The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep
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2055 agreements:
816Accord de cessez-le-feuMali, (Azawad)1View
1844Recommendations of the Terekeka Peace ConferenceSouth Sudan1View
817Hacia un Nuevo Campo Colombiano: Reforma Rural IntegralColombia1View
1573Algiers DeclarationMali, (Azawad)1View
1574Algiers Preliminary Platform for the Inclusive Inter-Malian DialogueMali, (Azawad)1View
1575Third high-level policy meeting on the inter-Malian dialogue processMali, (Azawad)1View
1576Communique of the fourth meeting of the Bilateral Algerian-Malian Strategic COmmittee on Northern MaliMali, (Azawad)1View
930On Peaceful Settlement of Situation in the Eastern Regions of UkraineUkraine1View
795Agreement: An Inclusive Interim Administration for the South West Regions of Somalia (Bay, Bakol and Lower Shabelle)Somalia1View
1883Agreement between Ansar Allah and Salafists from the al-Noor CentreYemen1View
2084Agreement between Ansar Allah and the al-Shilali Tribe in al-Ridmah, IbbYemen2View
1391Joint Communiqué, Havana, July 17, 2014Colombia1View
2339Agreement between al-Nusra Front and factions of the armed opposition in HafsarjaSyria5View
1515Charte d'Honneur des Partis Politiques, des Coalitions et des Candidats Indépendants pour les élections et les référendums de la République TunisienneTunisia1View
818Accord de cessation des hostilités en République Centrafricaine (Brazzaville Agreement on Cessation of Hostilities)Central African Republic1View
1426Feuille de route des negotiations dans le cadre du processus d’AlgerMali, (Azawad)1View
797Central Regions State Formation Agreement (Mudug and Galgadug)Somalia1View
2086al-Qa'alah and Shubayqa Reconciliation AgreementYemen2View
2083al-Qa'alah and al-Aghbarah Reconciliation AgreementYemen2View
1840Arsal 24-Hour Ceasefire AgreementLebanon, Syria1View
1392Joint Communiqué, Havana, August 5, 2014Colombia1View
2082Agreement document between the disputed parties in Bani Al-Amiriya, Bikal Chamber, Mazhar DistrictYemen2View
1078Lei de AmnistiaMozambique1View
819Declaração de Cessação das Hostilidades MilitaresMozambique1View
1079Projecto de Lei de Memorando de EntendimentoMozambique1View