The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep
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2055 agreements:
696Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation: Public StatementKenya1View
726Kenyan National Dialogue and Reconciliation: How to Resolve the Political CrisisKenya1View
667Annexure to the Agreement on Accountability and ReconciliationUganda1View
695Implementation Protocol to the Agreement on Comprehensive SolutionsUganda1View
694Agreement on a Permanent CeasefireUganda1View
832National Accord and Reconciliation Act 2008Kenya1View
693Acting Together for Kenya - Agreement on the Principles of Partnership of the Coalition GovernmentKenya1View
1749Agreement between the GoN and Samyukta Loktantrik Madheshi MorchaNepal1View
685Agreement on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, Juba, SudanUganda1View
692Agreement on Implementation and Monitoring MechanismsUganda1View
684Cessation of Hostilities Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uganda and the Lord's Resistance Army, Juba, Suda, Addendum 6Uganda1View
1750Agreement between the Government Talks Team comprising the Seven political Parties and Sanghiya Ganatantrik Rastriya Morcha, NepalNepal1View
831Kenyan National Dialogue and Reconciliation: Commission of Inquiry on Post-Election ViolenceKenya1View
690Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation - Longer Term Issues and Solutions: Constitutional ReviewKenya1View
691Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation - Truth, Justice and Reconciliation CommissionKenya1View
714Dakar Agreement between Chad and Sudan signed in Dakar (Senegal)Chad, Sudan1View
689Communique of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara (In Agreement with the Parties) (Manhasset IV)Morocco, (Western Sahara)1View
1751Agreement Reached between the Government Talks Team comprising Seven Political Parties and the Federal Limbuwan State CouncilNepal1View
175210-Point Commitment made by the Leaders of the Main Political PartiesNepal1View
670Accord de cessez le feu et de paix entre le Gouvernement de la République Centrafricaine et le mouvement politique et militaire Centrafricain APRDCentral African Republic1View
729Doha Agreement on the Results of the Lebanese National Dialogue ConferenceLebanon1View
734North West Frontier Province Government’s Agreement with the TalibanPakistan, (Taliban)1View
688Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation, Statement of Principles on Long-term Issues and SolutionsKenya1View
711Déclaration conjointe du Palipehutu FNL et du gouvernement du Burundi relative à la cessation des hostilitésBurundi1View
830Roadmap for Return of IDPs and Implementation of Abyei ProtocolSouth Sudan, Sudan, (Southern Kordofan - Blue Nile - Abyei)1View