Agreement between the Dogon, Dafing and Fulani communities in the communes of Diallassagou, Koulogon Habe, Lassagou Habe, Segue, Soubala, Sokoura and Tori

  • Country/entity

  • Region

    Africa (excl MENA)
  • Agreement name

    Agreement between the Dogon, Dafing and Fulani communities in the communes of Diallassagou, Koulogon Habe, Lassagou Habe, Segue, Soubala, Sokoura and Tori
  • Date

    7 Feb 2021
  • Agreement status

    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement

  • Agreement/conflict level

  • Stage

    Framework/substantive - partial
  • Conflict nature

  • Peace process

    Mali Local Processes
  • Parties

    Pour la communauté dogon
    1- Dramane DAMANGO [signature] Chef de village de Diallassagou
    2- Allaye GANA [signature] Chef de village de Lessagou
    3- Christoph GUINDO [signature] Conseiller au chef de village de Ségue
    4- Moussa TOGO [signature] Chef de village de Soubala
    5- Elie DJIBO [signature] Conseiller au chef de village de Koulongon
    6- Antimé YOSSI [signature] Représentant chef de village de Tori
    7- Daouda TOGO [signature] Leader Jeunesse Diallassagou
    8- Drissa GANA [signature] Chef de village Lessagou
    9- Moumouni ARAMA [signature] Chef de village Koumé
    10- Abdoulaye TOGO [signature] Leader communautaire Tori

    Pour la communauté Dafing
    1- Ousmane KOUMARE [signature] 1er adjoint au maire Sokoura
    2- Mamadou BARRO [signature] Chef de village Bansé
    3- Lassina KENDE [signature] Chef de village Tanga
    4- Fodé SERY [signature] Chef de village Yira
    5- Diakaridia ROME [signature] Chef de village Ganida
    6- Yaya TRAORE [signature] Elu communal Sokoura
    7- Seydou KOUAMARE [signature] Représentant RECOTRAD
    8- Issouf SENOU [signature] Chef de village Sokoura
    9- Adama BARRO [signature] Président de la jeunesse
    10- Mamadou SERY [signature] Représentant des religieux

    Pour la communauté peuhl
    1- Amadou SANKARE [signature] Elu communal Lankanou
    2- Mamoudou SANKARE [signature] Elu communal Boundou Eyourou
    3- Bareïma SANKARE [signature] Leader communautaire Madina
    4- Allaye SANKARE [signature] Leader communautaire Ouenkorowel
    5- Aliou SANKARE [signature] Leader communautaire Ouro Boudou
    6- Mody DIAGAYETE [signature] Elu communal Koumé Peul
    7- Aliou DIAGAYETE [signature] Jeune leader Kourkanda Peuhl
    8- Boukari DIAGAYETE [signature] Elu communal Ouandiana Peuhl
    9- Allaye DIAGAYETE [signature] Jeune leader Sounfounou Peuhl
    10- Housseini DIALLO [signature] Leader communaitaire Koulougon Peuhl
  • Third parties

    1st witness
    Boubacar YOSSI [signature] Chef de village Tori

    2nd witness
    Nouhoum SANKARE [signature] Imam Mana

    3rd witness
    Timothée SOMBORO [signature] [stamp] Chef de village Ségue

    4th witness
    Idrissa SANKARE [signature] Ex député de Bankass

    [unsigned mediator: HD Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue and Monobem association]
  • Description

    Agreement signed between the representatives of the Fulani, Dafing and Dogon communities of 7 of the 12 municipalities in the circle of Bankass. The signatories commit to ensuring the physical integrity and free circulation of persons, goods, and livestock, while condemning the violence in the circle of Bankass, in Central Mali.


  • Children/youth
    Page 4,
    Section IV: Recommendations to the State
    Article 5: The Parties ask the State to support their efforts to make peace in the Cercle of Bankass, and to:
    e) Enter into dialogue with armed groups in order to agree on a negotiated outcome
    for young people who have laid down arms;
  • Disabled persons

    No specific mention.

