The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep

Conference of the National Consultation Council on Somali Affairs’s (Election Agreement)

  • Country/entity

  • Region

    Africa (excl MENA)
  • Agreement name

    Conference of the National Consultation Council on Somali Affairs’s (Election Agreement)
  • Date

    27 May 2021
  • Agreement status

    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement

  • Agreement/conflict level

    Intrastate/intrastate conflict ( Somali Civil War (1991 - ) )
  • Stage

  • Conflict nature

  • Peace process

    Somalia Peace Process
  • Parties

    Mr. Mohamed Hussein Roble
    Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, serving as the chairperson of the conference.

    Said Abdullahi Deni
    President of Puntland.

    Ahmed Mohamed Islam
    President of Jubaland.

    Abdicasis Hassan Mohamed (Laftagaren)
    President of the South West.

    Ahmed Abdi Kariye (Qoorqoor)
    President of Galmudug.

    Ali Abdullahi Hussein (Ali Guudlaawe)
    President of Hirshabelle.

    Cumar Maxuud Maxed Filish
    Governor of Banaadir.
  • Third parties

  • Description

    The "Conference of The National Consultation Council on Somali Affairs," represented a significant collaborative effort led by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, involving key regional leaders, to critically assess and enhance the electoral process framework within the Federal Republic of Somalia. Through comprehensive deliberations, the council adopted resolutions aimed at rectifying identified issues within the Electoral Management Bodies, addressing the conflict in the Gedo Region, and instituting a quota for women's representation, amongst other critical electoral and security measures. These actions reflect a concerted endeavor towards ensuring the timely, peaceful, and inclusive conduct of elections, delineating a pathway for political stability and the advancement of state-building objectives within Somalia.


  • Children/youth

    No specific mention.

  • Disabled persons

    No specific mention.

  • Elderly/age

    No specific mention.

  • Migrant workers

    No specific mention.

  • Racial/ethnic/national group

    No specific mention.

  • Religious groups

    No specific mention.

  • Indigenous people

    No specific mention.

  • Other groups

    No specific mention.

  • Refugees/displaced persons

    No specific mention.

  • Social class

    No specific mention.


  • Women, girls and gender
    4. Implementing quotas for women (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    5.1 The Council has concurred, during the validation of the September 17, 2020 agreement that instituted a 30% ratio of women, to implement this quota in both legislative bodies. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
  • Men and boys

    No specific mention.


    No specific mention.

  • Family

    No specific mention.

State definition

  • Nature of state (general)
    The Council also discussed issues they considered crucial for the success of the election process, including the overall security of the country, the electoral framework, and the completion of the roadmap for the state-building of Somalia. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (a) The Council generally discussed and unanimously agreed to speed up the implementation of the comprehensive plans outlined in the State-Building Roadmap for Somalia, drawing attention to the completion of key initiatives within a two-year timeframe. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (b) The Council has decided to actively participate in executing the inclusive State-Building Roadmap designed to foster the development of Somalia as outlined in the agreement. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
  • State configuration

    No specific mention.

  • Self determination

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum

    No specific mention.

  • State symbols

    No specific mention.

  • Independence/secession

    No specific mention.

  • Accession/unification

    No specific mention.

  • Border delimitation

    No specific mention.

  • Cross-border provision

    No specific mention.


