The Managua Protocol on Disarmament

  • Country/entity
  • Region
  • Agreement name
    The Managua Protocol on Disarmament
  • Date
    30 May 1990
  • Agreement status
    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement
  • Agreement/conflict level
  • Stage
  • Conflict nature
  • Peace process
    Nicaragua contra process
  • Parties
    President of the Republic, Resistance Forces
  • Third parties
    Nicaraguan Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo
  • Description
    Agreement detailing demobilization and reintegration of Nicaraguan resistance forces and treatment of their families to certain designted 'development' areas; Govt undertaking to appoint reps of the demobilized combatants to the relevant Ministries and to allow them to participate in local government. Provides for possibility of the resistance to become a political party.


  • Children/youth
    Page 1, 1. The implementation of measures planned in connection with the "Commitment to guarantee the physical and moral integrity of the combatants of the Nicaraguan resistance, as a group and individually, their family members and the civilian population accompanying them" shall be facilitated as follows:
    (d) The resistance is urged to submit immediately a list of widows and orphans, so that the Nicaraguan Social Security and Welfare Institute can include them in its budget and they can receive the monthly pensions to which they are entitled.
  • Disabled persons
    Groups→Disabled persons→Substantive
    Page 1, 1. The implementation of measures planned in connection with the "Commitment to guarantee the physical and moral integrity of the combatants of the Nicaraguan resistance, as a group and individually, their family members and the civilian population accompanying them" shall be facilitated as follows:
    (b) Disabled and wounded ex-combatants shall be given specialized care in Managua;
  • Elderly/age

    No specific mention.

  • Migrant workers

    No specific mention.

  • Racial/ethnic/national group

    No specific mention.

  • Religious groups

    No specific mention.

  • Indigenous people

    No specific mention.

  • Other groups

    No specific mention.

  • Refugees/displaced persons

    No specific mention.

  • Social class

    No specific mention.


  • Women, girls and gender
    Page 4, 1.d. The resistance is urged to submit immediately a list of widows and orphans, so that the Nicaraguan Social Security and Welfare Institute can include them in its budget and they can receive the monthly pensions to which they are entitled.

    Page 2, 10.
    In compliance with the Toncontin Agreement and its addendum, the resistance hereby ratifies its undertaking to demobilise and lay down its arms by 10 June 1990 at the latest. To that end, the resistance undertakes to demobilize at least 100 combatants each day in each zone as from this date. Furthermore, in honour of Mother's Day, a considerable number of the combatants of the Nicaraguan resistance shall be demobilized.
  • Men and boys

    No specific mention.


    No specific mention.

  • Family
    Page 4, 1. [...] (c) A commission comprising members from the Government, the Nicaraguan resistance, the United Nations International Support and Verification Commission (CIA.V) and His Eminence Miguel Cardinal Obando y Bravo shall be established to travel to Honduras and Costa Rica in order to make a thorough investigation of the living conditions of the families of the resistance combatants and take emergency measures to solve any problems that come to light;

    Page 5, 7. The Government undertakes to appoint upon the recommendation of the resistance, a representative of the demobiliaed combatants to the Ministries dealing with ex-combatants and their families, namely the Ministries of Health, Agrarian Reform, Labour and others, and also to appoint two members to the Governing Council of the Nicaraguan Repatriation Institute.

State definition

  • Nature of state (general)

    No specific mention.

  • State configuration

    No specific mention.

  • Self determination

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum

    No specific mention.

  • State symbols

    No specific mention.

  • Independence/secession

    No specific mention.

  • Accession/unification

    No specific mention.

  • Border delimitation

    No specific mention.

  • Cross-border provision

    No specific mention.


  • Political institutions (new or reformed)

    No specific mention.

  • Elections

    No specific mention.

  • Electoral commission

    No specific mention.

  • Political parties reform

    No specific mention.

  • Civil society
    [Summary] His Eminence Cardinal Obando y Bravo signatory to agreement and to be member of Commission to ensure that the demobilized and their families are living in suitable conditions.
  • Traditional/religious leaders

    No specific mention.

  • Public administration

    No specific mention.

  • Constitution

    No specific mention.

Power sharing

  • Political power sharing
    Power sharing→Political power sharing→General
    Sub-state level
    Page 5, 8. The Government of Nicaragua undertakes to allow the ex-combatants of the resistance who have settled in the development areas to participate in the local government, that is, within the development area. In addition, the ex-combatants who return to their places of origin shall receive the necessary support from State agencies for their integration into civilian life.
    Power sharing→Political power sharing→Executive coalition
    State level
    Page 5, 7. The Government undertakes to appoint upon the recommendation of the resistance, a representative of the demobilized combatants to the Ministries dealing with ex-combatants and their families, namely the Ministries of Health, Agrarian Reform, Labour and others, and also to appoint two members to the Governing Council of the Nicaraguan Repatriation Institute.
    Power sharing→Political power sharing→Other proportionality
    State level
    Page 5, 7. The Government undertakes to appoint upon the recommendation of the resistance, a representative of the demobilized combatants to the Ministries dealing with ex-combatants and their families, namely the Ministries of Health, Agrarian Reform, Labour and others, and also to appoint two members to the Governing Council of the Nicaraguan Repatriation Institute.
  • Territorial power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Economic power sharing

    No specific mention.

