The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep
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2055 agreements:
1265Accord politique en vue du renforcement du processus démocratiqueChad1View
664Terms of Reference of the International Monitoring Team - 1st AmendmentPhilippines, (Mindanao)1View
996Joint Statement - Special Meeting (August 27 2007)Philippines, (Mindanao)1View
1746Agreement between the GoN and Chure Bhawar Pradesh Ekta Samaj, NepalNepal1View
1073Declaration on the Advancement of South-North Korean Relations Peace and ProsperityNorth Korea, South Korea1View
1747Agreement between the GoN and the Rastriya Badi Adkhikar Sangharsha SamitiNepal1View
997Joint Statement - Special Meeting (October 27 2007)Philippines, (Mindanao)1View
761Accord de paix entre le gouvernement du Tchad and les mouvements ci-après: UFDD, RFC, CNT, UFDDF (Accord de Syrte)Chad1View
892Cessation of Hostilities Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uganda and the LRA/M (Addendum 4)Uganda1View
675Joint communiqué of the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Government of the Republic of Rwanda on a common approach to ending the threat posted to peace and stability in both countries and the Great Lakes regionDemocratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, (African Great Lakes)1View
1074Communique on the Tripartite Meeting between the GRP, the MNLF and the OICPhilippines, (Mindanao)1View
998Joint Statement - 14th GRP-MILF Exploratory Talks (November 15 2007)Philippines, (Mindanao)1View
1072Annapolis Conference Joint Understanding on NegotiationsIsrael, (Palestine)1View
673Troisième Accord Complémentaire à l'Accord Politique de OuagadougouCote d'Ivoire1View
674Deuxième Accord Complémentaire à l'Accord Politique de OuagadougouCote d'Ivoire1View
174823-Point Agreement between the Top Leaders of the Seven-Party AllianceNepal1View
698Communique of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara (Agreed with the Parties) (Manhasset III)Morocco, (Western Sahara)1View
671Acte d'Engagement, Nord KivuDemocratic Republic of Congo1View
672Acte d'Engagement, Sud KivuDemocratic Republic of Congo1View
757Cessation of Hostilities Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uganda and the LRA/M (Addendum 5)Uganda1View
1075Kenyan National Dialogue and Reconciliation: Annotated Agenda and TimetableKenya1View
1408The Yemen Initiative(Palestine)1View
1433Doha AgreementYemen1View
1233Kenyan National Dialogue and Reconciliation: Public Statement on Agenda Item OneKenya1View
1190Ordonnance N° 08/008 du 02 Fev 2008 portant organisation et fonctionnement du programme national de sécurisation, pacification, stabilisation et reconstruction des provinces du Nord-Kivu et du Sud-Kivu, dénommé « Programme Amani »Democratic Republic of Congo1View