  • Political institutions (new or reformed)
    Governance→Political institutions (new or reformed)→General references
    Now, the National Consultation Council, recognizing the imperative need for the elections of the Federal Institutions of Somalia to occur within a specific timeframe, and to take place peacefully, inclusively, and contribute to political stability, has extensively deliberated and approved the following provisions: (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (a) The council decided, in reference to the proposal of the Baydhabo Technical Committee, to submit a list of members of the Electoral Management Bodies at both Federal and Regional levels that have disagreements within a period of 3 days to the Office of the Prime Minister of the Federal Government for replacement. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    The process should start immediately upon the signing of the agreement by the leaders of the National Consultation Council. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (b) When the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia receives information concerning the members being complained about, he will verify the accuracy of this information and communicate it to the appointees for their replacement, with the announcement expected within two days. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (c) The committee will select its chairperson among themselves upon completion. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (a) The Prime Minister of the Federal Government is responsible for overseeing the process of the security of the elections in the Somaliland regions, providing guidance to the Speaker of the Upper House and the Deputy Prime Minister. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    The leaders of the National Consultation Council endorsed the resolutions of the Baydhabo Technical Committee on February 16, 2021, aimed at resolving the political and security differences in Gedo as a whole and to facilitate the conduct of elections in Garbahaarey city. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (b) The National Consultation Council has decided that the Prime Minister of the Federal Government must be a role model in ensuring the security and reconciliation of Gedo region to facilitate the process of the elections in Gedo region. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    - The committee is responsible for establishing a peaceful political and security environment conducive to a comprehensive election taking place in Garbahaarey city, working in close collaboration with the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    - The committee’s proposal of the appointment of two individuals for the positions of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of Garbahaarey District, seeking input from various segments of the community. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    - The committee will be named within a period of three days after the leaders sign the agreement. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (d) The President of the Jubaland State Government is to appoint the members of the Administration of Garbahaarey District whom they submitted to the Committee for reconciliation, in accordance with the recommendations of the Baydhabo Technical Committee of 16 February 2021 (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (e) The National Consultation Council is to direct the Reconciliation Committee in their efforts to fully implement the stability plan for Gedo region as a whole and specifically for the success of the Garbahaarey election process within a 30-day period starting from the appointment of the Committee. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (ii) To raise and work collaboratively on the appointment of the new Reconciliation Committee and Administration in Jubaland, ensuring that the Committee, candidates, and observers are provided with a high level of immediate protection security to safeguard their safety throughout the electoral process. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (g) The Council is to decide that the Reconciliation Committee must submit their plan and schedule for the peace mission in the region and the comprehensive development of peace in Gedo region to the Office of the Prime Minister of the Federal Government, and to be implemented within a 60-day period following the elections. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    a) To establish a security committee of 9 members, responsible for election security, led by the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    The members shall include the Commissioners of the Federal Police and Regional Governments, and the Commander of the AMISOM Police. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    b) The security committee is to prepare Special Forces to safeguard the election venues, especially those designated for the Somaliland constituencies, and to coordinate with the Heads of the two Houses of Parliament and the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    c) The emphasis of the National Consultation Council lies in ensuring that security forces at both levels refrain from involvement in political affairs and play a facilitating role in the electoral process. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    d) The Election Security Committee is to consistently inform the National Consultation Council, facilitating well-informed decisions regarding the dynamic security circumstances associated with the electoral process. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (a) The National Consultation Council is responsible for implementing the agreement and working on the overall security and electoral matters of the country. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (b) The Council has decided to actively participate in executing the inclusive State-Building Roadmap designed to foster the development of Somalia as outlined in the agreement. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
  • Elections
    5. The election schedules (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    The Council also discussed issues they considered crucial for the success of the election process, including the overall security of the country, the electoral framework, and the completion of the roadmap for the state-building of Somalia. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    Now, the National Consultation Council, recognizing the imperative need for the elections of the Federal Institutions of Somalia to occur within a specific timeframe, and to take place peacefully, inclusively, and contribute to political stability, has extensively deliberated and approved the following provisions: (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (a) The council decided, in reference to the proposal of the Baydhabo Technical Committee, to submit a list of members of the Electoral Management Bodies at both Federal and Regional levels that have disagreements within a period of 3 days to the Office of the Prime Minister of the Federal Government for replacement. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    The leaders of the National Consultation Council endorsed the resolutions of the Baydhabo Technical Committee on February 16, 2021, aimed at resolving the political and security differences in Gedo as a whole and to facilitate the conduct of elections in Garbahaarey city. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (b) The National Consultation Council has decided that the Prime Minister of the Federal Government must be a role model in ensuring the security and reconciliation of Gedo region to facilitate the process of the elections in Gedo region. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    - The committee is responsible for establishing a peaceful political and security environment conducive to a comprehensive election taking place in Garbahaarey city, working in close collaboration with the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (e) The National Consultation Council is to direct the Reconciliation Committee in their efforts to fully implement the stability plan for Gedo region as a whole and specifically for the success of the Garbahaarey election process within a 30-day period starting from the appointment of the Committee. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (i) To deploy AMISOM in Garbahaarey City to boost the security of the city and the election venues. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (ii) To raise and work collaboratively on the appointment of the new Reconciliation Committee and Administration in Jubaland, ensuring that the Committee, candidates, and observers are provided with a high level of immediate protection security to safeguard their safety throughout the electoral process. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (g) The Council is to decide that the Reconciliation Committee must submit their plan and schedule for the peace mission in the region and the comprehensive development of peace in Gedo region to the Office of the Prime Minister of the Federal Government, and to be implemented within a 60-day period following the elections. