The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep
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2055 agreements:
1186Protocol on Agreed Principles on Transitional Arrangements Towards Resolution of the Crises in South SudanSouth Sudan1View
1571Protocol D'EntenteMali, (Azawad)1View
1572Pacte de non agresssion avec arret immediat des hositilitesMali, (Azawad)1View
1568Declaration Finale, OuagadougouMali, (Azawad)1View
2477Agreement on the National Dialogue and Constitutional ProcessSudan7View
1363Protocol on the results of consultations of the Trilateral Contact Group with respect to the joint steps aimed at the implementation of the Peace Plan of the President of Ukraine, P. Poroshenko,and the initiatives of the President of Russia, V. Putin (Minsk Protocol, or Minsk I Agreement)Ukraine1View
1362Memorandum of 19 September 2014 (Memorandum on Implementation)Ukraine1View
798The Peace and National Partnership AgreementYemen1View
1923Agreement between the two campaign teams regarding the structure of the national unity governmentAfghanistan2View
1541Fatah-Hamas Agreement(Palestine)1View
1662Communique by SADC Facilitator Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa: Maseru Facilitation DeclarationLesotho1View
2151Untitled Agreement [between al-Nusra Front and Free Syrian Army, Mara al-Hurma, Idlib]Syria2View
799Agreement between the Federal Government of Somalia and Puntland State of SomaliaSomalia, (Puntland)1View
2476Framework for Intra-SPLM DialogueSouth Sudan7View
2087Untitled Agreement [in Yarim, Ibb Governorate]Yemen2View
2006Agreement to Cease Fire between the Tihami Movement in Harah al-Yamin and Ansar AllahYemen2View
2152Agreement between al-Nusra Front and Harakat Hazm, AleppoSyria2View
1884Peace and National Partnership Implementation AgreementYemen1View
2125Re-dedication of and Implementation Modalities for the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement signed on the 23rd January 2014 between the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Army / Movement (in opposition)South Sudan2View
2434Local ceasefire initiative in ZabadaniSyria6View
1348The Coordination Team for the Transition to the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) and its Terms of ReferencePhilippines, (Mindanao)1View
1349Confidence Building Measures for the Six Acknowledged MILF Camps through the Department of Agriculture Farmer’s Assistance ProgramPhilippines, (Mindanao)1View
1394Joint Communiqué, Havana, December 3, 2014Colombia1View
1676Agreement between the Tribes of ʿUbaydah and Ansar AllahYemen1View
1661The Electoral PledgeLesotho1View