  • Elderly/age

    No specific mention.

  • Migrant workers

    No specific mention.

  • Racial/ethnic/national group

    No specific mention.

  • Religious groups
    Groups→Religious groups→Substantive
    Page 4,
    Section III: Agreements
    Article 4: The Parties mutually agree to:
    m) Respect the laws and customs, and places of worship of other communities;
  • Indigenous people

    No specific mention.

  • Other groups

    No specific mention.

  • Refugees/displaced persons
    Groups→Refugees/displaced persons→Rhetorical
    Page 4,
    Section III: Agreements
    Article 4: The Parties mutually agree to:
    Facilitate the return of displaced people;
  • Social class

    No specific mention.


  • Women, girls and gender

    No specific mention.

  • Men and boys

    No specific mention.


    No specific mention.

  • Family

    No specific mention.

State definition

  • Nature of state (general)

    No specific mention.

  • State configuration

    No specific mention.

  • Self determination

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum

    No specific mention.

  • State symbols

    No specific mention.

  • Independence/secession

    No specific mention.

  • Accession/unification

    No specific mention.

  • Border delimitation

    No specific mention.

  • Cross-border provision

    No specific mention.


  • Political institutions (new or reformed)

    No specific mention.

  • Elections

    No specific mention.

  • Electoral commission

    No specific mention.

  • Political parties reform

    No specific mention.

  • Civil society

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional/religious leaders
    Page 4,
    Section III: Agreements
    Article 4: The Parties mutually agree to:
    n) Respect the authority of traditional and religious authorities which used to keep social order and ease social tensions before the crisis.

    Page 4,
    Section IV: Recommendations to the State
    Article 5: The Parties ask the State to support their efforts to make peace in the Cercle of Bankass, and to:
    h) Help reinforce the legitimacy of traditional and religious authority, to help achieve their peacekeeping and citizen oversight goals.
  • Public administration

    No specific mention.

  • Constitution

    No specific mention.

Power sharing

  • Political power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Territorial power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Economic power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Military power sharing

    No specific mention.

Human rights and equality

  • Human rights/RoL general

    No specific mention.

  • Bill of rights/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Treaty incorporation

    No specific mention.

  • Civil and political rights
    Human rights and equality→Civil and political rights→Thought, opinion, conscience and religion
    Page 4,
    Section III: Agreements
    Article 4: The Parties mutually agree to:
    m) Respect the laws and customs, and places of worship of other communities;
  • Socio-economic rights

    No specific mention.

Rights related issues

  • Citizenship

    No specific mention.

  • Democracy

    No specific mention.

  • Detention procedures

    No specific mention.

  • Media and communication

    No specific mention.

  • Mobility/access
    Page 3,
    Section III: Agreements
    Article 4: The Parties mutually agree to:

    c) Facilitate freedom of movement of people and goods throughout the communes;

    Page 4,
    Section III: Agreements
    Article 4: The Parties mutually agree to:
    k) Facilitating free use of natural and land resources by all communities (fields,
    pastures, passages, rest stops, etc.);
    l) Foster socioeconomic development of the communes by encouraging the gradual
    return of services (health, education, hydraulic) and circulation of NGOs;
  • Protection measures

    No specific mention.

  • Other

    No specific mention.

Rights institutions

  • NHRI

    No specific mention.

  • Regional or international human rights institutions

    No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

  • Criminal justice and emergency law

    No specific mention.

  • State of emergency provisions

    No specific mention.

  • Judiciary and courts

    No specific mention.

  • Prisons and detention

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional Laws
    Page 4,
    Section III: Agreements
    Article 4: The Parties mutually agree to:
    m) Respect the laws and customs, and places of worship of other communities;
    n) Respect the authority of traditional and religious authorities which used to keep social order and ease social tensions before the crisis.