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    b) The security committee is to prepare Special Forces to safeguard the election venues, especially those designated for the Somaliland constituencies, and to coordinate with the Heads of the two Houses of Parliament and the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    c) The emphasis of the National Consultation Council lies in ensuring that security forces at both levels refrain from involvement in political affairs and play a facilitating role in the electoral process. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    d) The Election Security Committee is to consistently inform the National Consultation Council, facilitating well-informed decisions regarding the dynamic security circumstances associated with the electoral process. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (a) That the elections be completed within a period of 60 consecutive days as specified in the agreement of February 16 in Baydhabo. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (b) That the Federal Electoral Management Team (FEIT) releases a comprehensive election schedule, including all relevant details, within the specified timeframe mentioned in point (a). (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (c) That the committee members of the State-Level Electoral Management Teams (SIEIT) prepare a comprehensive schedule for the regional elections in accordance with the Federal-level Committee's timetable. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (a) The National Consultation Council is responsible for implementing the agreement and working on the overall security and electoral matters of the country. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (b) The Council has decided to bring together regular meetings to assess progress and ensure the smooth implementation of the electoral process, addressing any challenges that may arise during the election planning. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (c) The Council also extends gratitude to the international community for the support provided to the Somali Government in resolving electoral issues and achieving a peaceful resolution. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
  • Electoral commission
    During this period, the National Consultation Council thoroughly examined the progress and challenges in implementing the agreement of September 17, 2020 regarding the electoral procedures of the constitutional institutions within the Federal Republic of Somalia. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    The Council also scrutinized the progress made in the recommendations put forth by the Baydhabo Technical Committee on February 16, 2021, to streamline the key points of the committee's proposals which included: (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    1. A roadmap for resolving complaints related to the Election Management Bodies of the two levels. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    2. Finding a solution for the Somaliland Election Management Committee (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    The Council also discussed issues they considered crucial for the success of the election process, including the overall security of the country, the electoral framework, and the completion of the roadmap for the state-building of Somalia. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    Now, the National Consultation Council, recognizing the imperative need for the elections of the Federal Institutions of Somalia to occur within a specific timeframe, and to take place peacefully, inclusively, and contribute to political stability, has extensively deliberated and approved the following provisions: (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (a) The council decided, in reference to the proposal of the Baydhabo Technical Committee, to submit a list of members of the Electoral Management Bodies at both Federal and Regional levels that have disagreements within a period of 3 days to the Office of the Prime Minister of the Federal Government for replacement. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    The process should start immediately upon the signing of the agreement by the leaders of the National Consultation Council. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (b) Chairperson Abdi Hashi is to appoint four members, including one member for the Somaliland Electoral Management Team (SEIT), one member for the Federal Level Electoral Management Team in Somaliland (FEIT), and one member for the Conflict Resolution Committee, to the election management committee. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    The leaders of the National Consultation Council endorsed the resolutions of the Baydhabo Technical Committee on February 16, 2021, aimed at resolving the political and security differences in Gedo as a whole and to facilitate the conduct of elections in Garbahaarey city. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (b) The National Consultation Council has decided that the Prime Minister of the Federal Government must be a role model in ensuring the security and reconciliation of Gedo region to facilitate the process of the elections in Gedo region. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    - The committee is responsible for establishing a peaceful political and security environment conducive to a comprehensive election taking place in Garbahaarey city, working in close collaboration with the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (e) The National Consultation Council is to direct the Reconciliation Committee in their efforts to fully implement the stability plan for Gedo region as a whole and specifically for the success of the Garbahaarey election process within a 30-day period starting from the appointment of the Committee. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (i) To deploy AMISOM in Garbahaarey City to boost the security of the city and the election venues. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (ii) To raise and work collaboratively on the appointment of the new Reconciliation Committee and Administration in Jubaland, ensuring that the Committee, candidates, and observers are provided with a high level of immediate protection security to safeguard their safety throughout the electoral process. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (g) The Council is to decide that the Reconciliation Committee must submit their plan and schedule for the peace mission in the region and the comprehensive development of peace in Gedo region to the Office of the Prime Minister of the Federal Government, and to be implemented within a 60-day period following the elections. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    b) The security committee is to prepare Special Forces to safeguard the election venues, especially those designated for the Somaliland constituencies, and to coordinate with the Heads of the two Houses of Parliament and the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    c) The emphasis of the National Consultation Council lies in ensuring that security forces at both levels refrain from involvement in political affairs and play a facilitating role in the electoral process. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    d) The Election Security Committee is to consistently inform the National Consultation Council, facilitating well-informed decisions regarding the dynamic security circumstances associated with the electoral process. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (a) That the elections be completed within a period of 60 consecutive days as specified in the agreement of February 16 in Baydhabo. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (b) That the Federal Electoral Management Team (FEIT) releases a comprehensive election schedule, including all relevant details, within the specified timeframe mentioned in point (a). (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (c) That the committee members of the State-Level Electoral Management Teams (SIEIT) prepare a comprehensive schedule for the regional elections in accordance with the Federal-level Committee's timetable. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (a) The National Consultation Council is responsible for implementing the agreement and working on the overall security and electoral matters of the country. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (b) The Council has decided to bring together regular meetings to assess progress and ensure the smooth implementation of the electoral process, addressing any challenges that may arise during the election planning. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (c) The Council also extends gratitude to the international community for the support provided to the Somali Government in resolving electoral issues and achieving a peaceful resolution. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
  • Political parties reform