  • Military power sharing

    No specific mention.

Human rights and equality

  • Human rights/RoL general

    No specific mention.

  • Bill of rights/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Treaty incorporation

    No specific mention.

  • Civil and political rights

    No specific mention.

  • Socio-economic rights

    No specific mention.

Rights related issues

  • Citizenship
    Rights related issues→Citizenship→Citizens, specific rights
    Page 4, 4. It [the Nicaraguan Government] undertakes to set up immediately a police force for internal order, in which former members of the resistance will participate, the main object of which shall be to safeguard the life and physical integrity of the citizens living in the development areas; It is also proposed that this police force should come under the organizational structure of the Ministry of the Interior. In addition, the United Nations or a friendly country shall be asked to provide technical advice on the professional training of the police force.
  • Democracy

    No specific mention.

  • Detention procedures

    No specific mention.

  • Media and communication

    No specific mention.

  • Mobility/access

    No specific mention.

  • Protection measures

    No specific mention.

  • Other

    No specific mention.

Rights institutions

  • NHRI

    No specific mention.

  • Regional or international human rights institutions

    No specific mention.

Justice sector reform

  • Criminal justice and emergency law

    No specific mention.

  • State of emergency provisions

    No specific mention.

  • Judiciary and courts

    No specific mention.

  • Prisons and detention

    No specific mention.

  • Traditional Laws

    No specific mention.

Socio-economic reconstruction

  • Development or socio-economic reconstruction

    No specific mention.

  • National economic plan

    No specific mention.

  • Natural resources

    No specific mention.

  • International funds

    No specific mention.

  • Business

    No specific mention.

  • Taxation

    No specific mention.

  • Banks

    No specific mention.

Land, property and environment

  • Land reform/rights

    No specific mention.

  • Pastoralist/nomadism rights

    No specific mention.

  • Cultural heritage

    No specific mention.

  • Environment

    No specific mention.

  • Water or riparian rights or access

    No specific mention.

Security sector

  • Security Guarantees

    No specific mention.

  • Ceasefire
    Security sector→Ceasefire→Ceasefire provision
    [Summary] The agreement in its entirety provides for implementation of earlier ceasefire agreements.

    Page 1, 1.
    The implementation of measures planned in connection with the "Commitment to guarantee the physical and moral integrity of the combatants of the Nicaraguan resistance, as a group and individually, their family members and the civilian population accompanying them" shall be facilitated as follows:...
  • Police
    Page 4, 4. It [the Nicaraguan Government] undertakes to set up immediately a police force for internal order, in which former members of the resistance will participate, the main object of which shall be to safeguard the life and physical integrity of the citizens living in the development areas; It is also proposed that this police force should come under the organizational structure of the Ministry of the Interior. In addition, the United Nations or a friendly country shall be asked to provide technical advice on the professional training of the police force.
  • Armed forces

    No specific mention.

  • DDR
    Security sector→DDR→Demilitarisation provisions
    Page 5, 5. It [The Government of Nicaragua] undertakes to create the proper security conditions in the demilitarised areas, to which end it is considered necessary to:
    (a) Make arrangements to have the mandate of the United Nations Observer Group in Central America (ONUCA) enlarged;
    (b) Have the Government provide supplementary assistance to each demobilized combatant leaving a security zone;
    (c) Demilitarise each area of conflict;
    (d) Continue collecting weapons in the hands of civilians in the areas of conflict.

    Page 5, 6, It [The Government of Nicaragua] undertakes to guarantee the safety of ex-combatants who agree to demobilise and leave the security zones, settling in the development areas. The option of returning to their place of origin shall also be available for those who wish to do so. It is understood that anyone so opting shall, like any other citizen, assume the risks involved.
  • Intelligence services

    No specific mention.

  • Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces

    No specific mention.

  • Withdrawal of foreign forces

    No specific mention.

  • Corruption

    No specific mention.

  • Crime/organised crime

    No specific mention.

  • Drugs

    No specific mention.

  • Terrorism

    No specific mention.

Transitional justice

  • Transitional justice general

    No specific mention.

  • Amnesty/pardon

    No specific mention.

  • Courts

    No specific mention.

  • Mechanism

    No specific mention.

  • Prisoner release

    No specific mention.

  • Vetting

    No specific mention.

  • Victims
    Page 4, 1.(d) the resistance is urged to submit immediately a list of widows and orphans, so that the Nicaraguan Social Security and Welfare institute can include them in its budget and they can receive the monthly pensions to which they are entitled.
  • Missing persons

    No specific mention.

  • Reparations

    No specific mention.

  • Reconciliation

    No specific mention.


  • UN signatory
    1.(d) UN to participate in Commission to ensure that the demobilized and their families are living in suitable conditions. 4. UN to be asked to assist in training local police force of demobilized resistance fighters. 5.(a) the mandate of the ONUCA is to be enlarged.
  • Other international signatory

    No specific mention.

