugees/displaced persons

No specific mention.

Social class

No specific mention.


Women, girls and gender

No specific mention.

Men and boys

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

State definition

Nature of state (general)

No specific mention.

State configuration

No specific mention.

Self determination

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

State symbols

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Border delimitation

No specific mention.

Cross-border provision

No specific mention.


Political institutions (new or reformed)

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Electoral commission

No specific mention.

Political parties reform

No specific mention.

Civil society

No specific mention.

Traditional/religious leaders
Page 1, Decisions:-
... 7. The conferences decided to identify the losses in property and humans by the counties Amirs, depending on police records, the payment should be done according to the tribal customs within three months from signing the agreement of this conference.

Page 1, Decisions:-
8. Missireya Amirs and Shiekhs should be with herds to facilitate the procedures of entering the grazing areas in coordination with the counties administration where the grazing areas exist.
Public administration

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Power sharing

Political power sharing

No specific mention.

Territorial power sharing

No specific mention.

Economic power sharing

No specific mention.

Military power sharing

No specific mention.

Human rights and equality

Human rights/RoL general

No specific mention.

Bill of rights/similar

No specific mention.

Treaty incorporation

No specific mention.

Civil and political rights

No specific mention.

Socio-economic rights

No specific mention.

Rights related issues


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Detention procedures

No specific mention.

Media and communication

No specific mention.

Page 1, Recommendations:
... 4. Recommend reopening the old road of Mayoum and establishment of check points to provide security.

Page 1, Recommendations:
... 7. The conference recommends opening the road between Kaiga Jero and Bantlyo for its importance to strengthen the relations between the tribes in the bordering States.
Protection measures

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Rights institutions


No specific mention.

Regional or international human rights institutions

No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

Criminal justice and emergency law

No specific mention.

State of emergency provisions

No specific mention.

Judiciary and courts
Page 1, Decisions:-
... 4. Form a joint popular court between the parties, the identification of the locations should be by an agreement with other parties.
Prisons and detention

No specific mention.

Traditional Laws
Page 1, Decisions:-
... 7. The conferences decided to identify the losses in property and humans by the counties Amirs, depending on police records, the payment should be done according to the tribal customs within three months from signing the agreement of this conference.

Socio-economic reconstruction

Development or socio-economic reconstruction
Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Infrastructure and reconstruction
Page 1, Recommendations:
... 5. The conference recommends the State Governors to request the companies to asphalt the road between SKS and Unity State.
National economic plan

No specific mention.

Natural resources
Page 1, Decisions:-
8. Missireya Amirs and Shiekhs should be with herds to facilitate the procedures of entering the grazing areas in coordination with the counties administration where the grazing areas exist.
International funds

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction→Taxation→Reform of taxation
Page 1, Decisions:-
... 5. Impose fees estimated to (5) five pounds in one season for every cattle head against the administrative services.

No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

Land reform/rights

No specific mention.

Pastoralist/nomadism rights
Page 1, Decisions:-
1. The Misseriya nomads are allowed to enter the grazing areas in Unity State (Panrieng County, Mayom, Abiemnom, Guit and Rubknona) Warrap State and Abyei Area through the corridors that will be identified by the Authorities of these countries.

Page 1, Recommendations:
... 2. Conduct preparatory conferences upon when entering and departing of the cattlemen.
Cultural heritage

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Water or riparian rights or access
Page 1, Recommendations:
1. We recommend that the petroleum companies should open the water stream and build Hafirs for the citizens of Unity State for providing clean water for drinking and more pasture for the people living in the areas far from river banks.

Security sector

Security Guarantees
Page 1, Decisions:-
2. Because of the security situation and the necessity of guaranteeing the security of the cattlemen they were allowed to:
- Big herd (5) pieces of light arms.
- Small herd (3) of light arms.

Page 1, Recommendations:
... 4. Recommend reopening the old road of Mayoum and establishment of check points to provide security.

No specific mention.

Page 1, Decision:-
... 3. As the purpose of the arms is to protect the cattlemen from wild animals, a force from SPLA and the police should be formed to accompany the herd, the support of this force by the all needed means should be from the mentioned States to fulfil their duties.

Page 1, Decisions:-
... 7. The conferences decided to identify the losses in property and humans by the counties Amirs, depending on police records, the payment should be done according to the tribal customs within three months from signing the agreement of this conference.
Armed forces
Page 1, Decision:-
... 3. As the purpose of the arms is to protect the cattlemen from wild animals, a force from SPLA and the police should be formed to accompany the herd, the support of this force by the all needed means should be from the mentioned States to fulfil their duties.

No specific mention.

Intelligence services

No specific mention.

Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces

No specific mention.

Withdrawal of foreign forces

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Crime/organised crime

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Transitional justice

Transitional justice general

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Transitional justice→Courts→National courts
Page 1, Decisions:-
... 6. Exchange the names of the Recidivists for identification and arrest and trial.

No specific mention.

Prisoner release

No specific mention.


No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Missing persons

No specific mention.


No specific mention.

Page 1,
... 3. The conference recommend an urgent conference to address the pending issues in Abyamnum county and Abyei Area Muglad

Page 1, Recommendations:
... 6. The conference recommends conducting tribal conferences to build the social fabric of these tribes.


UN signatory

No specific mention.

Other international signatory

No specific mention.

Referendum for agreement

No specific mention.

International mission/force/similar

No specific mention.

Enforcement mechanism

No specific mention.

Related cases

No specific mention.

Sudan North-South Border Initiative;

Source agreement

Bentiu Peace Conference Resolutions:

Decision and Recommendation of Peaceful Co-existence in Unity State

November 2, 2010


The Misseriya nomads are allowed to enter the grazing areas in Unity State (Panrieng County, Mayom, Abiemnom, Guit and Rubknona) Warrap State and Abyei Area through the corridors that will be identified by the Authorities of these countries.

Because of the security situation and the necessity of guaranteeing the security of the cattlemen they were allowed to:

Big herd (5) pieces of light arms.

Small herd (3) of light arms.

As the purpose of the arms is to protect the cattlemen from wild animals, a force from SPLA and the police should be formed to accompany the herd, the support of this force by the all needed means should be from the mentioned States to fulfil their duties.

Form a joint popular court between the parties, the identification of the locations should be by an agreement with other parties.

Impose fees estimated to (5) five pounds in one season for every cattle head against the administrative services.

Exchange the names of the Recidivists for identification and arrest and trial.

The conferences decided to identify the losses in property and humans by the counties Amirs, depending on police records, the payment should be done according to the tribal customs within three months from signing the agreement of this conference.

Missireya Amirs and Shiekhs should be with herds to facilitate the procedures of entering the grazing areas in coordination with the counties administration where the grazing areas exist.


We recommend that the petroleum companies should open the water stream and build Hafirs for the citizens of Unity State for providing clean water for drinking and more pasture for the people living in the areas far from river banks.

Conduct preparatory conferences upon when entering and departing of the cattlemen.

The conference recommend an urgent conference to address the pending issues in Abyamnum county and Abyei Area Muglad

Recommend reopening the old road of Mayoum and establishment of check points to provide security.

The conference recommends the State Governors to request the companies to asphalt the road between SKS and Unity State.

The conference recommends conducting tribal conferences to build the social fabric of these tribes.

The conference recommends opening the road between Kaiga Jero and Bantlyo for its importance to strengthen the relations between the tribes in the bordering States.


Sudan North-South Border Initiative