    No specific mention.

  • Civil society
    (a) The National Consultation Council urges the community in Gedo to work towards peace, unity, and harmony among the public and the administration of Jubaland. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    - The committee’s proposal of the appointment of two individuals for the positions of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of Garbahaarey District, seeking input from various segments of the community. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    b) The security committee is to prepare Special Forces to safeguard the election venues, especially those designated for the Somaliland constituencies, and to coordinate with the Heads of the two Houses of Parliament and the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
  • Traditional/religious leaders

    No specific mention.

  • Public administration

    No specific mention.

  • Constitution

    No specific mention.

Power sharing

  • Political power sharing
    Power sharing→Political power sharing→General
    (e) The National Consultation Council is to direct the Reconciliation Committee in their efforts to fully implement the stability plan for Gedo region as a whole and specifically for the success of the Garbahaarey election process within a 30-day period starting from the appointment of the Committee. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
  • Territorial power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Economic power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Military power sharing

    No specific mention.

Human rights and equality

  • Human rights/RoL general

    No specific mention.

  • Bill of rights/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Treaty incorporation

    No specific mention.

  • Civil and political rights

    No specific mention.

  • Socio-economic rights

    No specific mention.

Rights related issues

  • Citizenship

    No specific mention.

  • Democracy

    No specific mention.

  • Detention procedures

    No specific mention.

  • Media and communication
    Rights related issues→Media and communication→Other
    (b) When the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia receives information concerning the members being complained about, he will verify the accuracy of this information and communicate it to the appointees for their replacement, with the announcement expected within two days. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
  • Mobility/access

    No specific mention.

  • Protection measures

    No specific mention.

  • Other

    No specific mention.

Rights institutions

  • NHRI

    No specific mention.

  • Regional or international human rights institutions

    No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

  • Criminal justice and emergency law

    No specific mention.

  • State of emergency provisions

    No specific mention.

  • Judiciary and courts

    No specific mention.

  • Prisons and detention

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional Laws

    No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

  • Development or socio-economic reconstruction

    No specific mention.

  • National economic plan

    No specific mention.

  • Natural resources

    No specific mention.

  • International funds

    No specific mention.