    Page 5,
    Section VI: Resolving differences
    Article 11: If the solution found by the Oversight Committee should fail, the Parties shall jointly refer to traditional and religious dispute resolution methods.

Socio-economic reconstruction

  • Development or socio-economic reconstruction
    Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Socio-economic development
    Page 4,
    Section III: Agreements
    Article 4: The Parties mutually agree to:
    l) Foster socioeconomic development of the communes by encouraging the gradual
    return of services (health, education, hydraulic) and circulation of NGOs;
    Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Humanitarian assistance
    Page 4,
    Section IV: Recommendations to the State
    Article 5: The Parties ask the State to support their efforts to make peace in the Cercle of Bankass, and to:
    d) Contribute humanitarian and economic assistance, and food to all communities
    which have suffered during the crisis to stimulate economic activity in the region;
    Socio-economic reconstruction→Development or socio-economic reconstruction→Infrastructure and reconstruction
    Page 4,
    Section IV: Recommendations to the State
    Article 5: The Parties ask the State to support their efforts to make peace in the Cercle of Bankass, and to:
    a) Encourage the restoration of destroyed villages;
    f) Build, repair and equip communities with basic social infrastructure (water sources, health centre, seeds, schools, etc.);
  • National economic plan

    No specific mention.

  • Natural resources
    Page 4,
    Section III: Agreements
    Article 4: The Parties mutually agree to:
    k) Facilitating free use of natural and land resources by all communities (fields,
    pastures, passages, rest stops, etc.);
  • International funds

    No specific mention.

  • Business

    No specific mention.

  • Taxation

    No specific mention.

  • Banks

    No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

  • Land reform/rights

    No specific mention.

  • Pastoralist/nomadism rights

    No specific mention.

  • Cultural heritage

    No specific mention.

  • Environment

    No specific mention.

  • Water or riparian rights or access

    No specific mention.

Security sector

  • Security Guarantees
    Page 3,
    Section III: Agreements
    Article 4: The Parties mutually agree to:
    b) Prohibiting any provocation or sentiments which are vexatious to the other community;


    g) Not carrying weapons in villages and towns;
  • Ceasefire

    No specific mention.

  • Police

    No specific mention.

  • Armed forces

    No specific mention.

  • DDR
    Security sector→DDR→Demilitarisation provisions
    Page 4,
    Section III: Agreements
    Article 4: The Parties mutually agree to:
    Not carrying weapons in villages and towns;
  • Intelligence services

    No specific mention.

  • Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces

    No specific mention.

  • Withdrawal of foreign forces

    No specific mention.

  • Corruption

    No specific mention.

  • Crime/organised crime

    No specific mention.

  • Drugs

    No specific mention.

  • Terrorism

    No specific mention.

Transitional justice

  • Transitional justice general

    No specific mention.

  • Amnesty/pardon

    No specific mention.

  • Courts

    No specific mention.

  • Mechanism

    No specific mention.

  • Prisoner release

    No specific mention.

  • Vetting

    No specific mention.

  • Victims

    No specific mention.

  • Missing persons

    No specific mention.

  • Reparations

    No specific mention.

  • Reconciliation
    Page 2, Preamble:

    In consideration of the results of previous reconciliation efforts led by our communities, the State, collectives, NGOs, and citizens’ groups in the Bankass Cercle; and, further, in consideration of the signing of two peace agreements in the Cercle in 2019 (the Baye Agreement and the Ouenkoro Agreement) mediated by the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue through engagement with all the communities in order to facilitate free movement of people and their goods.

    Page 5, Article 7: An Oversight Committee is hereby put in place, whose mission is to:
    c) Identify any additional measures necessary for the intercommunity reconciliation process, as needed;


  • UN signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Other international signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum for agreement

    No specific mention.

  • International mission/force/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Enforcement mechanism
    Page 5,
    Section V: Oversight of implementation
    Article 6: The Parties agree to meet once every three months for the first year following signature of this Agreement in order to check in on performance of the Agreement and, if necessary, to renew and modify the agreements made herein.

