Acte d’Adhésion de la Convention des Patriotes pour la Justice et la Paix (CPJP) à l’Accord de Paix Global de Libreville
- Country/entity
Central African Republic
- Region
Africa (excl MENA)
- Agreement name
- Acte d’Adhésion de la Convention des Patriotes pour la Justice et la Paix (CPJP) à l’Accord de Paix Global de Libreville
- Date
- 25 Aug 2012
- Agreement status
- Multiparty signed/agreed
- Interim arrangement
- Yes
- Agreement/conflict level
- Intrastate/intrastate conflict
- Stage
- Implementation/renegotiation
- Conflict nature
- Government
- Peace process
- CAR: coups and rebellions process
- Parties
For the CPJP
- Hissene Abdoulaye RAMADAN, President of the CPJP
For the CAR Government
- General De Corps D’Armee Xavier Sylvestre Yangongo, Minister Delegated to the President responsible for DDRJPN
Ont paraphe [Not sure how to translate this]
For the Government
- Minister of Public Security
- Minister Delegated to the Presidency of the Republic responsible for national defence
For the International Community
- African Union
- MICOPAX (FOMAC) - Third parties
- -
- Description
- -
- Agreement document
- CF_120825_ActeAdhesionCPJP_tr.pdf (opens in new tab) | Download PDF
- Agreement document (original language)
- CF_120825_ActeAdhesionCPJP.pdf (opens in new tab)
- Children/youth
No specific mention.
- Disabled persons
No specific mention.
- Elderly/age
No specific mention.
- Migrant workers
No specific mention.
- Racial/ethnic/national group
No specific mention.
- Religious groups
No specific mention.
- Indigenous people
No specific mention.
- Other groups
No specific mention.
- Refugees/displaced persons
No specific mention.
- Social class
No specific mention.
- Women, girls and gender
No specific mention.
- Men and boys
No specific mention.
No specific mention.
- Family
No specific mention.
State definition
- Nature of state (general)
No specific mention.
- State configuration
No specific mention.
- Self determination
No specific mention.
- Referendum
No specific mention.
- State symbols
No specific mention.
- Independence/secession
No specific mention.
- Accession/unification
No specific mention.
- Border delimitation
No specific mention.
- Cross-border provision
No specific mention.
- Political institutions (new or reformed)
No specific mention.
- Elections
No specific mention.
- Electoral commission
No specific mention.
- Political parties reform
No specific mention.
- Civil society
No specific mention.
- Traditional/religious leaders
No specific mention.
- Public administration
No specific mention.
- Constitution
No specific mention.
Power sharing
- Political power sharing
No specific mention.
- Territorial power sharing
No specific mention.
- Economic power sharing
No specific mention.
- Military power sharing
No specific mention.
Human rights and equality
- Human rights/RoL general
No specific mention.
- Bill of rights/similar
No specific mention.
- Treaty incorporation
No specific mention.
- Civil and political rights
No specific mention.
- Socio-economic rights
No specific mention.
Rights related issues
- Citizenship
No specific mention.
- Democracy
No specific mention.
- Detention procedures
No specific mention.
- Media and communication
No specific mention.
- Mobility/access
No specific mention.
- Protection measures
No specific mention.
- Other
No specific mention.
Rights institutions
No specific mention.
- Regional or international human rights institutions
No specific mention.
Justice sector reform
- Criminal justice and emergency law
No specific mention.
- State of emergency provisions
No specific mention.
- Judiciary and courts
No specific mention.
- Prisons and detention
No specific mention.
- Traditional Laws
No specific mention.
Socio-economic reconstruction
- Development or socio-economic reconstruction
No specific mention.
- National economic plan
No specific mention.
- Natural resources
No specific mention.
- International funds
No specific mention.
- Business
No specific mention.
- Taxation
No specific mention.
- Banks
No specific mention.
Land, property and environment
- Land reform/rights
No specific mention.
- Pastoralist/nomadism rights
No specific mention.
- Cultural heritage
No specific mention.
- Environment
No specific mention.