  • Business

    No specific mention.

  • Taxation

    No specific mention.

  • Banks

    No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

  • Land reform/rights

    No specific mention.

  • Pastoralist/nomadism rights

    No specific mention.

  • Cultural heritage

    No specific mention.

  • Environment

    No specific mention.

  • Water or riparian rights or access

    No specific mention.

Security sector

  • Security Guarantees
    (a) The Prime Minister of the Federal Government is responsible for overseeing the process of the security of the elections in the Somaliland regions, providing guidance to the Speaker of the Upper House and the Deputy Prime Minister. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    - The committee is responsible for establishing a peaceful political and security environment conducive to a comprehensive election taking place in Garbahaarey city, working in close collaboration with the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (i) To deploy AMISOM in Garbahaarey City to boost the security of the city and the election venues. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (ii) To raise and work collaboratively on the appointment of the new Reconciliation Committee and Administration in Jubaland, ensuring that the Committee, candidates, and observers are provided with a high level of immediate protection security to safeguard their safety throughout the electoral process. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    a) To establish a security committee of 9 members, responsible for election security, led by the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    c) The emphasis of the National Consultation Council lies in ensuring that security forces at both levels refrain from involvement in political affairs and play a facilitating role in the electoral process. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    d) The Election Security Committee is to consistently inform the National Consultation Council, facilitating well-informed decisions regarding the dynamic security circumstances associated with the electoral process. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (a) The National Consultation Council is responsible for implementing the agreement and working on the overall security and electoral matters of the country. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
  • Ceasefire

    No specific mention.

  • Police
    The members shall include the Commissioners of the Federal Police and Regional Governments, and the Commander of the AMISOM Police. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
  • Armed forces
    b) The security committee is to prepare Special Forces to safeguard the election venues, especially those designated for the Somaliland constituencies, and to coordinate with the Heads of the two Houses of Parliament and the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
  • DDR

    No specific mention.

  • Intelligence services

    No specific mention.

  • Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces

    No specific mention.

  • Withdrawal of foreign forces

    No specific mention.

  • Corruption

    No specific mention.

  • Crime/organised crime

    No specific mention.

  • Drugs

    No specific mention.

  • Terrorism

    No specific mention.

Transitional justice

  • Transitional justice general

    No specific mention.

  • Amnesty/pardon

    No specific mention.

  • Courts

    No specific mention.

  • Mechanism

    No specific mention.

  • Prisoner release

    No specific mention.

  • Vetting

    No specific mention.

  • Victims

    No specific mention.

  • Missing persons

    No specific mention.

  • Reparations

    No specific mention.

  • Reconciliation
    (c) The National Consultation Council has decided to establish a comprehensive reconciliation committee, inclusive of federal member states not associated with Jubaland, in accordance with the recommendations of the Baydhabo Technical Committee. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    - The committee is responsible for establishing a peaceful political and security environment conducive to a comprehensive election taking place in Garbahaarey city, working in close collaboration with the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    - The committee’s proposal of the appointment of two individuals for the positions of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of Garbahaarey District, seeking input from various segments of the community. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    - The committee will be named within a period of three days after the leaders sign the agreement. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (d) The President of the Jubaland State Government is to appoint the members of the Administration of Garbahaarey District whom they submitted to the Committee for reconciliation, in accordance with the recommendations of the Baydhabo Technical Committee of 16 February 2021 (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (e) The National Consultation Council is to direct the Reconciliation Committee in their efforts to fully implement the stability plan for Gedo region as a whole and specifically for the success of the Garbahaarey election process within a 30-day period starting from the appointment of the Committee. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (ii) To raise and work collaboratively on the appointment of the new Reconciliation Committee and Administration in Jubaland, ensuring that the Committee, candidates, and observers are provided with a high level of immediate protection security to safeguard their safety throughout the electoral process. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    (g) The Council is to decide that the Reconciliation Committee must submit their plan and schedule for the peace mission in the region and the comprehensive development of peace in Gedo region to the Office of the Prime Minister of the Federal Government, and to be implemented within a 60-day period following the elections. (new-tab Locate in agreement)


  • UN signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Other international signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum for agreement

    No specific mention.