    Article 7: An Oversight Committee is hereby put in place, whose mission is to:
    a) Check in regularly with the Parties regarding progress of performing the commitments made in this Agreement, in order to reinforce the scope of the same;
    b) Prevent and manage differences between the Parties which might lead to breach of
    this Agreement;
    c) Identify any additional measures necessary for the intercommunity reconciliation
    process, as needed;
    d) Check in regularly with state authorities regarding progress of implementing the
    commitments made in this Agreement, in order to reinforce the scope of the same;
    e) Share experiences with neighbouring communes and encourage them to work
    towards peace.

    Article 8: The Oversight Committee will be comprised of 15 members appointed by consensus to represent all the Fulani, Dafing and Dogon communities. 5 representatives of the Fulani community, 5 representatives of the Dafing community, and 5 representatives of the Dogon community will be chosen by consensus.

    Page 5,
    Section VI: Resolving differences
    Article 10: In the event of non-applicability of this Agreement or in case of dispute regarding its interpretation, the parties shall call upon the Oversight Committee so that a consensual solution can be found and implemented.
    Article 11: If the solution found by the Oversight Committee should fail, the Parties shall jointly refer to traditional and religious dispute resolution methods.

    Article 12: In the event that application of this Agreement should fail, and all negotiation attempts to remedy it should fail, the Parties may revoke this Agreement. Such revocation shall take effect on the date on which the various parties are notified of such revocation. In that event, the Parties shall take all necessary measures to minimise the impact of such a decision on existing peacemaking efforts.
  • Related cases

    No specific mention.

  • Source
    HD Centre website, (Accessed on 26/4/21)

Peace Agreement between Dogon, Dafing & Fulani communities in Diallassagou, Koulogon Habé, Lessagou Habé, Ségue, Soubala, Sokoura and Tori communes

Bankass Cercle, Mali

February 2021


We, the Dogon, Dafing and Fulani communities of the communes of Diallassagou, Koulogon Habe, Lessagou Habe, Segue, Soubala, Sokoura and Tori, in the Bankass Cercle, hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”:

Being aware that the conflict in which we have been embroiled since 2018 is worsening the security crisis in central Mali;

In consideration of the results of previous reconciliation efforts led by our communities, the State, collectives, NGOs, and citizens’ groups in the Bankass Cercle;

and, further, in consideration of the signing of two peace agreements in the Cercle in 2019 (the Baye Agreement and the Ouenkoro Agreement) mediated by the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue through engagement with all the communities in order to facilitate free movement of people and their goods.

Being keen to reinforce initial agreements between the above communities mediated by HD in June 2020, as well as agreements made during preparatory meetings between the communities mediated by HD on 23rd September in Bandiagara with the Dogon and Dafing communities, on 5th and 6th November 2020, with women, on 7th and 8th in Bankass, with the leaders of the Fulani communities from the 4 cercles on 10th October in Sevare, with the hunters of Bankass on 21st December in Bankass and with the Fulani communities of Bankass on December 23rd in Sevare;

Bearing in mind that Dogon, Dafing and Fulani communities once lived peacefully in Bankass Cercle, in Diallassagou, Koulogon Habé, Lessagou Habé, Ségue, Soubala, Sokoura and Tori communes, despite the tensions which have always existed between our communities around management of our shared natural resources;

Being aware that these tensions are exacerbated by the high level of insecurity on the Dogon plateau, the Senno and the Gondo and that the current conflict has led to mass killings in 2018 and 2020 (Koulongon, Ogossagou I and II, Gouari), interrupted economic activity, and even restrictions on free movement of people and goods;

Being aware that the conflict involving members of our respective communities cannot be stopped immediately upon signature of the present Agreement, but will require a constant commitment to peacefully managing our differences;

Being committed to working towards peaceful cohabitation between our communities;

Having met in Tori and Diallassagou on the 5th and 7th February 2021 for a mediation, which has been facilitated since June 2020 by the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue;

We hereby agree as follows:

Chapter I:


Article 1:

By the present Agreement, the Parties hereby declare peace between them and commit to taking all steps necessary to maintain it.