  • Referendum for agreement

    No specific mention.

  • International mission/force/similar

    No specific mention.

  • Enforcement mechanism
    Page 4, 1.(c) a comission comprising members from the govt, the Nicaraguan resistance, the UN intl Support and Verification Commission (CIAV) and Cardinal Obando y Bravo shall be established to travel to Honduras and Costa Rica in order to make a thorough investigation of the living conditions of the families of the resistance combatants and take emergency measures to solve any problems that come to light.

    Page 5, 5,
    5. It undertakes to create the proper security conditions in the demilitarised areas, to which end it is considered necessary to
    (a) Make arrangements to have the mandate of the United Nations Observer Group in Central America (ONUCA) enlarged;
  • Related cases
    Page 5, 10. In compliance with the Toacontin Agreement and its addendum, the resistance hereby ratifies its undertaking to demobilise and lay down its armt by 10 June 1990 at the latest. To that end, the resistance undertakes to demobilise at least 100 combatants each day in each zone as from this date. Furthermore, in honour of Mother's Day, a considerable number of the combatants of the Nicaraguan resistance shall be demobilised.
  • Source
    UN Peacemaker. Available at: (Accessed 6 October 2020).

Managua protocol on disarmament

In the spirit of the Managua Declaration signed on 4 May 1990, the resistance, the Government of Nicaragua and His Eminence Miguel Cardinal Obando y Bravo have by these presents agreed as follows:

1. The implementation of measures planned in connection with the "Commitment to guarantee the physical and moral integrity of the combatants of the Nicaraguan resistance, as a group and individually, their family members and the civilian population accompanying them" shall be facilitated as follows:

(a) The seriously ill shall be moved immediately so that they may receive the necessary medical care in a Nicaraguan hospital;

(b) Disabled and wounded ex-combatants shall be given specialized care in Managua;

(c) A commission comprising members from the Government, the Nicaraguan resistance, the United Nations International Support and Verification Commission (CIAV) and His Eminence Miguel Cardinal Obando y Bravo shall be established to travel to Honduras and Costa Rica in order to make a thorough investigation of the living conditions of the families of the resistance combatants and take emergency measures to solve any problems that come to light;

(d) The resistance is urged to submit immediately a list of widows and orphans, so that the Nlcaraguan Social Security and Welfare Institute can include them in its budget and they can receive the monthly pensions to which they are entitled.

2. By agreement among the parties, the development area known as "El Almendro", described in the annexed document on the develofment areas, shall be established on the basis of the proposal made by the Government.

The series of steps required for its implementation and for the settlement of the demobilized combatants in the development areas shall begin as from today's date.

3. The Government of Nir.aragua undertakes to provide each demobilized combatant with minimal economic assistance.

4. It undertakes to set up immediately a police force for internal order, in which former members of the resistance will participate, the main object of which shall be to safeguard the life and physical integrity of the citizens living in the development areas~ It is also proposed that this police force should come under the organizational structure of the Ministry of the Interior.

In addition, the United Nations or a friendly country shall be asked to provide technical advice on the professional training of the police force.

5. It undertakes to create the proper securlty conditions in the demilitarised areas, to which end it is considered necessary to

(a) Make arrangement to have the mandate of the United Nations Observer Group in Central America (ONUCA) enlarged,

(b) Have the Government provide supplementary assistance to each demobilized combatant leaving a security zone,

(c) Demilitarise each area of conflict,

(d) Continue collecting weapon, in the hands of civiliaus in the area, of conflict.

6. It undertakes to guarantee the safety of ex-combatants who agree to demobilize and leave the aaaurity zones, settling in the development area,.

The option of returning to their place of origin shall also be available for those who wish to do so.

It is understood that anyone so opting shall, like any other citizen, assume the risks involved.

7. The Government undertakes to appoint upon the recommendation of the resistance, a representative of the demobiliaed combatants to the Ministries dealing with ex-combatants and their families, namely the Ministries of Health, Agrarian Reform, Labour and others, and also to appoint two members to the Governing Council of the Nicaraguan Repatriation Institute.

8. The Government of Nicaragua undertakes to allow the ex-combatants of the resistance who have settled in the development areas to participate in the local government, that is, within the development area.

In addition, the ex-combatants who return to their places of origin shall receive the necessary support from state agencies for their integration into civilian life.

9. The Managua Declaration is hereby ratified in each and every point, with particular emphasis on the provisions in rerpect of the possibility that the resistance may become a political party, thus allowing its full integration into the political life of the country.

10. In compliance with the Toacontin Agreement and its addendum, the resiatance hereby ratifies its undertaking to demobiliae and lay down its armr by 10 June 1990 at the latest.

To that end, the resistance undertakes to demobilize at least 100 combatants each day in each zone as from this date.

Furthermore, in honour of Mother's Day, a considerable number of the combatants of the Nicaraguan resistance shall be demobilized.

DONE at Managua on 30 May 1090.

(Signed) Violeta BARRIOS de CHAMORRO President of tha Republic

(Signed) Israel GALEANO Commander Franklin

(Signed) Miguel OBANDO y BRAVO Cardinal of Nicaragua