The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep
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2055 agreements:
2090Agreement on the Mechanism to Record Violations of the Ceasefire regime declared in Syria that will take effect on 30 December 2016, and on the Regime for Applying Sanctions to ViolatorsSyria2View
1993Agreement Concerning the Establishment of a Delegation (Ceasefire between 13 rebel factions)Syria2View
1913Global and Inclusive Political Agreement of the Inter-diocesan Center of KinshasaDemocratic Republic of Congo2View
1911Agreement Reached this Day 7th of January, 2017 Between Agatu People of Benue State and Fulani Herdsmen of Nasarawa State of NigeriaNigeria2View
1983Wadi Barada AgreementSyria2View
1994Agreement between Ahrar al-Sham (AAS) and Jund al-Aqsa, al-Fua'a, IdlibSyria2View
2092Joint Statement by Iran, Russia, Turkey on the International Meeting on Syria in Astana, January 23-24, 2017Syria2View
2011Consultation Meeting for the Libyan Political Dialogue (Hammamet Agreement)Libya2View
1953Agreement of Social Honour for the Tribes of Tarhūnah, and the Tribes of Ghriyān, Mashāshiyyah, al-Qal’ah, Yafrin, Jādū, Kābāw, Nālūt and WāzinLibya2View
1951Points of Initial Agreement (Abu Salim Ceasefire)Libya2View
2073Resolutions drawn following a Dialogue Meeting between County Commissioners of Lujolo, Morobo, Otogo and Yei representing the Government of Yei River State and the Opposition Leaders of Lujolo, Morobo, Otogo and Yei Counties who have taken arms against the Government of South SudanSouth Sudan2View
2436Signed agreement presented by the Russian officials to opposition in al-WaerSyria6View
2437Final signed agreement for al-WaerSyria6View
1952Statement on the Current Events in the Capital TripoliLibya2View
2054Terms of Reference of the GPH and the MILF Peace Implementing PanelsPhilippines, (Mindanao)2View
1954Reconciliation Agreement between Tebu and Awlad SulaymenLibya2View
2055Agreement on an Interim Joint CeasefirePhilippines2View
2158Agreement between Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and Free Idlib Army on the issue of Col. Ali Al SamahiSyria2View
1936Comunicado Conjunto 2Colombia2View
2312Resolutions of Oguruny and Haforiere Peace Dialogue and ReconciliationSouth Sudan4View
2071Grassroots Agreement to Promote National Dialogue in Yei River State and South SudanSouth Sudan2View
2093Memorandum on the Creation of De-escalation areas in the Syrian Arab RepublicSyria2View
1908Proposition portant sur le reglement des conflictsBurundi2View
1955Reconciliation Agreement between the Zintan and Mashashiyya TribesLibya2View
2222Final Agreement between Zintan and MashashiyyaLibya2View