Section II:

Causes and Consequences of Conflict

Article 2:

The Parties agree that the intercommunity conflict facing their communes is a result of the following factors:

Repeated attacks and pillaging of villages and hamlets by armed individuals;

Targeted assassinations of influential and well-known figures;

Widespread theft of livestock by all parties;

Attacks and ambushes against fair workers;

Embargos on certain villages, water sources, weekend fairs and the sale of certain products (cereal, livestock and milk);

Closure of basic social services (schools, health centres, distribution warehouses, etc.);

Withdrawal of State agents, and defense and security services from all communes;

Feeling on all sides that the neighbouring community is working with armed groups to attack the other communities;

Feeling that defense and security services are biased;

Lack of justice after incidents of abuse;

Frustration arising from poorly resolved or unresolved conflicts over access to shared natural resources.

Article 3:

The Parties agree that the conflict facing their communes has, since 2018, resulted in:

Death of more than 400 people;

Displacement of more than 6000 people between 2018 and 2020;

Theft of more than 3000 livestock;

Embargos on the markets at Tori, Diallassagou, Koulongon, Sokoura and Dounde, etc.

Restricted access to farming land in the 7 communes;

Restricted movement between the communities in the communes, particularly between Fulani and Dogon villages.

Section III:


Article 4:

The Parties mutually agree to:

Encourage community leaders to make a commitment to peace by forgiving past actions and spreading messages of togetherness and peace;

Prohibiting any provocation or sentiments which are vexatious to the other community;

Facilitate freedom of movement of people and goods throughout the communes;

Diallassagou Agreement between the Dogon, Dafing & Fulani communities, dated 7 February 2021, Cercle of Bankass

Encourage putting in place measures of mutual trust between the communities after signing this agreement (visiting, return of animals, denunciation of thefts, etc.);

Facilitate the return of displaced people;

Encourage and facilitate visiting villages and fairs by all communities;

Not carrying weapons in villages and towns;

Invite the supervisory committee to enter into dialogue with individuals whose actions contravene the spirit of the Agreement;

Oppose livestock theft against any community and facilitate searches for stolen animals and property so that they can be returned to their owner;

Not claiming animals or property stolen or lost during the conflict;

Facilitating free use of natural and land resources by all communities (fields, pastures, passages, rest stops, etc.);

Foster socioeconomic development of the communes by encouraging the gradual return of services (health, education, hydraulic) and circulation of NGOs;

Respect the laws and customs, and places of worship of other communities;

Respect the authority of traditional and religious authorities which used to keep social order and ease social tensions before the crisis.

Section IV:

Recommendations to the State

Article 5:

The Parties ask the State to support their efforts to make peace in the Cercle of Bankass, and to:

Encourage the restoration of destroyed villages;

Facilitate the return of displaced people, with the support of partners;

Enter into dialogue with all actors to liberate the Sevare-Bankass-Koro axis (RN 15);

Contribute humanitarian and economic assistance, and food to all communities which have suffered during the crisis to stimulate economic activity in the region;

Enter into dialogue with armed groups in order to agree on a negotiated outcome for young people who have laid down arms;

Build, repair and equip communities with basic social infrastructure (water sources, health centre, seeds, schools, etc.);

Pardon and free all persons detained as a result of the conflict in our communes;

Help reinforce the legitimacy of traditional and religious authority, to help achieve their peacekeeping and citizen oversight goals.

Section V:

Oversight of implementation

Diallassagou Agreement between the Dogon, Dafing & Fulani communities, dated 7 February 2021, Cercle of Bankass

Article 6:

The Parties agree to meet once every three months for the first year following signature of this Agreement in order to check in on performance of the Agreement and, if necessary, to renew and modify the agreements made herein.

