The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep
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2055 agreements:
1536Joint Declaration of Commitment to Peace and CooperationNigeria, (Plateau State)1View
2364Houran CeasefireSyria5View
903Stormont House AgreementIreland, United Kingdom, (Northern Ireland)1View
904Stormont House Agreement Financial AnnexIreland, United Kingdom, (Northern Ireland)1View
906Agreement on the Reunification of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (Arusha Agreement)South Sudan1View
1350Certification (Renewal of the International Monitoring Team mandate)Philippines, (Mindanao)1View
1355Protocol on the Implementation of the Terms of Reference (TOR) of the Independent Decommissioning Body (IDB)Philippines, (Mindanao)1View
1187Areas of Agreement on the Establishment of the Transitional Government of National unity (TGoNU) in the Republic of South SudanSouth Sudan1View
1886Levant Front and People's Protection Units Agreement (Unnamed)Syria1View
2025JusticeKosovo, Serbia, Yugoslavia (former)2View
1599Deed of Commitment for Peace and National ReconciliationMyanmar1View
1364Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements (Minsk II)Ukraine1View
1395Joint Communiqué #52, HavanaColombia1View
2076Final Communique: Comprehensive Dialogue for Calm and Peace in the Nafusa MountainsLibya2View
1396Joint Communiqué #53, HavanaColombia1View
1949Resolutions of Peace and Cohesion Meeting of Leaders from Mt. Elgon Sub-counties, Bungoma, County: Abbey Resort ResolutionsKenya2View
1892Statement by the Martyrs Brigade in Zawiyat al-Mahjoub regarding the ceasefire agreement in Aziziyyah and the latest developments in and near TripoliLibya1View
1981Agreement between People’s Protection Units (YPG) and Operations Room 'Libtik ya Ukhtah' on status of Sheikh MaqsoudSyria2View
2035Agreement between the Transitional Government and the armed groups on the principles of disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and repatriation and of integration into the uniformed State forces of the Central African Republic (DDRR Agreement)Central African Republic2View
1442Pacte Républicain pour la paix, la réconciliation nationale et la reconstruction en la République CentrafricaineCentral African Republic1View
2342Agreement between elders and the Yarmouk Martyr BrigadeSyria5View
2153Agreement between the People’s Protection Units and Operation Room ‘Libtik Ya Ukhtahu’ regarding Sheikh Maqsud, AleppoSyria2View
1351Certification (Renewal of the International Monitoring Team mandate)Philippines, (Mindanao)1View
1352Certification (Renewal of Ad Hoc Joint Action Group mandate)Philippines, (Mindanao)1View
1823Statement on Security in Governorate of IbbYemen1View