- Water or riparian rights or access
No specific mention.
Security sector
- Security Guarantees
No specific mention.
- Ceasefire
- Security sector→Ceasefire→Ceasefire provisionPage 1, THE CONVENTION OF PATRIOTS FOR JUSTICE AND PEACE
REQUESTS the Government of the Central African Republic to carry out the duties conferred on it in particular by the Ceasefire Agreement signed on June 11, 2008, and the Libreville Global Peace Agreement of June 21, 2008. - Police
No specific mention.
- Armed forces
No specific mention.
- Security sector→DDR→DDR programmesPage 2, The Government of the Central African Republic:
2 – Declares its intention to implement and monitor the present Act, to the best of its abilities and its obligations, under the peace and DDR process in Central Africa. - Intelligence services
No specific mention.
- Parastatal/rebel and opposition group forces
1 – Will take account of the provisions stated above by the Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace (CPJP); - Withdrawal of foreign forces
No specific mention.
- Corruption
No specific mention.
- Crime/organised crime
No specific mention.
- Drugs
No specific mention.
- Terrorism
No specific mention.
Transitional justice
- Transitional justice general
No specific mention.
- Amnesty/pardon
- Transitional justice→Amnesty/pardon→Amnesty/pardon properPage 1, The Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace (CPJP) declares that it will:
2 – Adhere to the Libreville Global Peace Agreement and all Acts subsequent to the Amnesty Law of October 13, 2008, and undertake to implement them in good faith. - Courts
No specific mention.
- Mechanism
No specific mention.
- Prisoner release
No specific mention.
- Vetting
No specific mention.
- Victims
No specific mention.
- Missing persons
No specific mention.
- Reparations
No specific mention.
- Reconciliation
- Page 1, PREAMBLE
• Considering the ongoing desire of Army General François BOZIZE, President of the Republic, Head of State, to promote Tolerance, Dialogue and Reconciliation in the Central African Republic;
- UN signatory
- ‘Paraphé’ for the international community: BINUCA. (Signature added, but no name or title)
- Other international signatory
- For the International Community
. . .
- African Union
- MICOPAX (FOMAC) - Referendum for agreement
No specific mention.
- International mission/force/similar
No specific mention.
- Enforcement mechanism
- Page 2, The Government of the Central African Republic:
2 – Declares its intention to implement and monitor the present Act, to the best of its abilities and its obligations, under the peace and DDR process in Central Africa. - Related cases
No specific mention.
- Source
- UN Peacemaker,
Source agreement
(Relating to the peace process in the Central African Republic)
Referring to letter no.
001/PM/AEP/SG/ of May 18, 2011, in which it indicated its fervent desire to join the negotiating table with the Central African Government in order to sign a Ceasefire Agreement;
In light of the Ceasefire Agreement signed on June 12, 2011, between the Central African Government and the Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace
(CPJP), in particular Article 5 in which the latter immediately undertakes to adhere to the Libreville Global Peace Agreement;
In light of the Global Peace Agreement signed in Libreville in Gabon on June 21, 2008, between the Government of the Central African Republic and the Central African Politico-Military Movements;
Considering the ongoing desire of Army General François BOZIZE, President of the Republic, Head of State, to promote Tolerance, Dialogue and Reconciliation in the Central African Republic;
Considering the efforts of the Government with the support of the international community to seek and consolidate Peace in Central Africa;
1 – Join the ongoing peace process in Central Africa;
2 – Adhere to the Libreville Global Peace Agreement and all Acts subsequent to the Amnesty Law of October 13, 2008, and undertake to implement them in good faith.
REQUESTS the Government of the Central African Republic to carry out the duties conferred on it in particular by the Ceasefire Agreement signed on June 11, 2008, and the Libreville Global Peace Agreement of June 21, 2008.
1 – Will take account of the provisions stated above by the Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace (CPJP);
2 – Declares its intention to implement and monitor the present Act, to the best of its
abilities and its obligations, under the peace and DDR process in Central Africa.
Done in Bangui, August 25, 2012