  • International mission/force/similar
    (i) To deploy AMISOM in Garbahaarey City to boost the security of the city and the election venues. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
    The members shall include the Commissioners of the Federal Police and Regional Governments, and the Commander of the AMISOM Police. (new-tab Locate in agreement)
  • Enforcement mechanism

    No specific mention.

  • Related cases

    No specific mention.

  • Source

    No specific mention.

Conference of The National Consultation Council on Somali Affairs’s

27 May 2021


The conference of the Heads of the National Consultation Council was chaired by the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mr. Mohamed Hussein Roble, and it was attended by President of Puntland, Said Abdullahi Deni;

the President of Jubaland, Ahmed Mohamed Islam;

the President of the South West, Abdicasis Hassan Mohamed (Laftagaren);

the President of Galmudug, Ahmed Abdi Kariye (Qoorqoor);

the President of Hirshabelle, Ali Abdullahi Hussein (Ali Guudlaawe);

and the Governor of Banaadir, Cumar Maxuud Maxed Filish.

The conference took place in Mogadishu from May 22 to May 26, 2021.

During this period, the National Consultation Council thoroughly examined the progress and challenges in implementing the agreement of September 17, 2020 regarding the electoral procedures of the constitutional institutions within the Federal Republic of Somalia.

The Council also scrutinized the progress made in the recommendations put forth by the Baydhabo Technical Committee on February 16, 2021, to streamline the key points of the committee's proposals which included:

1. A roadmap for resolving complaints related to the Election Management Bodies of the two levels.

2. Finding a solution for the Somaliland Election Management Committee

3. The process of resolving conflicts in the Gedo Region

4. Implementing quotas for women

5. The election schedules

The Council also discussed issues they considered crucial for the success of the election process, including the overall security of the country, the electoral framework, and the completion of the roadmap for the state-building of Somalia.

Now, the National Consultation Council, recognizing the imperative need for the elections of the Federal Institutions of Somalia to occur within a specific timeframe, and to take place peacefully, inclusively, and contribute to political stability, has extensively deliberated and approved the following provisions:

1. The roadmap to resolve the differences in the Electoral Management Bodies

(a) The council decided, in reference to the proposal of the Baydhabo Technical Committee, to submit a list of members of the Electoral Management Bodies at both Federal and Regional levels that have disagreements within a period of 3 days to the Office of the Prime Minister of the Federal Government for replacement.

The process should start immediately upon the signing of the agreement by the leaders of the National Consultation Council.

(b) When the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia receives information concerning the members being complained about, he will verify the accuracy of this information and communicate it to the appointees for their replacement, with the announcement expected within two days.

(c) The committee will select its chairperson among themselves upon completion.

2. Resolution of the conflict within the Electoral Management Bodies of Somaliland

The National Consultation Council has decided:

(a) The Prime Minister of the Federal Government is responsible for overseeing the process of the security of the elections in the Somaliland regions, providing guidance to the Speaker of the Upper House and the Deputy Prime Minister.

(b) Chairperson Abdi Hashi is to appoint four members, including one member for the Somaliland Electoral Management Team (SEIT), one member for the Federal Level Electoral Management Team in Somaliland (FEIT), and one member for the Conflict Resolution Committee, to the election management committee.

3. The resolution process for the conflict in Gedo region

The conference was extensively deliberated, by thoroughly analyzing the political and security situation in Gedo region.

The leaders of the National Consultation Council endorsed the resolutions of the Baydhabo Technical Committee on February 16, 2021, aimed at resolving the political and security differences in Gedo as a whole and to facilitate the conduct of elections in Garbahaarey city.

Now, the council has decided:

(a) The National Consultation Council urges the community in Gedo to work towards peace, unity, and harmony among the public and the administration of Jubaland.

(b) The National Consultation Council has decided that the Prime Minister of the Federal Government must be a role model in ensuring the security and reconciliation of Gedo region to facilitate the process of the elections in Gedo region.

(c) The National Consultation Council has decided to establish a comprehensive reconciliation committee, inclusive of federal member states not associated with Jubaland, in accordance with the recommendations of the Baydhabo Technical Committee.

