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Agreement document between the disputed parties in Bani Al-Amiriya, Bikal Chamber, Mazhar District

  • Country/entity

  • Region

    Middle East and North Africa
  • Agreement name

    Agreement document between the disputed parties in Bani Al-Amiriya, Bikal Chamber, Mazhar District
  • Date

    7 Aug 2014
  • Agreement status

    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement

  • Agreement/conflict level

    Intrastate/local conflict ( Yemeni Civil Wars (1994) (2011 - ) )
  • Stage

    Framework/substantive - partial
  • Conflict nature

  • Peace process

    Yemen Inter-group Agreements
  • Parties

    Bikal Chamber
    Director of Security
    Popular Committees
    [7 other parties]
  • Third parties

  • Description

    Agreement sponsored by state actors to attain calm in Mazhir District by (1) prohibiting inflammatory language; (2) ending armed manifestations at the mosque and elsewhere; (3) freedom of expression; (4) asserting the right of the state to solve disputes; (5) the nature of higher national principles including the results of the national dialogue conference.

Local agreement properties

  • Process type

    Formal structured process
  • Rationale

    This is an unusual type of local agreement, nonetheless it displays some level of formal process and support from local bodies dedicated to ensuring the provisions of the agreement.The body consists of the parties involved in the dispute which appear to be Ansar Allah (the Houthis) and Reformists (Al Islah party), and they are further supported by the Governor and Director of Security There are also elements of persistent local practices of signing present, primarily by the expression of values involving peaceful co-existence among parties and freedom of opinion and expression. Similarly to other agreements between local groups and Ansar allah, it appears that the process set out for implementation is generally ambiguous, with signing parties expected to display a level of mutual understanding and commitment around implementation.
  • Is there a documented link to a national peace process?

  • Link to national process: articulated rationale

    The involvement of the Governor of the province cannot usually be assumed to represent a link to the national process. There are however direct references to the national process and to respect for state authority and law in the agreement which is signed by the Governor. The provisions of the agreement also stipulate that the state will be the ultimate authority in settling disputes and references principles of the national process as being of fundamental importance. It is implicit by the wording that these principles should be viewed as greater than any person or 'anyone'. Page 1, 4. Any disputes or mistakes by a person or persons, the State is the authority [to solve the issue] and no one has the right to avenge or influence, promote and follow the State jurisdiction according to law and order. Page 1, 5. National 'fundamental principles (Republic, unity, constitution, law and the outputs of the national dialogue). These principals cannot be compromised, accused, exited or possessed by anyone [if so] the authorities shall take proper legal measurements.
  • Name of Locale

    Mazhar district, Raymah (Rima) governorate
  • Nature Of Locale

  • GPS Lat/Long (DD)

    14.523218, 43.769699
  • Participant type

    Local state actor
    Local armed group
  • Mediator, facilitator or similar

    Mediator or similar referred to

    Mediator (references)

    Not listed in the agreement text but mentioned in the Arabic source attached to the Arabic agreement document, is the role of the Governor acting as a facilitator by hosting the signing in his office.

    Type of mediator/facilitator/similar

Local issues

  • Ritual/prayer and process (including use of scripture)
    Page 1, In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate
  • Grievance List
    [Summary] (1) Hostile propaganda, particularly from the mosque in addition to armed manifestations at the same locations; (2) a silencing of freedom of thought, speech and religion and lack of peaceful co-existence; (3) a weakening of rule of law
  • Cattle rustling/banditry

    No specific mention.

  • Social cover

    No specific mention.

In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate

Peace documents between the disputed parties in the Bani al-A’meriya in Ghurfat Bikal in Mazhir District.

According to the signed document from the Governor's office on Thursday 7/8/2014, the communities [parties] agreed to commit and implement the following points:

1. Not to use any inflammatory slogans, expressions or means against any parties within the mosque in any forms, directly or indirectly.

2. The end of any armed manifestations in the mosque or any other form or other means continuously in the future.

3. Peaceful coexistence and each party to have the full freedom to express its opinion and ideas without offending [breaking] the law and order.

4. Any disputes or mistakes by a person or persons, the State is the authority [to solve the issue] and no one has the right to avenge or influence, promote and follow the State jurisdiction according to law and order.

5. National 'fundamental principles (Republic, unity, constitution, law and the outputs of the national dialogue).

These principals cannot be compromised, accused, exited or possessed by anyone [if so] the authorities shall take proper legal measurements.

Bikal chamber


Director of Security

[+ 8signatories]

Following the report and document of agreement between the disputed parties in Bani al-A’meriya in Mazhar District:

Regarding the criminal case that took place in the mosque, the communities [parties] agreed to assign both sheikhs / Muhammed Ali Salih al-Huri and brother/ A’dnan Tahir Jihaf and Sheikh/ to look at the issue and solve it completely to satisfy everyone and to ensure that it does not repeat again and it preserves everyone’s rights and that it [will be valid] three days after its [the agreement] date.

It will be sent to the governor to be actioned.