Maikona and Walda Peace Declaration

Africa (excl MENA)
Agreement name
Maikona and Walda Peace Declaration
28 Jul 2009
Agreement status
Multiparty signed/agreed
Interim arrangement
Agreement/conflict level
Intrastate/local conflict
Framework/substantive - partial
Conflict nature
Peace process
Kenya Local Agreements
Galma Dabasso, Borana
Jattani Kotote, Borana
Abdub Dengich, Borana
Adi Mary Hapana, Borana
Salesa Galma, Borana

Chukulisa Tuye, Gabra
Sori Salesa, Gabra
Anudo Guyo, Gabra
Quri Guyo, Gabra
Adudo Godana, Gabra
Third parties
Agreement to end violence between the Borana and Gabra communities, and the theft of livestock.

Local agreement properties

Process type
Formal structured process
The agreement does not reference previous meetings, but the agreement was the result of the Dillo Dukana peace initiative, and the Walda meeting followed meetings and resolutions between the Gabra and Borana communities in November 2008, June 2009, and 17th-19th July 2009. The meetings in July 2009 were supported by the Pastoralist Shade Initiative and the Oromia Pastoralists Association, as part of the DFID Democracy Growth and Peace for Pastoralists project.
Is there a documented link to a national peace process?
Link to national process: articulated rationale
No documented references in the agreement to a national peace process, or in the accompanying reporting of the process, as it was very focused on localised, cross-border violence and insecurity.
Name of Locale
Maikona, Walda
Nature of Locale
GPS Lat/Long (DD)
3.207191, 38.038651
Participant type
Central state actor
Local state actor
International or transnational actor
Domestic religious organisation/leader or other elder
Local community/civilian group(s)/civil society organisations
Regional state actor
Mediator, facilitator or similar
Mediator or similar referred to
Mediator (references)
No referred to in the agreement text, but the accompanying report states that the meeting was supported by the Pastoralist Shade Initiative.
Type of mediator/facilitator/similar
International or transnational actor

Local issues

Ritual/prayer and process (including use of scripture)

No specific mention.

Grievance List

No specific mention.

Cattle rustling/banditry
Page 1,
Peace will be safeguarded through the implementation of the following fines:
1. If a person is caught with a stolen animal, the fine is 4 animals per animal stolen. The culprit also has to pay the expenses incurred for tracking the animal, and will be handed over to government law.
Social cover

No specific mention.

Source agreement


Maikona and Walda Peace Declaration - 28th July 2009

We, the undersigned, have accepted peace between our communities, the Borana and the Gabra.

We pledge to live peacefully with one another and to share the natural resources of water and pasture.

Peace will be maintained through regular meetings between representatives of both communities, at alternating locations.

Peace will be safeguarded through the implementation of the following fines:

If a person is caught with a stolen animal, the fine is 4 animals per animal stolen.

The culprit also has to pay the expenses incurred for tracking that animal, and will be handed over to government law.

If a person injures another with intent to kill, the fine is 15 cows and they will be handed over to government law.

If a person kills another, the fine is 30 cows and they will be handed over to government law.

If a person is spreading lies and propaganda, inciting people to fight, they will be fined expenses and 5 cows.

If a person conceals a culprit or information, they and the concealed person will be fined the same, depending on the crime.


Galma Dabasso, Borana Chukulisa Tuye, Gabba

Jattani Kotote, Borana Sori Salesa, Gabra

Abdub Dengich, Borana Anudo Guyo, Gabra

Adi Mary Hapana, Borana Quri Guyo, Gabra

Salesa Galma, Borana Adudo Godana, Gabra