The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep
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2055 agreements:
191Joint Statement - 5th GRP-MILF Exploratory Talks (March 28 2003)Philippines, (Mindanao)1View
1303Draft Constitution of the TransitionDemocratic Republic of Congo1View
132Joint Declaration by the British and Irish GovernmentsIreland, United Kingdom, (Northern Ireland)1View
134Agreement between the British and Irish Governments: Monitoring and ComplianceIreland, United Kingdom, (Northern Ireland)1View
404Intercongolese Negotiations: The Final Act ('The Sun City Agreement')Democratic Republic of Congo1View
192A Performance Based Roadmap to a Permanent Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian ConflictIsrael, (Palestine)1View
135Proposals in Relation to On the RunsIreland, United Kingdom, (Northern Ireland)1View
200Accord de Cessez-le-FeuCote d'Ivoire1View
233Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement on Capacity Building and the Creation of a Joint Planning Mechanism from the Sudan Technical MeetingSouth Sudan, Sudan1View
2532Resolutions of the Anyuak Murle Peace Conference (Otallo Agreement)South Sudan7View
1009Government of Sri Lanka's Proposal to the LTTE Regarding Creation of an Apex BodySri Lanka1View
2531Agok DeclarationSouth Sudan, Sudan, (Southern Kordofan - Blue Nile - Abyei)7View
1154Tokyo Declaration on Reconstruction and Development of Sri LankaSri Lanka1View
259Agreement on Ceasefire and Cessation of Hostilities Between the Government of the Republic of Liberia and Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy and the Movement for Democracy in LiberiaLiberia1View
421Joint Declaration of the Defence and Security Forces of Côte D'Ivoire and the armed Forces of the Forces NouvellesCote d'Ivoire1View
167Sante Fe de Ralito Accord to contribute to peace in ColombiaColombia1View
1008Government of Sri Lanka's Proposal to the LTTE Regarding a Provisional Administrative CouncilSri Lanka1View
338Peace Agreement between the Government of Liberia, the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD), the Movement of Democracy in Liberia (MODEL) and the Political Parties (Accra Agreement)Liberia1View
1812Darfur Ceasefire (GoS/SLM/A), AbecheSouth Sudan, Sudan, (Darfur)1View
275Agreement on Security Arrangements during the Interim PeriodSouth Sudan, Sudan1View
582The Pretoria Protocol on Political, Defence and Security Power Sharing in BurundiBurundi1View
1511Gali Protocol of 8th October 2003 on reducing the tension and improving the mechanisms for security in the conflict zoneGeorgia, (Abkhazia)1View
1010The LTTE's Proposal for an Agreement to Establish an Interim Self-Governing Authority for the NortheastSri Lanka1View
565Forces Technical Agreement between the Transitional Government of the Republic of Burundi and the CNDD-FDDBurundi1View
584The Protocol on Outstanding Issues of Political, Defence and Security Power Sharing in Burundi ('Pretoria II Protocol')Burundi1View