Article 7:

An Oversight Committee is hereby put in place, whose mission is to:

Check in regularly with the Parties regarding progress of performing the commitments made in this Agreement, in order to reinforce the scope of the same;

Prevent and manage differences between the Parties which might lead to breach of this Agreement;

Identify any additional measures necessary for the intercommunity reconciliation process, as needed;

Check in regularly with state authorities regarding progress of implementing the commitments made in this Agreement, in order to reinforce the scope of the same;

Share experiences with neighbouring communes and encourage them to work towards peace.

Article 8:

The Oversight Committee will be comprised of 15 members appointed by consensus to represent all the Fulani, Dafing and Dogon communities.

5 representatives of the Fulani community, 5 representatives of the Dafing community, and 5 representatives of the Dogon community will be chosen by consensus.

Section VI:

Resolving differences

Article 9:

The Parties shall take every step to handle any differences which may arise between them amicably and in the spirit of cooperation and friendship which underlies this Peace Agreement.

Article 10:

In the event of non-applicability of this Agreement or in case of dispute regarding its interpretation, the parties shall call upon the Oversight Committee so that a consensual solution can be found and implemented.

Article 11:

If the solution found by the Oversight Committee should fail, the Parties shall jointly refer to traditional and religious dispute resolution methods.

Article 12:

In the event that application of this Agreement should fail, and all negotiation attempts to remedy it should fail, the Parties may revoke this Agreement.

Such revocation shall take effect on the date on which the various parties are notified of such revocation.

In that event, the Parties shall take all necessary measures to minimise the impact of such a decision on existing peacemaking efforts.

Section VII:

Final Provisions

Article 13:

The Parties hereby sign this Agreement in 5 French language copies and we shall make efforts to translate them into Fulfulde, Dogosso and Bamanakan for optimum comprehension.

Article 14:

This Agreement shall take effect on the date of signature by the Parties.

Done in Diallassagou, on 07.02.2021

Signatories to the Agreement


Pour la communauté dogon

1-Dramane DAMANGO

Chef de vilage de Diallassagou

2- Allaye GANA

Chef de village de Lessagou

3- Christoph GUINDO

Conseiller au chef de village de


4- Moussa TOGO

Chef de village de Soubala

5- Elie DJIBO

Représentant chef de village Koulongon

6- Antimé YOSSI

Conseiller au chef de village de

de Tori

7- Daouda TOGO

Leader Jeunesse Diallassagou

8- Drissa GANA

Chef de village Lessagou

9- Moumouni ARAMA

Chef de village Koumé

10- Abdoulaye TOGO

Leader communautaire Tori

Pour la communauté Dafing

1- Ousmane KOUMARE

1er adjoint au maire Sokoura

2- Mamadou BARRO

Chef de village Bansé

3- Lassina KENDE

Chef de village Tanga

4- Fodé SERY

Chef de village Yira

5- Diakaridia ROME

Chef de village Ganida

6- Yaya TRAORE

Elu communal Sokoura

7- Seydou KOUMARE

Représentant RECOTRAD

8- Issouf SENOU

Chef de village Sokoura

9- Adama BARRO

Président de la jeunesse

10- Mamadou SERY

Représentant des religieux

Pour la communauté peulh

1- Amadou SANKARE

Elu communal Mankanou

2- Mamoudou SANKARE

Elu communal Boundou


3- Bareima SANKARE

Leader communautaire


4- Allaye SANKARE

Leader communautaire


5- Aliou SANKARE

Leader communautaire Ouro



Elu communal Koumé Peul


Jeune leader Kourkanda Peulh

8- Boukari DIAGAYETE

Elu communal Ouandiana Peulh


Jeune leader Sounfounou Peulh

10- Housseini DIALLO

Leader communautaire Koulongon Peulh

Boubacar YOSSI

Chef de village Tori


Imam Mana

Timothée SOMBORO

chef de yillage Ségue


Ex député de Bankass