The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep
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2055 agreements:
1545Joint Monitoring Committee guideline for Each Level (Draft)Myanmar1View
1436The Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) between The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAO)Myanmar1View
1519The Framework for Political DialogueMyanmar1View
1368Joint Communiqué #62, HavanaColombia1View
1734Seven Point Peace Plan (Muscat Principles)Yemen1View
1652Final declaration on the results of the Syria Talks in Vienna as agreed by participantsSyria1View
1900Declaration of Intent and SignaturesNigeria, (Southern Kaduna)1View
1690Outcome of the Meeting of the Principal Signatory Parties to the Agreement on Planning Implementation of the provisions in Chapter II of the AgreementSouth Sudan1View
1512Minutes of the Disengagement Agreement and Truce between the areas of Warshafānah and al-ZāwiyyahLibya1View
1691Mundri AgreementSouth Sudan1View
1435A Fresh Start: The Stormont Agreement and Implementation PlanIreland, United Kingdom, (Northern Ireland)1View
1544Military Code of Conduct between the Government of Burma and Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAO) in Accordance with the National Ceasefire Agreement (NCA)Myanmar1View
1961Galkayo City CeasefireSomalia2View
2148Untitled Agreement [between the People’s Protection Units (YPG) and Free Syrian Army (FSA) Mara’a Operations Room, Afrin, Aleppo]Syria2View
1692Agreement between the Wonduruba Community and the SPLA Commando UnitSouth Sudan1View
1441Homs CeasefireSyria1View
2133Declaration finale du forum sur la PAIX dans le territorire de NYUNZUDemocratic Republic of Congo2View
1547Agreement on the Victims of Conflict, 'Comprehensive System for Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-repitition, including the Special Jurisdiction for Peace; and Commitment on Human RightsColombia1View
2275Agreement between Fatah al-Halab and the People's Protection Units on the Sheikh Maqsoud area and roads to AfrinSyria3View
1712Communique: The Mogadishu Declaration of the National Consultative ForumSomalia1View
1370Libyan Political Agreement (Sukhairat Agreement)Libya1View
1596UN Security Council Resolution 2254Syria1View
1982Instrument of Agreement (between Jaysh al-Thawra and the Marea Operations Room, Aleppo)Syria2View
1891Deed of Agreement (between the People's Protection Units (YPG) and the Operations Room of Aleppo)Syria1View
1549Joint Communique #65Colombia2View