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Agreement between Ansar Allah and the al-Shilali Tribe in al-Ridmah, Ibb

  • Country/entity

  • Region

    Middle East and North Africa
  • Agreement name

    Agreement between Ansar Allah and the al-Shilali Tribe in al-Ridmah, Ibb
  • Date

    15 Jul 2014
  • Agreement status

    Multiparty signed/agreed
  • Interim arrangement

  • Agreement/conflict level

    Intrastate/local conflict ( Yemeni Civil Wars (1994) (2011 - ) )
  • Stage

  • Conflict nature

  • Peace process

    Yemen Inter-group Agreements
  • Parties

    Zayd Mohammed bin Yahya al-Dhari [On behalf of Ansar Allah]
    Sheikh Abd al-Wahid Hizam al-Shilali al-Du’am [On behalf of al-Shilali Tribes]
  • Third parties

    Sheikh Ahmed Salah al-Muqbali [Mediator]
  • Description

    Agreement on an end to hostilities between the al-Shilali Tribes and Ansar Allah in al-Ridmah, and enforcement mechanism of payments, made to start 'this Muharram' (which is the beginning of the first month in the new calandar, which has been given as the date).

Local agreement properties

  • Process type

    Formal structured process
  • Rationale

    The locally accepted practice of sheikhs and societal notables calling parties to an agreement is present. There is nuance to this regarding the level of religious involvement, in that that sheikhs and notables from al-Ridmah are calling on representatives, one of which is also a sheikh. This adds a dual-level of religious commitment. There also appears to be a substantive presence of tribal values and process type to this agreement, as it appears implicit that one of the tribes of the area involved in fighting is affiliated with Ansar Allah (Houthis). While the Houthis are named as one of the parties, it appears implicit in the text that this agreement is fundamentally about tribal dynamics in the area and by extension the wider tribal network in the area will ensure the agreement is implemented. The duration of reconciliation is also set out in the text as six months, this longer term type of process being ascribed to an agreement appears to be a common tribal practice around this time. There is also reference to a previous agreement/reconciliation which might add to the procedural support involved in this agreement. Further, the text outlines a fines based enforcement mechanism supporting the agreement which is recognised by the tribes in the area.
  • Is there a documented link to a national peace process?

  • Link to national process: articulated rationale

    The wider peace process is not specifically mentioned in the text. There is also no further research which indicates a clear structural link to the national peace process. The state is mentioned in the text as one of the bodies that a party violating the agreement will be accountable to. It is not explicit exactly how the state will implement this or directly support the agreement however. The text does state that 'the government ratifies it', this comes after an illegible section of translation however.
  • Name of Locale

    al-Radmah district, Ibb governorate
  • Nature Of Locale

  • GPS Lat/Long (DD)

    14.227527, 44.585525
  • Participant type

    Local armed group
  • Mediator, facilitator or similar

    Mediator or similar referred to

    Mediator (references)

    Sheikh Ahmed Salah al-Muqbali

    Type of mediator/facilitator/similar

Local issues

  • Ritual/prayer and process (including use of scripture)
    Page 1, In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate

    Page 1, This is what has been agreed. May God be pleased with this.
  • Grievance List
    [Summary] The existence of conflict generally in the area and the need for all public and private infrastructures to be secure; bringing in or harbouring anyone prohibited into the district.
  • Cattle rustling/banditry

    No specific mention.

  • Social cover
    Page 1, Paragraph 1, ... It also prohibits both sides from using, bringing, harbouring or accepting anybody who [illegible] the District.

In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate Untitled Agreement

[between Ansar Allah and al-Shilali Tribe in Ibb]

Today, Friday 11/07/2014, we – sheikhs, heads and dignitaries of al-Radmah District – the undersigned are here to request a reconciliation between the two Sheikhs.

The first Sheikh is Abd al-Wahid Hizam al-Shilali al-Du’am and the second one is the brother and master Zayd Muhammed bin Yahya al-Dhari.

The duration of the reconciliation is six months starting from this Muharram.

In this reconciliation, any assault from any side on the other is forbidden;

whether this assault is on a road, market, city or village where roads and public and private facilities are secured in any time or place.

Whoever breaches this peace from any side will pay a fine to the tribes of the region and to the other side […]1 and bears full responsibility to the state and the tribe.

The side that breaches the peace is considered to be an aggressor and an enemy of the community.

It also prohibits both sides from using, bringing, harbouring or accepting anybody who [illegible] the District.

This is what has been agreed.

May God be pleased with this.

The signatures of both sides and the sheikhs [illegible] the government ratifies it.

This reconciliation is the renewal and extension of the former reconciliation.

[5 signatures]

Zayd Mohammed bin Yahya al-Dhari [On behalf of Ansar Allah]

Sheikh Abd al-Wahid Hizam al-Shilali al-Du’am [On behalf of al-Shilali Tribes]

Sheikh Ahmed Salah al-Muqbali [Mediator]