- The committee is responsible for establishing a peaceful political and security environment conducive to a comprehensive election taking place in Garbahaarey city, working in close collaboration with the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia.

- The committee’s proposal of the appointment of two individuals for the positions of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of Garbahaarey District, seeking input from various segments of the community.

- The committee will be named within a period of three days after the leaders sign the agreement.

(d) The President of the Jubaland State Government is to appoint the members of the Administration of Garbahaarey District whom they submitted to the Committee for reconciliation, in accordance with the recommendations of the Baydhabo Technical Committee of 16 February 2021

(e) The National Consultation Council is to direct the Reconciliation Committee in their efforts to fully implement the stability plan for Gedo region as a whole and specifically for the success of the Garbahaarey election process within a 30-day period starting from the appointment of the Committee.

(f) As far as the security aspect of the Garbahaarey election is concerned, the Council has decided:

(i) To deploy AMISOM in Garbahaarey City to boost the security of the city and the election venues.

(ii) To raise and work collaboratively on the appointment of the new Reconciliation Committee and Administration in Jubaland, ensuring that the Committee, candidates, and observers are provided with a high level of immediate protection security to safeguard their safety throughout the electoral process.

(g) The Council is to decide that the Reconciliation Committee must submit their plan and schedule for the peace mission in the region and the comprehensive development of peace in Gedo region to the Office of the Prime Minister of the Federal Government, and to be implemented within a 60-day period following the elections.

Election Security Protocol

4.1 The National Consultation Council has decided:

a) To establish a security committee of 9 members, responsible for election security, led by the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia.

The members shall include the Commissioners of the Federal Police and Regional Governments, and the Commander of the AMISOM Police.

b) The security committee is to prepare Special Forces to safeguard the election venues, especially those designated for the Somaliland constituencies, and to coordinate with the Heads of the two Houses of Parliament and the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

c) The emphasis of the National Consultation Council lies in ensuring that security forces at both levels refrain from involvement in political affairs and play a facilitating role in the electoral process.

d) The Election Security Committee is to consistently inform the National Consultation Council, facilitating well-informed decisions regarding the dynamic security circumstances associated with the electoral process.

5. Implementation of women's ratio

5.1 The Council has concurred, during the validation of the September 17, 2020 agreement that instituted a 30% ratio of women, to implement this quota in both legislative bodies.

6. Electoral Process Schedule

6.1 The National Consultation Council, upon evaluating the prolonged schedule of the Federal Electoral Process 2020/2021, has made a decision:

(a) That the elections be completed within a period of 60 consecutive days as specified in the agreement of February 16 in Baydhabo.

(b) That the Federal Electoral Management Team (FEIT) releases a comprehensive election schedule, including all relevant details, within the specified timeframe mentioned in point (a).

(c) That the committee members of the State-Level Electoral Management Teams (SIEIT) prepare a comprehensive schedule for the regional elections in accordance with the Federal-level Committee's timetable.

(d) To sustain collaboration with the National Consultation Council.

Sustaining collaboration with the National Consultation Council.

(a) The National Consultation Council is responsible for implementing the agreement and working on the overall security and electoral matters of the country.

(b) The Council has decided to bring together regular meetings to assess progress and ensure the smooth implementation of the electoral process, addressing any challenges that may arise during the election planning.

Fulfilling of the State-Building Roadmap for Somalia

(a) The Council generally discussed and unanimously agreed to speed up the implementation of the comprehensive plans outlined in the State-Building Roadmap for Somalia, drawing attention to the completion of key initiatives within a two-year timeframe.

(b) The Council has decided to actively participate in executing the inclusive State-Building Roadmap designed to foster the development of Somalia as outlined in the agreement.


(a) The National Consultation Council expresses its gratitude to the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia for his leadership and facilitation of the conference.

(b) The Council expresses appreciation to the stakeholders of the Political Parties, Civil Society Organizations, and diverse sectors of the Somali community for their roles in achieving the agreement and resolving electoral conflicts.

(c) The Council also extends gratitude to the international community for the support provided to the Somali Government in resolving electoral issues and achieving a peaceful resolution.

===THE END===