The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep
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2055 agreements:
1268Joint Statement by the British and Irish Governments (Friday evening statement)Ireland, United Kingdom, (Northern Ireland)1View
1267Joint Statement by Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern (Saturday afternoon statement)Ireland, United Kingdom, (Northern Ireland)1View
1269Letter from British and Irish governments to the political parties in Northern Ireland (Saturday morning)Ireland, United Kingdom, (Northern Ireland)1View
1270Statement by the Irish Republican Army (IRA) (Saturday)Ireland, United Kingdom, (Northern Ireland)1View
113Joint Understanding on Humanitarian Pause for AcehIndonesia, (Aceh)1View
1816Liliir Covenant between the Anyuak, Dinka, Jie, Kachipo, Murle and Nuer who attended the East Bank People-to-People Peace and Reconciliation Conference in Liliir, Bor County, Upper Nile, SudanSouth Sudan1View
967Joint CommuniquePhilippines, (Mindanao)1View
386Gateway CommuniquePapua New Guinea, (Bougainville)1View
408International Border Treaty between the Republic of Yemen and the Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia, Yemen1View
541South-North Joint DeclarationNorth Korea, South Korea1View
968Memorandum: Highlights of the TWG MeetingPhilippines, (Mindanao)1View
261Agreement on Cessation of Hostilities between the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Government of the State of EritreaEritrea, Ethiopia1View
112First Meeting of the Joint Forum, Switzerland, 23-24 June 2000Indonesia, (Aceh)1View
1139Declaración de Países y Organismos Internacionales, Audiencia Pública Internacional sobre Medio Ambiente y Cultivos IlícitosColombia1View
1136Intercambio de Propuestas sobre el Cese al Fuego, Comunicado No. 19, Mesa Nacional de Diálogos y NegociaciónColombia1View
1794Statement of the State Commissions of Abkhazia and Georgia on Search for the Persons Missing without TraceGeorgia, Russia, (Abkhazia)1View
1795Protocol of the Tenth Session of the Coordinating Council of Georgian and Abkhaz SidesGeorgia, Russia, (Abkhazia)1View
1773Protocol of the Gali Meeting between the Georgian and Abkhaz Sides on the Issues of Stablization of the Situation in the Security ZoneGeorgia, Russia, (Abkhazia)1View
172Declaracion de GinebraColombia1View
1514Trilateral Statement on the Middle East Summit at Camp David (Camp David II)Israel, (Palestine)1View
1137Respaldo de las Fuerzas Políticas al Proceso de Paz, Comunicado No.21Colombia1View
1007Sri Lanka Constitution Bill, an Act to Repeal and Replace the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri LankaSri Lanka1View
111Second Meeting of the Joint Forum, Switzerland, 5-6 August 2000Indonesia, (Aceh)1View
619The Joint Declaration of FomboniComoros, (Anjouan)1View
306Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement for BurundiBurundi1View